Veterinary Surgery and Radiology

UG Syllabus
U. G –B.V. Sc & A. H Lecture Schedule and Syllabus for the Course VSR 411 (Theory)Credits 2+1 =3 Semester VII Title- GENERAL SURGERY AND ANESTHESIA
Lecture Schedule and Syllabus for the Course VSR 411 (Practical)Credits 2+1 =3 Semester VII Title- GENERAL SURGERY AND ANESTHESIA
Lecture Schedule and Syllabus for the Course VSR 422 (Practical)Credits 0+2=2 Semester VIIITitle- REGIONAL AND CLINICAL SURGERY I
Lecture Schedule and Syllabus for the Course VSR 511 (Theory)Credits 2+0=2 Semester IXTitle- REGIONAL AND CLINICAL SURGERY II AND LAMENESS
Lecture Schedule and Syllabus for the Course VSR 512 (Practical)Credits 0+2=2 Semester IXTitle- REGIONAL AND CLINICAL SURGERY II AND LAMENESS
Lecture no | Topics |
Introduction, history of Surgery. Veterinary surgery in particular | |
2 | General surgical principles, preoperative and postoperative considerations |
3 | Asepsis and Antisepsis and their application in veterinary surgery. Sterilization of surgical material and instruments |
4-5 | Inflammation |
6-7 | Wound classification, symptoms, diagnosis, Treatment. Complications and their prevention and remedies |
8 | Aetiology, clinical symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of abscess, ulcers, sinus, fistula |
9-10 | Aetiology, clinical symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of cyst, haematoma, tumour, gangrene, hernia etc |
11 | Haemorrhage, local and systemic treatment for control of haemorrhage |
12-13 | Burns, scalds, frost bite. Degree of burns, patho physiological changes during burns. Management of burns |
14 | Shock, Pathophysiology and treatment of shock |
15-16 | Fracture. Aetilogy, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and healing and complications |
17 | Dislocation, affections of joints |
18-19 | Importance of Sutures, suturing materials and different knots |
20 | Surgical affections, prevention and management, surgical affections of muscles, arteries and veins. |
21 | Development of anesthesia and its importance in veterinary surgery. General considerations, type of anesthesia and definition |
22 | Selection of anesthetic and methods of administration. Preparation of patient for anesthesia |
23 | Local anesthesia, drugs used in local anesthesia and different techniques ie Surface and field blocks |
24-25 | Regional blocks- Petersons technique, corneal nerve block, Paravertebral, spinal, extra and epidural block |
26 | Narcosis and premedication in domestic animals |
27-28 | General anesthesia, definition, methods of inducing general anesthesia, anesthetic drugs and dissociative anesthesia |
29 | Inhalation anesthesia, its method of administration in horse cattle and dog |
30 | Electro anesthesia, acupuncture and hypothermia |
31 | Anesthetic emergencies and remedies |
32 | Chemical restraint of wild/ zoo animals and anesthesia of large animals |
Practical no | Topic |
1 | Introduction to layout of operation theatre, common equipments, surgical instruments |
2 | Restraint, positioning, bandaging and catheterization, etc |
3 | Operation theatre routines |
4 | Preparation of surgical pack and sterilization |
5 | Familiarization with various suture materials, sutures |
6 | Tying surgical knots, double hand, single hand etc |
7 | Tension sutures, bowel and uterine sutures (practicals of anesthesia) |
8 | Demonstration of surgical operations, control of hemorrhage, suturing, etc |
9 | Initiation to live surgery |
10 | Familiarization with anesthetic apparatus, endotracheal devise, larynogoscope, gadgets for monitoring |
11 | Administration of inhalant anesthetics by various methods small animals. (Demonstration and practice) |
12 | Methods of local infiltration (Ring block, diamond block, t block etc) (Demonstration and practice) |
13 | Epidural and paravertebral analgesia in cattle (Demonstration and practice) |
14 | Preparation, calculation of dose and induction of anesthesia in large animals |
15 | Regional block, Intravenous retrograde regional anesthesia, cattle (Demonstration and practice) |
16 | Demonstration of monitoring of general anesthesia and management of anesthetic emergencies. Use of artificial respiration etc |
17 | Chemical restraint of lab and wild animals (Visit to wild animal facility envisaged) ( also can arrange demonstration by an expert) |
Practical no | Topic |
1 | Exploration of the mouth and use of various mouth gags. |
2 | Amputation of tongue, partial glossectomy for milk suckling in cattle,(operation for crib- biting) |
3 | Resection of nasal septum in cattle, puncturing of nasal septa for nose-ring, trephining of sinuses in various species(bovine and equine) |
4 | Amputation of horn.(flap method and saw method), debudding. |
5 | Ligation of Stenson’s duct. |
6 | Tooth rasping, otoscopy in dogs and cattle. |
7 | Operation of ear hematoma and ear cropping in dogs. |
8 | Zepp’s operation in dog. Drainage of chronic otitis in cattle. |
9 | Tracheoctomy and tacheostomy, tracheoscopy and bronchoscopy. Oesophagoscopy and oesophagotomy. |
10 | Opthalmoscopy and tonometry, tests for blindness. Operation for entropion and ectropion. |
11 | Keratocentesis, operation for corneal ulcer( conjunctivo keratoplasty). Protection and bandaging of eye. |
12 | Enucleation of the eye, extripation of the eye, |
13 | Amputation of tail. |
14 | Operation for draining the guttural pouch. hyovettebrotomy |
Lecture no | Topics |
1 | Surgical approaches to thorax. General considerations of thoracic surgery |
2 | Contusions and fracture of rib, injuries of costal cartilage, fracture of sternum, perforated wounds, sternal fistula, pneumocele |
3 | Surgical approach to traumatic pericarditis of cattle, heartworm disease in dogs |
4 | Surgical approach to abdomen in various species in of animalsHernia, its classification, etiology, diagnosis, treatment in various species |
5 | Specific hernias: umbilical, perineal (other) ventral, inguinal, crural, pelvic and diaphragmatic hernia in large and small animals |
6 | Surgical affections of stomach (in dog) cardiac, pyloric stenosis, torsion of stomach, gastric ulceration, stomach tumour, foreign bodies in stomach |
7 | Surgical treatments for affections of stomach in ruminants, rumenal impaction, traumatic reticilitis, abomasal displacement, omasal impaction. |
8 | Surgical affections of intestine, colic, intestinal obstruction, intussusceptions, strangulation (volvulus) in large and small animals |
9 | Cecal dilatation, torsion, typlilitis, perforation of intestine, perforating wounds and fistula and abdomen. Affections of rectum, prolepses, tumour, tear of rectum, atresia ani, atresis ani et recti, et coli. Affections of anal gland |
10 | Abscess (supra rectal), recto vaginal fistula, paralysis of rectum, haemorroids, stenosis of rectum and anus. Surgical affections of liver, spleen, pancreas. Surgical affections of kidney, ureter, urinary bladder |
11 | Urolithiasis, urethral stenosis, their sequele and surgical treatment |
12 | Surgical affections of penis and sheath. Affections of testicle, scrotum, castration in large and small animals |
13 | Spaying in various species, their purpose, techniques and complications. Surgical affections of udder, teat. Affections of tail |
14 | Lameness its classification, definition and confirmation in relation to lameness. |
15 | Body confirmation in relation to lameness (hind limb). Diagnosis or lameness. General medical therapy in lameness. |
16 | Specific joint diseases in large animals and treatment. |
17 | Specific joint diseases in dogs and treatment. (inter vertebral disk protrusion, spondylosis,elbow and hip dysplasia, rupture of cruciate ligament, etc). |
18 | Application of external and internal fixation for fracture, their adventage and disadvantage. Rehabilitation. |
19 | Shoulder slip sweeny), bicipital bursitis, omarthritis, caped elbow, radial paralysis, carpalitis, bent knee, knock knee. |
20 | Hygroma of knee, open knee joint. Fracture of carpal bone, fracture of accessory carpal, contraction of digital flexors. |
21 | Splints, sore shin, tendonitis, wind puffs, sesamoiditis. |
22 | Osslets, ringbone, Quitter, side bones, Navicular disease, Pyramidal disease, fracture of extensor process. |
23 | Laminitis, Sand Crack, Seedy toe, fracture of third phalanx, pedal osteitis. |
24 | Canker, thrush and corn. |
25 | Monday morning disease, cording up, myositis of Psoss muscle, iliac thrombosis. |
26 | Crural paralysis, sub-luxation of sacro-iliac ligament, rupture of round ligament, trochanteric bursitis. |
27 | Femoral nerve paralysis, upward luxation of patella, stringhalt. |
28 | Gonits, chrondromalacia of patella, fracture of fibula, rupture of tendo- Achilles, rupture of peroneus tertius, fibrotic myopathy and ossifying myopathy. |
29 | Thoroughpin, bog spavin, spavin, curb. |
30 | Bovine lameness, contusions of sole, ulceration of sole, Septic laminitis. Chronic laminitis, avulsion of hoof and declawing. Interdigital fibroma, cyst, sand crack. Hoof deformities. |
31 | Therapeutic shoes and corrective shoeing. |
32 | Examination of animal of soundness and preparation of soundness certificate. |
Practical no | Topic |
1 | Familiriasation with the landmarks for the approach to various visceral organs, thoraco-centesis, abdomino-centesis. Laparatomy and visulisation of viscera.(gastrotomy in dogs), small animals. |
2 | Laparotomy and palpation of viscera- large animals. |
3 | Urethrotomy, castration, vasectomy, caudectomy. |
4 | Ovario-hysterectomy. |
5 | Thoracotomy( demonstration) |
6 | Cystotomy and cystorraphy (demonstration) |
7 | Spleenectomy. |
8 | Examination of horse for confirmation of body. (head, trunk, forelimb and hind limb) and diagnosis of lameness. |
9 | Plaster of Paris cast of limb in dogs.Plaster of Paris bandage in claves. |
10 | Familiarisation with various orthopaedic instruments. Hanging pin cast. Transfixation pinning. |
11 | Intramedullary pinning in dogs.(demonstration) |
12 | Application of k- nail in calves.(demonstration) |
13 | Neurectomies of forelimbs.Neurectomies of hind limbs. |
14 | Demonstration of corrective shoeing. Examination and preparation of bovine foot. (demonstration).. |
15 | Amputation of hoof in calves. |
16 | Amputation of limbs. |
17 | Demonstration of various surgical shoes and their uses. Examination of horse for soundness and preparation of certificate for soundness. |
18 | Tenotomies, suturing of tendon, shortening of tendon. Medial patellar desmotomy. |
PG Syllabus
VSR-610 ORTHOPAEDICS AND LIMB SURGERY 2+1 | Topics | Lectures required |
1. | Wound healing, current concepts of inflammation and management, wound infections, antimicrobial therapy, principles of surgical asepsis, sterilization and disinfection. | 6 |
2. | systemic effects of surgical stress, haemorrhage and haemostasis, metabolism of the surgical patient, fluid therapy in surgical patients, acid-base balance, shock. Hyperalimentation. Blood transfusion. Host defense mechanism. | 6 |
3. | Biomaterials, surgical immunity, pre-operative assessment of the surgical patient, post-operative care of the surgical patient. Chemotherapy of tumors. | 6 |
4. | Operating room emergencies, cardio-pulmonary embarrassment and resuscitation, monitering of surgical patient. | 6 |
5. | Principles of laser surgery, cryosurgery, lithotripsy and enoscopy, physiotherapy, stem cell therapy. | 8 | | Topics | Lectures required |
1. | Client management, public relations, code of conduct, management of surgical affections, designing of surgical hospital, hospital management,, database management, attending surgical cases, surgical facilities, equipments, personnel, disaster management. | | Topics | Lectures required |
1. | Client management, public relations, code of conduct, management of surgical affections, designing of surgical hospital, hospital management,, database management, attending surgical cases, surgical facilities, equipments,personnel, disaster management. | | Topics | Lectures required |
1. | General considerations for anaesthesia, peri-operative and post-operative pain and itz management. | 8 |
2. | Sedation: analgesia and pre-medication, anaesthetic agents (injectable anaesthetics, dissociative anaesthetics, inhalation anaesthetics), muscle relaxants, neuromuscular blocking agents and local analgesia. | 9 |
3. | Anaesthetic techniques, anaesthetic equipments, artifical ventilation. | 5 |
4. | Anaestheia of small animals, pediatric and geriatric patients, birds. | 5 |
5. | Monitering of anaesthesia, anaesthetic emergencies. Complications and their management, euthanasia. | 5 | | Topics | Lectures required |
1. | General considerations for anaesthesia, peri-operative pain, and post-operative pain and its management. | 8 |
2. | Pre- anaesthetic and anaesthetic adjuncts, injectable anaesthetics, dissociative anaesthetics, inhalation anaesthetics. | 8 |
3. | Local anaesthesia, neuromuscular blocking agents. | 5 |
4. | Anaesthetic techniques, anaesthetic machines, breathing systems,artifical ventilation,. | 8 |
5. | Monitering of anaesthesia, anaesthetic emergencies and ccomplications of pediatric and geriatric patients, euthanasia. | 3 | | Topics | Lectures required |
1. | Conventional and digital X-ray machine, quality of radiation, formation of radiograph technique chart, artifacts, and their prevention, special diagnostic radiographic procedures, radiographic quality, radiiographi accessories, differentiation of radiographic densities in relation to clinical diagnosis. | 6 |
2. | Principles of radiographic interpretation, plain and contract radiographic techniques of small and large animals, image intensification. | 5 |
3. | Principles of radiation therapy, medical radioisotope curves, radiation laws and regulations. | 6 |
4. | Principles of ultrasound, basic physics, transducers, equipment controls, display models, terminology of echotexture and artifacts, application of ultrasound in small and large animals. | 6 |
5. | Doppler techniques echocardiography, and its applications, introduction to MRI, CT scan, nuclear medicine, xeroradiography, positron emission tomography technique and other imaging techniques. | 5 |
6. | Electromagnetic radiations, hazards of electromagnetic radiations and protection and bio-safety | 4 | | Topics | Lectures required |
1. | General anatomical and physiological considerations for ophthalmic surgery. | 2 |
2. | Ophthalmic examination and diagnosis, local anaesthesia of eye, ocular therapeutics, diagnostic instrument. | 3 |
3. | General consideration for the eye surgery, diseases and surgery of eye lids, lacrimal apparatus, naso-lacrimal duct. | 2 |
4. | Diseases of the conjunctiva, cornea, sclera, iris, orbit, lens, vitreous and aquous humor, retina and optic nerve. | 4 |
5. | Ocular manifestation of systemic diseases. | 1 |
6. | Anatomy of the teeth, examination of teeth.Diseases of teeth – congenital (retained deciduous teeth, impacted teeth, abnormalities in the shape of teeth), diseases of teeth-aquired diseases ( dental cares, fracture of teeth, endodontic disease, dental materials and dental radiography). Restorative dentistry, periodontal disease, tooth extraction, gum diseases current techniques in dentistry. | 4 | | Topics | Lectures required |
1. | Skin and adnexa- the integument, management of skin wounds, principles of plastic and reconstructive surgery, pedicle grafts, skin grafts, burns, electrical, chemical and cold injuries. | 4 |
2. | Surgical approaches/affections of ear, oral cavity and pharynx, abdomen, thorax, salivary glands, oesophagus, stomach, intestines, rectum and anus, liver and biliary system, pancreas. | 6 |
3. | Hernias- abdominal hernia, diaphragmatic hernia, perineal hernia, inguinal hernia, scrotal and umbilical hernia etc.. surgical appproches to thoracic wall, pleura. | 6 |
4. | Respiratory system-functional anatomy, diseases of the upper respiratory system and lower respiratory system. | 4 |
5. | Surgical anatomy of the cardiovascular system, cardiovascular physiology, diagnostic methods, cardiac disorders, principles of vascular surgery, basic cardia procedures, hypothermia, basic portal caval shunts and anomalies. Haemolymphatic system, bone marrow, spleen, tonsils, lymph nodes and lypmphatics, thymus. | 4 |
6. | Male reproductive system- anatomy of the male genital organs, diagnostic and biopsy techniques, surgicalaffections of the male genital organs; female reproductive system- anatomy, diagnostic techniques, surgical affections of the female genital organs. | 4 |
7. | Urinary system- anatomy of the urinary tract, principles of urinary tract, surgery, kidneys, ureters, surgery of the bladder, aurgical diseases of the urethra, medical dissolution and prevention of canine uroliths, feline urologic syndromes. | 2 |
8. | Endocrine system- pituitary, adrenals, thyroid, parathyroid, surgical affections of mammary glands and tail. Surgical affections of nervous system, special sense organs. | 2 | | Topics | Lectures required |
1. | Abdominal wall, integumentary sytem- skin and appendages, mammary gland, tail, affections of oral cavity. | 6 |
2. | Surgical affections of the respiratory system, cardiovascular and lymphatic system. | 6 |
3. | Surgical affections of the digestive system, urinary and genital system. | 10 |
4. | Surgical affections of the nervous systems, special sense organs. | 10 | | Topics | Lectures required |
1. | Fractures and dislocations, fracture healing, ligaments and tendons- repair techniques. | 6 |
2. | Treatment of fractures of different bones in domestic animal, bone diseases. | 6 |
3. | Various affections of different joints, their diagnosis and treatment. | 4 |
4. | Confirmation of the limb, anatomy of the hoof. | 6 |
5. | Lameness and allied surgical conditions of fore limb/hind limb, rehabilitation of orthopaedic patient. | 10 |
List of Research Topics of P.G. Theses
Sr no. Name of the Student Year Title of thesis Name of the guide 1 Dinyar S. Wadia 1963 A comparative study of the various methods of suturing split teats in goats. Dr. S. R. Hattangady 2 Raghu N. Kohli 1963 Clinical studies following surgically created small bowel obstruction in the dogs Dr. S. R. Hattangady 3 Ravirala L. N. Rao 1963 Post scrotal urethrotomy in dogs. Dr. S. R. Hattangady. 4 K. L. Kulkarni 1963 Evaluation of Nembutal anaesthesia by various route in dogs. Dr. S. R. Hattangady 5 Krishna S. Deshpande 1965 A study of traumatic reticulates with reference to etiology, diagnosis and surgical treatment. Dr. S. R. Hattangady 6 M. L. Kudale 1965 An intestinal pedicle for correcting defects of the wall of urinary bladder (In Dogs) Dr. S. R. Hattangady 7 P. A. Deore 1965 Conduction anaesthesia blocking of the sciatic nerve in cattle. Dr. S. R. Hattangady 8 K. G. Awachat 1967 A study of anaesthesia of the bovine eye and its associate structures. Dr. S. R. Hattangady 9 Hari R. Kusurkar 1967 Aural resection in dogs a comparative study of the various surgical technique Dr. S. R. Hattangady 10 Madan B. Mantri 1967 Conjunctional keratoplasty in the treatment of corneal injuries in canines. Dr. S. R. Hattangady 11 P. O. George 1968 A study on mid cervical oesophagotomy in dogs. Dr. S. R. Hattangady 12 M. J. Mahajan 1969 A technique of immediate tubepedicle grafting on stifle carpal joint regions in dogs Dr. S. R. Hattangady 13 A. K. Mitra 1969 The use of intestinal pedicle and omental grafts in hepatolobectomy in dogs Dr. S. R. Hattangady 14 Ramkrishna B. Namdas 1969 Partial or complete removal of genitalia with uretrotomy in bitches. Dr. S. R. Hattangady 15 P. J. Philips 1970 Hernioplasty in ventral hernia in animals Dr. S. R. Hattangady 16 Jayant G. Diwan 1971 Clinical evaluation of experimental tenorrhaphy technique on the superficial digital flexor of fore limb in cattle. Dr. S. R. Hattangady 17 Gudial Singh 1971 A study of various methods of anaesthetizing the brachial plexus in bovines. Dr. S. R. Hattangady 18 Bhaskar R. Patil 1972 Some observation on experimental pulmonary lobectomy in the dogs Dr. S. R. Hattangady 19 Shrirang N. Jambigi 1972 A study on experimental vascular surgery in dogs, with special reference to reparative procedures and process of repair. Dr. S. R. Hattangady 20 Jayaram D. Karmarkar 1973 Experimental studies of surgical techniques on canine prostrate. Dr. K. S. Deshpande 21 Madhv K. Jhadhav 1973 Experimental studies on transthoracic oesophageal resection and its anastomoses in canine with special reference to suturing technique. Dr. K. S. Deshpande 22 U. R. Ashtekar 1974 Experimental studies on heterogenous intramedullary bone grafting in small animal. Dr. K. S. Deshpande 23 Vasant S. Patil 1974 Experimental studies on ablation of external ear canal vis-a-vis lateral resection of ear canal in canine. Dr. K. S. Deshpande 24 Arun P. Bhokre 1975 Experimental studies on anaesthesia and relaxation of bovine penis with specific reference to pudic nerve blocks and epidural anaesthesia Dr. K. S. Deshpande 25 Manohar T. Akole 1976 A study on pre and post operative BUN levels alongwith urinalysis, haematology and liver function test in relation to their prognostic significance in different surgical condition in canine. Dr. K. S. Deshpande 26 Shriniwas E. Deshmukh 1977 A study on evaluation of 3 different technique of internal pudental nerve block for anaesthesia of penis and relaxation of retractor penis muscle in bulls. Dr. K. S. Deshpande 27. Veena Kudale 1977 Experimental studies on autogenous and homogenous lamellar corneal grafting in bovine. Dr. K. S. Deshpande 28 Chandrakant C. Wakankar 1977 Experimental studies on autogenous rumen fistulation and different types of plugs and cannula used therein in bovines. Dr. K. S. Deshpande 29. Jalis H. Kazi 1978 Comparative evaluation of approaches for experimental diaphragmatic herniorrhaphy in dogs. Dr. M. L. Kudale 30 Prakashkumar C. Zambre 1978 Experimental autogenous and homogenous penetrating corneal transplantation in bovines Dr. M. L. Kudale 31 Nadaeajah Shivabalan 1979 Evaluation of different method of treatment in interdigital skin hyperplasia in cattle. Dr. M. L. Kudale 32 Manmat G. Kanade 1979 Clinical evaluation of four surgical methods for repair of umbilical hernia in crossbred. Dr. M. B. Mantri 33 Haroon S. Sayed 1979 Comparative evaluation of caudal epidural anaesthesia and internal pudental nerve block in bovine females. Dr. M. L. Kudale 34 Purushottom B. Adsul 1980 Comparative evaluation of Nembutal, Intraval sodium, combination of both and ketamine HCl anaesthesia. Dr. M. L. Kudale 35 Avadhut M. Kelkar 1980 A study of serum calcium, inorganic phosphorus and alkaline phosphatase levels with and without supportive therapy clinical cases of fractures in goats. Dr. M. B. Mantri 36 Sara koshi 1980 Surgical and clinicopathological studies in induced high intestinal obstruction in canines. Dr. K. S. Deshpande 37 Shivshankar M. Usturge 1981 Experimental study on thoracopericardiotomy and pericardiotomy in buffalo calves Dr. J. G. Diwan 38 Ravindranath J. Talele 1981 Comparactive evalution of different approaches to fundic abomasatomy in bovines. Dr. M. L. Kudale 39 P. R. Zambre 1981 Comparative evaluation of three commonly used tranquilizers in cattle. Dr. M. L. Kudale 40 Balasaheb A. Mulay 1981 Comparative evalution of regional anaesthesia of flank in bovines. Dr. M. B. Mantri 41 Ms. Marilyn A. Estibeiro 1983 Experimental studies on halothane anaesthesia in canines. Dr. M. B. Mantri 42 Das K. Patil 1985 Experimental studies on partial liver lobectomy in dogs Dr. M. L. Kudale 43 Chandravadan L. Badgujar 1985 Experimental studies on unilateral nephrotomy and nephrectomy in dogs Dr. M. B. Mantri 44 Ms. Sunita B. Patel 1986 Comparative study on halothane and fluether(halothane-ether azeotrope anaesthesia in canines). Dr. J. G. Diwan 45 Ms. Leena Dalal 1986 Plain and contrast radiography of urinary tract in experimental dogs. Dr. C. C. Wakankar 46 Amarsingh R. Mahale 1986 Comparative evaluation of three different Techniques of analgesia of goats udder. Dr. C. C. Wakankar 47 Rajendra V. Dhumal 1986 Clinical evaluation of epidural anaesthesia in canines Dr. M. B. Mantri 48 T. M. Paranjpe 1986 Clinical evaluation of ketamine HCl as a safe general anaesthesia in dogs Dr. M. L. Kudale. 49 Pheroj T. Khambata 1987 Experimental study on spinal cord compression in dogs Dr. C. C. Wakankar 50 Prakash N. Wagh. 1987 Experimental study on cystorrhaphy in buffalo calves Dr. J. G. Diwan 51 Shriniwas V. Vishvasrao. 1987 Use of free full thickness & pinch grafts in the treatment of cutaneous wounds in clinical & experimental cases in dogs. Dr. M. B. Mantri 52 Ms. Nitya S. Ghotge 1988 Clinical evaluation of anaesthesia in cats using ketamine HCL alone & in combination with different preanaesthetics. Dr. M. B. Mantri 53 Ms. Kerman P. Dubash 1988 An evaluation of three surgical techniques of sterilization in bitches. Dr. M. L. Kudale 54 Vishnu E. Narawade 1988 Comparative evaluation of different surgical techniques for repair of aural hematoma in dogs. Dr. J. G. Diwan 55 Francesca J. Pereira 1989 A study on induced cases of foreign body syndrome in bovines Dr. M. B. Mantri 56 Vasantrao L. Raje 1989 Comparative evaluation of three general anaesthetics in goats. Dr. J. G. Diwan 57 Dineash U. Lokhande 1989 An experimental study on use of buffalo horn plates for tibial fracture in buffalo bull calves & its comparison with stainless steel plates. Dr. C. C. Wakankar. 58 Balu P. Hon 1990 Comparative evaluation of three surgical techniques for management of utero-vaginal prolapse in buffaloes. Dr. J. G. Diwan 59 Sanjay. G. Gaikwad 1990 A study on bovine ocular disorders in Konkan region. Dr. C. C. Wakankar. 60 M. M. Shinde 1990 Study of experimentally induced intestinal obstruction & strangulation in buffalo calves. Dr. M. B. Mantri 61 Chirag B. Dave 1992 Clinico-surgical study of urolithiasis in canines. Dr. M. B. Mantri 62 Shirish. V. Upadhye 1992 Studies on corneal transplantation (ketopsy) in bovines. Dr. C. C. Wakankar. 63 E. R. Mahaverkar 1992 A study on caesarean section in clinical cases of dystokia in buffaloes. Dr. J. G. Diwan 64 Bhausaheb A Daule. 1993 Use of preserved full thickness corneal grafts in bovines. Dr. C. C. Wakankar 65 Hanumant G. Ghanawat 1993 Comparative study of various approaches for ovariohysterectomy in cats using two anaesthetic combinations. Dr. M. B. Mantri 66 Vishwas R. Bhagwat 1994 Use of split thickness & pinch grafts in the treatment of cutaneous wounds in clinical cases in dogs. Dr. M. B. Mantri 67 Ms. Shelpa G. Satam 1994 Comparative study of various approaches of oophorectomy in dogs using the combination of xylazine HCL & Local anaesthesia. Dr. M. B. Mantri 68 L. D. Pawar 1995 A study on perineal hernia with relation to surgical repair in dogs. Dr. C. L. Badgujar 69 Ms. Anita B. Unhale 1995 Evaluation of different technique of pedicle grafting namely single advancement flap technique, V to Y plasty technique & multiple punctuate relaxing incisions in treatment of clinical cases of wounds in dogs. Dr. S. V. Vishwasrao 70 Chariar 1995 Ultrasonography in the evaluation of canine prostatic disease. Dr. C. C. Wakankar 71 Gajendra S. Khandekar 1995 Comparison of Lignocaine, xylazine & lignocaine/xylazine combined for caudal epidural anaesthesia in experimental buffalo calves Dr. M. B. Mantri 72 Vidya Shankarnarayanaa 1996 Study of technique of vasectomy in lions (Panthera leo) Dr. S. V. Vishwasrao 73 Ms. Mukhavilli 1996 Study on anaesthesia for vasectomy in Asiatic lions (Panthera leo) Dr. C. L. Badgujar 74 Quadri S. Mansoor 1996 A study of ocular disorders in canines with special reference to corneal ulcer and its surgical treatment. Dr. S. V. Vishwasrao 75 Ms. Nilima V. Paranjpe 1997 Study on computed axial tomography of thoraco-lumbar spine in canines (T11-L1 segment) Dr. C. C. Wakankar 76 Satyendranath B. Chavan 1997 Comparison between modified zepp’s method of aural resection and the pull through technique for the vertical canal ablation for the treatment of ootitis externa in canines Dr. C. C. Wakankar 77 Ms. Nasnin P. Antia 1998 Comparative study of mid-line vs flank approach, chlorpromazine HCL vs acepromazine maleate and suture patterns for ovariohysterectomy in canines-A clinical study Dr. S. V. Vishwasrao . 78 D. K. Bhagat 1998 Comparative evaluation of healing of femoral fracture by using intra medullary stainless steel pin and horn peg as an orthopedic implant in canine-A clinical study Dr. L. B. Sarkate 79 Aditya S. Dhopatkar 1998 A comparative clinical study on midazolam, triflupromazine and xylazine as pre-anaesthetic sedative to ketamine anaesthesia in cats Dr. C. L. Badgujar 80 Manojkumar B. Adsul 1999 Clinical Evaluation of Detomidine and Xylazine as a Preanaesthetic Sedative and Analgesic Prior to Local Infiltration Anaesthesia for Castration in Horses. Dr. L. B. Sarkate 81 S. K. Virkar 1999 Comparative study on repair of long bone fracture by using polyvinylchloride moulds & plaster of paris in goats Dr. L. B. Sarkate 82 Anand A. Patil. 1999 Studies on anaesthetic properties of propofol in canines Dr. L. B. Sarkate 83 Kevin Peter D’mello. 1999 Surgical management of bovine urolithiasis – Clinical study. Dr. C. L. Badgujar 84 Ms. Yogenda. B. Khare 2000 A study on canine mammary gland neoplasia and its surgical management Dr. C. L. Badgujar 85 Krishna S. Udmale 2000 Study on practical utility of propofol for induction and maintenance of general anaesthesia in critically ill patients Dr. L. B. Sarkate 86 Ms. A. G. Almeida 2000 A study on sub-mucosal resection & surgical excision of tumor en-masse in clinical cases of transmissible venereal tumor in canines Dr. S. V. Vishwasrao 87 Kishore V. Mahind 2000 Ultrasonographic diagnosis and surgical management of disease of uterus in canines Dr. L. B. Sarkate 88 Ms. Prashanti Raj 2001 Comparative Study of Lipid and Lipid-Free Propofol for Induction and Maintenance of Anaesthesia in Canines. Dr. D. U. Lokhande 89 Ms. Pradhnya P. Khandkar 2001 Studies on lipid free propofol anaesthesia with xylazine, acepromazine, pentazocine as pre-anaesthetic in cats Dr. C. L. Badgujar 90 Ravindra D. Mali. 2001 Evaluation of acepromazine maleate as pre-anaesthetic prior to local anaesthesia in equine castration Dr. L. B. Sarkate 91 Sanjay K. Tripathi 2001 A clinical study on xylazine- ketamine anaesthesia and its reversal in tigers Dr. L. B. Sarkate 92 Komal Kumar 2003 Studies on castration in deer using xylazine-ketamine anaesthesia Dr. L. B. Sarkate 93 D. A. Jagtap 2003 Use of lipid free propofol in day care surgery in canines Dr. L. B. Sarkate 94 Komal S. Chaudhari 2003 Use of xylazine HCL and bupivacaine HCL for epidural anaesthesia in canines Dr. C. L. Badgujar 95 Chetania S. Lele 2003 A preliminary study of ultrasound images of the abdominal organs of canines Dr. D. U. Lokhande 96 Ms. Natasha W. Couto 2003 Evaluation of propofol-midazolam and propofol-pentazocine combination in healthy swine-hematological, cardiac, renal and hepatic study Dr. G. S. Khandekar 97 Ms. Bhagyashri P. Shende 2003 Evaluation of propofol for induction and maintenance of anaesthesia in swine- a clinical study Dr. L. B. Sarkate 98 Santosh M. Tripathi 2003 Use of propofol for castration in equines Dr. D. U. Lokhande 99 Shrikant V. Patil 2004 A clinical study on surgical disorders of oral cavity in canines Dr. L. B. Sarkate 100 Santosh S.Raut 2004 Clinical evaluation of propofol in short surgical procedures in equines Dr. D. U. Lokhande 101 Ms. Shalaka P. Salvekar 2004 Clinical evaluation of clear solution of propofol in cats Dr. G. S. Khandekar 102 Vinay Chaturvedi 2005 A Comparative Study on Evaluation Of Diazepam And Midazolam Prior To Xylazine Ketamine Anaesthesia For Gelding In Equines. Dr. L. B. Sarkate 103 Ms. Aparna. H. Tikekar 2005 A clinical study on internal fixation for stabilization of avian long bone fractures. Dr. D. U. Lokhande 104 Sachin S. Vende Comparative Study on Propofol and Ketamine Anaesthesia in Equine Gelding. Dr. G. S. Khandekar 105 Ms. Lobo Nerissa Domnica Rosemary 2006 A Clinical Study on The Incidence Of Periodontal Disease In Canines And Its Surgical Treatment Dr. L. B. Sarkate 106 Sanmat Jain 2006 A Clinical Study on Standardization of Midazolam Dose in Combination with Xylazine Ketamine Anaesthesia for Equine Gelding Dr. D. U. Lokhande 107 Shahir V. Gaikwad 2006 Evaluation of Acepromazine Maleate in Combination With Xylazine-Ketamine Anaesthesia In Equines For Gelding Dr. G. S. Khandekar 108 Ms. Kasturi C. Bhadsavle 2006 A Clinical Study on Cataract in Canine with Special Reference to Extracapsular Lens Extraction Dr. L. B. Sarkate 109 Vikaram. N. Dave 2007 Assessment of Hydroxyapatite, as a Bone Substitute Product in cases of Tibial Defect in Rabbits Dr. L. B. Sarkate 110 Amit. A. Patil 2007 Evaluation of Yohimbine and Doxapram for the Reversal of Diazepam-Xylazine-Ketamine Anaesthesia In Equines Dr. D. U. Lokhande 111 Dronachariya J. Patil 2007 Comparative Study of Titanium And Titanium Wollastonite Coated Implants For Bone Healing In Tibial Defect In Rabbits Dr. G. S. Khandekar 112 Ms. Davina Trindade 2008 A study of Ultrasonography to detect soft tissue disorders in relation to clinical findings in canines Dr. L. B. Sarkate 113 Deepak S. Kadam 2008 A Study Of Different Balanced Anaesthetic Technique For Major Surgery In Dogs Dr. D. U. Lokhande 114 Sachin R. Sonawane 2008 Evaluation of safe and balanced anaesthetic technique in cat surgery Dr. G. S. Khandekar 115 Ms. Sneha Tatelu 2009 Laparoscopic Vasectomy In Dogs: A Comparison Between Clip Application And Electro coagulation Dr. L. B. Sarkate 116 Ms. Komal V. Powar 2009 A Clinical Study on Extra Capsular Cataract Extraction And Intraocular Lens Implantation In Canines Dr. D. U. Lokhande 117 Ms. Nisha H. Moru 2009 Laparoscopic Examination and Laparoscopic Sterilization In Cats Dr. L. B. Sarkate 118 Vinod Kadapatti 2010 A Clinical Study of Acepromazine and Xylazine In Combination With Ketamine Anaesthesia For Vasectomy In Deer Dr. D. U. Lokhande 119 Kiran Bendale 2010 Evaluation of Anaesthetic Techniques for Laparoscopic Ovariectomy InDogs – A Clinical Study Dr. G. S. Khandekar 120 Ms. Dipti Bhalerao 2010 Comparative studies of plate-rod construct and bone plate for long bone fractures in canines Dr. D. U. Lokhande 121 Ms. Noopur C. Desai 2010 Clinical studies of two imaging techniques for the diagnosis of upper digestive tract disorder in dogs Dr. D. U. Lokhande
List of Research Topics of Ph.D. Theses
Sr no. | Name of the Student | Year | Title of thesis | Name of the guide |
1 | Chandrakant C. Wakankar | Dr. M. L. Kudale | ||
2 | Shriniwas V. Vishvasrao | Dr. M. B. Mantri | ||
3 | Dinesh U. Lokhande | Dr. L. B. Sarkate | ||
4 | Gajendra S. Khandekar | 2011 | Laparoscopic examination and treatment of abdominal disorders in dogs and pigs | Dr. L. B. Sarkate |
Awards and Recognition
- Best paper presentation award for Repair of Recto vaginal fistula published in Indian Veterinary Journal of Surgery
- Young Surgeon Awards for Best paper presentation in orthopedic surgery in 1989
- Best paper presentation award in small animal surgery in 2001.
- Intas Distinguished Field Veterinary Surgeon “Award” in 2002
- Fellow of ISVS 2003.
- Best paper presentation in small animal surgery during the 28th ISVS. Conference.
- Best paper presentation award in Radiology at Jabalpur in 2004.
- Appreciation certificate in presentation of radiology paper at IVRI, Izatnagar.
- Appreciation certificate in presentation of anesthesiology (2006).
- Appreciation certificate in presentation Radiology and Imaging (2006).
- Appreciation certificate in presentation at ISVS Ludhiana (2009) This Department has highest no. of research recommendations in Animal Science Research Council, of MAFSU, Nagpur, for farmers and field veterinarians.
- Performed rare successful dental surgery on white tiger at Pashway Park Zoo, Pune.
- Performed rare surgery of 3rd degree perineal laceration in a mare which subsequently conceived and foaled.
- Standardization and development of intravenous general anaesthetic technique using Propofol in equine
- Exhaustive studies on various pre anaesthetic combinations with Propofol at different dose rates in canine.
- Development of total intravenous general anaesthetic technique using Propofol in feline.
- Standardization of pre anaesthetic and intravenous anaesthetic for total intravenous anaethesia in swine using Propofol.
- Development of better technique of Urethrotomy in canine.
- Standardization of chemotherapy and surgical technique for the treatment of venereal granuloma and mammary tumor in canine.
- Novel organization of 26th Annual congress of Indian Society for Veterinary Surgery with the participation of 500 delegates in Nov 2002.
- Live demonstration of Laparoscopy and Gastroscopy through video conferencing during 26th annual congress of ISVS.
- Setting up of good indoor facilities for dog and cat for P.G. research
- Setting up of Air conditioned post graduate library with internet facility
- Successful live demonstration and video conferencing of major surgeries in canines to the livestock development officer of Goa.
- Saving of Endangered species of wildlife through providing expert services to Sanjay Gandhi National park and Veer Jijamata Uddyan, Mumbai.
- 2004-06 – Department took a long leap in modernization of OPD and enhancing the income through OPD revenue to the college.
List of Paper Published
Sr. No. | Author | Title of paper | Name of the Journal/year |
1 | Arle, B. K, Lokhande, D. U. Potnis, A. P, and Chaudhari, D. P | A note on Beef Allergy in a Siammese Cat | J. Bombay Vet. Coll. (1991) 3(1&2):65 |
2 | Wakankar, C. C, Upadhya, S. V. Lokhande, D. U | Bilateral fractures of radius and ulna in a dog-A case report | Indian J. Vet. Surg. 13 (2); 93, July 1992 |
3 | Arle, B. K, Lokhande, D. U. Narawade, V. E, and Kazi, J. H. | Efficacy of Fenbendazole and Sodium-disophenol against natural infection of ancylostoma caninum in dogs | Indian Vet. J.69. sep,1992: 831-833 |
4 | Amle, M. B, Lokhande, D. U. ,Gaikwad, R. V. | Dicephalic Monster in A crossbred Cow | J. Bombay Vet. Coll. (1999) 7(1&2): 46 |
5. | Couto N. J., Khandekar G.S. Sarkate L.B., Lokhande D.U., Shende B.P. and Tripathi S.M. | Study on cardiac enzymes and haematology under propofol anaesthesia in Swine. | J.Bombay Vet. Coll.Vol.11(1&2)26-27.2003 |
6. | Tripathi S.M., Sarkate L.B., Lokhande D.U.,and Khandekar G.S. | Efficacy on xylazine ketamine anaesthesia in captive in captive tiger. | J.Bombay Vet. Coll.Vol.11(1&2)37-39.2003. |
7. | Tripathi S.M., Lokhande D.U., Sarkate L.B., Khandekar G.S., Natasha C. and Shende B.P. | Efficacy of propofol as a general anaesthetic in horses. | J.Bombay Vet. Coll.Vol.12(1&2)22-24.2004 |
8. | Khandekar G.S., Sarkate L.B., Lokhande D.U., and Chauhan A.R. | Surgical management of multiple complication in senile Doberman bitch-A case report. | J.Bombay Vet. Coll.Vol.12 (1&2)84-85. 2004 |
9. | Khandekar G.S., Sarkate L.B., Lokhande D.U., Choudhary k.S. and Salvekar S.P. | Surgical management of abnormally large ovarian cyst in bitch. | J.Bombay Vet. Coll.Vol.11 (1&2)72. 2004 |
10. | Bhadsavle K.C., Sarkate.L.B., Agashe A.P., Lokhande D.U., Adsul P.B, Khandekar G.S. and Gaikwad S.V | Clinical Study on Extracapsular Cataract Extraction in Canines | Bombay Veterinary Journal, Vol:14 (1& 2) 5-6. 2006 |
11 | Vende S.S., Khandekar G.S., Sarkate.L.B., Lokhande D.U., Chauhan A.R., Gaikwad S.V. and Patil D.J. | Comparative Study on Propofol and Ketamine Anaesthesia in Equine Gelding. | Bombay Veterinary Journal, Vol:14 (1& 2) 16-19. 2006 |
12 | Raut S.S., Lokhande D.U., Sarkate L.B., Khandekar G.S., Salvekar S.P. and Chauhan A.R. | Clinical Evaluation of Propofol for Short Surgical Procedure in Equine. | Bombay Veterinary Journal, Vol:14 (1& 2) 48-51. 2006 |
13. | Jain S., Lokhande D.U., Sarkate L.B., Khandekar G.S., Raut S.S., Chauhan A.R. And Gaikwad S.V. | Clinico-Physiological Effects of Different Doses of Midazollam on Xylazine-Ketamine Aneasthesia in Horses. | Bombay Veterinary Journal, Vol:14 (1& 2) 65-67. 2006 |
14. | Salvekar S.P., Khandekar G.S., Sarkate L.B., Lokhande D.U., Chauhan A.R. and Raut S.S. | Effect of Clear Solution of Propofol on Liver and Kidney Functions | Bombay Veterinary Journal, Vol:14 (1& 2) 73-74. . 2006 |
15. | Jagtap D.A., Sarkate L.B., Lokhande D.U., Khandekar G.S. and Chaudhari .K.S. | Effects of Lipid Free and Lipid Base Propofol on Blood Gas Analysis, Hepatic and Renal Function in Dogs. | Bombay Veterinary Journal, Vol:14 (1& 2) 80-83. 2006 |
16. | Chaudhari .K.S., Badgujar C.L., Sarkate L.B., Lokhande D.U., Khandekar G.S. | Cardio-Pulmonary Effects of Bupivacaine Hydrochloride, Xylazine Hydrochloride and Bupivacaine- Xylazine after Epidural Analgesia in Canines. | Bombay Veterinary Journal, Vol:14 (1& 2) 86-88. 2006 |
17. | Salvekar S.P., Khandekar G.S., Sarkate L.B., Lokhande D.U., Chauhan A.R. and Raut S.S. | Propofol- A Sole Agent for Induction and Maintenance of Anaesthesia by Continuous Infusion Rate in Cats. | Bombay Veterinary Journal, Vol:14 (1& 2) 91-92. 2006 |
18. | Chaudhari .K.S., Badgujar C.L., Sarkate L.B., Lokhande D.U., Khandekar G.S. | Clinical Evaluation of Bupivacaine, Xylazine and Bupivacaine- Xylazine Combination for Induction of Epidural Analgesia in Dogs. | Bombay Veterinary Journal, Vol:14 (1& 2) 104-105 . 2006 |
19 | Jagtap D.A., Sarkate L.B., Lokhande D.U., Khandekar G.S. and Chaudhari .K.S. | Clinical Evaluation of Lipid Free and Lipid Base Propofol in Dogs. | Bombay Veterinary Journal, Vol:14 (1& 2) 116-118 2006 |
20. | Gaikwad S.V., Khandekar G.S., Sarkate L.B., Lokhande D.U., Chauhan A.R. Vende S.S. and Choudhari K.S. | Clinico-Physiological Evaluation of Acepromazine Maleate in Combination with Xylazine-Ketamine Anaesthesia in Horses. | Bombay Veterinary Journal, Vol:14 (1& 2) 121-123. 2006 |
21. | Raut S.S., Lokhande D.U., Sarkate L.B., Khandekar G.S., Chauhan A.R. and Chaudhari .K.S. | Biochemical and Hematological Changes during Propofol Anaesthesia with Xylazine in Equine | Bombay Veterinary Journal, Vol:14 (1& 2).126-127 2006 |
22. | Chaudhari .K.S., Badgujar C.L., Sarkate L.B., Lokhande D.U., Khandekar G.S | A Clinical Study on Cardio-Pulmonary Effects of Bupivacaine Hydrochloride, Xylazine Hydrochloride and Bupivacaine- Xylazine Following Induction of Epidural Analgesia in Canine. | Bombay Veterinary Journal, Vol:14 (1& 2).142-144. 2006 |
23. | Khandekar G.S., Sarkate L.B .Lokhande D.U., Gaikwad S.V. , Chauhan A.R., Raut S.S., Patil S.S. and Pawar Y.P. | Successful Surgical Management of 30 Cases of Canine Pyometra. | Bombay Veterinary Journal, Vol:14 (1& 2).149. 2006 |
24. | Chaudhari .K.S., Badgujar C.L., Sarkate L.B., Lokhande D.U., Khandekar G.S. | A Clinical Study on the Evaluation of Bupivacaine, Xylazine and Bupivacaine- Xylazine Combination for Induction of Epidural Analgesia in Dogs. | Bombay Veterinary Journal, Vol: 14 (1& 2).150-153. 2006 |
25. | Salvekar S.P., Khandekar G.S.Sarkate L.B., and Lokhande D.U. | Effect of clean solution of propofol on haematology and serum chemistry in cats. | Indian J. Veterinary Surgery |
Sr. No. | Author | Title of paper | Name of the Journal/year |
1 | Tripati, S.D., Lokhande, D. U. and Sarkate, L. B. | Urolithiasis in Cats | Pashudhan, 36 (08): 05. 2010. |
2 | Tripati, S.D., Lokhande, D. U., Adsul, P. B, Sarkate, L. B., Jodumani, K. and Satyawan Agivale | Perineal Urethrostomy | Pashudhan, 37 (01): 05. 2011. |
Completed Research Projects
- ‘Efficacy of Compound A F M as an antibacterial in wound healing in domestic animals’ during year 1997-98.
- Research project on KNG-6,
Ongoing Research Projects
“Improvement of Diagnostic Skill and Surgical Art of Field Veterinarians for Maintenance of Production and Health of Livestock through Laparoscopy Diagnosis and Treatment”
Name of the Project | “Improvement of Diagnostic Skill and Surgical Art of Field Veterinarians for Maintenance of Production and Health of Livestock through Laparoscopy Diagnosis and Treatment” |
Duration of the project | 2 Years |
Total Project cost Rs. | 2,98,92,000.00 |
Actual Expenditure Rs. | 2,98,76,157.00 |
Objectives of the Project | 1. It will strengthen Department of Surgery and Radiology at Bombay veterinary College, Mumbai, for infrastructure and human resource development.2. It imparts an excellent training to Veterinarian and Medicos on laparoscopy for the rapid diagnosis and treatment of animal as well as human being by hands training.3.To train Research worker for the development of model for research work.4.To train medical practitioner for the use for laparoscopy by hands on practice.5.To develop technique for the treatment of adhesion prevention strategies by using different agent following laparoscopy.6.Use of single port laparoscopic technique.7.Use of harmonic and emseal electrocoagulation method during laparoscopy.8.Laparoscopic repair of Diaphragmatic hernia and inguinal hernia in small and medium animals.9.Laparoscopic gastropexy technique in canine practice.10.Laparoscopy assisted spleenectomy in small animal practice.Laparoscopy assisted colocystostomy in small animal practice. |
Scheme objectives | I. Field Veterinarians Private Veterinary Practitioner and Medicos(Human Surgeon and gynecologist) Training on the use of laparoscopic minimal, modern and scientific methods of diagnosis and treatment in Surgery will be given to field veterinarians. Under this trained human resource will be produced in1. Management of balanced anaesthesia in human and animal for laparoscopy.2. On collection of biopsy material for diagnosis.3. On recording of typical and atypical cases for demonstration of students.4. Schedule of training will be 8 days for a batch of 20 trainees of per month for two years.II. Livestock farmers and Pet owners : The animals suffering from different intra abdominal disorders like cryptorchid, cystolith, cholecystolith, appendiculitis, gastroesophageal disorders will treated. Also surgery of thoraco abdominal disorder like Diaphragmatic hernia can be operated by the laparoscopy technique.III. The veterinarian working for the animal welfare will be trained for the use of laparoscopy.IV. The large number of veterinarians working in different corporation will be trained to undertake laparoscopic sterilisation in dogs for reducing the dog population. |
Achieved | Nil |
Output & outcome of project | Training will be starting shortly. |
Photo Gallery of Laparoscopy Training Center
Retired Professors
Dr. Mohiuddin, Dr. S.R Chaddha, Dr. K.R. Alur, Dr. S.R. Hattangady are famous names of surgeons, who honoured the chair in their own periods.Dr. S.R. Hattangadi a famous canines and equine surgeon headed the department after its separation from Anatomy.
Prof. S.R. Hattangadi was HEAD of department when the University of Bombay recognized the two years duration post-graduate course leading to M. V. Sc. degree in 1961.
Dr. K.S. Deshpande, M. V. Sc, Ph. D, F.R.V.A.C. took over the charge of the professor of Surgery in 1972. He took a lot of pain during his tenure and taught the art and science of surgery to many students by way of his excellent lucid teaching. His students worked in other parts of the country and made awareness about the importance of successful surgery under field conditions. He guided many successful veterinary surgeons during his tenure, and showed during these days that thoracic surgery in ruminants could be performed without ventilators under field conditions.
Later on Dr. M. L. Kudale, Dr. M. B. Mantri and
Dr. C. C. Wakankar headed the department.