Veterinary Parasitology
In the past, parasitic diseases of domesticated animals were taught under preventive medicine in Department of Bacteriology.
- Discovery of Eimeria bombayansis, E. mundaragi in cattle and E. gokaki in buffaloes
- First report of Trichinella spiralis in pigs in India
- Speciation, bionomics of Oribatid mites and first report of their role as intermediate host of Avitellina spp.
- Prevalence of helminthic fauna of rodents in Mumbai region
- Surveillance of amphistomes occurring in ruminants in Maharashtra
- Standardization of immunodiagnostic assays for detection of hydatidosis and Cysticercus cellulosae in food animals
- Surveillance of ixodid ticks of bovines in Konkan region of Maharashtra
- Surveillance of helminthic infestation of zoo animals
- Immunodiagnosis and genotyping of cystic echinonococcosis in food animals of Maharashtra state
- Standardization of nested PCR for detection of canine monocytic ehrlichiosis
UG Syllabus
Sr. No. | Lecture Schedule for theory |
1. | Introduction to Parasitology, types of animal associations, parasite and types of parasitism (Comensalism, Symbiosis, Predatorism, Phoresis and Mutualism). |
2. | Types of Hosts (Final, intermediate, paratenic and reservoir), vector, natural and unnatural, host parasite relationship and types of parasites |
3. | Effects of parasitism to their host, specificity of parasites in relation to species, breed, sex of host and location in the host (organ specificity) |
4. | Modes of transmission of parasites and methods of dissemination of infective stages of parasites |
5. | Resistance of host to parasitic infections/infestation. Complete, incomplete age and reverse age resistance |
6. | Immunity to parasitic infections (natural and acquired) |
7. | Nomenclature of parasites, standardized nomenclature of animal parasitic diseases (SNOAPAD) |
8. | General characters of Phylum: Platyhelminthes, Nemathelminthes and Acanthocephala |
9. | General description of helmith parasites affecting domestic animals and birds. Classification of helmith parasites |
10. | Salient morphological features of diagnostic importance, life cycle, transmission, pathogenesis, symptoms, epidemiology, diagnosis and general control measures including treatment of liverfluke Fasciola spp. |
11. | Salient morphological features of diagnostic importance, life cycle, transmission, pathogenesis, symptoms, epidemiology, diagnosis and general control measures including treatment of liver fluke Dicrocoelium spp., Opisthorchis spp. and Intestinal fluke Fasciolopsis spp. |
12. | Salient morphological features of diagnostic importance, life cycle, transmission, pathogenesis, symptoms, epidemiology, diagnosis and general control measures including treatment of blood flukes Schistosoma nasale spp. |
13. | Salient morphological features of diagnostic importance, life cycle, transmission, pathogenesis, symptoms, epidemiology, diagnosis and general control measures including treatment of flukes causing cercarial dermatitis and visceral (hepato-intestinal) schistosomosis (Schistosoma, S.spindale, S.indicum, S.incognitum and Ornithobilarzia spp.) |
14. | Salient morphological features of diagnostic importance, life cycle, transmission, pathogenesis, symptoms, epidemiology, diagnosis and general control measures including treatment of Amphistomes, Paramphistomum, Cotylophoron, Gastrothylax, Fischoedirus, Gastrodiscus, Gastrodiscoides, Psuedodiscus and Gigantocotyle spp.) and immature amphistomiasis |
15. | Salient morphological features of diagnostic importance, life cycle, transmission, pathogenesis, symptoms, epidemiology, diagnosis and general control measures including treatment of lung flukes (Paragonimus spp.) and oviduct fluke (Prosthogonimus spp.) |
16. | Study on general characters of cestodes and larval metacestodes (bladder worms) of tapeworms |
17. | Salient morphological features of diagnostic importance, life cycle, transmission, pathogenesis, symptoms, epidemiology, diagnosis and general control measures including treatment of ruminant tapeworms (Moniezia spp., Avitellina spp. Stilesia spp. |
18. | Salient morphological features of diagnostic importance, life cycle, transmission, pathogenesis, symptoms, epidemiology, diagnosis and general control measures including treatment of equine tapeworms (Anoplocephala, Paranoplocephala spp. |
19. | Salient morphological features of diagnostic importance, life cycle, transmission, pathogenesis, symptoms, epidemiology, diagnosis and general control measures including treatment of poultry tapeworms ( Davainea, Cotugnia, Raillietina, Amoebotaeina spp. |
20. | Salient morphological features of diagnostic importance, life cycle, transmission, pathogenesis, symptoms, epidemiology, diagnosis and general control measures including treatment of dog tapeworms (Dipylidium, Taenia spp. |
21. | Salient morphological features of diagnostic importance, life cycle, transmission, pathogenesis, symptoms, epidemiology, diagnosis and general control measures including treatment of Human tapeworms (Taenia saginata and Taenia solium) |
22. | Salient morphological features of diagnostic importance, life cycle, transmission, pathogenesis, symptoms, epidemiology, diagnosis and general control measures including treatment of dog tapeworms (Multiceps, Echinococcus spp.) |
23. | Salient morphological features of diagnostic importance, life cycle, transmission, pathogenesis, symptoms, epidemiology, diagnosis and general control measures including treatment of Broad fish tapeworm (Diphyllobothrium, Spirometra spp. ), Dwarf tapeworm (Hymenolepsis spp.) |
24. | Salient morphological features of diagnostic importance, life cycle, transmission, pathogenesis, symptoms, epidemiology, diagnosis and general control measures including treatment of Ascaris spp. |
25. | Salient morphological features of diagnostic importance, life cycle, transmission, pathogenesis, symptoms, epidemiology, diagnosis and general control measures including treatment of Parascaris and Oxyuris spp. |
26. | Salient morphological features of diagnostic importance, life cycle, transmission, pathogenesis, symptoms, epidemiology, diagnosis and general control measures including treatment of Toxocara spp. |
27. | Salient morphological features of diagnostic importance, life cycle, transmission, pathogenesis, symptoms, epidemiology, diagnosis and general control measures including treatment of Toxocara spp. |
28. | Salient morphological features of diagnostic importance, life cycle, transmission, pathogenesis, symptoms, epidemiology, diagnosis and general control measures including treatment of Ascardia and Heterakis spp. |
29. | Salient morphological features of diagnostic importance, life cycle, transmission, pathogenesis, symptoms, epidemiology, diagnosis and general control measures including treatment of Bursate worms Strongyloides and Strongylus spp. |
30. | Salient morphological features of diagnostic importance, life cycle, transmission, pathogenesis, symptoms, epidemiology, diagnosis and general control measures including treatment of Bursate worms Strongylus contd., Chabertia and Syngamus spp. |
31. | Salient morphological features of diagnostic importance, life cycle, transmission, pathogenesis, symptoms, epidemiology, diagnosis and general control measures including treatment of Bursate worms Strongylus contd., Chabertia and Syngamus spp. |
32. | Salient morphological features of diagnostic importance, life cycle, transmission, pathogenesis, symptoms, epidemiology, diagnosis and general control measures including treatment of Bursate worm Oesophagostomum spp. |
33. | Salient morphological features of diagnostic importance, life cycle, transmission, pathogenesis, symptoms, epidemiology, diagnosis and general control measures including treatment of kidney worm (Stephanurus spp., Dioctyophyma spp.) |
34. | Salient morphological features of diagnostic importance, life cycle, transmission, pathogenesis, symptoms, epidemiology, diagnosis and general control measures including treatment of hookworms (Ancylostoma spp., Agriostomum spp.) |
35. | Salient morphological features of diagnostic importance, life cycle, transmission, pathogenesis, symptoms, epidemiology, diagnosis and general control measures including treatment of hookworm Bunostomum spp., Trichostrongylus spp. |
36. | Salient morphological features of diagnostic importance, life cycle, transmission, pathogenesis, symptoms, epidemiology, diagnosis and general control measures including treatment of hookworm Oestertagia spp., Cooperia spp., Nematodirus spp. |
37. | Salient morphological features of diagnostic importance, life cycle, transmission, pathogenesis, symptoms, epidemiology, diagnosis and general control measures including treatment of stomach worms Haemonchus spp. Meicistocirrus spp. |
38. | Salient morphological features of diagnostic importance, life cycle, transmission, pathogenesis, symptoms, epidemiology, diagnosis and general control measures including treatment of tissue round worms Draschia spp., Habronema spp., Thelezia spp. |
39. | Salient morphological features of diagnostic importance, life cycle, transmission, pathogenesis, symptoms, epidemiology, diagnosis and general control measures including treatment of tissue round worms Spirocerca, Gongylonema spp. |
40. | Salient morphological features of diagnostic importance, life cycle, transmission, pathogenesis, symptoms, epidemiology, diagnosis and general control measures including treatment of Filarial worms Dirofilaria, Parafilaria spp. |
41. | Salient morphological features of diagnostic importance, life cycle, transmission, pathogenesis, symptoms, epidemiology, diagnosis and general control measures including treatment of filarial worms Onchocerca, Setaria, Stephanofilaria spp. |
42. | Salient morphological features of diagnostic importance, life cycle, transmission, pathogenesis, symptoms, epidemiology, diagnosis and general control measures including treatment of lung worms Dictyocaulus spp., Mullerius spp., Protostrongylus spp., Metastrongylus spp. |
43. | Salient morphological features of diagnostic importance, life cycle, transmission, pathogenesis, symptoms, epidemiology, diagnosis and general control measures including treatment of guinea worm Dracunculus spp. |
44. | Salient morphological features of diagnostic importance, life cycle, transmission, pathogenesis, symptoms, epidemiology, diagnosis and general control measures including treatment of guinea worm Trichinella and Trichuris spp. |
45. | General principles of control of helmithic diseases by adapting physical, chemical, biological control ( Integrated Parasite Control, IPC) |
46. | International regulations for control of different helminthic diseases |
Course Title: General Veterinary Parasitology and Helminthology Course No:- VPA 211 (3+1)
Semester: III Credits: 3+1
Sr. No. | Topic to be covered in practical |
1. | Methods of collection, fixation, preservation and mounting of helminth parasites |
2. | Faecal samples analysis – Quantitative |
3. | Faecal sample analysis – Quantitative/faecal culture |
4. | Fasciola, Dicrocoelium, Opistorchis spp. |
5. | Paramphistomum, Cotylophoron, Gigantocotyle, Gastrothylax, Fischoedirus, Gastrodiscus, Psuedodiscus spp. |
6. | Schistosoma nasale, S.spindale, S.indicum spp. |
7. | Monieza, Avitellina, Stilesia, Anoplocephala spp. |
8. | Davainea, Railettina, Amoebotaenia, Hymenolepsis spp. |
9. | Dipylidium, Taenia, Diphyllobothrium latum, Spirometra spp. |
10. | Bladder worms: Cysticercus Coenurus, Hydatid, Cysticercoid spp. |
11. | Ascaris, Parascaris, Ascardia, Heterakis spp. |
12. | Toxocara, Toxoascaris spp. |
13. | Strongylus,Stephanurus, Syngamus, Ancylostoma spp. |
14. | Trichostrongylus, Meicistocirrus, Haemonchus, Bunostomum, Dictyocaulus spp. |
15. | Spirocerca, Thelazia, Setaria, Habronema spp. |
16. | Trichuris, Trichinella spp. |
Semester: IV: Credit Hours: 1+1=2
Course Title: Veterinary Entomology & Acarology Course No: VPA -221
1) General description and characterization of arthropods, Characterization of Class Insecta & Class Arachnida.
2) Classification of Insecta, Development of Insects, Metamorphosis, Types of Metamorphosis – Complete & Incomplete, Types of Larvae & Pupae
3) Study of Culicoides spp. & Simulium spp.
4) Study of Phlebotomus spp.; Characterization &Classification of Family Culicidae
5) Study of Culex spp. Anopheles spp. & Aedes spp.
6) Study of Tabanus spp. & Haematopota spp.
7) Study of Musca spp., Stomoxys spp., Haematobia spp & Sarcophaga spp.
8) Blow fly myiasis: Study of Lucilia spp., Calliphora spp., Chrysomyia spp. and Phormia spp.
9) Screw worm fly myiasis – Study of Chrysomyia spp. & Callitroga spp.& types of myiasis – Obligatory, Facultative & Accidental
10) Study of Oestrus ovis & Gasterophilus spp.
11) Study of Hypoderma spp., Hippobosca spp., Pseudolynchia spp. & Melophagus ovinus.
12) Study of Fleas – Ctenocephalides spp., Pulex spp., Echidnophaga gallinacea & Xenopsylla spp.
13) Study of Lice – Anopleura- Haematopinnus spp., Linognathus spp. & Mallophaga – Damalinia spp., Heterodoxus spp. & Trichodectes spp. Menopon gallinae, Lipeurus caponis & Menacanthus straminus & Bugs ( Cimex lectularius)
14) Study of Gamasid mites – Dermanyssus spp. & Soft ticks – Ornithodoros spp. & Otobius spp.
15) Study of Argas persicus
16) Study of hard ticks- Boophilus spp., Rhipicephalus spp., Haemaphysalis spp., Hyalomma spp., Amblyomma spp. & Ixodes spp.
17) Follicular Mange – Demodex spp.
18) Study of Sarcoptes scabiei., Notoedres cati, Psoroptes spp. & Chorioptes spp.
Note: The word “Study” includes morphology, Life-cycle, habits, Harmful effects – vector potential, diagnosis, treatment & control. The emphasis on the economic and zoonotic significance should be dealt with respective topics
1) Collection and preservation of arthropods.
2) Processing of arthropods
3) Proboscis of Cockroach, Mosquito, Tabanus, Musca spp., Stomoxys spp. & Hippobosca spp.
4) Study of Mosquitoes
5) Study of Culicoides spp., Phlebotomus spp. & Simulium spp.
6) Study of Tabanus spp. & Haematopota spp.
7) Study of Musca spp., Stomoxys spp. & Sarcophaga spp.
8) Study of Lucilia spp., Calliphora spp., Chrysomyia spp. Phormia spp.
9) Study of Chrysomyia spp., Callitroga spp., Oestrus ovis, Gasterophilus spp. & Hypoderma spp.
10) Study of Hippobosca spp., Pseudolynchia spp. & Melophagus ovinus.
11) Study of Ctenocephalides spp., Pulex spp., Echidnophaga gallinacea ,
Xenopsylla spp. & Cimex lectularius
12) Study of Haematopinnus spp., Linognathus spp. & Trichodectes spp., Damalinia spp., Heterodoxus spp. Menopon gallinae, Lipeurus caponis & Menacanthus straminus
13) Study of Dermanyssus spp., Argas persicus, Ornithodoros spp. & Otobius spp.
14) Study of Boophilus spp., Rhipicephalus spp. & Haemaphysalis spp.
15) Study of Hyalomma spp., Amblyomma spp. & Ixodes spp.
16) Study of Demodex spp., Sarcoptes scabiei., Notoedres cati, Psoroptes
spp. & Chorioptes spp.
Note: During practical hours the students shall observe gross & microscopic morphology of the adult & immature stages of the arthropods with diagnostic approach.
Course Title: Veterinary Protozoology Course No: VPA-222
Semester: IV Credit Hours: 2+1=3
1) General description of protozoa, Differentiation from Protophyta
2) Nutrition, excretion, respiration & locomotion in protozoa
3) Reproduction in protozoa & classification of protozoa
4) Study of Entamoeba spp.
5) General features of zoomastigophora, its Orders & Family Trypanosomatidae. Life- cycle stages of the family, Genera of Trypanosomatidae, pattern of developmental cycle of the members of the family.
6) Genus Trypanosoma, Types of Development – Salivaria & Stercoraria – Subgenera & species of Trypanosoma, Study of cyclically transmitted Salivarian Trypanosoma spp.
7) Study of Stercorarian Trypanosoma spp. (T. cruzi & T. theileri)
8) Study of Mechanically transmitted Trypanosomes – Trypanosoma evansi
9) Study of Trypanosoma equinum & Trypanosoma equipardum
10) Study of visceral leishmanosis – Leishmania spp.
11) Study of cutaneous leishmanosis – Leishmania tropica & Giardia spp.
12) Study of bovine trichomonosis – Tritrichomonas foetus
13) Study of avian trichomonosis – Trichomonas gallinae & Histomonas meleagridis
14) General features of Phylum Apicomplexa, Class Sporozoea, Subclass Coccidiia, Order Eucoccidiida & Piroplasmida. Suborders of Eucoccidiida – Eimerina, haemosporina & Adeilina. Family Eimeriidae & its Genera – Eimeria spp., Isospora spp.
15) General pattern of life-cycle of coccidia
16) Study of Poultry coccidiosis – Eimeria tenella & Eimeria necatrix
17) Study of Poultry coccidiosis – Eimeria acervulina, Eimeria maxima & Eimeria brunetti
18) Epidemiology, diagnosis, treatment, control & immunity of poultry coccidiosis
19) Study of bovine coccidiosis-
20) Study of ovine,caprine, dod, cat and pig coccidia
21) Study of Cryptosporidium spp.
22) Study of Sarcocystis spp.
23) Study of Toxoplasma spp.
24) Continuation of Toxoplasmosis and Study of Neospora caninum
25) Study of avian malaria – Plasmodium gallinaceum & Plasmodium bubalis
26) Study of Haemoproteus columbae & Hepatozoon canis.
27) General features of Babesia & Life-cycle patterns of Babesia spp.
28) In general pathogenesis of Babesia spp. &Strudy of bovine piroplasmosis- Babesia bigemina & Babesia bovis
29) Study of canine piroplasmosis (Babesia canis & Babesia gibsoni) & equine piroplasmosis (Babesia caballi & Babesia equi)
30) Study of Theileria spp.
31) Continuation of Theileriosis
32) Study of Ehrlichia spp.
33) Protozoan vaccines
34) Control of Protozoan infections in animals and man – General principles
35) Molecular tools in diagnosis of protozoan infections in animals & man.
Note: The word “Study” includes morphology, Life-cycle, pathogenesis, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment & control. The emphasis on the economic and zoonotic significance shall be dealt with respective topics.
1) Diagnosis of protozoan infection Part I: Enteric and tissue dwelling protozoan infections.
2) Diagnosis of protozoan infection Part II: Haemoprotozoan infections.
3) Study of Entamoeba spp.
4) Study of Trypanosoma spp. and Leishmania spp.
5) Study of Tritrichomonas spp., Trichomonas spp. Histomonas meleagridis and Giardia spp.
6) Study of Life cycle of Coccidia.
7) Study of oocysts of common species of coccidia of bovines, ovine, caprine, dog,cat, pig and poultry.
8) Technique for sporulation of coccidian oocysts.
9) Study of Sarcocystis spp. with its life cycle chart.
10) Study of Toxoplasma gondii & Neospora caninum with life cycle charts
11) Study of Plasmodium gallinaceum and its life cycle chart.
12) Study of Haemoproteus columbae and its life cycle chart.
13) Study of Babesia spp. of cattle and dog with life cycle chart & Hepatozoon canis.
14) Study of Theleria spp. with life cycle chart and Balantidium coli.
15) Study of Anaplasm spp., Ehrlichia spp.
Note: During practical hours the students shall observe gross & microscopic morphology of the stages of protozoan parasites. The organs showing characteristic lesions shall be displayed with the respective topics.
List of Research Topics of P.G. Theses
Sr. No | Title of thesis | Name of workers | Year |
1. | Species differentiation of the commonly occurringcoccidia in domestic fowls of Bombay region with particular reference to their relative pathogenicity | Charulu, N.S.,Dr. Rao, S.R. | 1962 |
2. | Incidence of endoparsitic fauna of rats in Bombay | Patwardhan, W.D.,Dr. Rao, S.R. | 1962 |
3. | The comparative study of the infective larvae of common gastrointestinal bursate nematodes of sheep, goats and cattle | Narsapur, V.S.,Dr. Rao, S.R. | 1962 |
4. | Helminth parasites of cats (Felis domenstica) in Bombay | Patil-Kulkarni, V.G., Dr. Rao, S.R. | 1962 |
5. | A study of Haemonchus species in cattle, sheep and goats of Maharashtra state | Ghafoor, M.A.,Dr. Rao, S.R. | 1962 |
6. | Study of ectoparasites of birds | Deshpande, K.V.,Dr. Rao, S.R. | 1962 |
7. | Development of Schistosoma spindale (Montgomery, 1907) in the molluscan host as well as white mice with particular reference to histopathology of various organs | Reddy, R.K.,Dr. Rao, S.R. | 1964 |
8. | Bionomics of the free linving stages of Mecistocirrus digitatus (Von Linstow, 1906): A commonly occurring Trichostrongyle | Deodhar, N.S., Dr. Rao, S.R. | 1964 |
9. | Incidence of external parasitic infestations of dogs (Canis familaris) together with observations on pathogenesis produced by the common forms | Kulkarni, S.R.,Dr. Rao, S.R. | 1964 |
10. | Further observations on helminthic fauna of rats in Bombay | Niphadkar, S.M., Dr. Rao, S.R. | 1964 |
11. | Migratory behaviour and distribution of the larvae of Toxocara (Werner,1782) in different organs of Albino mice together with some observations of their histopathology | Kulkarni, D.N., Dr. Rao, S.R. | 1964 |
12. | Life history and bionomics of Ctenocephalides felis (Bouche, 1835) | Shivshankar,Dr. Rao, S.R. | 1964 |
13. | Helminth parasites of domestic pigs (Sus scrofa domestica) in Bombay | Shastri, U.V.,Dr. Rao, S.R. | 1964 |
14. | Observations on the life history and bionomics of Rhipicephalus sanguineus under different temperatures and humidities | Sarde, M.R.,Dr. Rao, S.R. | 1968 |
15. | Some observations on oribatid mites | Huilgol, N.S.,Dr. Rao, S.R. | 1968 |
16. | Development of Ancylostoma caninum (Ercolani, 1859) in laboratory hosts together with some observations on the biology of the free living stages of the parasites | Mhadekar, D.R.,Dr. Niphadkar, S.M. | 1968 |
17. | Helminth parasites of dogs (Canis familiaris) in Bombay 1970 | Deshpande, M.G.,Dr. Niphadkar, S.M. | 1970 |
18 | Observations on gastrointestinal helminths of the domestic buffaloes in Bombay | Bhilegaonkar,N.G., Dr. Niphadkar, S.M. | 1970 |
19. | Incidence of hydatidosis in animals slaughtered at Bombay abattoirs | Deshpande, M.S.,Dr. Niphadkar, S.M. | 1970 |
20. | Observation on the life history and bionomics of Hyalomma anatolicum anatolicum (Koch, 1844) under different temperature and humidity | Deshpande, V.S.,Dr. Deodhar, N.S. | 1974 |
21. | Obsertvations on the development and viability of different helminthic stages in sewage water in Bombay city | Deshpande, K.B.,Dr. Deodhar, N.S. | 1974 |
22. | Studies on the life cycle of Trichinella spiralis (Owen, 1835) Railliet, 1895, in rats | Pardhan, M.H.,Dr. Niphadkar, S.M. | 1978 |
23. | Evaluation of bio-efficiency of trypanocidal drugs in Albino rats | Khasnis, M.W.,Dr. Niphadkar, S.M. | 1983 |
24. | Incidence of parasitic infestations on organized cattle farms in Bombay region | Raote, Y.V.,Dr. Narsapur, V.S. | 1983 |
25. | Studies on immunodiagnosis of hydatidosis in bovines | Gatne, M.L.Dr. Narsapur, V.S. | 1987 |
26. | Studies on epidemiology of coccidiosis of broilers in Bombay region with special reference to Eimeria necatrix (Johnson, 1930) | Tankhiwale, M.,Dr. Narsapur, V.S. | 1987 |
27. | Studies on Ixodid ticks of bovines in Konkan region of Maharashtra state | Shahardhar, R.A.,Dr. Narsapur, V.S. | 1988 |
28. | Toxoplasmosis in animals together with some observations on its epidemiology | Shahrooz, M.,Dr. Narsapur, V.S. | 1988 |
29. | Experimental infection of Toxocara canis (Werner, 1782) with particular reference to immune response | Kolte, S.W.,Dr. Narsapur, V.S. | 1991 |
30. | Studies on gastrointestinal parasites of sheep and goat | Patil, A.S.,Dr. Narsapur, V.S. | 1991 |
31. | Studies on the effects of mixed subclinical parasitic infections on immune response and pathogenicity in poultry | Bhopale, S.T.,Dr. Narsapur, V.S. | 1992 |
32. | Immunodiagnosis of Cysticercus cellulosae in pigs together with observations on its incidence | Shinde, M.V.,Dr. Narsapur, V.S. | 1992 |
33. | Observations on haematology, immune response and treatment of Trichinella spiralis in experimental animals | Pethe, R.S.,Dr. Narsapur, V.S. | 1992 |
34. | Experimental studies on biology pathogenicity and immunogenicity of attenuated strains of Eimeria tenella (Raillet & Lucet, 1891) Pantham, 1909, together with a note on incidence of coccidiosis | Chaudhari, P.R.,Dr. Narsapur, V.S. | 1993 |
35. | Incidence of helminth parasites of poultry in Mumbai | Deore, M.B.,Dr. Deshpande, V.S. | 1996 |
36. | Behaviour of isolated strain of Eimeria tenella from Mumbai region | Patil, D.M., Dr.Deshpande, V.S. | 1996 |
37. | Epidemiology of gastrointestinal helminths in goats in Konkan (Palghar and Nileli) | Dhande, A.G.,Dr. Deshpande, V.S. | 1997 |
38. | Survey of parasitic mange infestation in dogs with special reference to demodecosis and its chemotherapy | Fernandes, L.,Dr. Deshpande, V.S. | 1998 |
39. | Epidemiological studies of tapeworm parasites in sheep and goats slaughtered at Deonar abattoir (Mumbai) | Pawar, P.D.,Dr. Deshpande, V.S. | 1999 |
40. | Prevalence of stomach worm infestation in ovine, caprine and bovine slaughtered at Deonar abattoir (Mumbai) | Totalwar, G. G.Dr. Deshpande, V.S. | 1999 |
41. | Studies on the prevalence and chemotherapy of blood parasitic infestation in cattle and buffaloes in and around Mumbai | Shetye, Y.J.,Dr. Deshpande, V.S. | 2000 |
42. | Studies on the prevalence of canine blood parasitic infections with special reference to diagnosis and chemotherapy of Ehrlichia canis | Katyal, D.,Dr. Deshpande, V.S. | 2000 |
43. | Studies on the gastrointestinal helminths of captive wild carnivores in Mumbai and Pune region | Sutar, S. ,Dr. Gatne, M.L. | 2001 |
44. | Immunodiagnosis of Haemonchus contortus infection in sheep | Sawant, S.B., Dr. Deshpande, V.S. | 2002 |
45. | Studies on antigenic profiles of tropical dog tick, Rhipicephalus sanguineus | Chothe, R.R.,Dr. Gatne, M.L. | 2001 |
46. | Prevalence and chemotherapy of helminthic infestations of goats (caprine) in Palghar (Maharashtra) | Diniz, E.,Dr. Deshpande, V.S. | 2001 |
47. | Studies on ehrlichiosis in dogs of Mumbai | Mallapur, G.,Dr. Deshpande, V.S. | 2002 |
48. | Studies on the prevalence and life cycle of Oestrus ovis in goats | Ohol, P.Y.,Dr. Deshpande, V.S. | 2002 |
49. | Studies on the helminthic parasites of domestic pigs (Sus scrofa domestica) in Maharashtra | Gaurat, R.P.,Dr. Gatne M.L. | 2002 |
50. | Prevalence of coccidiosis in Mumbai region and evaluation of herbal coccidiostats against experimentally induced caecal coccidiosis | Sawant, S.K.,Dr. Deshpande, V.S. | 2004 |
51. | Studies on Hepatozoon canis infection in dogs in Mumbai | Pawar, S. D.Dr. Gatne, M.L. | 2004 |
52. | Studies on parasites of pigeon (Columba domestica) in Mumbai with reference to chemotherapy of helminthosis | Shinde, N.G.,Dr. Deshpande, V.S. | 2005 |
53. | Curative efficacy of toltrazuril against commonly occurring pathogenic species of coccidia in broiler birds | Nair, G.C.,Dr. Gatne, M.L. | 2006 |
54. | Prevalence of endo and ectoparasites of horse in Mumbai and Pune region | Doijode, K.V.,Dr. Deshpande, V.S. | 2006 |
55. | Studies on helminth parasites of buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) from Maharashtra slaughtered at Deonar abattoir | Patil, S.B.,Dr. Gatne, M.L. | 2007 |
56. | Epidemiology, clinical pathology and chemotherapy of trypanosomosis in buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) in Mumbai region | Birajdar, P.G.,Dr. Gatne, M.L. | 2007 |
57. | Molecular characterization of hydatidosis in food animals of Maharashtra state | Pednekar, R.P.,Dr. Gatne, M.L. | 2008 |
58. | Studies on bovine tropical theileriosis with special reference to immune responses to vaccination | Ugalmugale, S.S.,Dr. Gatne, M.L. | 2009 |
59. | Studies on immunoprophylactic efficacy of concealed gut antigen of Boophilus microplus (Bm95) against ixodid ticks of cattle | Jadhav, V.T.,Dr. Gatne, M.L. | 2009 |
60. | Clinical and diagnostic analysis of canine ehrlichiosis | Parmar, C.B.,Dr. Gatne, M.L. | 2010 |
List of Research Topics of Ph.D. Theses
Sr. No. | Title of thesis | Name of workers | Year |
1. | Ecological and biological studies on the Oribatid fauna of India (Bombay region) together with some observations on the life cycle of common Anoplocephalid tapeworms | Narsapur,V.S.,Dr. Rao, S.R. | 1971 |
2. | Studies on amphistome parasites of domesticated animals in Maharashtra state (India) | Ghafoor, M.A.,Dr. Rao, S.R. | 1972 |
3. | A study on the helminthic fauna of rats in Bombay with reference to domestic animals and public health | Niphadkar,S.M.Dr. Rao, S.R. | 1975 |
4. | Studies on the antigenic profiles of hydatids in farm animals with particular emphasis on specific immunodiagnosis | Gatne, M.L.,Dr. Narsapur, V.S. | 2001 |
5. | Studies on antigenic profiles of Cysticercus cellulosae in pig to develop specific immunodiagnostic test | Palampalle, H.Y., Dr.Gatne, M.L., | On-going |
List of Paper Published
Completed Research Projects
c. Agency Schemes:1. Curative efficacy of Toltrazuril against commonly occurring pathogenic species of coccidia in broiler birds2. Studies on tropical bovine theileriosis in cross-bred cattle with special reference to immune response to vaccination3. Studies on immunoprophylactic efficacy of concealed gut antigen of Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus (Bm95) against ixodid ticks of cattle4. In-vitro efficacy of cattle IGR feed premix5. Curative efficacy of Linrow M against commonly occurring roundworm infestations in layer birds6. Efficacy of Flygaard based formulations as feed premix for control of houseflies in poultry7. Efficacy of AV/FRC/18 (Herbal ectoparasiticide) against commonly occurring tick and lice infestations on cattle8. Clinical trial on efficacy of diminazene aceturate 7% RTU injection against trypanosomiasis and babesiosis in bovines and equines9. Efficacy of amitraz pour on formulation on cattle naturally infested with ixodid ticks10. Efficacy of fenbendazole rafoxanide combination against nematode and trematode infestation in bovines
Retired Professors