Veterinary Pathology
Department of Pathology was established in year 1943. Teaching, diagnosis, research and extension activities are the main working areas of the department.

- In poultry, research work has been undertaken on IBD, Gangrenous dermatitis, Adeno virus, fatty liver kidney syndrome, stunting syndrome, hydropericardium syndrome, heat stress and on managemental problems
- In bovines, IgG was isolated for the first time from buffalo calves and heavy mortality noted in male buffalo calves was correlated to deficiency of Ig G
- Exfoliative vaginal cytology was undertaken in order to achieve better understanding to interpret reproductive disorders in cattle and it was correlated with the hormonal profile
- This department investigated fluorosis in cattle in state Government farm and was successful in tracing the source of contamination
- Undertaken diagnosis of diseases of wild animals and birds and has been constantly associated with Jijamata Udyan Byculla and Sanjay Gandhi National Park, Borivali
- Toxicopathological studies
- Incidence of Metabolic and Nutritional diseases and their impact on immunological and health status of cattle in Konkan region
- Immunopathology of canine mammary tumour
- Immunopathology of lamb mortality
- A study of Atherosclerosis in bovines
- The department is working on Epidemiology and Immuno-pathology of Bovine squamous cell carcinoma with special reference to horn and eye cancer
- Pathological studies of thyroids in animals
- Clinicopathological aspect of canine nephropathy
- Diagnosis of Leptospira from Canine and laboratory animals
- Studies on Amyloidosis and Immunohematological status of equine during polyvalent antivenom production
- Complete Blood Count with parasitic examination
- Urinalysis
- Leptospira diagnosis
- Biochemical profiling including liver and kidney function tests (LFT & KFT)
- Cytological examination of lymph node and bone marrow smear (for tumours)
- Histopathological diagnosis of clinical tissue samples
- Histopathological processing and diagnosis of tissues from laboratory animals used for Toxicological/research studies from pharmaceuticals, research institutes and colleges
- Plan and conduction of various drug trials [private agency trials] in poultry birds
- Differential staining for various diabetic trials in lab animals e.g. Gomoris & PAS
- Fluorescent Microscopy
- Microphotography on histological slides
- Post mortem examination of domestic animals, poultry and wild animals and birds.
1. Estimation of immunoglobulin G (IgG) from serum /plasma
2. Estimation of circulating immune complexes (CIC)
3. Leucocyte Migration Inhibition Test (LMIT)
4. ANAE staining for T- lymphocytes
5. Characterization and Estimation of molecular weight of proteins for clinical samples Teaching methodology:
- In house developed novel slide projector for histopathological slide for UG & PG curriculum teaching.
- Interactive CD ROM teaching materials for Veterinary graduate and postgraduate which contains multimedia (Animation, Web designing and PowerPoint Presentation).
- Basic histology Color Poster Lab and Histology Movie Portal for UG and PG students.
- Department play a key role in development of Virtual Classroom for UG students.
- A regular activity of the department includes diagnosis of the clinical material for hematology, cytology, clinical biochemistry, urinalysis, post mortem and histopathological examination of various tissue samples as an aid for diagnostic purpose.
- Plan to have the research projects from other departments, scientific organizations (profit and non-profit) and various institutions by developing linkages with industry, pharmaceutical companies etc. for the preclinical services and developing the faculty as experts and generating receipts through revolving fund scheme for the department upgreadation.
- Studies on emerging diseases of poultry such as Runting stunting syndrome, Chicken infectious anaemia, Infectious laryngotracheitis and avian pneumoviruses.
- Studies on mycoplasma in animals (Cattle and avian species)
- Studies on use of viruses for prevention and control of cancers
- Development of rapid on farm diagnostic test for diagnosis of avian and bovine diseases.
- Studies on Etiopathology of respiratory pathogen of poultry and its prevention and control strategy.
- Development of monoclonal antibody for rapid diagnosis of diseases.
- Planning to develop a research arena in nanotoxicology and related work with establishment of laboratory for the same.
- Planning to prepare the new courses like clinical pathology, e-dairy care & management as well as diagnosis of wild and zoo animal diseases for Open and Distance Learning (ODL) courses in collaboration with Commonwealth Of Learning, Canada. Through this project, Department will try to establish linkages with the field veterinarians, which are engaged in the government as well as cooperative dairy sectors. Experts and consultants from Commonwealth of Learning have already appreciated the efforts taken by departmental staffs and students for earlier prepared courses.
- To start one year diploma in Toxicopathology for veterinary pathologist to fulfill the demand of industries in area of preclinical research.
- To establish online virtual microscopy unit for veterinary graduate and post graduate personnel
- To develop 3-D virtual simulation unit for necropsy.
- To develop interactive animated pathogenesis of various animal diseases.
- To develop e-library at department.
- Project of ready to read and audio courses for the various common questions raised by field farmers is in pipe line.
UG Syllabus
Under-Graduate Teaching (B.V.Sc. & A.H.) | |||
Sr. No. | Course No. | Course Title | Credits |
1 | VPP-211 | General Pathology | 2 + 1 = 3 |
2 | VPP-221 | Systemic Pathology | 1 + 1 = 2 |
3 | VPP-311 | Special Pathology – I | 2 + 1 = 3 |
4 | VPP-321 | Special Pathology – II | 2 + 1 = 3 |
5 | VLD -421 | Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosis-I | 0 + 2 = 2 |
6 | VLD 511 | Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosis-II | 0 + 2 = 2 |
PG Syllabus
Post-Graduate Teaching (M.V.Sc.) | |||
Sr. No. | Course No. | Course Title | Credits |
1 | VPP-601 | General Pathology | 2+1 =3 |
2 | VPP-602 | Techniques in Pathology | 1+1 =2 |
3 | VPP-603 | Animal Oncology | 1+1 =2 |
4 | VPP-604 | Clinical Pathology | 1+2 =3 |
5 | VPP-605 | Necropsy procedure and interpretation- I | 0+1 =1 |
6 | VPP-606 | Necropsy procedure and interpretation- II | 0+1 =1 |
7 | VPP-607 | Systemic Pathology | 2+1 =3 |
8 | VPP-608 | Pathology of infectious diseases of domestic animals | 2+1 =3 |
9 | VPP-609 | Toxicopathology | 2+1 =3 |
10 | VPP-610 | Avian Pathology | 2+1 =3 |
11 | VPP-611 | Pathology of laboratory animals, fish and wild animals | 2+1 =3 |
12 | VPP-612 | Veterolegal Pathology | 1+0 =1 |
13 | VPP-691 | Master’s seminar | 1+0 =1 |
14 | VPP-699 | Master’s research | 20 |
List of Research Topics of P.G. Theses
Sr. N0. | Title of Thesis | Author | Year | Guide | |
1 | Observation on Amyloidosis in horses used for the manufacture of Hyper immune sera | P.D. Sardeshpande | 1962 | B.L. Purohit | |
2 | A study of primary hepatic tumours of canines with a special reference to their malignant counterparts | S. S. Bhagwat | 1962 | B.L. Purohit | |
3 | Observation on cutaneous epithelial neoplasms of the dog | B.S. Shirguppi | 1962 | B.L. Purohit | |
4 | Histological observation in cystic ovarian degeneration in buffaloe | B.V. Jalnapurkar | 1964 | B.L. Purohit | |
5 | Histological observations on metritis in buffaloes (Bos bubalis) | D.P. Velhankar | 1964 | B.L. Purohit | |
6 | Observations on renal pathology in swine | K.M. Rao | 1964 | B.L. Purohit | |
7 | A study of bone tumours in the dog | S.M. Mohiuddin | 1966 | B.L. Purohit | |
8 | Observations on mammary neoplasms of the dog | K.V. Joshi | 1966 | S.M. Ajinkya | |
9 | A study of testicular neoplasms of the dog | B.D. Survashe | 1966 | S.M. Ajinkya | |
10 | Effects of age, cortisone and liver extract on experimental amyloidosis with sodium caseinate in mice | A.D. Parelkar | 1968 | S.M. Ajinkya | |
11 | Studies on the effects of Di-methyl Aminoazobenzene on the liver of rats | Umarji | 1968 | S.M. Ajinkya | |
12 | A study on correlation between hepatopathy and liver function tests in rabbits | M.R. Varia | 1968 | S.M. Ajinkya | |
13 | A study of “Atherosclerosis” in bovines | B.B. Solanki | 1970 | S.M. Ajinkya | |
14 | Effect of antileukaemic drug in therapeutic doses in dogs | M.R. Marathe | 1970 | S.M. Ajinkya | |
15 | A study of the toxic effects of gamm-exane and malathion in chickens | B.B. Deshpande | 1970 | S.M. Ajinkya | |
16 | A study of some hepatic disorders in | U.B. Rane | 1970 | S.M. Ajinkya | |
17 | A study of the effects of feeding Mahuva (Bassica Tatibalia) cake in chicks | S.N. Muley | 1973 | P.D. Sardeshpande | |
18 | A study of mortality in calves | U.S. Gadgil | 1974 | P.D. Sardeshpande | |
19 | Observation on affections ovine and caprine liver condemned at Deonar abattoir | S.S. Kadam | 1975 | P.D. Sardeshpande | |
20 | A study of bovine tissue reaction to suture materials | G.Nirody | 1977 | P.D. Sardeshpande | |
21 | Study of buffaloe liver condemned at Deonar Abattoir | A. Joshi | 1978 | P.D. Sardeshpande | |
22 | A study on mortality in lambs | R.K.Janorkar | 1977 | P.D. Sardeshpande | |
23 | A study on infectious bursal disease | K.S. Prajapati | 1979 | B.V. Jalnapurkar | |
24 | A study on broiler mortality | H.R. Patel | 1980 | P.D. Sardeshpande | |
25 | A study on sarcoptic mange in buffaloe calves | C.S. Elangbam | 1981 | B.V. Jalnapurkar | |
26 | A study on immunopathology of lamb mortality | M.G. Paranjpe | 1982 | P.D. Sardeshpande | |
27 | A study on clinicopathological aspects of canine nephropathy | S.B. Rukadika | 1982 | B.V. Jalnapurkar | |
28 | Evaluation of toxic effects of Quinalphos in hens | R.S. Rao | 1983 | P.D. Sardeshpande | |
29 | Cellular immunity to canine transmible veneral tumour demonstrated by L.M.I.T. | V.M.Shingatgeri | 1983 | P.D. Sardeshpande | |
30 | Studies on “Gangrenous Dermatitis” in cockerels | R.S. Nehete | 1985 | K.B. Solanki | |
31 | A study on profiles of some elements in canine neoplasms | R.R. Dwivedi | 1985 | B.V. Jalnapurkar | |
32 | A study on immuno-suppressive effect of inclusion body hepatitis virus in chickens | P.V. Joshi | 1985 | B.V. Jalnapurkar | |
33 | A study on possible etiopathology of gout in broilers | G.N. Kolwankar | 1987 | K.B. Solanki | |
34 | A study of heat stress in broilers | A.S. Phadke | 1987 | K.B. Solanki | |
35 | A study on serum enzyme levels in bovine hepatopathies | M.M. Darzi | 1987 | B.V. Jalnapurkar | |
36 | Studies on regenerative potentiality of canine liver with reference to the use of Stimuliv | M.P. Pore | 1988 | B.V. Jalnapurkar | |
37 | Clinicopathological studies on diarrhoea in neonatal buffalo calves | S.J. Chaudhari | 1988 | B.V. Jalnapurkar | |
38 | Studies on the hepatopathies and nephropathies in birds | M.U. Badgujar | 1988 | B.V. Jalnapurkar | |
39 | Studies on bovine eye tumour | N.S. Deshmukh | 1989 | R.S. Nehete | |
40 | Studies on immune responsed to bovine tumour | D.P. Chaudhari | 1990 | R.S. Nehete | |
41 | Studies on effect of increased temperature on lymphoid and endocrine organs with special reference to thyroid hormones in poultry | S.B. Vidhate | 1990 | R.S. Nehete | |
42 | Significance of exfoliative cytology in disease diagnosis in animals | N.P. Kurade | 1990 | B.V. Jalnapurkar | |
43 | Studies on elemental profiles and immune status of broilers in relation to the high temperature | S.J. Jamadar | 1990 | B.V. Jalnapurkar | |
44 | Clinicopathological studies on some bovine reproductive disorders | S.K. Tumbhare | 1991 | R.S. Nehete | |
45 | Immunopathological and clinicopathological studies on progression and regression of tumours | S.G. Kolte | 1991 | B.V. Jalnapurkar | |
46 | Studies on immune responses in bursectomised birds fed with immolyte | S.M. Dumbre | 1991 | B.V.Jalnapurkar | |
47 | A Studies on immunology of sarcoptic mange in sheep | R.G. Bambal | 1993 | R.S. Nehete | |
48 | Studies on chronic fleurosis in cattle | V.T. Pawar | 1993 | R.S. Nehete | |
49 | Immunological studies on canine transmissible veneral tumour | V.A. Gadge | 1993 | R.S. Nehete | |
50 | Studies on immuno stimulants in infectious bursal disease in birds | S.B. Mathwale | 1996 | R.S. Nehete | |
51 | Infectious bursal disease in poultry with special reference to Harderian gland | P.D. Bhutkar | 1997 | R.S. Nehete | |
52 | Studies on broiler mortality at small scale commercial broiler farms | R.S. Sayed | 1998 | P.S.Lonkar | |
53 | Pathology of hydropericardium syndrome in broilers | G.G. Sonawane | 1998 | R.S. Nehete | |
54 | Pathological studies on stunted broilers and effect of metabolic stimulants | S.D. Deshpande | 1998 | P.S.Lonkar | |
55 | Experimental hepatopathy and effect of hepatoprotectant in cockrels | B.S. Jatar | 1999 | P.S.Lonkar | |
56 | Pathological studies on thyroids of slaughtered buffaloes | T.S. Verlekar | 1999 | P.S.Lonkar | |
57 | Pathology of fungal and bacterial infected feed in broilers: Effect on mycotoxin binder and hepatoprotectant | C.S. Mishra | 1999 | P.S.Lonkar | |
58 | Effect of altered intestinal pH on pathology of heat stress and gastrointestinal infection in broilers | S.D. Kubal | 1999 | V.M. Shingatgeri | |
59 | Effect of organic acids in combating gastrointestinal infection in broilers | D.S.Suryawanshi | 2000 | R.S. Nehete | |
60 | Study of canine mammary tumours with special reference to some elemental profiles | S.D .Godase | 2000 | V.M. Shingatgeri | |
61 | Pathological studies on thyroids of slaughtered bullocks | A.P. Theudrkar | 2000 | P.S.Lonkar | |
62 | Immunopathology of ocular squamous cell carcinoma (cancer eye) in bovines | S.M. Kumthekar | 2001 | R.S. Nehete | |
63 | Epidemiological and histopathological study of squamous cell carcinoma with special reference to horn and eye cancer | D.T. Gholve | 2001 | P.S.Lonkar | |
64 | Immunopathology of horn cancer in bovines | G.N. Vishwase | 2001 | R.S. Nehete | |
65 | Characterization of bovine squamous cell carcinoma cell membrane antigen | S.R. Tamboli | 2002 | R.S. Nehete | |
66 | Effect of herbal coccidiostat on pathology of coccidiosis in broilers | P.A. Pansare | 2002 | P.S.Lonkar | |
69 | Effect of Saccharomyces boulardii on pathology of induced aflatoxicosis in broilers. | S.P. Ingle | 2003 | P.S.Lonkar | |
67 | Immuno-haematological status of equine used for production of polyvalent antisnake venom sera. | C.S. Mote | 2003 | R.S. Nehete | |
68 | Immunogenicity of Squamous Cell Carcinoma in Bovines | A.B. Jadhav | 2003 | R.S. Nehete | |
69 | Toxicopathology of combined effect of aflatoxin and ochratoxin in relation to efficacy of probiotic (Sacchromyces boulardii) in broilers | P.V. Meshram | 2003 | P.S.Lonkar | |
70 | Study of pathology of ochratoxicosis in broilers: effect of probiotic sacchromyces | S.B .Agawane | 2003 | P.S.Lonkar | |
71 | Diagnosis of canine nephropathies with special reference to canine leptospirosis | G.K. Gabhane | 2003 | R.S. Nehete | |
72 | Pathology of induced Newcastle disease in broilers and effect of herbal medication | P S. Patil | 2004 | P.S.Lonkar | |
73 | Pathology of Streptozotocin Induced Hyperglycemia in Rats (Rattus norvegicus) and Effect of Herbal Medication | A P. Todkar | 2004 | P.S.Lonkar | |
74 | Pathology of experimental infectious bursal disease in broilers and effect of herbal medication | S .S .Bhujbal | 2004 | P.S.Lonkar | |
75 | Pathology Of Streptozotocin Induced Hyperglycemia In Mice (Mus musculus) And Effect Of Herbal Medication. | A V Fiske | 2004 | P.S.Lonkar | |
76 | Immunopathoplogy of mammary gland tumours in canines | A. Adak | 2005 | P.S.Lonkar | |
77 | Pathology Of Ochratoxicosis In Cockerel And Effect Of Herbal Medication | V. Pavitrakar | 2005 | P.S.Lonkar | |
78 | Studies On Post Mortem Changes In Broilers With Special Reference To Hepatic Lesions. | V.M. Bhosale | 2005 | P.S.Lonkar | |
79 | Evaluation of toxicopathological effect of some heavy metals in slaughtered swine | S.U. Wakchaure | 2006 | R.S. Nehete | |
80 | Evaluation of toxicopathological effect of some heavy metals in slaughtered cattle | A.B. Jagtap | 2006 | R.S. Nehete | |
81 | Evaluation of toxicopathological effect of some heavy metals in slaughtered buffaloes | S.B. Kadam | 2006 | R.S. Nehete | |
82 | Evaluation of free radicals in oxidative stress in broilers | G.J. Nataraju | 2006 | R.S. Nehete | |
83 | Investigations on heavy metal toxicity in canines | P.D.Shelar | 2007 | R.S. Nehete | |
84 | Toxicopathological and genotoxic effect of some heavy metals in cattle (Bos indicus) and lead in rats. | M.M. Jadhav | 2007 | R.S. Nehete | |
85 | Toxicopathological and genotoxic effect of some heavy metals in buffaloes (Bubalis bubalis) and nickel in rats. | R.V.Dhumal | 2007 | R.S. Nehete | |
86 | Subacute toxico-pathological Effects of piperaquine phosphate in wistar rats | Y.D. Agarkar | 2008 | R.S. Nehete | |
87 | Chronic toxicopathology of sodium arsenite in wistar rats | S.S.Sabale | 2008 | R.S. Nehete | |
88 | Chronic toxicopathology of mercuric chloride in wistar rats | S.V.Kakade | 2008 | R.S. Nehete | |
89 | Chronic toxicopathology of lead acetate in wistar rats | P.R.Shinde | 2008 | R.S. Nehete | |
90 | Clinicopathological study of Nonspecific canine diarrhoea | S.B. Rathod | 2009 | R.S. Nehete | |
91 | Lymphadenopathy in canines | A.J.Yerolkar | 2009 | R.S. Nehete | |
92 | Cytopathology and histopathology of growths in canines | Y.P. Pawar | 2009 | R.S. Nehete | |
93 | Pathological alteration inslaughtered swine in an around mumbai. | Kanika Kalai | 2009 | R.S. Nehete | |
94 | Neurotoxicopathological assessment of Mercuric Chloride In Wistar rats. | Mohalkar A.S. | 2010 | D.P.Kadam | |
95 | Neurotoxicopathological assessment of lead acetate In Wistar rats. | Patil P.P | 2010 | D.P.Kadam | |
96 | Evaluation of p53 gene mutation in bovine horn growths. | Chandratre G.A. | 2010 | R.S. Nehete | |
97 | Evaluation of p53 gene mutation in bovine eye growths. | Wagh V.A. | 2010 | R.S. Nehete | |
98 | Mutational analysis of p53 gene in canine mammary tumors | Ashlesha K. Satpute | 2011 | D.P.Kadam | |
99 | Chemical sterilization of male wistar rat by using cadmium chloride | Smita Malgunde | 2011 | D.P.Kadam | |
100 |
Clinicopathological Study of Hyperlipidemia in canines and efficacy of Allium sativum L.on induced hyperlipidemia in Golden – Syrian hamsters |
Swapnil S. Mahalankar | 2011 | D.P.Kadam |
List of Research Topics of Ph.D. Theses
Sr. No. | Title of thesis | Author | Year | Guide |
1 | A study of canine neoplasms | P.D. Sardeshpande | 1969 | Inamdar |
2 | Immunological aspects of avian Paraocular glands | B.D. Survashe | 1976 | S.M. Ajinkya |
3 | Fetal immune system and serum immunoglobulin G levels with reference to neonatal mortality in buffaloe | B.V.Jalnapurkar | 1978 | S.M. Ajinkya |
4 | Studies on sodium chloride toxicity in domestic fowl | B.B. Solanki | 1980 | S.M. Ajinkya |
5 | Biological response to suture materials | U.S.Gadgil | 1983 | P.D. Sardeshpande |
6 | Immunopathology of canine neoplasm | R.S.Nehete | 1995 | P.D. Sardeshpande |
7 | Health, reproductive and immune status of bovines in relation to heavy metals | C.S. Mote | 2010 | R.S. Nehete |
ongoing | Comparative diagnostic studies of neoplasms of skin and soft tissues from certain species of animals with induced neoplasms in mice. | Princy Thomas | 2011 | B.K.More |
ongoing | Heavy metal investigation in canines with special referance to reproductive status | Nilesh pagrut | 2011 | B.K.More |
ongoing | Surveillance and Etiopathological studies of seasonal swine influenza in the context of outbreak of pandemic flu (H1N1) in human population and Highly Pathogenic Swine Influenza(H1N1) | Siddharth Sabale | 2011 | B.K.More |
Awards and Recognition
- In poultry, research work has been undertaken on IBD, Gangrenous dermatitis, Adeno virus, fatty liver kidney syndrome, stunting syndrome, hydropericardium syndrome, heat stress and on managemental problems
- In bovines, IgG was isolated for the first time from buffalo calves and heavy mortality noted in male buffalo calves was correlated to deficiency of Ig G
- Exfoliative vaginal cytology was undertaken in order to achieve better understanding to interpret reproductive disorders in cattle and it was correlated with the hormonal profile
- This department investigated fluorosis in cattle in state Government farm and was successful in tracing the source of contamination
- Undertaken diagnosis of diseases of wild animals and birds and has been constantly associated with Jijamata Udyan Byculla and Sanjay Gandhi National Park, Borivali
- Toxicopathological studies
- Incidence of Metabolic and Nutritional diseases and their impact on immunological and health status of cattle in Konkan region
- Immunopathology of canine mammary tumour
- Immunopathology of lamb mortality
- A study of Atherosclerosis in bovines
- The department is working on Epidemiology and Immuno-pathology of Bovine squamous cell carcinoma with special reference to horn and eye cancer
- Pathological studies of thyroids in animals
- Clinicopathological aspect of canine nephropathy
- Diagnosis of Leptospira from Canine and laboratory animals
- Studies on Amyloidosis and Immunohematological status of equine during polyvalent antivenom production
List of Paper Published
- Research Publication
- Deshpande B.R, Sardeshpande P.D, Purobit B.L and Sane C.R (1966) Tuberculous endometritis in a buffalo cow. Indian Vet J. Apr; 43(4):288-91.
- 3. Joshi K.V, Sardeshpande P.D, Jalnapurkar B.V and Ajinkya S.M (1967) A case of uterine adenocarcinoma in dog. Indian Vet J. Feb; 44(2):114-6
- Dabholkar, R.D., Sardeshpande, P.D. and Jalnapurkar, B.V., (1967). A record of testicular neoplasms in bovines. Indian Veterinary Journal 44, pp. 483–487.
- Purohit B.L. and Sardeshpande P.D.(1967) Canine pulmonary neoplasms. Indian Vet J. Jul; 44(7):558-63.
- Purohit BL and Sardeshpande P.D. (1967) Transpulmonary metastasis of a epidermoid carcinoma. Indian Vet J. Jun; 44(6):466-70.
- Ajinkya S.M and Sardeshpande P.D. (1969) Observations on the occurrence of neoplasms in the domestic birds. Indian Vet J. May; 46(5):380-5.
- Jalnapurkar, B.V., Ajinkya, S.M., and Sardeshpande, P.D. (1976) Immunoglobulin G in the sera of new born buffalo (Bos bubalus bubalis) calves. Veterinary Record
- Ajinkya S M Survase B D and Sardespande P D (1980) braekdown in immunity to ranikhet diseases with IBD in broiler chicks Indian Veterinary Journal 57, pp. 265–269.
- Joshi, A. P and Sardeshpande, P. D.; (1980) Indian Veterinary Journal Vol. 57 No. 11 pp. 882-884;
- Sharma, M. M., Uppal, P.K., Lonkar, P.S. and Mathur, P.B. (1982) Epidemiology of outbreak of sheep pox in mutton and fine wool type sheep, First National Seminar on Sheep and Goat Diseases, C.S.W.R.I., Avikanagar, 28-30 May, pp. 56.
- Sharma, M.M. and Lonkar, P.S. (1982) Epidemiology of chlamydial abortions in goats, First National Seminar on Sheep and Goat Disease, C.S.W.R.I., Avikanagar, 28-30 May, pp. 56.
- Lonkar, P.S., Sharma, M.M., Uppal, P.K. and Mathur, P.B. (1982) Some observations on pneumonia in sheep at an organized farm in semiarid part of Rajasthan, First National Seminar on Sheep and Goat Disease, C.S.W.R.I., Avikanagar, 28-30 May, pp. 166.
- Lonkar, P.S. (1982) Blue tongue at an organized farm in semiarid part of Rajasthan, Compendium of summer Institute on Pulmonary Disease of Sheep and Goats, Division of Pathology, College of Veterinary Science, Mathura, 7-28 June.
- Lonkar, P.S. (1982) Status of pneumonia in semiarid part of Rajasthan, Compendium of Summer Institute on Pulmonary Diseases of Sheep and Goats, Division of Pathology, College of Veterinary Science, Mathura, 7-28 June.
- Mathur, P.B. and Lonkar, P.S. (1982) Studies on blue tongue, Compendium on Round Table Conf. On Blue Tongue, I.V.R.I., Izatnagar, 7-9 Sept.
- Uppal, P.K., Sharma, M.M., Lonkar, P.S. and Mathur, P.B. (1983) Epidemiological studies on sheep pox outbreak in mutton type sheep, IInd National Symposium of Indian Society for Sheep and Goat Production and Utilization, Dhulia, 12-14.
- Lonkar, P.S., Singh, D. and Rawat, P.S (1983) Some observations on clinical conditions in kids. IInd national Symposium of Indian Society for Sheep and Goat Production and Utilization, Dhulia, 12-14 June, pp.71.
- Lonkar, P.S., Sharma, M.M., Srivastava, C.P. and Mathur, P.B. (1983) Epidemiology of an unusual pneumonia outbreak in goats, Symposium on Emerging diseases of Livestock and Poultry, G.B.P.U.A.T., Pantnagar, 7-9 July.
- Kudva, V.; Deshpande, K.S. and Sardeshpande, P.D (1983) A histological study of corneal grafts. Indian Veterinary Journal (Jan 1983).
- Mantri, A.; Sardeshpande, P. D and Mantri, M. B. (1985) Levels of serum progesterone and oestradiol-17ßduring the oestrous cycle in mares. Journal ofAnimal Science 55: 524-526.
- Dubey, S.C., Mohanrao, T., Srivastava, C.P., Lonkar, P.S. and Maru, A. (1986) Epidemiology of Blue tongue disease in Rajasthan, IInd Annual Convention of Indian Virological Society, V.P. Chest Institute, New Delhi, Abst. 21.
- Maru, A., Dubey, S.C., Srivastava, C.P. and Lonkar, P.S. (1986) Application and efficacy of planned sheep health Programme in an organized farm, convention of Indian Society for Veterinary Medicine, Trichur, 8-11 October, Abst. 105.
- Srivastava, C.P., Dubey, S.C., Maru, A. and Lonkar, P.S. (1986) Studies on the efficacy of John’s Disease vaccination in sheep, Convention of Indian Association of Veterinary Microbiologists, Immunologists and Specialists in Infectious Diseases, I.V.R.I., Izatnagar, 29-31, December, Abst. 1.09.
- Maru, A., Dubey, S.C., Srivastava, C.P. and Lonkar, P.S. (1986) A disease data and information system for organized sheep and goat farms, Convention of Indian Association of Veterinary Microbiologists, Immunologists and Specialists in Infectious Diseases, I.V.R.I., Izatnagar, Abst. 5.20.
- Maru, A., Dubey, S.C., Srivastava, C.P. and Lonkar, P.S. (1986) Processing of sheep and goat health data for epidemiological information, Convention of Indian Association of veterinary Microbiologists, Immunologists and Specialists in infectious diseases, I.V.R.I, Izatnagar, 29-31, December, Abst. 5.23.
- Dubey, A., Maru, A., Srivastava, C.P. and Lonkar, P. S. (1987) The Economics of sheep flock health management, National Seminar on small Ruminant Production, C.S.W.R.I, Avikanagar, 4-6 January.
- Srivastava, C.P., Lonkar P.S., Maru, A., Sharma, M.M. and Dubey, S.C. (1987) Disease profile and mortality pattern in Russian Merino in last decade, I. Nonspecific diseases, National Seminar on Small Ruminant Production, C.SW.R.I., Avikanagar, 4-6 January, Abst. 84.
- Lonkar, P.S, Singh, D., Sharma, M.M., Srivastava, C.P., Maru, A., and Dubey S.C. (1987) A flock health management Programme in goats, National Symposium on Small Ruminant Production, C.S.W.R.I., Avikanagar, 4-6th January, Abst. 90.
- Nerurkar, V.R., Chitale, A.R., Jalnapurkar, B.V., Naik, S.N and Lalitha, V.S. (1989) Comparative pathology of canine mammary tumours Journal of Comparative Pathology
- Lonkar, P.S., and Prasad, M.C. (1989) Physiochemical alterations in cerebrospinal fluid in induced cerebrocortical necrosis in goats, Symposium in Pathology and Biotechnology in diagnosis of Diseases of Livestock and Poultry, I.V.R.I., Izatnagar, 7-9th, September, Abst. NMD/20.
- Srivastava, C.P., Lonkar, P.S., Maru, A., and Dubey, S.C. (1989) Neoplastic conditions in closed flock of sheep and goats, Symposium in Pathology and Biotechnology in Diagnosis of Diseases of Livestock and Poultry, I.V.R.I., Izatnagar, 7-9th, September, Abst. ONC/5.
- Maru, A., Dubey, S.C, Srivastava, C.P., Lonkar, P.S. and Bhagwan, P.S.K. (1990) Disease data and information system for organized sheep and goat farms, International Conference of Decision Support System for Resource Management, Texas, 15-16 April, pp. 103.
- Lonkar, P.S., Uppal, P.K., Belwal, L.M. and Mathur, P.B. (1983) Blue tongue in sheep in India, tropical Animal Health and Production, 15:86.
- Sharma, M.M., gaur, D., Lonkar, P.S., and Rawat, P.S. (1984), Factors affecting preweaning mortality in Sirohi, Beetal and Beetal X Sirohi kids, Indian Veterinary Journal, 61:872-77.
- Belwal, L.M. and Lonkar, P.S. (1985) A case of fibroma in a ram, Indian Veterinary Journal, 62:908.
- Sharma, M.M. and Lonkar, P.S. (1985) A case of demodectic mange in sirohi goat, Indian Journal of Parasitology, 9:167-68.
- Dubey, S.C., Srivastava, C.P., Lonkar, P.S. and Maru, A (1985) Prevalance of ovine adenovirus in sheep and goats in semiarid Rajasthan, Indian Journal of Comparative Microbiology, Immunology and Infectious Diseases, 6:167-69.
- Sharma, M.M., Lonkar, P.S., Srivastava, C.P., Dubey, S.C. and Maru, A. (1985) Epidemiology of blue tongue in sheep at an organized farm in semiarid part of Rajasthan, Indian Journal of Comparative Microbiology, Immunology and Infectious Diseases, 6:188-92.
- Lonkar, P.S., and Srivastava, C.P., (1985) congenital agnathia in lamb, Kerala Veterinary Journal, 16:147-49
- Lonkar, P.S., and Srivastava, C.P., (1986), A case of melanoma on goat, Indian veterinary Journal, 63:422.
- Sharma, M.M., Lonkar, P.S., Srivastava, C.P. and Kalra, D.B. (1986) congenital anomalies in lambs as a sequelae to blue tongue infection of dams, Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 56:1055-59.
- Sharma, M.M., Uppal, P.K., Lonkar, P.S. and Mathur, P.B. (1986) Epidemiology of a Sheep pox outbreak in mutton and fine wool type sheep at an organized farm. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 56:1183-86.
- Lonkar, P.S., Srivastava, C.P., Maru, A. and Dubey, S. C. (1986) Some observations on heptropogon thorn infestations in sheep at an organized farm, Kerala Journal of Veterinary Sciences, 17:140-41.
- Dubey, S.C., Srivastava, C.P., Maru, A. and Lonkar, P.S. (1986) A note on the occurrence of blue tongue disease and measures adopted for control, Livestock Advisor, 11 (IX): 49-51.
- Lonkar, P.S., and Sharma, M.M. (1986) Congenital diaphragmatic hernia in lamb – a case report, Cheiron, 15-31.
- Dubey, S.C., Srivastava, C.P., Maru, A., and Lonkar, P.S. (1987) Some observations on sheep pox outbreaks in vaccinated flocks at an organized farm, Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 57:838-40.
- Srivastava, C.P., Maru, A., Lonkar, P.S., and Dubey, S.C., (1987) Causes of mortality in rabbits in semiarid region of Rajasthan, Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 57:858-60.
- Maru, A., Lonkar, P.S., Srivastava, C.P. and Dubey, S.C. (1987) Pattern of causes of lamb death in housed sheep flocks of different breeds, Indian veterinary Medical Journal, 11:160-64.]
- Srivastava, C.P., Maru, A., Lonkar, P.S., and Dubey, S.C. (1987) Studies on mortality pattern of Rambouillet sheep in semiarid region of Rajasthan, Indian Journal of Comparative Microbiology, Immunology and Infectious Diseases, 8:179-83.
- Maru, A., Srivastava, C.P., Lonkar, P.S. and Dubey, S.C. (1987) A note on acute aflatoxicosis in farm rabbits, Indian Journal of Comparative Microbiology, Immunology and Infectious Diseases, 8:100-104.
- Sharma. M.M., Lonkar, P.S., Srivastava, C.P., Maru, A. and Dubey, S.C. (1987) Prevalence of John’s Diseases (JD) in sheep and goats, Indian Journal of Comparative Microbiology, Immunology and Infectious Diseases, 8:48-49.
- Sanyal, P.K., Lonkar, P.S., and Singh, D. (1987) Natural caprine coccidiosis; Efficacy of Amprolium hydrochloride and sodium sulphadimehtyl-pyrimidine, tropical Veterinarian, 5: 49-52.
- Lonkar, P.S., Maru, A., and Singh, D. (1987) Efficacy of Niclosamide, fenbendazole and an Ayurvedic preparation against tapeworms in naturally infected goats, tropical Veterinarian, 5:69-72.
- Dubey, S.C., Rao, T.R.M., Srivastava, C.P., Lonkar, P.S. and Maru, A. (1988) Seroprevalence of blue tongue disease in Rajasthan, Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 58:68-70.
- Lonkar, P.S., and Prasad, M.C. (1988) fatty liver syndrome in chickens, Indian Journal of Veterinary Pathology, 12:66-68.
- Lonkar, P.S., (1988) Thesis Abstract “Studies on experimental salt poisoning in broilers” Indian Journal of Veterinary Pathology, 12:102-103.
- Srivastava, C.P., Maru, A., Lonkar, P.S., and Dubey, S.C. (1988) Disease profile in Russian Merino in semiarid region of Rajasthan: Seasonal, Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 58:684-87.
- Srivastava, C.P., Maru, A., Lonkar P.S., and Dubey, S.C. (1988) Performance of Russian Merion sheep in semiarid Rajasthan, Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 58: 1062-64.
- Maru, A., Lonkar, P.S., and Kalra, D.B. (1988) Effect of centrifugation time in estimating packed cell volume in some Indian goat breeds, Indian veterinary Journal, 65:737-38.
- Srivastava, C.P., Lonkar, P.S., Maru, A and Dubey, S.C. (1989) Squamous cell carcinoma in sheep – A case report, Indian Veterinary Journal, 66: 172.
- Srivastava, C.P, Maru, A., Lonkar, P.S. and Dubey, S.C. (1989) Mortality pattern in Rambouillet sheep in semiarid tract of Rajasthan, II Season and age wise, Indian Journal of Comparative Microbiology, Immunology and Infectious Diseases, 10:120-26.
- Lonkar, P.S. and Prasad, M.C. (1990) Cerebral autofluroscence in Amprolium induced cerebrocortical necrosis in goats, Indian Journal of Veterinary Pathology, 14:82-83.
- Lonkar, P.S. and Prasad, M.C. (1990) Cerebral autofluroscence in Amprolium induced cerebrocortical necrosis in goats, Indian Journal of Veterinary Pathology, 14:82-83.
- Srivastava, C.P., Sharma, M.M., Lonkar, P.S., Maru, A. and Dubey, S.C. (1990) Pre-weaning mortality in rabbits, conference of Indian Association of Veterinary Pathologists, Tirupati, 17-19 September, Abst. 24.
- Lonkar, P.S. and Prasad, M.C. (1990) Diagnosis of experimental cerebrocortical necrosis with the help of ultraviolet light, Conference of Indian Association of Veterinary Pathologists, Tirupati, 17-19 September, Abstr. 12.
- Lonkar, P.S. and Prasad, M.C. (1990) Experimental cerebrocortical necrosis in goats: Some biochemical alterations in blood, Conference of Indian association of Veterinary Pathologists, Tirupati, 17-19 September, Abstr. 13.
- Ramkrishna, Dh., Lonkar, P.S., Singh, S.K. and Prasad, M.C. (1990) Experimental hypothyroidism in goats: A clinicobiochemical study, Conference of Indian Association of Veterinary Pathologists, Tirupati, 17-19 September, Abstr.14.
- Maru, A., Lonkar, P.S., Srivastava, C.P., Dubey, S.C. and Bhagwan, P.S.K. (1990) Disease data and information management, Conference of Indian Society for Veterinary Medicine, Hyderabad, 4-6 October.
- Maru, A., Lonkar, P.S., Srivastava, C.P. and Dubey, S.C. (1990) The case of Isoline drawing software “ISOGRAF” and disease incidence database to manage disease monitoring information, Conference of Indian Association of Veterinary Microbiologists, Immunologists and Specialists in Infectious Diseases, Bikaner, 26-28 Dec.
- Maru, A., Lonkar, P.S., Srivastava, C.P., Dubey, S.C and Bhagwan, P.S.K. (1990) Computer application in animal health data information management, Conference of Indian Association of Veterinary Microbiologists, Immunologists and Specialists in Infectious Diseases, Bikaner, 26-28 Dec.
- Dubey, S.C., Srivastava, C.P., Sharma, M.M., Lonkar, P.S. and Maru, A., (1990) An outbreak of enteroheaptic disease in rabbits, conference of Indian Association of Veterinary Microbiologists, Immunologists and Specialists in infectious diseases, Bikaner, 26-28 Dec.
- Lonkar, P.S., Srivastava, C.P., Bhagwan, P.S.K., Maru, A., Dubey, S.C. and Dimri, U. (1990) The case of CDS/ISIS database software for managing postmortem examination data and information, Conference of Indian Association of Veterinary Microbiologists, Immunologists and Specialists in Infectious Diseases, Bikaner, 26-28 Dec.
- Maru, A., Lonkar, P.S., Srivastava, C.P., Dubey, S.C. and Bhagwan, P.S.K. (1990) A case study in the implementation of planned sheep health Programme in an organized farm, Conference of Indian Association of Veterinary Microbiologists, Immunologists and Specialists in Infectious Diseases, Bikaner, 26-28 Dec.
- Srivastava, C.P., Maru, A., Lonkar, P.S. and Dubey, S.C. (1990) The case of ‘SURFER’ three dimensional graphic and analytical software in time series analysis of John’s disease, Conference of Indian Association of Veterinary Microbiologists, Immunologists and Specialists in Infectious Diseases, Bikaner, 26-28 Dec.
- Maru, A., Lonkar, P.S., Dubey, S.C., Srivastava, C.P., Bhagwan, P.S.K. and Dimri, U. (1991) State Veterinary Department and Disease Information, workshop on Disease Information, Indo-Swiss Goat Project, Jaipur, 20-21 March.
- Lonkar, P.S., Maru, A., Srivastava, C.P., Dubey, S.C., Dimri, U. and Bhagwan, P.S.K. (1991) Clinicopathlogical studies in Foot and Mouth Disease affected sheep, Symposium of Indian Association of Veterinary Pathologists, Ranchi, 24-26 August, Abstr. ID/10.
- Lonkar, P.S. and Prasad, M.C. (1991) Clinicopathological studies in Foot and Mouth Disease affected sheep, Symposium of Indian Association of Veterinary Pathologists, Ranchi, 24-26 August, Abstr. NMD/10.
- Lonkar, P.S., Maru, A., Srivastava, C.P., Bhagwan, P.S.K. and Dimri, U. (1991) An outbreak of pneumonia due to Pasteurella in sheep, Symposium of Indian Society for Veterinary Pathologists, Ranchi, 24-26 August, Abstr, PPO/5.
- Dimri, U., Lonkar, P.S., Khurana, K.L., Srivastava, C.P., Maru, A. and Bhagwan, P.S.K. (1991) An outbreak of pneumonia due to Pasteurella in sheep, Symposium of Indian Society for Veterinary Medicine, Bombay, 19-21 Dec., Abstr. 1.08/4.
- Srivastava, C.P., Lonkar, P.S., Maru, A., and Dubey, S.C. (1991) Synovial sarcoma (Cystic papillary type) in Rambouillet sheep, Indian Veterinary Journal, 68:288-89.
- Lonkar, P.S. and Prasad, M.C. (1992) Effect of varying levels of amprolium on induction of cerebrocortical necrosis in goats, In recent advance in goat production, Editor R.R. Lokeshwar, V. International Conference on goats, New Delhi pp. 1748-50.
- Lonkar, P.S., Maru, A. and Srivastava, C.P. (1992) Disease profile in goats, In recent Advance in goat production, Editor R.R. Lokeshwar, V. International Conference on Goats, New Delhi, pp. 1751-57.
- Nehete R.S., Bambhal R.G. and Jalnapurkar B.V. (1992).Incidences of mortality among the broilers in and around Bombay City. National symposium on Epidemiology of important livestock and avian diseases including molecular Epidemiology Nov. 1992 pp. 19 to 21.
- Lonkar, P.S. and Prasad, M.C. (1992) Induction of cerebrocortical necrosis in goats, Indian Journal of Veterinary Pathology, 16:31-32.
- Lonkar, P.S. and Prasad, M.C. (1992) Physiochemical properties of cerebrospinal fluid in cerebrocortical necrosis in goats, Indian Journal of Veterinary Pathology, 16:31-32.
- Lonkar, P.S. and Prasad, M.C. (1992) Induced cerebrocortical necrosis in goats: Clinical and haematobiochemical studies, Indian Veterinary Medicine Journal, 16:247-51.
- Maru, A., Bhagwan, P.S.K., Lonkar, P.S., Srivastava, C.P., Dimri, U. and Khurana K.L. (1992) The status and need for vaccine production, diagnostic reagents and animal cell biotechnology in sheep husbandry and production, DAE Symposium, Pune, 22-24 February.
- Lonkar, P.S. and Prasad, M.C. (1992) Induced cerebrocortical necrosis in goats: Effect of varying dose regimen of Amprolium V International conference on Goats, New Delhi, 2-8 March. Vol. I, pp. 481.
- Lonkar, P.S., Maru A. and Srivastava, C.P. (1992) Disease profile in goats, V International Conference on Goats, new Delhi, 2-8 March, Abstr. Vol. I, pp. 482.
- Lonkar, P.S., Srivastava, C.P., Bhagwan, P.S.K. and Maru. A., (1992) Spontaneous neoplasms in sheep at an organized farm, International Conference on Animal Cancer, Madras, 5-8 August.
- Lonkar, P.S., Sharma, M.M., Srivastava, C.P., Maru, A., Bhagwan, P.S.K., Dimri, U. and Khurana, K.L. (1992) Occurrence of Pasteurellosis in sheep and goats at an organized farm in semiarid part of India, International Workshop on Pasteurellosis in Production Animals, Bali, Indonesia, 10-13 August.
- Dimri, U., Bhagwan, P.S.K., Lonkar, P.S., Maru, A., Srivastava, C.P. and Khurana, K.L. (1992) Haematobiochemical studies in sheep suffering from pneumonia due to pasteurella, International Workshop on Pasteurellosis in Production Animals, Bali, Indonesia, 1-13 August.
- Lonkar, P.S, and Maru, A., (1992) Project management, lecture for Training Course on Computer Application in Livestock production and Epidemiology, 16 September.
- Lonkar, P.S, Maru, A., Srivastava, C.P., Bhagwan, P.S.K. and Khurana, K.L. (1992) Role of small diagnostic laboratories in sheep health care delivery, International Seminar on Livestock Services for Small Holders, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 15-21 November.
- Maru, A., Srivastava, C.P., Dubey, S.C., Lonkar, P.S, and Bhagwan, P.S.K. (1992) A transfer of animal health technology Programme for sheep in India, International Seminar on Livestock for small holders, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 15-21 November.
- Dimri, U., Bhagwan, P.S.K., Lonkar, P.S., Maru, A., Srivastava, C.P. and Khurana, K.L. (1992) Epidemiology, control and some economic aspects of a pneumonia outbreak, Conference of Indian Association of Veterinary Microbiologists, Immunologists and Specialists in Infectious Diseases, Mathura, 19-21 January.
- Bhagwan, P.S.K., Lonkar, P.S., Maru, A., and Srivastava, C.P. (1993) CAE and related viral infectious of small ruminants, Workshop on Management of small ruminant diseases, Jaipur, 15-15 January.
- Maru, A., Srivastava, C.P., Dubey, S.C. and Lonkar, P.S. (1993) Disease profile of a sheep flock in semiarid India, Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 15:1-15.
- Lonkar, P.S., Sharma, S.N., Yadav, J.S, and Prasad, M.C. (1993) Epidemiology of cerebrocortical necrosis in goats, Indian Veterinary Journal, 70:873-75.
- Lonkar, P.S., and Prasad, M.C. (1993) Induced cerebrocortical necrosis in goats: Biochemical studies, Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 63:1128-31.
- Lonkar, P.S., Maru, A., Bhagwan, P.S.K., Srivastava, C.P. and Dimri, U. (1993) Perspectives of sheep diseases in India, In proceedings of Workshop on Management of Small Ruminent Disease, Publ. ISGP and Classic Publ. House, Jaipur, pp. 1-8.
- Bhagwan, P.S.K., Lonkar, P.S., Maru, A., and Srivastava C.P. (1993) CAE and related viral infections of small ruminants, In proceedings of Workshop on Management of Small ruminent Diseases, Publ. ISGP & Classic Publ. House, Jaipur, pp. 69-74.
- Maru, A., Lonkar, P.S., Bhagwan, P.S.K. and Srivastava, C.P. (1993) Disease Surveillance and Monitoring for Small Ruminent System, Proceedings of Workshop on Management of Small Ruminent Diseases, Publ. ISGP and Classic Publ. House, Jaipur, pp. 91-94.
- Wakankar, C.C., Nehete R.S. (1993) Role of radiographic diagnosis of horn disorder in cow.Ind. Vet. J. 70 pp. 10
- Nehete R.S., Badgujar M.U., Bambhal R.G. and Jalnapurkar B.V. (1993) Studies on fatty liver in broilers. National symposium of IAVP conference on liver diseases.
- Pore M.P. Nehete R.S., Jalnapurkar B.V. and Bambhal R.G. (1993).Studies on regenerative potentialities of canine liver.National symposium of IAVP conference on liver diseases.
- Lonkar, P.S., Maru, A., Bhagwan, P.S.K., Srivastava, C.P. and Dimri, U., (1993) Perspectives of sheep diseases in India, Workshop on Management of Small Ruminant Diseases, Jaipur, 15-16 January.
- Maru, A., Lonkar, P.S., Bhagwan, P.S.K., and Srivastava, C.P. (1993) Disease surveillance and monitoring for small ruminant systems, Workshop on Management of Small Ruminant Diseases, Jaipur, 15-16 January.
- Lonkar, P.S., Maru, A., Srivastava, C.P., Dimri, U., and Bhagwan, P.S.K. (1993) Computer based systems for management of animal health laboratory data, National Workshop on Information Systems for Livestock Research and Development, Avikanagar, 1-3 February, pp. 133-34.
- Maru, A., Lonkar, P.S, Srivastava, C.P., and Bhagwan, P.S.K. (1993) A knowledge based systems for small ruminant disease diagnosis, National workshop on Information Systems for Livestock Research and Development, Avikanagar, 1-3 February, pp. 129-30.
- Maru, A., Lonkar, P.S., Bhagwan, P.S.K., Srivastava, C.P. and Dimri, U., (1993), An active animal disease information system fro Indian, National Workshop on Information Systems for Livestock Research and Development, Avikanagar, 1-3 February, pp. 113-32.
- Maru, A., Lonkar, P.S. Prasad, M.C., Lalkrishna, Taylor, W.P., Nanda, Y.P., Vishwanathan, K. and Bhat, P.N. (1993), Animal health and production information systems in India, Meeting of SAREC, New Delhi, 22-23 March.
- Lonkar, P.S., Maru. A., Srivastava, C.P., Bhagwan, P.S.K. and Dimri, U., (1993) a flock health Programme to control gastro intestinal namtodiasis in a sheep flock in semiarid part of Rajathan, Conference of Indian Association of veterinary Parasitologists, Udgir, 23-25 April.
- Maru, A., Lonkar, P.S, Srivastava, C.P., Bhagwan, P.S.K. and Dimri, U. (1993) Control of Oestrus ovis in an organized farm in semiarid part of Rajasthan, Conference of Indian Association of Veterinary Parasitologists, Udgir, 23-25 April.
- Lonkar, P.S. (1993) Nutritional Pathology: Role in Small Ruminant Production System, Summer Institute on “Recent Advance in Ruminant Nutrition, Avikanagar, 7-26, June, pp. 215.
- Lonkar, P.S., Maru, A., Srivastava, C.P., Bhagwan, P.S.K. and Dimri, U. (1993), Computer based system to manage data related to hepatic diseases/lesions (preliminary studies), Conference of Indian Association of Veterinary Pathologists, Bikaner, 8-10 October, pp. 73.
- Bhagwan, P.S.K., Maru, A., Lonkar, P.S., Srivastava, C.P. and Dimri, U. (1993) Computer application in disease data and information management at an organized sheep farm, Conference of Indian Association of Veterinary Pathologists, Bikaner, 8-10 October, pp. 106.
- Srivastava, C.P., Maru, A., Lonkar, P.S., Bhagwan, P.S.K. and Dimri, U. (1993) Application of computer software “SURFER” for epidemiological studies of John’s disease in sheep flocks, Conference of Indian Association of Veterinary Pathologists, Bikaner, 8-10 October, pp. 107.
- Lonkar, P.S. (1993) Hygienic meat production and construction of slaughter house with scope and prospectus of production and processing of mutton in India, Lecture at training courses for Technical Officers of NABARD, Avikanagar, 4 Nov.
- Lonkar, P.S. and Srivastava, C.P. (1993) Disease data and information system at Central Sheep and Wool Research Institute, Avikanagar, Lecture of Training Course on Computer Application in Livestock Production and Epidemiology, Avikanagar, 18-24, December.
- Lonkar, P.S (1993) Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems: “CLOSRIDA”- A knowledge based expert system for sheep diseases, Lecture for training course on Computer Application in Livestock Production and Epidemiology, Avikanagar, 18-24 December.
- Lonkar, P.S. and Prasad, M.C (1994) Pathology of amprolium induced cerebro-cortical necrosis in goats, Small Ruminent Research, 13:85-92.
- Ramkrishna, C., Prasad, M.C., Lonkar, P.S. and Singh, S.K. (1994) Clinico-biochemical observations on experimental hypothyroidism in goats, Indian Veterianry Journal, 71:1107-11.
- Dimri, U., Lonkar, P.S., Srivastava, C.P. and Bhagwan, P.S.K. (1994) An outbreak of pneumonia due to pasteurella multocida in sheep, Indian Veterinary Journal, 71:1163-67.
- Bambhal R.G., Mrs. Nehete R.S., (1994). Immunopathology of sarcoptic manage in sheep.National symposium, in recent advances in animal pathology and poultry diseases XI IAVP Anand.
- Pawar, V.T. and Mrs. Nehete R.S. (1994).Studies on chronic fluorosis on cattle at an organized farm.National symposium, in recent advances in animal pathology and poultry diseases XI IAVP Convention, Anand pp. 167 (032.)
- Gadge, V.A. Mrs. Nehete R.S. and P.S. Lonkar (1994).Immunopathological study of canine transmissible veneral tumour. National symposium in recent advances in animal pathology and poultry diseases XI IAVP Convention, Anand pp.193 (074)
- Vidhate S.B., Mrs. Nehete R.S. (1994) Studies on effect of high temperature in broilers.Compendium of IAVMI Bombay pp. 49.
- Lonkar, P.S., Srivastava, C.P., Dimri, U. and Bhagwan, P.S.K. (1994) Epidemiology of enterotoxaemia in sheep at an organized farm adopting planned flock health and management Programme, XIV Annual Conference of Indian Association of Veterinary Microbiologists, Immunologists and Specialists in Infectious Diseases, Pun, 29-31 January, pp. 36.
- Sharma, M.M., Bhagwan, P.S.K., and Lonkar, P.S (1994) Prevention and control of sheep pox at an organized farms in Rajasthan, XIV Annual Conference of Indian Association of Veterinary Microbiologists, Immunologists and Specialists in Infectious Diseases, Pune, 29-31 January, pp. 52.
- Dimri, U., Lonkar, P.S, Bhagwan, P.S.K., Srivastava, C.P. and Swarnakar, C.P. (1994) Epidemiology of Blue tongue in mutton type breed at an organized farm of the semiarid region, XIV Annual Conference of Indian of Veterinary Microbiologists, Immunologists and Specialists in Infectious Diseases, Pune, 29-31 January, pp.66.
- Lonkar, P.S., Srivastava, C.P., Maru, A. and Bhagwan, P.S.K. (1994) Some congenital anomalies in blue tongue endemic sheep flock. Compendium of national Symposium of I.A.V.P., Anand, 1-3 Dec-pp, 147.
- Lonkar, P.S. and Maru, A. (1994) Artificial intelligence and expert system: knowledge based expert system for sheep disease, Ibid.pp.169
- Singh, S.K., Srivastava, C.P., Lonkar, P.S. and Prasad, M.C.(1995) Pregnancy toxaemia in sheep: Retrospective and prospective studies, Indiana Journal of Animal Sciences, 65:995-97.
- Nehete R.S., Bhutkar P.D. and Lonkar P.S. (1995 Impact of yolk sac disease with complications in chicks in commercial farm, XIIth Annual Convention of Indian Association of Veterinary Pathologists, Orrisa Veterinary College, Bhubaneshwar, 9-11 Nov. pp. 80.
- Nehete, R.S. Shinde, M.M. and Lonkar, P.S., (1995), Infectious bursal disease with a complication in a commercial poultry farm XIIth Annual Convention of Indian Association of Veterinary Pathologists, Orrisa Veterinary College, Bhubaneshwar, 9-11 Nov. pp. 91.
- Nehete, R.S., Shinde, M.M., Bhutkar, P.D. and Lonkar, P.S., (1995) Pathology of phosgene toxicity in desi fowl XIV Annual Conference of Society of Toxicology, Bombay Veterinary College, Mumbai-20-21 Dec., pp. 85
- Kulkarni, V.U., R.S. Nehete. Ranade, V.V. and Chousalkar, M.S. (1995) In vitro study of antimicrobial activity of Arnica Montana-A homeopathic drug IInd National Convention of Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology, Bombay Veterinary College, Mumbai, 2 Dec., pp. 55.
- Nehete, R.S. and Lonkar, P.S.( 1996)Mechanism of immunological tissue injury Lead Paper Conf. Of I.A.V.P., G.B.P.U.A.T., Pantnagar, November 1996.
- Nehete, R.S., Jathar, B.S., Shingategeri, V.M., Jalnapurkar, B.V. and Lonkar, P.S. (1996) Studies on the mortality in wild animals Conf. Of I.A.V.P., G.B.P.U.A.T., Pantnagar, November 1996.
- Nehete, R.S., Rahim, S., Shingategeri,V.M. and Lonkar, P.S (1996) Hydro-pericardium Syndrome in broilers.Conf. Of I.A.V.P., G.B.P.U.A.T., Pantnagar, November 1996.
- Mathwale, S.B., Nehete, R.S., and Lonkar, P.S. (1996) Pathology of Infectious Bursal Disease in birds: Effect of immunostimulents administration. Conf. Of I.A.V.P., G.B.P.U.A.T., Pantnagar, November 1996.
- Mukherji, B., Dhande, P.L., Nehete, R.S., Lonkar, P.S., Shingatgeri, V.M. and Cherian, K.M. (1997) Histological observations on Respiratory nasal in laboratory rats.Compendium on national symposium, India association of veterinary anatomist, Nagpur, 17-19 oct. pp. 24.
- Mukerji, B., Dhande, P.L., Nehete, R.S Lonkar, P.S., Shingatgeri, V.M. and Cherian, K.M. (1997) Histological observations on thyroid and parathyroid in laboratory rats.Compendium on national symposium, India association of veterinary anatomist, Nagpur, 17-19 oct. pp. 25
- Nehete, R.S., Shingatgeri, V.M., Lonkar, P.S, Mukherji, B., and Cherian, K.M. (1997) Good laboratory practice in histopathology: challenges and prospects. Compendium of National Symposium of Indian Association of Veterinary Pathologists, I.V.R.I. Izatnangar. 4-6 Dec. pp. 40.
- Nehete, R.S., Deshpande, S.D., Shingatgeri, V.M., and Lonkar, P.S., (1997) Pathology of accidental electrocution in cattle.Compendium of National Symposium of Indian Association of Veterinary Pathologists, I.V.R.I. Izatnangar. 4-6 Dec. pp. 89.
- Nehete, R.S, Verlekar, T.S., Shingatgeri, V.M., Sherikar, A.A., and Lonkar, P.S., (1997) Studies on mortality in kangaroos. Compendium of National Symposium of Indian Association of Veterinary Pathologists, I.V.R.I. Izatnangar. 4-6 Dec. pp. 90.
- Shingatgeri, V.M., Sonawane, G.G., Nehete, R.S., and Lonkar, P.S. (1997) Studies on mortality on Lions maintained in captivity. Compendium of National Symposium of Indian Association of Veterinary Pathologists, I.V.R.I. Izatnangar. 4-6 Dec. pp. 91.
- Nehete, R.S, Deshpande, S.D., Sonawane, G.G., Verlekar, T.S., Shingatgeri, V.M., and. Lonkar, P.S., (1997). Studies on mortality in Camel maintained in humid region Compendium of National Seminar on Improved used Pack animals and its related aspects. G.A.U.: Sardarkrishinagar, 17-18 Dec.
- Nehete, R.S. (1998) Planned health Management programmes for goats and problems with organized and farmer’s flocks Compendium of National Seminar on Advance in Health and production of sheep and goat, Nagpur, Nov-1998. pp: 18.
- Nehete, R.S. (1998) Organization of Veterinary Diagnostic laboratories in the state Compendium of National Symposium on Advance in Diagnostic Veterinary Pathology, Trissur, Nov. 1998 pp. 5.
- Nehete, R.S., Kubal, S.D., Shingatgeri, V.M., Lonkar, P.S., and Majee, S.B. (1998)Studies on mortality in parrots kept in captivity in hot humid climate Compendium of National Symposium on Advance in Diagnostic Veterinary Pathology, Trissur, Nov. 1998 pp. 83.
- Nehete, R.S Mishra, C.S, Ahmed, M., Rajmane, B.V., Lonkar, P.S., and Shingatgeri, V.M., (1998) Pattern and causes of mortality in Japanese quail in humid climate. Compendium of National Symposium on Advance in Diagnostic Veterinary Pathology, Trissur, Nov. 1998 pp. 186
- Mukherji, B., Dhande, P.L., Lonkar, P.S. and Cherian, K.M. (1998) Histological observations on the thyroid and parathyroid of laboratory rats. Indian Journal of Veterinary Anatomy, 5:53.
- Lonkar, P.S., Mukerji, B., Shingatgeri, V.M., Nehete, R.S. and Cherian, K.M. (1998) Viral pneumonia (?) in rats. Indian Journal of Veterinary Pathology, 22:154.
- Sonawane, G.G., Nehete, R.S., Shingatgeri, V.M., Verlekar, T.S., and Lonkar, P.S., (1999) Pathology of hydropericardium syndrome and efficacy of formalized liver homogenate in experimentally infected chicks. Compendium of Indian Association of Veterinary Pathologists, Bangalore, 25-27 Nov. pp. 145.
- Nehete, R.S., Mukerjee, B., Shingatgeri, V.M., Sonawane, G.G., Lonkar, P.S and Cherian, K.M. (1999) Quality Assurance for Veterinary Pathology: A necessary Evil? Compendium of Indian Association of Veterinary Pathologists, Bangalore, 25-27 Nov. pp. 188.
- Bhutkar, P.D., Nehete, R.S., Shingatgeri, V.M. and Lonkar, P.S. (1999) Pathological alterations in Harderian Gland in Experimentally produced infectious bursal disease Compendium of Indian Association of Veterinary Pathologists, Bangalore, 25-27 Nov. pp. 204.
- Nehete, R.S. (2000) Metabolic diseases and their prevention in sheep.Lead paper National Symposium on Current concepts in Animal and Poultry Diseases – New Millennium Approach, Dr. P.D.K.V., Akola, 11-13 December, pp. 117.
- Bhutkar, P.D., Nehete, R.S. and Lonkar, P.S. (2000) Pathology of infectious bursal disease in birds administrated probiotics (Saccharomyces cervisiae) Lead paper National Symposium on Current concepts in Animal and Poultry Diseases – New Millennium Approach, Dr. P.D.K.V., Akola, 11-13 December, pp. 138.
- Mathwale, S.B., Nehete (Mrs.), R.S. and Lonkar, P.S. (2000) Pathology of infectious bursal disease in birds with induced hepatopathy Lead paper National Symposium on Current concepts in Animal and Poultry Diseases – New Millennium Approach, Dr. P.D.K.V., Akola, 11-13 December, pp. 138.
- Nehete (Mrs.) R.S. Kumthekar, S.M., Suryawanshi, D.S., Wani M.V., Karawale, M.S., Lonkar, P.S., and Shingatgeri, V.M. (2000) Studies on mortality in EMEU or EMU (Dromiceius novachollgudiae) in captivity Current concepts in Animal and Poultry Diseases – New Millennium Approach, Dr. P.D.K.V., Akola, 11-13 December, pp. 139.
- Nehete (Mrs.) R.S., Vishwase, G.N., Lonkar, P.S, Shingatgeri, V.M. and Suryawanshi, D.S. (2000) Studies on mortality in Lions (Panthera leo) in captivity. Current concepts in Animal and Poultry Diseases – New Millennium Approach, Dr. P.D.K.V., Akola, 11-13 December, pp. 141.
- Nehete (Mrs.), R.S., Gholve, D.T., Wani, M.V., Karawale, M.S., Suryawanshi, D.S., Shingatgeri, V.M. and Lonkar, P.S (2000) Studies on mortality in hippopotamus (Choeropsis liberiensis) in captivity. Current concepts in Animal and Poultry Diseases – New Millennium Approach, Dr. P.D.K.V., Akola, 11-13 December, pp. 145.
- Lonkar, P.S. (2000) Information technology in Animal Science. Souvenir of International Dairy Expo, Indo Israeli Agro-Industries Chamber, Mumbai, 22-27 May.
- Shingatgeri, V.M., Lonkar, P.S., Mukerji, B., Nehete, R.S., Deshpande, V.S. and Cherian K.M. (2000) Occurrence of bladder worm trichosomiodes crassicauda in laboratory rats. Indian Journal of Veterinary Parasitology.
- Lonkar, P.S. (2000) Blue tongue in sheep – Foetal anomalies. Indian Journal of Veterinary Practice. 1(2): 37-39
- Suryawanshi, D.S., Nehete (Mrs.), R.S., Lonkar, P.S. and Godase, S.D. (2001). Effect of organic acids in combating gastrointestinal infections in Broilers. The Journal of Bombay Veterinary College. 8: 37-38
- Sonawane, G.G., Nehete (Mrs.), R.S., Lonkar, P.S. and Suryawanshi, D.S. (2002). Pathology of Hydropericardium Syndrome in experimentally infected chicks. The Journal of Bombay Veterinary College. 9:19-20.
- Lonkar, P.S., Tamboli, S.R., Suryawanshi, D.S., Godase, S.D. and Nehete (Mrs.), R.S. (2001) Studies on Pneumonia outbreaks in Buffaloes.National symposium on current trends and challenges in the Livestock and Poultry diseases including wildlife crisis in 21st century. XVII annual conference of IAVP.pp.239-240.
- Suryawanshi, D.S., Pansare P.A., Godase, S.D. Nehete (Mrs.), R.S. and Lonkar, P.S. (2001) Studies on mortality in Sniffer dogs.National symposium on current trends and challenges in the Livestock and Poultry diseases including wildlife crisis in 21st century. XVII annual conference of IAVP. pp. 242.
- Lonkar, P.S., Bhagat G.R., Suryawanshi, D.S., Godase, S.D. and Nehete (Mrs.), R.S. (2001). Some unusual diseases conditions in poultry. National symposium on current trends and challenges in the Livestock and Poultry diseases including wildlife crisis in 21st century. XVII annual conference of IAVP. pp. 243-244.
- Lonkar, P.S., Kalaivanan, N., Suryawanshi, D.S., Godase, S.D. and Nehete (Mrs.), R.S. (2001). Incidence of Gangrenous dermatitis in poultry. National symposium on current trends and challenges in the Livestock and Poultry diseases including wildlife crisis in 21st century. XVII annual conference of IAVP. pp. 243-244.
- Sonawane, G.G., Nehete (Mrs.), R.S., Lonkar, P.S. and Shingatgeri, V.M. (2002). Assessment of hepatoprotectant in induced hydropericardium Syndrome in broilers. Indian Journal of Environment and Toxicology. 12:33-36.
- Lonkar, P.S., Kalaivanan, N., Suryawanshi, D.S., Godase, S.D. and Nehete (Mrs.), R.S. (2001).Incidence of Gangrenous dermatitis in poultry.National symposium on current trends and challenges in the Livestock and Poultry diseases including wildlife crisis in 21st century. XVII annual conference of IAVP. pp. 243-244.
- Lonkar, P.S., Pansare, P.A., Suryawanshi, D.S., Godase, S.D. Nehete (Mrs.), R.S. and Kumthekar, S.M. (2002) A case of Ascariasis in Bonnet monkey. (Macaca radiata).National symposium on current trends and challenges in the Livestock and Poultry diseases including wildlife crisis in 21st century. XVII annual conference of IAVP. pp. 63.
- Lonkar, P.S., Jadhav A.B., Suryawanshi, D.S., Godase, S.D. Nehete (Mrs.), R.S. and Kumthekar, S.M. (2002) Studies on pathological conditions in Broilers.National symposium on current trends and challenges in the Livestock and Poultry diseases including wildlife crisis in 21st century. XVII annual conference of IAVP. pp. 86.
- Suryawanshi, D.S., Jadhav A.B., Lonkar, P.S., Tamboli, S.R., Godase, S.D. Nehete (Mrs.), R.S. and Kumthekar, S.M. (2002).E-coli infection in Black Swan.
- Lonkar, P.S., Mote, C.S., Suryawanshi, D.S., Godase, S.D., Nehete (Mrs.), R.S. and Kumthekar, S.M. (2002). Studies on Spirocerca lupi infection in canines.National symposium on current trends and challenges in the Livestock and Poultry diseases including wildlife crisis in 21st century. XVII annual conference of IAVP. pp. 63.
- Lonkar, P.S., Agawane, D.S., Suryawanshi, D.S., Godase, S.D., Nehete (Mrs.), R.S. and Kumthekar, S.M. (2002).Incidence of canine neoplasm in BSPCA, Mumbai.National symposium on current trends and challenges in the Livestock and Poultry diseases including wildlife crisis in 21st century. XVII annual conference of IAVP. pp. 45.
- Lonkar, P.S., Ingle, S.P., D.S., Suryawanshi, D.S., Godase, S.D., Nehete (Mrs.), R.S. and Gholve, D.T. (2002) Incidence of E. coli in Poultry.National symposium on current trends and challenges in the Livestock and Poultry diseases including wildlife crisis in 21st century. XVII annual conference of IAVP. pp. 88.
- Lonkar, P.S., Meshram, P.V., Suryawanshi, D.S., Gholve, D.T., Nehete (Mrs.), R.S. and Kumthekar, S.M. (2002). Studies on disease conditions in canines. National symposium on current trends and challenges in the Livestock and Poultry diseases including wildlife crisis in 21st century. XVII annual conference of IAVP. pp. 45.
- Lonkar, P.S., Gabhane, G.K., Suryawanshi, D.S., Godase, S.D., Vishwase, G.N., and Nehete (Mrs.), R.S. (2002).Studies on mortality in wild felines. National symposium on current trends and challenges in the Livestock and Poultry diseases including wildlife crisis in 21st century. XVII annual conference of IAVP. pp. 63-64.
- Kumthekar, S.M., Lonkar, P.S., Suryawanshi, D.S., Godase, S.D. and (Mrs.) R.S.Nehete. (2002)Immunopathology of Eye cancer.National symposium on current trends and challenges in the Livestock and Poultry diseases including wildlife crisis in 21st century. XVII annual conference of IAVP. pp. 70.
- Mane M.T., Birade H.S., Deopurkar, V.L., Bakshi, S.A., Gulvane, S.U., Patil, M. B., Nehete, R.S., and Chakurkar, E.B.Clinical efficacy of two therapeutic regimes for controlling Abortions due to Brucellosis in Cattle.J. Bombay Vet. College (2002) 10 (1&2) : 42-43.
- Mane M.T., Birade H.S., Deopurkar, V.L., Bakshi, S.A., Gulvane, S.U., Patil, M. B., Nehete, R.S., and Chakurkar, E.B.Control of abortions in brucella positive cattle using cotton strain-19 and Levamisole J. Bombay Vet. College (2002) 10 (1&2): 54-55.
- Lonkar P.S., Gabhane, G.K, Suryawanshi, D.S., Gaikwad S.A. and Nehete R.S. (2002)Assesment of the severity of lesions with normal histological features of liver in mice (Mus musculus)XVII annual conventions of Indian Association of veterinary anatomists and national symposium on “Recent advances in veterinary anatomy for increasing livestock productivity pp. 18
- Lonkar P.S., Agawane, S.B, Suryawanshi, D.S., Ingle, S.P., Meshram, P. V., Nehete R.S. and Dhande P.L. (2002)Assessment of the severity of lesions with normal histological features of lungs in murines XVII annual conventions of Indian Association of veterinary anatomists and national symposium on “Recent advances in veterinary anatomy for increasing livestock productivity pp. 19
- Suryawanshi, D.S., Jadhav A.B., Lonkar P.S. and Nehete R.S. (2002) Demonstration of T lymphocytes from blood smears and tissue sections.XVII annual conventions of Indian Association of veterinary anatomists and national symposium on “Recent advances in veterinary anatomy for increasing livestock productivity pp. 42
- Suryawanshi, D.S., Mote C.S., Lonkar P.S., Nehete R.S., Ahmed A. and Bhosale S.D. (2002)Quantitative estimation of the melanin pigment from muscles of Kadaknath.XVII annual conventions of Indian Association of veterinary anatomists and national symposium on “Recent advances in veterinary anatomy for increasing livestock productivity pp. 43
- Lonkar P.S. Yadav G.B., Meshram P.V., Suryawanshi, D.S., Ingle S.P. Agawane S.B and Nehete R.S. (2002) Biometry of female genital tract of white tigress. XVII annual conventions of Indian Association of veterinary anatomists and national symposium on “Recent advances in veterinary anatomy for increasing livestock productivity pp. 69
- R.S Nehete and D.S Suryawanshi. (2003)Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC) in Canines. National symposium and XX annual conference of IAVP, Jabalpur, pp. 126-130.
- Mote CS Jadhav AB , Nehete RS , Suryawanshi DS and Khadilkar MV Correlation of circulating immune complexes (CIC) and their impact on immunoglobulin (IgG) levels in different protocols in equines used for production of polyvalent antivenin Journal of Bombay Vet College, (2004), 12 (1&2): 49-52
- Nehete RS and Suryawanshi DS Bovine squamous cell carcinoma: an immunopathological aspect and new concept in its classification XXII annual conference of IAVP, 25-27 November 2005 held in Pune.: 129
- Mote CS, Nehete RS , Suryawanshi DS and P S Lonkar Immunohaematoogical status of equines used for production of polyvalent antisnake venom sera XXIIannual conference of IAVP, 25-27 November 2005 held in Pune.: 69
- Godase, SD V Shingatgeri, PS Lonkar, RS Nehete D Suryawanshi and RR Wabale Histopathological observation of neoplasms in the mammary glands of dogs XXII annual conference of IAVP, 25-27 November 2005 held in Pune :140
- DS Suryawanshi, AB Jagtap, , SU Wakchoure, Natraju, Nehete RS and PS Lonkar A case of fibrosarcoma in liver with metastasis in kidney in a cat XXII annual conference of IAVP, 25-27 November 2005 held in Pune : 142
- Mote CS, S B Kadam, DS Suryawanshi, SU Wakchoure, Natraju, PS Lonkar and Nehete RS A case of haemothorax in a Hobra (Homoeomma brazilianum) died in captivity XXII annual conference of IAVP, 25-27 November 2005 held in Pune : 214
- DS Suryawanshi, G Natraju,PS Patil, AB Jagtap, SU Wakchoure, , S B Kadam, and RS Nehete, DP Kadam and PS Lonkar Studies on seal lion died in fire accident XXII annual conference of IAVP, 25-27 November 2005 held in Pune :215
- Mote CS, Adak A and Nehete RS Osseous metaplasia in canine aorta by Spirocerca lupi Indian Journal of Veterinary Pathology, (2006),30 (2) : 57-58
- M.M.Jadhav, P.D.Shelar , R.V.Dhumal , D.S.Suryawanshi, P.S.Patil and R.S.Nehete Mareks disease outbreak in layers XXIII annual conference of IAVP, 27-29 December 2006 held in Chennai-600 007.
- M.M.Jadhav, P.D.Shelar, R.V.Dhumal , C.S. Mote, RS Nehete and D.S.SuryawanshRetention toxaemia in a nil gai (boselaphus tragocamelus) XXIII annual conference of IAVP, 27-29 December 2006 held in Chennai-600 007
- P.D.Shelar, M.M.Jadhav, R.V.Dhumal, P.S.Patil, and R.S.Nehete Suppurative granuloma in a hyaena (hyaena hyaena) XXIII annual conference of IAVP, 27-29 December 2006 held in Chennai-600 007
- R.V.Dhumal, M.M.Jadhav, P.D.Shelar, and R.S.Nehete Study of prevalence of haemoprotozoan infection in canines. XXIII annual conference of IAVP, 27-29 December 2006 held in Chennai-600 007.
- P.D.Shelar, M.M.Jadhav, R.V.Dhumal, D.S.Suryawanshi and R.S.Nehete Prevalence and histiopathology of canine neoplasms XXIII annual conference of IAVP, 27-29 December 2006 held in Chennai-600 007
- P.D.Shelar, Vinay Kumar, R.V.Dhumal, M.M.Jadhav, RS Nehete and D.S.Suryawanshi A case of generalised metastasis of venereal granuloma in a dogs.XXIII annual conference of IAVP, 27-29 December 2006 held in Chennai-600 007 .
- Jadhav M.M, Shelar P.D. Patil P.S. Dhumal R.V. Suryawanshi D.S. and Nehete R.S. Pathological Studies in Marek’s Disease Outbreak in Layers.“Journal of Bombay Veterinary College”(2007) 15 (1 & 2) : 4-6
- Shelar P.D; Jadhav M.M; Dhumal R.V.; Suryawanshi D.S.; Nehete R.S. A Case Study of Metastatic transmissible Venereal Tumour and its Successful Chemotherapeutic Management in a Male Dog “Journal of Bombay Veterinary College” (2007) 15 (1 & 2): 141- 144
- R.S Nehete, D.S Suryawanshi and C S Mote (2007) Ehrlichiosis : An Emerging Zoonotic Disease National symposium and XX annual conference of IAVP, Tirupati, pp. 35-39.
- Jadhav M.M., Dhumal R.V., Shelar P.D., Suryawanshi D.S., Mote C.S. and Nehete R.S.Pathology of Experimental Newcastle Disease in Broilers and Effect of Herbal Medication (Immuved) XXIV annual conference of IAVP, 1-3 Oct, 2007 held in Tirupati -600 007
- Sabale S.S, Jadhav M.M., Pawar S.J., Dhumal R.V., Pagrut N.S., Mote C.S., Suryawanshi D.S. and Nehete R.S.A Case of Vegetative Endocarditis in Boxer Dog. XXIV annual conference of IAVP, 1-3 Oct, 2007 held in Tirupati -600 007
- Shelar P.D., Jadhav M.M., Dhumal R.V., Suryawanshi D.S., Nehete R.S Genotoxic Potential of Cyclophosphamide in Wistar Rats for Database Repository.XXIV annual conference of IAVP, 1-3 Oct,2007 held in Tirupati -600 007
- Shinde P.R., Sable S.S., Jadhav M. M., Pagrut N.S., Mote C.S., Suryawanshi D.S., Thomas P. and Nehete R.S A Case of Multiple Neoplasia Labrador Dog.XXIV annual conference of IAVP, 1-3 Oct, 2007 held in Tirupati-600 007
- Kadam DP, Mhase PP, Samad A, Nehete RS and Palampalle HY Veterinary clinico-pathological case teaching on the interactive BVC intranet XXIV annual conference of IAVP, 1-3 Oct, 2007 held in Tirupati-600 007.: 175
- Mhase PP, Kadam DP, ,Das A M, Nehete RS Using web based animations to teach immunology and immunopathology in veterinary curricula XXIV annual conference of IAVP, 1-3 Oct, 2007 held in Tirupati-600 007.: 176
Completed Research Projects
Sr. No. | Project Title | Duration | Principle Investigator | FundingAgency | TotalFinancial Output (Lac) |
1 | Epidemiology And Immuno-Pathology Of Bovine Squamous Cell Carcinoma With Special Reference To Horn And Eye Cancer | April 2000ToApril 2003 | R.S.Nehete P.S.Lonkar | ICARNew Delhi | 17.98 |
2. | Incidence Of Metabolic And Nutritional Diseases With Special Reference To Paralytic Syndrome And Their Impact On The Immunological And Health Status Of Cattle In Konkan Region. | September 2001ToSeptember 2002 | P.S.Lonkar R.S.Nehete | ICARNew Delhi | 22.62 |
3 | Epidemiological Study And Toxic pathological Effect Of Environmental Pollutants With Special Reference to Animal Health Studies. | July 2005- July 2008 | R.S.NeheteM.B.PatilD.A.Kakar | ICARNew Delhi | 19.88 |
Ongoing Research Projects
Name of Scheme | Open and Distance Learning courses for qualified field veterinarians. |
Sponsoring Agency | Commonwealth of Learning (COL), Canada. |
Salient Feature:
Qualified and practicing veterinarians in the field are the potential leaders, who can guide the farming community in the promotion of animal wealth. Many of these veterinarians are working in remote places. To enable them to perform optimally, their learning/training interests and needs are to be spelt out and attended to.
It is essential to update their knowledge and skills and apply it for better production from animals and increasing the income of animal holders. This, in routine, is not possible due to financial crunch and inability of the learner to be absent from his job for a long period. Moreover, tremendous growth of knowledge compels one for regular updating of knowledge and skills, which probably is impossible with conventional ways.
Distance learning, through Information and Communication Technology, was thought to be useful way for the same. With the support from Commonwealth of Learning (COL), Vancouver, Canada and International Services for National Agricultural Research (ISNAR) The Netherlands, a survey was undertaken with the Coordination and guidance from Dr. Krishna Alluri, Project Coordinator,COL and Dr., Ajit Maru, Research Officer, ISNAR.
The participants showed lot of interest and enthusiasm in training and refreshing and updating their knowledge. Though a new concept, they showed their willingness to accept almost any course through distance learning. Looking to this need, as a pilot project, this course, for the qualified field veterinarians is developed by the Bombay Veterinary College
Following courses are developed by Bombay Veterinary College under this project-
1. Post Mortem Examination of Domestic Animals
2. Diagnosis of Parasitic Diseases
3. Techniques in Small Animal Surgery -I
4. Techniques in Large Animal Surgery – I
These courses are available to the Vet. Graduates (BVSc./ BVSc & AH, MVSc degree holders) with registrations from State Vet Council. The three courses are in pipeline as detailed below-
Diagnosis Of Wild Animal Diseases
Clinical Pathology: Field Diagnostic Tool
Ultrasonography of Small Animals
Project 2:
Name of Scheme | Establishment Of Diagnostic Laboratory For Animals And Birds |
Sponsoring Agency | Indian Council of Agricultural Research |
Main theme of scheme:
To provide the facilities for investigation of clinical and morbid material to animal / pet owners and concerned veterinary practitioners.
To create a relevant data base on the clinicopathological findings related with various disease conditions in animals.
To acquaint the undergraduate and post-graduate students with handling and examination of clinical material for various tests.
To establish a commercially viable veterinary diagnostic laboratory and generate funds for strengthening the facilities of the department.
Accomplishment of target preferably in numerical terms:
More than mentioned number of samples are received and examined, but many of the services are to be provided free of cost for college animals, students and SPCA hospital patients, reducing the receipts.
End user beneficiaries: Farmers, livestock owners, pet owners, state govt. veterinarians, central poultry development organization, national park, Municipal Zoo, pharma companies, Research Institutes and U.G. and P.G. Students.