Animal Genetics and Breeding
Animal Genetics & Breeding Department is one of the oldest section of Bombay Veterinary College.
Animal Genetics & Breeding Department is one of the oldest section of Bombay Veterinary College. This department was named as Animal Husbandry Department since beginning. Initially this department was teaching Meat Hygiene, Animal Management, Meat and Milk Inspection and shoeing and was headed by Dr. M.K. Garudachar. The full-fledged Department started in mid 1940’s when Dr. F.S. Khambata became the Professor in 1947. Previous professors who contributed to the development of the department were Dr. G.H. Joshi, Dr. S.G. Kshirsagar, Dr. N.S. Tadpatrikar, Dr. M.D. Chauhan , Dr. S.G. Narayankhedkar and Dr. S.B. Nehete.Dr. U.D. Umrikar, was in – charge of the department during 2003-2004 and Dr. M.P.Sawane was in-charge during 2005-2007. Since, 2007, Dr. Umrikar is holding the responsibility of this department as Professor of Animal Genetics and Breeding. The postgraduate course (M.V.Sc.) in Animal Genetics and Breeding was started in the year 1961. The Ph.D. degree course by research was started in the year 1994. The Ph.D degree course partly by research and partly by course work started in the year 2002. From this department 81 postgraduate students have successfully completed their M.V.Sc. degree and 3 students have successfully completed their Ph. D degree program.
UG Syllabus
Course No. & Course title | Credit Hrs. | Syllabus |
1) AGB- 111 BIOSTATISTICS AND COMPUTER APPLICATIONS | 2+1=3 | THEORY Introduction and Importance : Elementary statistical definitions, Definition of statistics, data organization, Frequency distribution, tabulation, graphs,diagrams, Measure of central tendency. Mean, Median,weihted mean, Mode, Geometric mean and Harmonic mean, Measures of dispersion. Range, Inter-quartile range, Mean deviation, Standard deviation, Variance Standard Error.,Coefficient of Variance, Moments,Skewness and kurtosis, Elements of probability, Preliminary ideas of normal distribution, Normal, Binomial and Poisson distribution, Estimation and testing of hypothesis:Null hypothesis, types of error Confidence interval, Chi-square test for goodness of fit, T- test, paired t- test.testing of correlation, Z-test ,F – test, , Correlation, Introduction to Karl Pearson Correlation analysis and its uses, Introduction to line of regression analysis and its uses, Introduction to livestock census procedure, Historical background of livestock census, Systwematic sampling cluster sampling etc., Introduction to sample survey methods, Simple Random Sampling (SRS) Stratified sampling, systematic sampling, Cluster sampling etc., Introduction to Bio-assay, Meaning and uses, Concept and details of analysis of variance technique (One way Classification), Concept and details of analysis of variance technique (Two way Classification), Principles of design of experiment: Replication, Randomization and Local control, Complete Randomized Design, Randomized Block Design, History and types of Computers, Ancillary storage, Hard ware, Soft ware, Firm ware and Human ware, Components of Computer, Type of computer languages, Types of software, Flow charts, Constants and Variables, Expressions, Computer programme in basic, Database management system, Use of computer for statistical Analysis, Use of computer in Animal Husbandry and in Veterinary practices. PRACTICAL Important economic traits of livestock, Important economic traits of poultry, Estimation of breeding efficiency and breeding value, Standardization of performance records, Standardization of performance records, Computation of selection differential, Computation of expected genetic gain, Construction of selection index, Computation of sire index, Computation of sire index, Co-efficient of inbreeding, Co-efficient of inbreeding (inbred ancestor), Co-efficient of relationship, Co-efficient of relationship (inbred ancestor), Estimation of heterosis, Visit to livestock farm |
2) AGB- 121 PRINCIPALS OF GENETICS AND POPULATION GENETICS | 2+1=3 | THEORY History of Genetics in brief. Chromosome number and morphology in different species of livestock and poultry. Mitosis, Meiosis, gameto-genesis, Law of segregation and intra-allelic modification, Law of independent assortment and intra-allelic modification, Gene interaction and inter-allelic modification, Epistasis, Multiple alleles, Lethal and sub-lethal characters, Sex linked traits, Sex limited and sex influenced traits, Linkage and crossing over, Mutation, Cytogenetics – Introduction and applications in animal breeding, Cytogenetics – Lymphocyte culture technique, Chromosomal Aberrations, Extra chromosomal inheritance, Gene concept – classical and molecular, Genetic structure of population, Gene and genotypic frequency, Hardy – Weinberg Law, Applications of Hardy – Weinberg Law, Forces changing Gene and genotypic frequency. (mutation and migration), Forces changing Gene and genotypic frequency. (selection and drift), Nature and properties, Population Mean, Average effect & breeding Value, Concept of G x E interaction, Components of Variance – Genetic and Environment, Resemblance between relatives, Heritability: It’s concepts, methods of estimation & it’s uses, Repeatability: It’s concepts, methods of estimation & it’s uses, Genetic and phenotypic Correlations among economic traits. PRACTICAL Problems based on Mendel’s laws, Problems based on modifications of Mendel’s laws, Problems based Multiple Alleles, Linkage and crossing over, Problems based on Sex linked & sex influenced inheritance, Demonstration of lymphocyte culture setting, Demonstration of culture processing, slide screening and karyotyping, Calculation of Gene & Genotypic frequency, Problems based on Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, Problems based on forces affecting gene & genotypic frequency, Computation of Population mean, Estimation of heritability- Intrasire regression of daughter on dam method, Estimation of heritability- Paternal half sib correlation method, Estimation of Repeatability, Estimation of MPPA, Estimation of genetic & phenotypic correlation. |
3) AGB- 211 LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY BREEDING | 2+1=3 | THEORY History of Animal Breeding, Classification of livestock breeds, Traits of economic importance of different species of livestock, Traits of economic importance of different species of livestock, Breeding/ Selection techniques for optimal production, Selection: Concept, Basis of Selection: Individual and Pedigree, Basis of Selection: Family and Sib Selection, Basis of Selection: Progeny testing and combined indirect selection, Basis of Selection: Progeny testing and combined indirect selection, Sire evaluation, Response to selection, selection differential and realized heritability, Multitrait selection- Tandem Method, Independent culling level, Total score method (Selection Index), genetic basis of selection index, Classification of mating systems- Phenotypic and genotypic assortative and dis-assortative mating, Inbreeding and its measure, effects and application of inbreeding with its merits and demerits, Inbreeding coefficient and coefficient of relationship, Line breeding, Out breeding: strain crossing, cross breeding, its merits and demerits, Out crossing, Top crossing, Grading up, Criss-crossing, Rotational crossing, In-crossing and In-cross breeding, Species hybridization, Performance records and standardization, Heterosis- Definition, causes, measurement and its application in animal breeding, Selection for combining ability: Recurrent and reciprocal recurrent selection, Breeding methods for improvement of dairy cattle and buffaloes, Breeding methods for improvement of dairy cattle and buffaloes: ONBS, Sheep and goat breed development, Swine and Poultry breed development, Conservation of germplasm, Current livestock and poultry breeding programme in country, Current livestock and poultry breeding programme in state. PRACTICAL Important economic traits of livestock, Important economic traits of poultry, Estimation of breeding efficiency and breeding value, Standardization of performance records, Standardization of performance records, Computation of selection differential, Computation of expected genetic gain, Construction of selection index, Computation of sire index, Computation of sire index, Co-efficient of inbreeding, Co-efficient of inbreeding (inbred ancestor), Co-efficient of relationship, Co-efficient of relationship (inbred ancestor), Estimation of heterosis, Visit to livestock farm. |
PG Syllabus
Course No. & Course title | Credit Hrs. | Syllabus |
1)AGB -601 : ANIMAL CYTOGENETICS AND IMMUNOGENETICS | 2+1 = 3 | THEORY Development in animal cytogenetics and immunogenetics of farm animals. Immunoglobulins and their types: antigen-antibody interactions, Immune response, ELISA. Major histocompatibility complex; genetics of biochemical variants and their applications; Ir-genes and concepts of disease resistance including major genes; hybridoma and its significance; concept of immuno-fertility, BoLA, BuLA, TLRs, Interleukins. Chromatin structure of eukaryotes; chromosome number and morphology in farm animals banding and karyotyping; chromosomal and genetic syndromes, DNA packing in chromosomes, Z+B DNA, FISH chromosome painting and PRINS. RH Panel Mapping. Mutation and assays of mutagenesis; sister chromatid exchanges; recombinant DNA technique and its application in animal improvement programme. PRACTICAL Polymorphism of haemoglobulins, transferrins, enzymes/ proteins; preparation of monovalent blood reagent-isoimmunization, titre testing and absorption of polyvalent serum; identification of bar bodies; in vitro and in vivo preparation of somatic metaphase chromosomes; screening of chromosomal abnormalities; microphotography and karyotyping; banding procedures for comparing the chromosomal complement, FISH and PRINS. |
2)AGB–602: MOLECULAR GENETICS IN ANIMAL BREEDING | 2+1 = 3 | THEORY Basic concept: Genesis and importance of molecular techniques; Genome organization – physical and genetic map, current status of genome maps of livestock Molecular markers and their application; RFLP, RAPD, Microsatellite/ Minisatellite markers, SNP marker, DNA fingerprinting DNA sequencing, Genome sequencing, Genomic Library, Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), its types (PCR-RFLP, AS-PCR etc.) and applications; Transgenesis and methods of gene transfer Statistical techniques for analyzing molecular genetic data, Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) mapping and its application in animal breeding, Genome scan, Candidate gene approach, Genomic selection, Marker Assisted Selection- basic concept PRACTICAL Extraction and purification of genomic DNA, Gel electrophoresis, Restriction enzyme digestion of DNA and analysis, PCR, PCR-RFLP, PCR-SSCP, Bioinformatics tool for DNA sequence analysis, Design of primer, Isolation of RNA, cDNA synthesis, Statistical methods for analyzing molecular genetic data. |
Individual verses population. Genetic Structure of population. Factors affecting changes in gene and genotypic frequencies and their effect on genetic structure of animal popultions. Approach to haracteriz under haracter situations: Viz: Single autosomal locus with two alleles, single sex-linked locus, two pairs of autosomal linked and unlinked loci; Small population: random genetic drift, effective haracteri size, pedigreed populations, regular and irregular inbreeding systems.
Quantitative genetics-gene effects, population mean and variance and its partitioning, biometric relations between relatives. Genetic and phenotypic parameters-their methods of estimation, uses, possible biases and precision. Scale effects and threshold traits.
PRACTICAL Problems relating to gene and genotypic frequencies under different conditions. Estimation orf inbreeding in regular and irregular systems. Estimation of effective population size. Computation of quantiatative genetic effects. Estimation of variance components. Computation of heritability, repeatability, genetic, environmental and phenotypic correlations and their standard errors. |
Type of selection and their genetic consequences. Response to selection and its prediction and improvement of response to selection. Theoretical aspects of accuracy and efficiency of different base of selection. Prediction of breeding value using different criteria. Combined Selection. Correlated response to selection and efficiency of indirect selection. Selection of several traits. Evaluation of short term and long term selection experiments viz: bidirectional selection and asymmetry of response, selection plateux and limit. Genetic aspects and consequences of various mating systems. Effects of mating systems on mean and variance. Application of various mating system in animal improvement. Selection for general and specific combining ability. Genetic polymorphysim and its application in genetic improvement.
PRACTICAL Estimation of breeding values from different sources of information.Prediction of direct and correlated response to different bases of selection. Computation of breeding values using different sources of information for female and male selection.Compuatation of realized heritability and genetic correlation. Selection index: Computation, Accuracy and response in component traits. Estimation of hetrerosis for different types of crosses. Estimation of GCA and SCA |
3+1=4 |
Review of basic concepts in statistical inference and balanced experimental designs. Nature of structure of animal breeding data and sources of variation. Introduction to matrix algebra, types of matrices and matrix operations. Determinants and their properties, methods of finding inverse of a matrix and their application ANOVA, Regression and Correlations, Henderson’s methods for estimation of variance components, Basic concepts of linear models, Least-squares analysis, maximum likelihood; Method of estimation; Generalized LS and weighted LS. Fisher’s discriminant function and its application, D2 – Statistics in divergent analysis. Linear models in animal breeding, Methods of analysis of unbalanced animal breeding data. Adjustment of data. Data base management and use of software packages in animal breeding.
PRACTICAL Matrix applications, determinant and inverse of matrices; Building of models for various types of data; Estimation of variance components; Least squares method for analysis of research data; Collection, compilation, coding, transformation and analysis of animal breeding data by using above biometrical techniques with computer application |
Domestic Animal Diversity in India, its origin, history and utilization. Present status and flow of Animal Genetic Resources and its contribution to livelihood security. Methodology for genotypic characterization of livestock and poultry breeds through systematic surveys. Fodder availability; management of breed; physical, biochemical and performance traits and uniqueness of animals of a breed; social, cultural and economic aspects of their owners/communities rearing the breed. Methodology for molecular genetic characterization, diversity analysis and relationship among the breeds. Concept of conservation, In-situ and ex-situ (invivo and in-vitro); models of conservation; prioritization of breeds for conservation. National and international strategies for conservation of Animal Genetic Resources. Status, opportunities and challenges in conservation of AnGR. IPR issues pertaining to animal genetic resources/animal products or by-products.
Registration of livestock breeds and protection of livestock owner’s rights in India.
Cters, resemblance between relatives, selection genetic gain, recurrent selection, reciprocal recurrent selection, diallele mating, scale effect, genotype X environmental interaction. PRACTICAL: Based on theory. |
7) AGB- 607: CATTLE AND BUFFALO BREEDING | 2 + 1 = 3 | THEORY History of dairy cattle and buffalo breeding. Breeds of cattle and haract and their Characterisation.Inheritance of important economic traits. Recording and handeling of breeding data. Standardization of records. Computation of correction factors for the adjustment of the data. Estimation of breeding values of the cows and bulls. Sire evaluation methods using single trait and multiple traits: construction of Sire indices, Sire evaluation under animal model, sire mode; and maternal grand sire model. Open nucleus breeding systems with MOET. Methods of cross breeding.Breeding of type, milk quality and production efficency. Plans for developing new breeds of dairy cattle. History of development of important breeds of dairy cattle. Considerations in the import of exotic germplasm for breeding cattle in the tropics. Appraisal of buffalo and cattle breeding programme. Role of breed haracteriza in dairy improvement. PRACTICAL Performance recording – milk recording – Estimation of economic traits – Standardization of records – Index cards – Sire evaluation –Comparison of latest methods – Computation of genetic parameters – Genetic gain – Estimation of heterosis – Culling and replacement. |
8) AGB- 608 : SMALL FARM ANIMAL BREEDING (Sheep, Goat, Swine and Rabbit) | 2+ 0=2 | THEORY Breeds–Economic traits–Prolificacy-Breeding records and standardization. Genetic parameters – Selection of males and females – Breeding systems. Development of new breeds. Breeding policy – Breeding research – Conservation of breeds. Culling and replacement – EADR. |
9)AGB -609 : POULTRY BREEDING | 2+1=3 |
Origin and history of poultry species: Chicken, turkey, duck and quail – Important qualitative traits in poultry including lethals – Economic traits of egg-type chicken and their standardization – Selection criteria – Aids to selection: Index selection and Osborne index – Restricted selection index – Economic traits of meat – type chicken and their standardization. Selection criteria and selection indices – Response to selection – Genetic controls – Genotype and environment interaction – Inbreeding, and its effects on production traits in egg and meat-type chickens – Inbred lines – Strain development – Crossing : strain and line crosses – Introduction to diallel cross – Utilisation of heterosis and reciprocal effect – Reciprocal recurrent selection and recurrent selection. Industrial breeding – Artificial insemination in chicken – Autosexing – Random Sample Test. Biochemical variants and immunogenetics of poultry – Use of molecular genetics in poultry breeding – Quantitative trait loci and marker–assisted selection – Conservation of poultry genetic resources
PRACTICAL Inheritance of qualitative traits – Economic traits of egg-type and meat-type chicken – Procedures of standardization – Estimations of heritability, correlation between various production traits, inbreeding co-efficient and heterosis – Selection of sires and dams – Osborne index – Restricted selection index – Collection and evaluation of semen and insemination – Diallel cross. |
10) AGB- 610 : LABORATORY ANIMAL BREEDING | 1+ 0= 1 | THEORY Introduction to laboratory animal genetics – Breeding colonies of mice, rats, hamsters, guinea pigs and rabbits. Selection and Mating methods/systems – monogamous, polygamous and others. Development of genetically controlled laboratory animals – Rules for nomenclature, inbred strains, outbred stocks, mutant stocks, recombinant inbred strains, transgenic strains, gene targeting and production of ‘gene knock-out’ animals. Genetic control and monitoring – Record keeping – Ethics of laboratory animal use. |
AGB- 591 :SEMINAR | 1+ 0 =1 |
List of Research Topics of P.G. Theses
Sr. No. | Title of the thesis | Name of the student | Name of the Guide/Advisor | Year of submission |
1 | Physical characters and estimation of some of the economic character of Deoni cattle. | K.G.Joshi | Dr.S.G.Kshirsagar | 1963 |
2 | A study of some of the production traits of Murrah Buffalo Cows. | S.Moharshingh | Dr.S.G.Kshirsagar | 1963 |
3 | Genetic composition of colour pattern of Dangi cattle. | G.D.Patil | 1963 | |
4 | Observation on the growth rate of Murrah buffalo calves. | K.V.Reddy | Dr.S.G.Kshirsagar | 1963 |
5 | Cattle blood groups. | N.S.Tadpatrikar | Dr. S. G. Kshirsagar | 1965 |
6 | Evaluation of some quantitative traits of 2 Gir herds ofBombay. | G.Shriniwasan | 1965 | |
7 | A study of physical and some economic characters of Marathwada buffalo. | K.Venkatshwar Rao | Dr.S.G.Kshirsagar | 1965 |
8 | Estimation of sire index and lactation correction factors for Murrah buffalo. | M. D. Chauhan | 1965 | |
9 | A preliminary study of physical and some economic characters of Rathi cattle inBombay. | S.K.Deokule | Dr.S.G.Kshirsagar | 1967 |
10 | Production of reagent and studies on some aspect of blood groups in Dangi cattle. | G.S.Korane | Dr.S.G.Kshirsagar | 1967 |
11 | A study of physical and economic characters of Ongole cattle. | G.Mallikarjun | Dr.S.G.Kshirsagar | 1967 |
12 | A study of some of the economic characters of Gir with particular reference to its suitability for up grading the nondescript cattle at Ahmadnagar. | B.R.Mangurkar | Dr.S.G.Kshirsagar | 1967 |
13 | Surface antigenicity of Ram Spermatozoa. | K.K.Reddy | Dr.S.G.Kshirsagar | 1969 |
14 | Studies of genotypic and phenotypic parameters of certain important economic traits of Gir herd at Bhojapur Goshala,Poona. | S.S.Burkule | Dr.S.G.Kshirsagar | 1969 |
15 | Studies sire evaluation is Murrah Buffalo herds at Adarsh Dugdhalaya Malad and Palghar. | D.M.Khare | Dr.S.G.Kshirsagar | 1969 |
16 | Estimation of Nucleic Acid (DNA & RNA) & the effect of storage on Nucleic acids contain of Murrah Buffalo bulls. | Iswara Suryaprakashrao | Dr.S.G.Kshirsagar | 1969 |
17 | Studies on sheep Haemoglobin. | A.D.Deshpande | Dr.S.G.Kshirsagar | 1971 |
18 | Study of colour pattern skin pigmentation and thickness and some of the body measurements of the Molebred Holstein Friesian andJerseycalves. | B.A.Pathak | Dr.S.G.Kshirsagar | 1971 |
19 | Study of some wool attributes of Deccani sheep and its crosses with Rambouillet. | M.G.Jatkar | Dr.N.S. Tadpatrikar | 1974 |
20 | Comparative study of growth and age at first calving in Gir and crossbred animals. | V.R.Hingane | 1975 | |
21 | Developmental Haemoglobin in sheep and goat and Haemoglobin Polymorphism in cattle. | A.N.Manikpure | 1975 | |
22 | A study of some economic characters and evaluation of sires of the Gir herd at Ahmadnagar. | A.T.Kakade | Dr.N.S. Tadpatrikar | 1975 |
23 | Evaluation of some economic characters of Gir cattle at Kandivali. | P.T.Patil | 1976 | |
24 | Comparative study of Growth rate in different crossbred female calves at Dapchari. | B.Z.Bhansali | Dr.N.S. Tadpatrikar | 1977 |
25 | Evaluation of some economic characters of Rathi X Jersey and Rathi X Holstein friesian cows atBombay. | G.B.Sidhiqui | Dr.G.S.Korane | 1977 |
26 | A study of the performance of purebred Jersey cattle inMaharashtrastate. | A.M.Ambulgakar | 1979 | |
27 | A study of some economic traits of Murrah Buffaloes. | R.L.Ingle | Dr.M.D.Chauhan | 1979 |
28 | Comparative study on some of the economic traits in purebred. Gir and Gir crosses. | G.H.Saxena | Dr.N.S. Tadpatrikar | 1979 |
29 | Study of growth and production characters in crossbred at Military dairy Farm, Deolali. | P.B.Patil | Dr.N.S. Tadpatrikar | 1980 |
30 | Serum Alkaline phosphatase (AKP) polymorphism and Association of AKP Phenotypes with some of the economic traits in poultry. | A.B.Borkar | Dr.G.S.Korane | 1980 |
31 | Study of comparative performance Gir X Ayrshire, Rathi X Ayrshire crosses purebred Gir and Rathi at Induri Farm. | D.B.Nikam | Dr.N.S. Tadpatrikar | 1981 |
32 | Studies on part lactation yield in crosses of Gir and Rathi with Ayrshire. | A.B.Patil | Dr.G.S.Korane | 1981 |
33 | Comparative study on some of the economic traits in Gir and Gir crosses with Holstein Friesian andJersey. | P.D.Jadhav | Dr.M.D.Chauhan | 1982 |
34 | Inheritance of Breeding efficiency and its relationship with other economic traits in crossbreds. | P.S.Deshmukh | Dr.S.G. Narayankhedkar | 1982 |
35 | Chromosomal abnormalities in relation with infertility. | D.G.Mhaisekar | Dr.S.G. Narayankhedkar | 1983 |
36 | Studies on economic traits of Zebu crosses with Jersey andHolsteinfriesian. | S.P.Govekar | Dr.M.D.Chauhan | 1983 |
37 | A study of part time lactation and breeding efficiency in cross breds at Aarey Milk Colony. | S.B.Nehete | Dr.N.S. Tadpatrikar | 1983 |
38 | Chromosomal studies in breeding bulls. | P.B.Patil | Dr.S.G. Narayankhedkar | 1984 |
39 | Chromosomal studies in Murrah buffalo (Bos-Bubblies). | A.I.Sharar | Dr.S.G. Narayankhedkar | 1985 |
40 | Studies on economic traits of crossbreds with different levels of exotic inheritance. | M.S.Vaidya | Dr.V.R.Hingane | 1985 |
41 | Studies on part lactation yield economic traits in Murrah buffalo. | S.K.Borse | Dr.M.D.Chauhan | 1986 |
42 | Studies on lactation persistency and some of the economic traits in halfbred cows and association between them. | A.S.Umap | Dr.M.D.Chauhan | 1987 |
43 | Karyotyping in sheep. | S.D.Kulkarni | Dr.S.G. Narayankhedkar | 1988 |
44 | A study of some the economic traits inJerseycattle. | S.D.Deshpande | Dr.V.R.Hingane | 1988 |
45 | Chromosomal studies in Goat (Capra hircua). | S.S.Pawar | Dr.S.G. Narayankhedkar | 1990 |
46 | Studies on economic traits of Dangi and its crosses. | Miss V.V.Kadam | Dr.V.R.Hingane | 1989 |
47 | Chromosomal studies in buffalo (Bos Bubalis). | R.S.Langhe | Dr.S.G.Narayankhedkar | 1993 |
48 | A study on inter-se mating. | A.G.Poharkar | Dr.S.B.Nehete | 1993 |
49 | Study of economic traits and their correlation in Indian crossbred cows. | R.D.Sankhe | Dr.S.B.Nehete | 1994 |
50 | Karyological evaluation in breeding bulls. | M.P.Sawane | Dr.S.G. Narayankhedkar | 1994 |
51 | Cytogenetic studies in buffalo. | A.S.Shinde | Dr.S.B.Nehete | 1996 |
52 | Cytogenetic studies in goat | A.S.Bhand | Dr.S.B.Nehete | 1996 |
53 | Evaluation of growth parameters in desi goats and their crosses with Sirohi, Alpine and Toggenburg under field conditions. | P.D.Choudhary | Dr.S.G. Narayankhedkar | 1998 |
54 | Study on lactation curve in Gir, Gir X Holstein Friesian and Gir X Jersey cattle. | N.R.Bangar | Dr.S.G. Narayankhedkar | 1998 |
55 | Studies on breeding efficiencies in cross bred cows | Miss.Sujata D. Gaikwad-Inamdar | Dr.S.G.Narayankhedkar | 1999 |
56 | Study on influence of service period on lactation milk yield & lactation length in Gir, Gir X Holstein Friesian & Gir X Jersey cattle | U.D.Bhosale | Dr. S. B. Nehete | 1999 |
57 | Correlation of first lactation milk yield with part performance in cross bred cows. | V.D.Pawar | Dr.S.G. Narayankhedkar | 2002 |
58 | Study of relationship between productive performance and disposal pattern in crossbred cows. | S.G.Waghmale | Dr.S.B.Nehete | 2001 |
59 | Studies on genetic and phenotypic performance of some important economic traits and its relationship with breeding efficiency in crossbred cows. | D.D.Sawalkar | Dr.S.G. Narayankhedkar | 2001 |
60 | Cytogenetic studies in domestic pig | H.L.Kanadkhedkar | Dr.S.B.Nehete | 2002 |
61 | Cytogenetic studies in domestic dog and wild jackal | A.R.Suryawanshi | Dr.U.D.Umrikar | 2001 |
62 | Karyological studies of the tiger and lion species. | Sacheen Bhosale | Dr.U.D.Umrikar | 2002 |
63 | A study on inter-se mating in cattle | S.C.Karkhele | Dr.S.G.Narayankhedkar | 2002 |
64 | Study on growth characters ofKadaknath,Rhode IslandRed and White Leghorn Breeds of poultry, their crosses and reciprocal crosses in a trial involving diallel mating. | D.C.Sharma | Dr.S.G.Narayankhedkar | 2002 |
65 | Study on breeding value ad production efficiency in cattle. | M.G.Bangar | Dr.S.B.Nehete | 2003 |
66 | DNA Fingerprinting of native and exotic chiken breeds using RAPD-PCR. | Miss.Shabeena Hassan | Dr.S.G.Narayankhedkar | 2003 |
67 | Cytogenetic study of chicken embryo | M. S. Pingle | Dr. U. D. Umrikar | 2004 |
68 | Cytogenetic Study Of Domestic Rabbit | M. P. Patil | Dr. U. D. Umrikar | 2004 |
69 | Cytogenetic study of domestic dog cancers. | R. S. Deshmukh | Dr. U. D. Umrikar | 2005 |
70 | PCR-RFLP of growth hormone gene in Riverine buffalo. | S. N. Chilgunde | Dr. M. P. Sawane | 2005 |
71 | PCR-RFLP of growth hormone gene in Deoni Cattle | C. S. Asalkar | Dr. M. P. Sawane | 2005 |
72 | PCR-RFLP of growth hormone gene in Crossbred Cattle (GIR X HF) | A. Y. Doiphode | Dr. M. P. Sawane | 2005 |
73 | Genotyping of Pandharpuri and Murrah buffloes for K-casein genepolymorphism. | T.C.Shende | Dr. M. P. Sawane | 2006 |
74 | Study of traits of economic importance in Madgyal Sheep | P.S.Waghmode | Dr. M. P. Sawane | 2006 |
75 | Cytogenetic studies in Horse | Pawar A. B. | Dr .M .P.Sawane. | 2006 |
76 | Karyological studies in infertileBuffalo | Magadum V. V. | Dr .M .P.Sawane. | 2007 |
77 | PCR-RFLP of leptene gene in Pandharpuri buffalo | Patil P.A. | Dr .M .P.Sawane. | 2008 |
78 | Genotyping of prolactin gene in Pandharpuri buffalo by PCR-RFLP | Mandanwar V.S | Dr .M .P.Sawane. | 2008 |
79 | Genotyping of Murrah Buffalo for DGAT1 Gene Using PCR-RFLP | Unaune K. P. | Dr .M .P.Sawane. | 2009 |
80 | Study Of Prolactin Gene Polymorphism in Murrah Buffalo | Biradar S. M. | Dr.U.D. Umrikar | 2009 |
81 | Karyological Evaluation of Dangi Cattle | Faske S. D. | Dr. U.D.Umrikar | 2009 |
82 | Karyological Evaluation of Sangamneri goat | Miss.Bhagat S.B. | Dr. U.D.Umrikar | 2010 |
83 | p53 gene mutation analysis in canine soft tissue sarcomas | Miss. Mhatre P.S. | Dr. U.D.Umrikar | 2010 |
84 | Genotyping of β defensin gene using PCR RFLP in HFx Gir crossbred cattle | Miss.Patil S.V. | Dr. U.D.Umrikar | 2010 |
85 | Polymorphism of β defensin gene using PCR RFLP in dangi and Gir cattle | Padve S.G. | Dr .M .P.Sawane | 2010 |
86 | Genotyping of Holstein Friesian crossbred cattle for Bovine citrullinemia by using PCR-RFLP | Chavhan S.S. | Dr. V. D. Pawar | 2011 |
87 | Karyological Study in Khillar Cattle | Nakod N. N. | Dr. U.D.Umrikar | 2012 |
88 | Cytogenetic Study of Canine Mammary Tumor | Kini A.C. | Dr. U.D. Umrikar | 2012 |
89 | Genotyping of CD 18 gene in the HF crossbred Cattle using PCR-RFLP | Khade A. S. | Dr. A.Y. Doiphode | 2012 |
90 | Genotyping of DUMPS locus in HF crossbred cattle using PCR-RFLP | Kad S. D. | Dr. Pawar V.D. | 2012 |
91 | Cytogenetic Characterisation of Pandharpuri Bufalo | Ware P.R. | Dr. U.D. Umrikar | 2012 |
List of Research Topics of Ph.D. Theses
Sr.No. | Title of Thesis | Name of the Student | Name of the Guide/advisor | Year of submission |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
1 | Studies on weight and gain from birth to maturity in Gir and crossbred animals | Dr.S.B.Nehete | Dr.S.G. Narankhedkar | 1996 |
Studies on IDS selection using Osborne index in Kadaknath breed of poultry. | Dr. R. M. Belsare | Dr. S. G. Narayankhedkar | 2005 | |
3 | Analysis of Growth Related Candidate Genes in Coloured Broiler and in-vitro silencing of myostatin gene through siRNA | Dr.P.V.Nandedkar | Dr.S.B.Nehete | 2007 |
Awards and Recognition
Achievements ….
- The contribution from this department in animal genetics research has been recognized nationally and internationally.
- Staff members from this department were awarded for their contribution in the publications for farmers.
- This department has initiated training programs on livestock farming since 1996. Till now this department has trained about 2000 farmers.
- The staff of this department has been awarded with scholarship from Swiss Development Cooperation, Berne as Visiting Fellow for collaborative research in Animal Cytogeneics at Department of Animal Sciences, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology,Zurich in 1994.
- Staff members of this department were awarded with Vasantrao Naik Memorial Gold Medal 1998 for best research paper on “Sheep cytogenetics” presented at National seminar on Advances in Health and Production of sheep and goat’s in Nov. 98 at Nagpur.
- A workshop on “Genetic Improvement in cattle and Buffalo” in year 2005 was successfully organized by this department and proposed a action plan for the development of infrastructure for Maharashtra State.
- A part of research work on canine cancer cytogenetics “ Cytogenetic studies on venereal granuloma” has been presented at 7 th European Cytogenetics Conference (4-7 July 2009, Stockholm)
- Research team of this department was awarded for best poster presentation in X Annual Conference of Indian Society of Animal Genetics and Breeding and National Symposium on Conventional and New Age Breeding Technology for Livestock Centric Growth and Livelihood Security, 27-28, November, 2009 at Chennai.
- MS govt. has recognized this department to lead the study group for studying the present way of genetic testing in livestock of MS and this department has suggested necessary steps to bring MS livestock to genetically clean status so as to implement well the livestock development program in MS.
- This department is identified by the NAIP project on SAS software utility and will be acting as nodal centre for it’s implementation and application in the education and research work carried out at Bombay Veterinary College.
- A part of research work on caprine genomics “Characterization and localization of BMP-15 gene in the ovarian follicles of Black Bengal breed of goat” has been presented at AgriGenomics World Congress (8-9 July 2010, Brussels, Belgium)
List of Paper Published
A. Research papers: 1. Umrikar ,U.D. and K.S. Deshpande { 1985 }.Factors affecting milk yield per day of calving interval and productive life in Murrah buffaloes. Indian J. Anim. Sci., 55{9};782-785 .2. Umrikar ,U.D. and K.S. Deshpande { 1985 }. Genetic studies on lactation length and dry period in Murrah buffaloes .Indian J.Anim . Sci .,55{ 10 }: 888-892 .3. Umrikar ,U.D. and K.S. Deshpande { 1985 }. Studies on lactation milk yield per day Murrah buffaloes . Cherion , 14{3} : 151-152 .4. Umrikar ,U.D. and K.S. Deshpande { 1985 }. Factors affecting milk yield per day of age at second calving in Murrah buffaloes . Indian J. Dairy Sci., 38{4} :349-3515. Deshpande, K. S. and Umrikar , U.D. {1986 }. Factors affecting breeding efficiency in Murrah buffaloes . Indian J. Dairy Sci ., 39{1}: 76-79 .6. Deshpande, K. S. and Umrikar , U.D. {1986 }. Factors affecting lifetime production in Murrah buffaloes .Indian J. Dairy Sci . ,39 [4} ;478-480 .7. Umrikar ,U.D. , N. Natrajan, P. Thangaraju and P.S. Rahmathulla {1990 }. Factors influencing performance traits of Gir and Jersy x crossbred cattle. Cherion.19{3}: 131-138.8. Umrikar ,U.D. , N. Natrajan, P.Kanakraj , P. Thangaraju . {1992 }. Influence of genetic groups and pregnancy on wool characters in sheep .Indian Vet. J.,69: 136- 140.9. Umrikar ,U.D. , N. Natrajan, V. Thiagarajan , and A. R. Krishnan {1994 }Comparative assessment of media for chromosome studies in sheep and goats.Cherion.22 {2}:73-76 .10. Umrikar ,U.D., N. Natrajan,V.Thiagarajan ,and A.R. Krishnan {1994}Chromosomal evaluation of a goat with atresia ani.Indian Vet.J. , 71 : 785 – 786 .11. Umrikar ,U.D., K.S. Deshpande, N. Natrajan, P.Thangaraju {1993}.Factors affecting Service period in Murrah buffaloes . Cherion 22 (5), 195-200.
- Umrikar ,U.D., N. Natrajan,V.Thiagarajan , S.G. Narayankhedkar ,and A.R. Krishnan
- Umrikar, U.D., Cecilia Joseph, N. Natrajan,V.Thiagarajan , J. C.Daniel,K.Kumanan, S.G.Narayankhedkar and A.R. Krishnan. {1997}.Cytogenetic study in intersex goat. Indian Vet. J. , 74 : 584-586.
- Umrikar , U . D . , N . Natrajan , V . Thiagarajan , S . G. Narayankhedkar, and A.R.
34. Katkade,B.S., Agrawal,H.D., Katkuri,S.A., Pawar,D.H.,Kanadkhedkar,H.L. andUmrikar,U.D.(2008).Comparative assessment of media for chromosome studies in Red Kandhari cattle. J.Bombay Vet.Coll., 16(1):30-31. 35. Shaikh, S.H., Katkuri,S.A., Agrawal,H.D, Kachare, R.W. Kanadkhedkar,H.L. and Umrikar ,U.D.(2009). Cytogenetic evaluation of Deccani Sheep. . J.Bombay Vet.Coll., 17(1):14-18. 36. Kachare, R.W. , Kanadkhedkar,H.L, Pawar,D.H , Adgale,A.A., Shaikh,S.H., Katkade,B.S.Umrikar ,U.D.(2009). Cytogenetic evaluation of Deccani Sheep. . J.Bombay Vet.Coll., 17(1):5-7. s 37 Pawar, V. D. and S.G. Narayankhedkar (2000) Prediction of lactation yield from part lactation yield in crossbred cows. Bombay Vet. Coll.8 (1 &2): 15-18 38 Pawar, V. D. and S. G. Narayankhedkar (2001) Correlation of first lactation milk yield with part lactation performance in crossbred cows Cherion 30 (1&2): 33-34. Feb.& April. 39 Pawar, P. D., Deshpande, V.S. Pawar, V.D ( 2001) Agewise and sexwise cestode infestation in small ruminants. J. Bombay Vet. Coll.9 (1&2): 25-26 44 Pawar, V. D. and S. G. Narayankhedkar (2002) Effect of non-genetic factors on part lactation and total lactation. Indian Vet. J. August 2002; 79: 824-827 41 Pawar, P. D., Deshpande, V.S. Pawar, V.D (2001) A note on occurrence of Moniezia expansa (having double row of interproglottidal glands) in sheep and goats.J. Bombay Vet. Coll. 10 (1&2): 53. 42 Sharma D. C., S. G. Narayankhedkar, V. D. Pawar (2003) Study of feed efficiency traits in Kadaknath breed of Indian native chicken and its crosses with White Leghorn and Rhode Island Red. J. Bombay Vet. Coll.11 (1&2): 28 -29. 43 Bangar, M. G., S. B. Nehete, V. D. Pawar, 2003 Studies on breeding values of Gir, Jersey X Gir and Holstein Friesian X Gir cows J. Bombay Vet. Coll. 11 (1&2): 55 –56 44 Patil, M. P., Pawar, V. D., & et. al.( 2004) Chromosome analysis of domestic rabbit” J. Bombay Vet. Coll.12 (1&2): 28 –29 45 Bangar, M. G., Pawar, V. D., & et. al. (2004) Study of breeding value of lactation yield and service period in Gir & its crosses J. Bombay Vet. Coll. 12 (1&2): 69 46 Bangar, M. G., Pawar, V. D., & et. al.( 2005 ) Genetic studies on production efficiency traits in Gir and its crossbreds Indian Vet. Med. Journal. 29, June, 2005 : 122-124 47 Asalkar, C. S., Pawar V. D., & et al. (2005) PCR – RFLP of growth hormone gene in Deoni cattle J. Bombay Vet. Coll 13 (1&2): 121-122 48 Pingale, M. S., Pawar V. D., and et al. (2005) Success rate of embryo culture technique for Cytogenetic study. J. Bombay Vet. Coll. 13 (1&2): 71-72 49 Doiphode, A. Y, Pawar V. D., & et al. (2005) Studies on growth hormone gene polymorphism in crossbred cattle (Gir X Holstein Friesian). Bombay Vet. Coll 13 (1&2): 121-122 50 Waghmode P. S., Pawar V. D., & et al. (2007) Physical & morphological characteristics of Madgyal sheep J. Bombay Vet. Coll.15 (1&2): 42-45 51 Waghmode P. S., Pawar V. D., & et al. (2008) Effect of non genetic factors on growth performance of Madgyal sheep.Ind. J. Small Ruminants 14(1) 127-130 52 J. Bombay Vet. Coll.16 (1) : 12-14 53. Sawane,M.P. and Narayankhedkar,S.G.(1994) Karyological Studies in breeding bulls. Cherion, 23 (2):58 54. Sawane,M.P. and Narayankhedkar,S.G.(1995) Numerical Chromosomal abnormalitiesin breeding bull. Indian Vet.J. 72:595 55. Shende T. C., Pawar V. D. & Sawane M. P.( 2008) Genotyping of Pandharpuri Buffalo for k- casein using PCR-RFLP.Cherion. B. Publication of books as per VCI syllabus
Sr. No. | Name of Book | Year of Publication | Authors |
1 | Production management of Swine, Equine, Camel and Yak | 1998 | Dr. S. G. Narayankhedkar,Dr. S. B. Nehete & Dr. M. P. Sawane. |
2 | Production management of Lab Animal, Rabbit, Fur Animal and Pets | 1998 | Dr. S. G. Narayankhedkar,Dr. S. B. Nehete &Dr. Ajit Y. Nimbkar |
3 | Health care of Wild/Zoo Animal and Fish Production | (1998) | Dr. S. G. Narayankhedkar,Dr. S. B. Nehete, &Dr. U. D. Umrikar |
C. For farmers and investors
Sr. No. | Name of Book | Medium | Year of Publication |
1 | Sheli Palan | Marathi | 1997 |
2 | Varah Palan Ek Joddhanda | Marathi | 1998 |
3 | Economics of goat farming under stall fed conditions | English | 1998 |
4 | Project Report 50, 100 and 200 | English | 1998 |
5 | Pashu Sanvardhan Ani Dugdha Vyavasay Tantradnyan | Marathi | 1999 |
Completed Research Projects
- The scheme sponsored by Department of Science and Technology (DST), Govt. of India for the “Establishment of Central Computer Laboratory” under FIST scheme was completed in the year 2004 Department. The main objective of this scheme was to create ‘Networking & Computational Facilities’ including Internet Facility for the college students.
- Molecular Genetic Characterization of Dangi and Khillar Cattle” funded by Maharashtara Livestock Development Board.
- “Establishment of Genetic Investigation Laboratory” funded Rs.178 lakh by Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana. Principal Investigator, Dr U.D.Umrikar. Professor,Departmet of Animal Genetics and Breeding.
Ongoing Research Projects
- SERB Sponsored DST FASTTRACK project on “Characterization and genotyping of the genes influencing ovulation in the Osmanabadi Breed of goat”Total Outlay Rs. 25 lakh; Durtion: September 2012 to August 2015 Principal Investigator: Dr. Aakash Doiphode
Sr.No | Title of the Scheme | Name of PI | Amount (Rs) | Funding Agency |
1. | Survey and Molecular Characterization of Madgyal sheep | Dr.M.P.Sawane | 59.00 lakh | MLDB,Akola |
Retired Professors
Sr.No | Name of the Professor | Period | |
from | To | ||
1. | Prof. Steel | ||
2. | Dr. F.S.khambata | 1946 | 1958 |
3. | Dr. S.G.Kshirsagar | 1959 | 1976 |
4. | Dr.N.S.Tadpatrikar | 1976 | 1981 |
5. | Dr.M.D.Chauhan | 1981 | 1987 |
6 | Dr.S.G. Narayankhedkar | 1987 | 2003 |
7 | Dr. S.B.Nehete | 2004 | 2005 |