Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology
Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology was established in 1961.
Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology was established in 1961. Post-graduate study programme started in the year 1972. Ph. D. degree programme partly by papers and partly by research has been instituted from the year 2004. So far 83 candidates completed M.V.Sc. successfully and two have completed Ph.D. by research.
UG Syllabus
VPT 311SEMESTER- VTitle:THEORYHistorical development branches and scope of Pharmacology. Sources and nature of drugs. Pharmacological terms and definitions. Principles of drug activity: Pharmacokinetics – Routes of drug administration, absorption, distribution, biotransformation and excretion of drugs. Pharmacodynamics-Concept of drug and receptor, dose-response relationship, terms related to drug activity and factors modifying the drug effect and dosage. Fundamentals of drug-screening and assay of drugs. Adverse drug reactions, drug interaction, drug- designing and development, bio prospecting of drugs. Introduction to biopharmaceutics and gene therapy.Drugs acting on digestive system: Stomachics, antacids and antiulcers, prokinetics, carminatives, antizymotics, emetics, antiemetics, purgatives, antidiarrhoeals, cholerectics and cholagogues. Rumen pharmacology. Drugs acting on Cardiovascular system: cardiac glycosides, antiarrhythmic drugs, vasodilators and antihypertensive agents, haematjnics, coagulants and anticoagulants. Drugs acting on respiratory system: Expectorants and antitussives, respiratory stimulants, bronchodilators and mucolytics. Drugs acting on urogenital system: Diuretics, urinary alkalizers, and acidifiers, fluid therapy, ecbolics and tocolytics. Pharmacotherapeutics of hormones and vitamins. Drugs acting on skin and mucous membranes: Emollients, demulcents and counter irritants. Bio-enhancers, Immunostimulants and immunosuppressants. New drugs and drug formulations.PRACTICALPharmacy appliances. Principles of compounding and dispensing. Metrology: systems of weights and measures, pharmacy calculations. Pharmaceutical processes. Pharmaceutical dosage forms Prescription writing, incompatibilities. Drug standards and regulations, Custody of poisons. Compounding and dispensing of powders, ointments, mixtures, liniments, lotions, liquors, tinctures, emulsions, and electuaries. VPT 321SEMESTER- VIVETERINARY NEUROPHARMACOLOGYVPT-321 Credit Hours 2+1=3THEORYDrugs acting on autonomic nervous system: Neurohumoral transmission, adrenoceptors agonists and antagonists, adrenergic- neuron blockers, cholinoceptors agonists and antagonists, ganglionic stimulants and blockers.Autacoids: Histamine and antihistamine agents, 5-Hydroxytryptamine and its antagonists, prostaglandins, angiotensin and bradykinin.Drugs acting on central nervous system (CNS): Pharmacology of neurotransmitters History of general anaesthetics and theories of anaesthesia. Inhalent, intravenous and dissociative anaesthetics; hypnotics and sedatives; tranquilizers, psychotropic drugs, anticonvulsants, opioid analgesic, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, analeptics and other CNS stimulants, central muscle relaxants.Drugs acting on somatic nervous system: Local anaesthetics and peripheral muscle relaxants. New drugs end drug formulations.PRACTICALDemonstration of the effect of CNS depressants, analgesics, CNS stimulants, muscle relaxants, anticonvulsants, local anaesthetics in laboratory animals.Demonstration of the action of adrenergic and cholinergic agonists and antagonists on isolated and intact preparations of the animalsAlternate use of animals as model for demonstration VPT 411 SEMESTER- VIIVETERINARY CHEMOTHERAPYVPT-411 Credit Hours 2+0=2THEORYAntibacterial agents: Classification, general principles in antibacterial chemotherapy, antibacterial resistance. Sulphonamides and their combination with diaminopyrimidines, sulfones, nitrofurans, nalidixic acid and fluoroquinolones.Antibiotics: Penicillins and cephalopsorins, aminoglycosides, tetracyclines, chloramphenicol, macrolides, polypeptides. Miscellaneous agents: methenamine, bacitracin. Rifampin. novobiocin, viginamycin, lincosamides and vancomycin.Antifungal agents: Topical and systemic agents including anti-fungal antibiotics. Anthelmintics: Drugs used against cestodes, trematodes, nematodes, drug resistance, broad-spectrum anthelmintics. Antiprotozoal agents: Drugs used in trypanosomosis, theileriosis, babesiosis, coccidiosis, amoebiosis, giardiosis and trichomonosis. Ectoparasiticides, Antiviral and anticancer agents. Antiseptics and disinfectants. Growth promoters. Common indigenous drugs of plant origin with proven pharmacological and therapeutic efficacies in various animal ailments. New drugs and drug formulations. VPT 421 VETERINARY TOXICOLOGYVPT-421 Credit Hours 2+0=2THEORYGeneral Toxicology: Definitions, fundamentals and scope of toxicology. Sources and mode of action of poisons. Factors modifying toxicity. General approaches to diagnosis and treatment of poisoning. Toxicity caused by metal and non-metals: Arsenic, lead, mercury, copper, selenium, molybdenum, phosphorus, nitrates and nitrites, common salt and fluoride. Toxicity caused by plants and weeds: Cyanogenetic plants, abrus, lantana, ipomoea, nerium, datura, nux vomica, castor, selenium containing plants oxalate producing plants, plants causing thiamine deficiency. . Drug toxicity and toxicity caused by agrochemicals: organophosphates, carbamates, chlorinated hydrocarbons, pyrethroids. herbicides, fungicides, rodenticides and urea. Residue toxicology: Hazards of residues, concepts of withdrawal time and MRLs, minimizing drug and toxic residues in animal products. Venomous bites and stings: Snake bite, scorpion, spider, wasp stings and toad poisoning. Radiation hazards and industrial toxicants. Toxicity caused by food additives and preservatives.
PG Syllabus
PG syllabus: VETERINARY PHARMACOLOGY AND TOXICOLOGYCourse Contents VPT 601 GENERAL PHARMACOLOGY 2+0ObjectiveTo study the scope of pharmacology and to understand the basicmechanisms of drug actions and its effects. TheoryUNIT I History and scope of pharmacology, Principles of drug absorption, distribution, metabolism and elimination. Drug bioavailability and routes of administration.UNIT II Important pharmacokinetic parameters and their clinical significance.UNIT III Pharmacodynamics: mechanism of action and the relationship between drug concentration and effect; signal transduction mechanism and drug receptors for physiological regulatory molecules.UNIT IV Quantitation of drug-receptor interactions and elicited effects. Competitive and non-competitive antagonism. Factors affecting drug response. Adverse drug reactions. VPT 602 AUTONOMIC AND AUTACOID PHARMACOLOGY 2+1 Objective To study the pharmacodynamics of autonomic drugs.TheoryUNIT I: Anatomical and physiological considerations of autonomic nervous system (ANS).UNIT II: Neurohumoral transmission in ANS.UNIT III: Pharmacology of cholinergic agonists and antagonists.UNIT IV: Pharmacology of adrenergic agonists and antagonists.UNIT V: Ganglionic stimulants and blockers.UNIT VI: Autacoids: Histamine, serotonin, kinins, eicosanoids and platelet activating factor. PracticalPharmacological experiments on intact and isolated preparations for studying the effects of various prototype drugs on vascular, intestinal, respiratory, urinary and reproductive smooth muscles, autonomic ganglia, skeletal muscles; blood pressure, ECG, heart etc. VPT 603 CNS PHARMACOLOGY 2+1 Objective To study the pharmacodynamics of drugs acting on CNS.TheoryUNIT I: Anatomical and physiological considerations of central nervous system (CNS); neurohumoral transmission in CNS.UNIT II: Historical development, theories, principles and stages of general anaesthesia.UNIT III: Pharmacology of anaesthetics, sedatives, hypnotics, neuroleptics, antiepileptics.UNIT IV: CNS stimulants, analeptics, opioid agonists and antagonists; non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents, central and peripheral muscle relaxants, local anaesthetics, therapeutic gases. euthanizing agents. Doping.PracticalStudy of pharmacodynamics of prototype drugs of each group in experimental animals. VPT 604 DIGESTIVE AND RESPIRATORY PHARMACOLOGY 2+0 ObjectiveTo study the pharmacological aspects of drugs acting on digestive andrespiratory systems.TheoryUNIT I: Pharmacology of drugs acting on gastrointestinal tract. Appetite stimulants,emetics and anti-emetics. UNIT II: Anti-ulcer drugs, modulators of gastric and intestinal motility and secretions.UNIT III: Gastrointestinal protectants and adsorbents, laxatives and cathartics.UNIT IV: Agents promoting digestive functions; bile acids and pancreatic enzymes, drugs affecting liver; rumen pharmacology.UNIT V: Pharmacology of drugs acting on respiratory system: pathogenesis of inflammatory respiratory diseases.UNIT VI: Bronchodilators, antitussives, mucolytics, expectorants, decongestants.UNIT VII: Drugs used in treatment of asthma. VPT 605 CARDIOVASCULAR AND RENAL PHARMACOLOGY 2+0 ObjectiveTo study the pharmacological aspects of drugs acting on CVS and kidneys.TheoryUNIT I: Pharmacology of cardiac glycosides.UNIT II: Antiarrhythmic, antihypertensive and antihyperlipidaemic drugs.UNIT III: Drugs affecting vasomotor and cardiorespiratory reflex mechanisms andhaemopoietic system.UNIT IV: Coagulants and anticoagulants, thrombolytic agents.UNIT V: Pharmacology of drugs affecting renal functions and fluid-electrolyte balance.UNIT VI: Fluid and electrolyte therapy, diuretics, antidiuretics, uricosuric drugs. VPT 606 ENDOCRINE AND REPRODUCTIVE PHARMACOLOGY 2+0 Objective To study the pharmacology of drugs affecting endocrine functions.TheoryUNIT I: Pharmacology of drugs affecting endocrine functions of pituitary, thyroid, adrenals and pancreas.UNIT II: Hormonal regulation of calcium and phosphorus homeostasis.UNIT III: Pharmacology of drugs affecting male reproductive organs, spermatogenesis.UNIT IV: Pharmacology of drugs affecting female reproductive organs, ovulation, oestrus, conception, gestation and lactation.UNIT V: Oxytocic and tocolytic drugs. VPT 607 CHEMOTHERAPY 2+1ObjectiveTo study the recent advances of chemotherapeutic agents with relevance topharmacological and therapeutic aspects.TheoryUNIT I: General consideration and principles of chemotherapy, classification ofchemotherapeutic agents; development of microbial resistance to antimicrobials, combination therapy.UNIT II: Systemic and gut acting sulfonamides, diaminopyrimidines, quinolones sulfones, nitrofurans.UNIT III : Penicillins, cephalosporins, beta-lactam antibiotics.UNIT IV: Chloramphenicol, tetracyclines, macrolides, polymixins, polypeptides.UNIT V: Aminoglycosides and other antibiotics.UNIT VI: Anti-protozoans, anthelmintics, ectoparasiticides.UNIT VII: Antituberculosis, antifungal, antiviral and antineoplastic drugs. PracticalGeneral methods for assay of chemotherapeutic agents, antibiotic sensitivitytests, estimation of sulfonamides, penicillins, oxytetracyclines, trimethoprim and nitrofurans in biological fluids to study their kinetics and bioavailability. VPT 608 TOXICOLOGY OF XENOBIOTICS 2+1Objective To study the poisonings and their antidotal therapy in animals.TheoryUNIT I: Principles and scope of toxicology, sources of poisoning.UNIT II: General modes of action of poisons, detoxification, factors affecting toxicity, general principles of diagnosis and treatment of poisonings.UNIT III: Toxicology of metals, agrochemicals, solvents and vapors, feed additives.UNIT IV: Toxic effects of radiations and radioactive chemicals, genetic and developmental toxicology; forensic and regulatory aspects of toxicology. PracticalExtraction, separation and detection of common poisons in toxicologicalspecimens, study of toxicity and antidotal treatment in animals, designing ofanimal toxicity experiments and general toxicity tests. VPT 609 TOXICOLOGY OF PLANTS AND TOXINS 2+0 ObjectiveTo impart knowledge of toxicity of poisonous plants & natural toxins.Theory UNIT I: Classification, identification and chemical constituents of poisonous plants.Plants containing cyanide, nitrate/nitrite, oxalate, lectins and cardiotoxic glycosides. UNIT II: Plants producing lathyrism, thiamine deficiency and photosensitization. UNIT III:Toxicology of mycotoxins: aflatoxins, rubratoxins, ochratoxins, trichothecenes, tremorgens and ergot.UNIT IV: Animal bites and stings: snake venom, scorpion, spider and insect stings and toad poisoning. Bacterial toxins: botulism. VPT 610 PHARMACOLOGICAL TECHNIQUES 1+1 ObjectiveTo impart the knowledge of various basic pharmacological techniques andscreening methods of drugs.TheoryUNIT I: Principles of drug action and bioassay. Dose response curves and theiranalysis.UNIT II: Techniques for setting up isolated and intact preparations.UNIT III: Organization of screening programme of drugs; multidimensional screeningprocedures and gross observational methods. PracticalSetting up of isolated and intact preparations, recording of BP in dog/rat,recording of ECG in rat, experiments on drug potentiation, antagonism andtachyphylaxis. Construction of dose-response plots, calculation of EC, dissociation rate constants, potency ratio, pAx, pDx and pD’ values.Specific tests for evaluation of tranquillizing, hypnotic, analgesic, anticonvulsant, general and local anesthetic, muscle relaxant, antiinflammatory, antipyretic, antiarrhythmic, antihypertensive, antihyperglycemic and anticholesterimic activities. Determination of potency ratio, median effective, toxic or lethal doses. Bioassay techniques. VPT 611 TECHNIQUES IN TOXICOLOGY 1+1ObjectiveTo understand the animal toxicity tests and assessment of various toxicantsusing specific tests.TheoryUNIT I: Animal models in toxicological studies.UNIT II: Animal toxicity tests for acute, sub-acute and chronic toxicity.UNIT III: Specific toxicity tests for neurotoxicity, immunotoxicity, developmental,behavioural, reproductive and inhalation toxicity, mutagencity, carcinogenicity.UNIT IV: Animal toxicological tests for the study of metabolism, synergism and antagonism.PracticalTests for acute, sub-acute and chronic toxicity, protocols and various specific toxicity tests. Assay for marker enzymes, analysis of toxicant residues in biological materials. VPT 612 ETHNOPHARMACOLOGY 2+0 ObjectiveTo impart the knowledge and importance of traditional Indian medicine.TheoryUNIT I: Historical aspects: Traditional Indian remedies and regional folklore indisease cure.UNIT II: Classification, identification and chemical constituents of medicinal plants. Extraction, distillation, evaporation and other processes used in purification and preparation of active constituents from medicinal plants.UNIT III: Standardization and clinical validation of bioactive molecules from vegetable sources. Therapeutic and adverse effects of potential herbal drugs. Indigenous drugs used as carminatives, antiseptics, antimicrobials, analgesics, and anti-inflammatory agents.UNIT IV: Alternate systems of medicine in animals.
List of Research Topics of P.G. Theses
Sr.No | Name Of Thesis | Name Of Student | Year | Major Guide |
1 | Studies Of Record Of Blood Pressure OnNormalDogs By Using Sphygmomanometer | Dr.M.K.Shingategeri | 1964 | |
2 | Electrophoretic Studies Of Serum Protein In Infectious Canine Hepetitis | Dr. H. V .Jahagirdar | 1967 | |
3 | Studies On The Absorption ,Acetylation And Excretion Of Common Sulphonamides InBuffaloCalves | Dr. R. D. Sadekar | 1970 | Dr.M.K. Shingatgeri |
4 | Pharmacological Studies On Curcuma Longa Linn With Special Reference To Its Anti-Inflammatory Effects In Rats | Dr. .K. R. Wagh | 1972 | Dr.M.K. Shingatgeri |
5 | Study Of Some Indigenous Drugs For Their Estrogenic Activity | Dr. S. T. Kalkar | 1976 | Dr.M.K. Shingatgeri |
6 | Study On Bioavailability Of Oxytetracycline In Buffloes | Dr .M .I. Qureshi | 1976 | Dr H V Jahagirdar |
7 | Toxicological Study Of Intravenous Metronidazole In Laboratory Animals | Dr .S. J. Rajahansa | 1979 | Dr.M.K. Shingatgeri |
8 | Study On Propetamphos A New Acaricide With Particular Referance To Its Biologicals Efficacy , Toxicity To Dogs And Ld 50 Determination In Rats | Dr .A .N .Subnis | 1980 | Dr S Jagadish |
9 | Disposition Of Ampicillin In Serum And Tissue Fluid InBuffaloCalves | Dr K. Jaykumar | 1982 | Dr V V Ranade |
10 | A Preliminary Study On Mercury Residues In Dairy Animal In ThaneKalyan KaluRiver Industrial Belt | Dr D.S . Naoley | 1983 | Dr H V Jahagirdar |
11 | Toxicological Investigation Of Sulfadiazine-Trimethoprim Combination In Broilers | Dr. M.R Kulkarni | 1983 | Dr H V Jahagirdar |
12 | Studies On The Immunomodullatory Effects Of Levamisole Indomethacin And Metronidazole On Immediate Hypersensitivity In Lab. Animal | Dr R N Naik | 1984 | Dr S Jagadish |
13 | Droperidol –A Premedicant In Thiopentone Sodium Induced Anaesthesia In Dogs | Dr G B Kulkarni | 1984 | Dr H V Jahagirdar |
14 | A Study On Protective Effect Of Indigenous Formulation Against Induced Hepatotoxicity In Albino Rats | Dr H S Modak | 1984 | Dr H V Jahagirdar |
15 | Studies On Effects Of Feeding An Indigenous Drug Formulation To Cattle And Poultry | Dr S G Burte | 1986 | Dr H V Jahagirdar |
16 | Influence Of Probenecid On Serum Ampicillin Disposition In Dogs | Dr M P. Bhalerao | 1986 | Dr V V Ranade |
17 | Studies On Effects Of Coumaphos And Chlorpromazine Interaction In Cattle | Dr R D Kalkar | 1986 | Dr S Jagadish |
18 | Effect Of Gentamicin On Thiopentone Anaesthesia In Dogs | Dr S Madav | 1986 | Dr S Jagadish |
19 | Studies On Interaction Between The Anticonvulsant Drugs Phenyton And Phenobarbital In Dogs | Dr A G Telang | 1988 | Dr S Jagadish |
20 | Comparitive Studies Of The Effect Of Levamisole Administration Through Different Routes On Immunomodulation And Anthelmentics Activity In Crossbred Animals | Dr L K Sharma | 1988 | Dr. S Jagadish |
21 | Therapeutic Evaluation Of Oral And Parenteral Iron Preparations In Experimental Haemorrhagic Anaemia In Crossbred Calves | Dr S S Panchpor | 1989 | Dr. V V Ranade |
22 | Pharmacokinetic Studies Of An Injectable Ibuprofen In Dogs And Cattle And Its Safety Assessment To Dogs | Dr S B Raut | 1989 | Dr. V V Ranade |
23 | Pharmacokinetic Studies And Safety Assessment Of An Injectable-Aspirin In Calves | Dr M T Raut | 1990 | Dr. V V Ranade |
24 | Studies Of Gentamicin Disposition In Blood And Milk Of Lactating Ewes After Parenteral Administration | Dr S K Toke | 1990 | Dr V V Ranade |
25 | A Study On Lead Levels In Cattle Located Around The Industrial Area Near Udhva And Kalamdevi Villages In Dist-Thane | Dr A P Pontis | 1991 | Dr V V Ranade |
26 | Study Of Estrogenic Activity Of Indigenous Test Preparation (Heatinee) | Dr P K Nemade | 1993 | Dr V V Ranade |
27 | Pharmacokinetic Studies And Safety Assessment Of An Injectable-Tiamulin In Sheep And Goats | Dr P C Badole | 1993 | Dr V V Ranade |
28 | Study On Efficacy And Safety Of Providone –Iodine In Some Veterinary Clinical Indications | Dr B B Gunjate | 1994 | Dr. V V Ranade |
29 | Pharmacokinetic Profile And Safety Assessment Of Pefloxacin Injection In Lactating Cows | Dr R V Patil | 1994 | Dr. M.M.Gatne |
30 | Pharmacokinetic And Safety Studies Of Injectable Diclofenac Sodium InBuffaloCalves | Dr R Jairam | 1995 | Dr V V Ranade |
31 | Pharmacokinetics Of Enrofloxacin And Its Concentration In Chicken Meat And Eggs | Dr S V Ingale | 1995 | Dr M M Gatne |
32 | Hepatoprotective Effect Of Some Herbal And Homoeopathic Drugs In Experimentally Induced Hepatotoxicity In Rats | DR D S JOSHI | 1996 | Dr M M Gatne |
33 | Pharmacokinetic Studies And Safety Assessment Of Pefloxacin In Lactating Sheep | Dr R P Chandanshive | 1996 | Dr V V Ranade |
34 | Pharmacokinetic Profile And Safety Assessment Of Pefloxacin Injection In Lactating Goats | Dr N M Jare | 1996 | Dr M M Gatne |
35 | Pharmacokinetics Of Oral Amoxycillin In Broiler Chickens And Its Comparative Serum Profile After Pulse Dose And Continuous Medication | Dr P K Hendre | 1997 | Dr M M Gatne |
36 | Clinical Efficacy And Residue Studies Of Intramammary Infusion Of Enrofloxacin In Mastitic Buffaloes | Dr S C Borkar | 1998 | Dr M M Gatne |
37 | Study Of Serum Disposition Of Long-Acting Ampicillin In Cow AndBuffaloCalves | Dr D A Deshpande | 1998 | Dr V V Ranade |
38 | Clinical Evaluation And Passage Of Enrofloxacin Across Uterus In Repeat Breeding Buffaloes | Dr A H Pawar | 1999 | Dr V V Ranade |
39 | Pharmacokinetic Studies Of Chloramphenicol In Buffaloes | Dr V S Shinde | 1999 | Dr M M Gatne |
40 | Disposition Of Paracetamol In Serum And Cerebrospinal Fluid In Buffaloes | Dr S S Pawar | 1999 | Dr M M Gatne |
41 | Pharmacokinetic Study Of Amoxycillin And Its Disposition In Cerebrospinal Fluid And Urine InBuffaloCalves After Intravenous Administration | Dr D A Kamble | 2000 | Dr M M Gatne |
42 | Pharmacokinetic Studies Of Cefotaxime And Its Disposition In Cerebrospinal Fluid And Urine InBuffaloCalves After Intravenous Administration | Dr P A Patil | 2000 | Dr M M Gatne |
43 | Studies On Influence Of Shatavari(Asparagus Racemosus)Feeding On Milk Production In Animals | Dr C M Khdadtare | 2000 | Dr A P Somkuwar |
44 | Studies On Disposition Kinetics Of Oxytetracycline InBuffaloCalves By I.M. And I.V. Routes And Its Iteraction With I.V. Calcium | Dr S R Giri | 2001 | Dr M D Deore |
45 | Pharmacokinetics Of Ceftrioxone And Its Disposition In Various Body Fluids In Buffalo-Calves | Dr P P Gaikwad | 2001 | Dr M M Gatne |
46 | Pharmacokinetic Studies On Diminazene InBuffaloCalves | Dr M M Mehendale | 2001 | Dr M D Deore |
47 | Pharmacokinetics Of Ceftriaxone And Its Urinary Excretion In Goats | Dr S R More | 2002 | Dr M M Gatne |
48 | Feeicacy Of Combination Of Mannan Oligosaccharide,Organic Acids,Zeolite And Activated Charcoal On Performance And During Induced Alfatoxicosis In Chickens | Dr A M Dafe | 2002 | Dr M M Gatne |
49 | Pharmacokinetic Studies On Long Acting Enrofloxacin And Its Comparison With Conventional Enrofloxacin After Single Intramuscular Administration In Cow Calves | Dr C Lalmuanthanga | 2002 | Dr M D Deore |
50 | Clinical Efficacy Of Spot On Formulation Of Fipronil In Dogs Infested With Ticks And Fleas And Its In Vitro Efficacy Against Common Dog Tick Rhipicephalus Sanguineus | Dr K M Telang | 2003 | Dr M M Gatne |
51 | Pharmacokinetics And Urinary Excretion Of Amikacin In Calves | Dr.S B Khobragade | 2003 | Dr.M D Deore |
52 | Pharmacokinetics Of Ceftiofur And Its Urinary Excretion InBuffalo In Calves | Dr B D Ghanshyam | 2004 | Dr M M Gatne |
53 | Clinical Evaluation And Toxicity Studies Of Long Acting And Convetional Formulation Of Ivermectin | Dr S S Dadarkar | 2004 | Dr M D Deore |
54 | Pharmacokinetics Of Ceftiofur In Chickens | Dr D P Vaijnathrao | 2005 | Dr M D Deore |
55 | Isobologram Analysis Of Amoxicillin And Cloxacillin Combination Against Some Bacterial Isolates Of Veterinary Importants | Dr A M Patil | 2005 | Dr M D Deore |
56 | Pharmacokinetics And Disposition Of Ceftiofur In Various Body Fluids InBuffalo | Dr P S Bhoir | 2005 | Dr M M Gatne |
57 | Isobologram Analysis Ofcombination Of Sulfamethoxazole And Trimethoprim Against Some Bacterial Isolates Of Veterinary Importance | Dr Ramesh | 2005 | Dr M M Gatne |
58 | Pharmacokinetics Of Danofloxacin In Buffaloes | Dr S R Malsure | 2006 | Dr M M Gatne |
59 | Efficacy Of Combination Of Organic Acids Against Experimentally Induced Gout In Chicken | Dr V D Suryawanshi | 2006 | Dr M M Gatne |
60 | Studies On Antiiral Activity Of Mangrove Plant Acanthus Ilicifolius In Poultry | Dr D S Jondhale | 2006 | Dr M D Deore |
61 | Pharmacokinetics Of Sparfloxacin In Broiler Chicken | Dr S P Chawade | 2007 | Dr M D Deore |
62 | Toxicity And Residue Study Of Florfenicol In Chiken | Dr Elizabeth Kimtei | 2008 | Dr M M Gatne |
63 | Pharmacokinetics And Efficacy Of Different Formulations Of Florfenicol In Chicken | Dr N S Adsul | 2008 | Dr M M Gatne |
64 | In Vitro Screening Of Qt Ppolongging Drugs For Their Arrthythgenic Potential In Isolated Rabbit Heart | Dr P S Gurav | 2009 | Dr M M Gatne |
65 | Neuroprotective Effect Of Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor –Gamma Agonist And Statin On Eebral Ischemia And Reperfusion Induced Cerebral Injury In Rats | Dr G R Ghangale | 2009 | Dr M M Gatne |
66 | Efficacy Of Phyllanthus Niruri Against InducedNewcastleDisease Virusinfection In Chicken | Dr K Anbarasan | 2009 | Dr M M Gatne |
67 | Screening Of Qt Prolonging Drugs For Their Arrythmogenic Potential In Anaestetized Rabbit | Dr G H Chaudhari | 2009 | Dr M M Gatne |
68 | Studies On Antigenotoxic Effect Of Withania Somnifera In Rats | Dr S P Tamhankar | 2009 | Dr M M Gatne |
69 | Studies On Antigenotoxic Effect Of Terminalia Arjuna In Rats | Dr V S Surve | 2009 | Dr M M Gatne |
70 | Developmental Immunotoxicity Of Allopurinol In Mice | Dr T R Mahale | 2010 | Dr M M Gatne |
71 | Developmental Immunotoxicity Of Imidacloprid In Mice | Dr L B Gawade | 2010 | Dr M M Gatne |
72 | Developmental Immunotoxicity Of Fipronil In Mice | Dr A G Somwanshi | 2010 | Dr M M Gatne |
Awards and Recognition
- At present the department is recognized by the medical and paramedical institutes in Mumbai for its expertise in the fields of Experimental Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmacokinetics.
- Faculty of this department has developed enumerable protocols for various studies.
- Department has expertise in clinical studies in animals and has undertaken clinical trials for antibiotics, anthelmintics, anti-mastitic preparations, acaricides, coccidiostats, growth promoters etc.
- Department has expertise in toxicity studies in laboratory animals which include LD50 studies, subacute toxicity study on insecticides, pesticides, drugs, skin/eye irritation tests, dermal toxicity studies, etc.
- This department has successfully organized two national conferences in 1995.
- IInd National convention of Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology
- XIII Annual conference of Society of Toxicology.
- Department has a cell for providing consultancy services and formulating various pharmacy preparations to the need of pet owners and dairy farmers.
- Various techniques have been standardized in the department, viz.
- Large glass assay plate for antibiotic assay.
- Collection of various biological fluids viz. tissue fluid, tears, bile, saliva in large animals.
- Screening of drugs anti-inflammatory, antiulcer, antipyretic, antiobesity, antidiabetic, anticonvulsive, analgesic, antibacterial activity.
List of Paper Published
Sr, No | Title of paper | Authors | Journal, vol, page |
1 | Influence of probenecid on serum ampicillin disposition in dogs .Indian Vet. J., 67: 506-508 | M. M. Gatne, V. V. Ranade and S. Jagadish (1991). | Indian Vet. J., 67: 506-508 |
2 | A modified technique for perfusion of goat mammary gland for studying antibiotic concentration in milk. | V. V. Ranade and M. M. Gatne (1990). | J. Bombay Vet. Coll., 2 (1) : 57-59 |
3 | Serum disposition of long acting and double strength conventional formulation of oxytetracycline in buffaloes. | S. D. Mahashabde, S. Jagadish, M. M. Gatne and V. V. Ranade( 1993) A | Indian Vet. J., 69 (12) : 1147-1148 |
4 | Safety assessment of injectable neomycin in calves. | M. M. Gatne, A. G. Telang, S. K. Toke and V. V. Ranade (1992). | HindustanAntibiotics Bulletin, 34 (3-4) : 108-109 |
5 | Pharmacokinetics of neomycin in calves | M. M. Gatne, S. K. Toke, R. D. Kalkar and V. V. Ranade (1993) | Indian Vet. J., 70 : 422-425 |
6 | Pharmacokinetic studies of an injectable Ibuprofen in cattle. | S. B. Raut, S. Jagadish, M. M. Gatne, M. D. Deore and V. V. Ranade (1993) | Indian Vet. J., 70 (11) : 1008-1010 |
7 | Effect of metoclopramide on plasma disposition of paracetamol in dogs.. | M. D. Deore, S. Jagadish, M. M. Gatne, S. B. Raut and V. V. Ranade (1993). | J. Bombay Vet. Coll., 4 (1&2) : 13-16 |
8 | Studies on serum gentamicin disposition after parenteral administration in ewes. | S. K. Toke, M. M. Gatne, P. K. Nemade and V. V. Ranade (1993) | HindustanAntibiotics Bulletin, Aug. Nov., 1993 |
9 | Pharmacokinetics of Tiamulin in calves after single intramuscular administration. | M. M. Gatne, P. C. Badole and V. V. Ranade (1994) | Indian Vet. J., 71 (11): 1148-1149 |
10 | Safety assessment of injectable Ibuprofen in dogs. | S. B. Raut, S. Jagadish, M. D. Deore, M. M. Gatne and V. V. Ranade (1995). | Indian Vet. J., 72:639-641 |
11 | Pharmacokinetics of Tiamulin in sheep after single intramuscular administration. | M. M. Gatne, P. C. Badole and V. V. Ranade (1995). | Indian Vet. J., 72 (3) : 287-289 |
12 | Pharmacokinetics and milk concentration of Pefloxacin injection (PELWIN) in lactating cows. | R. V. Patil, M. M. Gatne, A. P. Somkuwar and V. V. Ranade (1996). | Indian Vet. J., 73 Nov.1996: 1130-1132 |
13 | Disposition of Enrofloxacin in some biological fluids of buffaloes | M.M.Gatne (1999). | Thesis submitted for award of Ph. D. to Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth, Dapoli, Dist. Ratnagiri. |
14 | Fluoroquinolones In “ Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology, | V.V.Ranade and M.M.Gatne (2001) | ed. B.K.Roy, Kalyani publishers,New Delhi |
15 | In-vitro erythrocytic partitioning of diminazene in buffaloes J. Bom. Vet. Coll. 9 (1&2),13-14 | Mehedndale M.M., GatneM.M. and Deore M.D. (2001) | J. Bom. Vet. Coll. 9 (1&2),13-14 |
16 | Disposition kenetics of Oxytetracycline in buffalo calves. | S.R.Giri, M.D.Deore and M.M.Gatne (2001) | J.Vet. Pharmacol. Toxicol. Vol. 1,30-33. |
17 | Evaluation of Embliica officinalis for its anti-inflammatory activity in rats | PawarS.D., A.P.Somkuwar, M.D.Deore and M.M.Gatne | .J. Bom. Vet. Coll.10 (1&2), 12-14 |
18 | Evaluation of galactogogue effect of a herbal preparation in nursing rats and buffaloes. | PawarS.D., Somkuwar A.P., Deore M.D. and Gatne M.M. (2003) | J. Bomb. Vet. Coll. 11(1&2), 6-8 |
19 | Safety evaluation of amikacin after its repeated administration for five days in buffalo calves. | Khobragade S.B., Deore M.D. and Gatne M.M. (2003) | .Bomb. Vet. Coll. 11(1&2), 52-53 |
20 | Effect of Awala on carbon tetrachloride induced hepatotoxicity in rats., | S.D. Pawar, A.P. Somkuwar, M.D.Deore and M.M. Gatne(2003 | Toxicology International,10(2):12-23 |
21 | Clinical evaluation of Emblica officinalis for its activity against liver disorders in cattle | Pawar S. D., Somkuwar A.P., Deore M.D. and Gatne M.M. (2004) | . J. Bomb. Vet. Coll.12(1&2): 15-16. |
22 | Pharmacokinetic studies on long acting and conventional Enrofloxacin in cow calves. | Lalmuanthanga, M.D. Deore, M.M. Gatne and S.B. Khobragade (2005) | Indian Vet. J. 82 : 943-946 |
23 | Toxicity studies of Metoprolol succinate after repeated oral exposure in albino rats | M.D. Deore, S.S. Dadarkar, D.G. Bakre and M. M. Gatne (2005) | Toxicol. Int. 12(2): 101-107 |
24 | Hepatoprotective effect of ‘Livovet’ on mycotoxin induced liver damage in poultry. | M.D. Deore, M.M. Gatne and S.D. Pawar (2005) | J. Vet. Pharmacol. Toxicol. 4(1-2): 10-14 |
25 | Immunotoxicity studies of imidacloprid in rats | M.M.Gatne, Ramesh, P.S. Bhoir, M. D. Deore (2006 ) | Toxicology International, 13 (2): 89-92 |
26 | Pharmacokinetics of Tiamulin in goats after single intramuscular administration | P.C..Badole, V.V.Ranade, M.M.Gatne and A.P.Somkuwar (2005) | The Royal Veterinary Journal Of India, Vol.1(1) 55 |
27 | Precliminary evaluation of a polyherbal formulation for its galactogogue properties in primiparous wistar rat. | Dadarkar S.S.,Deore M.D.& Gatne M.M.(2006). | J.BombayVeterinaryCollege,13 |
28 | Comparative evaluation of acute toxicity of ivermectin by two methodsafter single subcutaneous administration in rats.(2007) | Dadarkar S.S.,Deore M.D.& Gatne M.M | Regulatory Toxicology&Pharmacology, INPRESS |
29 | Development of Budesonide Microparticles Using Spray-Drying Technology for Pulmonary Administration: Design, Characterization, In Vitro Evaluation, and In Vivo Efficacy Study | Sonali R Naikwade, Amrita N Bajaj, Prashant Gurav, Madhumanjiri M Gatne and Pritam Singh Soni | AAPS PharmSciTech (2009) |
30 | In-vitro red blood cell partitioning of doxycycline | P.V. Deshmukh, P.C. Badgujar, and M.M. Gatne | Indian J Pharmacol. 2009 August; 41(4): 173–175. |
Completed Research Projects
Sr. No. | Scheme | Agency | Year |
1 | Pharmacokinetics of selected drugs in buffaloes | ICAR | 1998-2001 |
2 | Establishment of Indigenous drug research Unit | ICAR | 1998-2001 |
3 | Acute and subacute toxicity studies of some Bhasmas ( co investigator) | CCRAS | 2006-2007 |
4 | Testing efficacy of antidandruff formulation in dogs | CCRAS | 2008-2009 |
5 | Outreach program on monitoring of drug residues and environmental pollutants | ICAR | 2009-2012 |
Retired Professors
Dr. M. K. JoshiraoDr. M. K. Shingatgeri,Dr. H. V. Jahagirdar,Dr. S. JagadishDr. V.V. Ranade