Livestock Product Technology - Department

With adoption of the curriculum of Veterinary Council of India for under-graduate teaching by the MAFSU.

Achievements of the Department:


Brief History of Department:

Established in year 2000, the Department of Livestock Products Technology is currently engaged in teaching and research Postgraduate students. The Postgraduate teaching and research started in the year 2009 and from then onwards and from then onwards the department is involved in cutting edge research of postgraduate students. The Postgraduate students are also provided with industrial exposure in terms of industrial visits to different industries. Besides teaching, the Department is constantly engaged in extension activities such organization of training in milk and meat for entrepreneurs and farmers. The department is also conducting on field training and demonstration for the benefit of farmers. The PG students have conducted cutting edge research such development of nanocomposites for extension of quality and shelf life of meat and milk products, Development of indicator sensor for monitoring meat quality, Development of edible films and coatings for quality enhancement of milk and meat products, Development of innovative milk and meat products etc.

Laboratory Facilities in the Department:

Sr. No. Facility
2Deep freezer
4Hot air oven
5Electrical Stunning machine
6Feather Plucking machine
7Magnetic Stirrer
8Meat mincing machine
9Sausage filler
10Bowl chopper
11Meat slicer
12Gerbers’s Centrifuge
14pH meter
16Cream separator
17Butter churner
18Richmond scale
19Khoa Making Machine
20Hand Sealing Machine
21Blood meal making machine
22Milk analyser
23Scalding Tank
24Bleeding Cone
25Ice Cream Making Machine
26Microwave oven
27Abbe Refractometer
29Hot Air Oven
30Meat Slicer
31Chicken Cutting Machine
33Vacuum Packaging Machine
34Water Bath
36Evisceration Table

Diagnostic services offered by the department:

Faculty : (Department Wise) – [ Chronology as per the MAFSU Statute ]

Academic officer:

Sr. No. Facility
2Deep freezer
4Hot air oven
5Electrical Stunning machine
6Feather Plucking machine
7Magnetic Stirrer
8Meat mincing machine
9Sausage filler
10Bowl chopper
11Meat slicer
12Gerbers’s Centrifuge
14pH meter
16Cream separator
17Butter churner
18Richmond scale
19Khoa Making Machine
20Hand Sealing Machine
21Blood meal making machine
22Milk analyser
23Scalding Tank
24Bleeding Cone
25Ice Cream Making Machine
26Microwave oven
27Abbe Refractometer
29Hot Air Oven
30Meat Slicer
31Chicken Cutting Machine
33Vacuum Packaging Machine
34Water Bath
36Evisceration Table

Academic staff:

Sr. No Name of Academic Officer Qualification Designation Email id Contact No Link to Digital Profile
1 Dr. V. H. Shukla PhD Assistant Professor 9410112006 Digital Profile

Ministerial staff:

Sr No Name of Ministerial staff Department Email ID
1 Dr. S. R. Yadav Laboratory Technician

List of retired faculty: (Department wise)

Sr. No. Name of the Staff Designation Duration Photo
1 Dr. R. D. Kokane Associate Professor 1982 to 2013 Photo of Dr. R. D. Kokane

Photo Gallery