Dr. R.J.Zende

Sr. No. | Academic Qualification | Year of Passing | Class | University / Institutes | Subject studied |
1. | B.V.Sc. & A.H. | 1993 | First | K.K.V. Dapoli | All subjects concerned with Animal & Veterinary Science |
2. | M.V.Sc. | 1996 | First | K.K.V.Dapoli | Food Hygiene & Veterinary Public Health |
3. | Ph.D. | 2009 | First | MAFSU, Nagpur | Veterinary Public Health |
Successfully completed the MS-CIT course with 79% marks in July, 2003.
M.V.Sc Thesis Title : Species Identification by Serological Techniques and Standardization of Test for Rapid Identification of Meats.
Ph.D Thesis Title : Detection of Organochlorine, Organophosphorous and Synthetic Pyrethroids residues in Meat.II. Working Experience :
Sr.No | Post Held | Name and Address of the Employee | Duration |
1 | Veterinarians (QC) | Mafco Bacon Factory, Mumbai | 14.11.95 to 02.07.1996 |
2. | Assistant manager Quality Control | Hind Agro Industries Ltd, Aligarh, UP | 10.07.1996 to 30.09.1997 |
3 | Quality Control Manager | Pan Foods Limited, Panipat, Haryana. | 01.10.1997 to 30.11.1998 |
4 | Assistant Professor | Bombay Veterinary College, Parel Mumbai -12 | Since 09.12.1998
(On Permanent Establishment from 05.09.2000) |
5 | Associate Professor (Additional Charge) | Bombay Veterinary College, Parel Mumbai -12 | 12.02.2007 to 27.03.2008
6 | Associate Professor (Permanent Establishment) | Bombay Veterinary College, Parel Mumbai -12 | Since 28.03.2008
7 | Professor (Additional Charge) | Bombay Veterinary College, Parel Mumbai -12 | Since June, 2011
Actual Teaching Experience : 13YearsUG Courses Taught : VPH-311 – Milk Hygiene and Public Health VPH-321 – Meat Hygiene and Public Health VPH-411 – Zoonoses and Human Health VPH-412 – Environmental HygienePG Courses Taught: Principles & Organization of VPH, Food Microbiology, Occupational Health & Environmental Hygiene, Hygiene & Quality Control of Food Production, Preservation of food etc Innovative Teaching Activities –
1. Computer aided teaching – PowerPoint presentations for all UG subjects.2. Slaughter house activity Video CDs for under-graduate teaching.3. Revision of syllabus as per VCI directives.4. Preparation of question bank for UG courses.5. Preparation of practical laboratory manuals for UG courses
IV. Awards & Honours already received:1. Fellow Award -2011 of Indian Association of Veterinery Public Health Specialist
V. Contribution made in form of writing books, chapters, monograms, manuals, etc.:
- One of the Co-author of the chapter in the book entitled “ELEMENTS OF VETERINARY PUBLIC HEALTH” published under ICAR Book writhing scheme 1998.
- One of the Co-author of the chapter “Canning of Meat and Meat Products” submitted for the publication in the book entitled “Tin Plate for Food Packaging” to Indian Institute of Packaging, Mumbai-93.
- Leaflet is prepared under NATP/ICAR project entitled “Quality Assurance and Monitoring of Foods from Livestock and Poultry”
- Leaflet is prepared under NATP/ICAR project entitled “Western Region Referral Laboratory for Meat & Meat Products Quality Standards”.
ABROAD TRAINING :Hands-on-Training on “Detection of Hormonal Residue” organized by Department of Veterinary Science. The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, P.A, and USA between September 27, 2004 to October 17, 2004 under NATP/ICAR project. TRAININGS ATTENDED IN INDIA :
- National Workshop on “Application of GMP-HACCP-ISO-9000 in Indian Food Industries” organized by Agricultural & Processed Food Products Export Development Authority, Govt. of India and QAS Australia at Mumbai during 1st to 3rd Feb. 1999.
- International workshop on “Animal Commodities : Meat and Milk processing” organized by Dept. of Food Hygiene and Veterinary Public Health, Bombay Veterinary college, Parel and sponsored by Dept. of Food Processing Industries, Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India, New Delhi in collaboration with Govt. of Italy during 20th and 21st March 2000.
- National training programme on “Laboratory Quality System, Management and Internal Audit For Test Laboratories” organized by National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories, New Delhi in association with APEDA, New Delhi and Institute for Design of Electrical Measuring Instruments (IDEMI), Mumbai, during 22nd to 25th January, 2001.
- Short term training programme on “Recent Trends in Packaging of Meat and Meat Products” organized by Department of Meat Science and Technology, Madras Veterinary College, Chennai, during 03/07/2002 to 12/07/2002.
- Short term training programme on “Multimedia as an Educational Tool” organized by Department of Computer Science and Engineering, College of Technology and Engineering, Maharanapratap University of Agriculture and Technology, Udaipur (Rajasthan), during 10/07/2003 to 20/07/2003.
- Successfully completed “Faculty Development Programme in Educational Methodology and Instructional Technology” from 19 – 24th January, 2004 at Bombay Veterinary College organized by NAARM, Hyderabad.
- Training programme on “Food Safety (HACCP) Auditor Training Course for implementers and Auditors” conducted by DET NORSKE VERITAS at Mumbai on 29th August to 2nd September 2005.
- Training programme on “Standardization and Calibration Practices for Food Industries” held at Bombay Veterinary College organized by in collaboration with “Institute for Design of Electrical Measuring Instruments”, Mumbai on 9th to 10th, January, 2006.
- Training programme on “Awareness Course on ISO 22000:2005”, organized by held at Bombay Veterinary College organized by Department of Vterinary Public Health, Bombay Veterinary College, Parel, Mumbai in collaboration with DET NORSKE VERITAS, on 19th January, 2006.
- Training programme on “Practical Laboratory Aspects of Biotechnological Methods”, organized by “Haffkine Institute for Training, Research and Testing” Parel, Mumbai -12 during 07/04/2006 to 30/04/2006.
- Attended interactive meet on “Motivation of Youth in Science” on the occasion of Indian-European Union Ministrial Science Conference on 08/02/2007 at Vigyan Bhavan, New Delhi.
- Training programme on “Detection of Pesticide Residues in Animal Origin Foods by Employing GC-ECD and GCMS” during 12/10/2007 to 17/10/2007.
- Short Term Courses on “Meat and Poultry Processing and Quality Control” sponsored by Ministry of Food Processing Industries, Govt. of India, New Delhi during 1999.
- “Food Safety (HACCP) Auditor Training Course for implementers and Auditors” organized in collaboration with DET NORSKE VERITAS at Mumbai on 29th August 2005 to 2nd September, 2005.
- “Awareness course on ISO 22000:2005”, food safety management systems at Department of Veterinary Public Health (Bombay Veterinary College) Parel, Mumbai in collaboration with DET NORSKE VERITAS on 19th January, 2006.
- “Standardization and Calibration practices for Food Industries” at Department of Veterinary Public Health (Bombay Veterinary College) Parel, Mumbai in collaboration with “Institute for Design of Electrical Measuring Instruments” Mumbai on 9th – 10th January, 2006.
- Two days Short Term Training Courses on “Utilization of Slaughter house Waste into Marketable Products” have been organized for four consecutive times (04.10.2007 to 05.10.2007; 11.10.2007 to 12.10.2007; 18.10.2007 to 19.10.2007; and 15.11.2007 to 16.11.2007) in collaboration with Department of Livestock Product Technology, BVC, Parel, Mumbai-12 for Butcher Communities of organized and unorganized sectors.
- One day training programme on “Educational Utilization of Standards” organized by Bombay Veterinary College, Parel in collaboration with Bureau of Indian Standards, Govt. of India, New Delhi on 14.03.2008.
Sr No | Responsibility As | Name of Project | Sponsoring Authority | Duration | Funds Generated
(Rs in Lakhs) |
1 | Co-Principal Investigator | Quality Assurance and Monitoring of Foods from Livestock and Poultry | World Bank funded NATP (MM mode) | 1.11.1999
To 31.12.2003 | 209.00 |
2 | Co-Principal Investigator | Establishment of Western Region Referral Laboratory for Meat and Meat Products Quality standards | World Bank funded NATP (ToE mode) | 1.03.2003
To 31.12.2004
| 285.00 |
3 | Co-Principal Investigator | Detection of Pesticide Residues in Animal Products | Ad-hoc ICAR | 1.11.2005 to 31.10.2008
| 23.55 |
Sr. No | Responsibility as | Name of Project | Sponsoring Authority | Duration | Funds Generated
(Rs in Lakhs) |
1 | Principal Investigator | All India Co-ordinated Project on Post Harvest Technology | ICAR,(Central Institute of Post Harvest Engineering and Technology, Ludhiana, Punjab)
| Since 16.11.2009 | 133.00 |
1 | Co-Principal Investigator | Monitoring of pesticide residues at national level | ICAR,(ANIP)
| Since 1.10.2006 | 42.00 |
Sr. No. | Title of Project | Year | Candidate |
1 | Detection of Heavy Metals from Milk by Atomic Absorption Spectrometry | 2006 | Dr. (Ms) D.S. Kulkarni |
2 | Prevalence & Molecular Characterization of Listeria monocytogenes from milk | 2006 | Dr. R. N. Waghamare |
3 | Detection of Organochlorine residues in egg | 2007 | Dr. (Ms) A.R.Patil |
4 | Studies on prevalence of salmonella spp. in chicken meat procured from retail markets by isolation, molecular characterization and antimicrobial resistance patterns.
| 2008 | Dr. S. R Dhawale |
5 | Detection of antimicrobial residues in chicken | 2008 | Dr. V. S. Bute |
6 | Studies on prevalence of listeria spp. from clinical cases of women with spontaneous abortion and animals with reproductive disorders by isolation and molecular characterization | 2009 | Dr. (Ms) D. D. Kshirsagar |
7 | Studies on isolation and molecular characterization of listeria spp. in clinical samples of sheep and goats with spontaneous abortion and its public health significance | 2010 | Dr (Ms) Shilpa Katkar |
8 | Studies on prevalence, antigenic characterization of cysticercosis and its economic impact on cattle, buffalo and pig meat production. | 2010 | Dr. Viraj V. Bhadrige |
9 | Studies on incidence and molecular characterization of Trichinella spps in pigs slaughtered at Deonar abattoir. | Research work of the student is about to complete and thesis will be submitted to university for evaluation in the month of August 2011 | Dr. H.B.Chethan Kumar |
10 | Assessment of microbiological and physico-chemical qualities of Emu meat at ambient and refrigeration storages. | Dr. Nilesh Jogdand |
Sr. No. | Title of Project | Year | Candidate |
1 | Prevalence of Coliform in dehydrated vegetable products. | 1998 | Miss Neetu Chaudhary. |
2 | Prevalence of Salmonella spp. In dehydrated vegetable products. | 1998 | Miss. Upasana Yadav. |
Sr.No | Name of Research Scheme | Funds Generated(Rs. in Lakhs) |
1 | NATP (MM) and (ToE) | 494.00 |
2 | ICAR –Ad-Hoc | 198.55 |
3 | Training Programme (HRD) | 2.50 |
4 | Food sample analysis | 2.21 |
Total | 698.26 |
a) Special Professional Contributions-
- Actively participated in establishment of “Western Region Referral Laboratory for Meat and Meat Products Quality Standards” under NATP (ToE) World Bank funded project.
- Remain as external examiner for conducting annual board examination of VPH Paper of various different universities.
- Question paper setter for U.G. courses
- Life Member of Bombay Veterinary College Alumni Association.
- Life Member of Veterinarians Association of Bombay Veterinary College.
- Life Member of Association of Public Health Veterinarians, Kolkatta.
- Life Member of Indian Association of Veterinary Public Health Specialist, IVRI, Izatnagar.
- Life Member of Indian Meat Science Association, Pondichery.
- Life member of Indian Association for the Advancement of Veterinary Research (IAAVR), IVRI
1. XV Annual conference of Indian Association of Veterinary Microbiologist, Immunologist and Specialist in Infectious Diseases (IAVMI) and National Symposium on “Healthy Animals Safe Foods Healthy Man” held at Bombay Veterinary College, during 27 – 29 December, 1994.
2. IXth Annual conference of Indian Association for the advanced of Veterinary Research and National symposium on “Concepts in Sustainable Livestock Production and Health in New Millennium” held at NVC, Nagpur during 4-5 February, 2002.
3. Vth All India Annual conference of Association of Public Health Veterinarians and National Symposium on “Veterinary Public Health in Containing Bioterrorism” held at Tirupati College of Veterinary Science, Tirupati, AP, during 21-23 December, 2002.
- VIth Annual conference of Indian Association of Veterinary Public Health specialists (IAVPHS) and National symposium on “Horizons of Veterinary Public Health in Augmenting Veterinary, Medical and Environmental Health” held at Anand, Gujarat, between 29-30 November, 2007.
- XVIth Annual conference of IAAVR and National Symposium on “Transition from
- XXVI Annual conference of IPSA and National Symposium on “Indian Poultry Sector and Global Scenario” held at Bombay Veterinary College, Mumbai, between 22nd to 24th October, 2009.
- IXth Annual conference of Indian Association of Veterinary Public Health specialists (IAVPHS) and National symposium on “Veterinary Public Health : New Horizon for Integrating Animal Production, Food Safety and Human Health” held at Bombay veterinary College, Parel, Mumbai, between 28 and 29 December, 2010.
Sr. No. | Name of the Author(s) | Title of Published Papers | Name of Journal | Year, Page No. & No. of Journal |
1 | Sherikar A.T.,Zende R.J.,Waskar V.S.,Paturkar A.M. & Das A.M. | Development of Test for Rapid Identification of Meat (TRIM). | J. Bombay Vet. Coll. | 1996-98, 6(1) 77-78. |
2 | Zende R.J.,Sherikar A.T.,Paturkar A.M. &Waskar V.S. | Studies on Identification of Adulteration in Raw Market Meat by Employing Serological Techniques. | J. Bombay Vet. Coll. | 2000, 8(1&2) 39-41. |
3 | Dubal Z.B.,Paturkar A.M.,Sherikar A.T.,Waskar V.S.,Zende R.J., & Nanaware S.R. | Studies on effect of hot water on initial microbial load of sheep/goat carcasses. | J. Bombay Vet. Coll. | 2000, 9(1&2) 3-7. |
4 | Walse S.H.,Paturkar A.M.,Sherikar A.T.,Waskar V.S.,Zende R.J., & Vaidya V.M. | Isolation of Listeria spp. From beef and buffalo meat | J. Bombay Vet. Coll. | 2002,10(1&2) 40-41. |
5 | Zende R.J.,Sherikar A.T.,Paturkar A.M. &Waskar V.S. | Use of species Anti-adrenal BE sera for differentiation of body fluids & organs of common food animals by employing Immunoprecipitation Test | J. Vety. Public Health | 2003,1(1) –63. |
6 | Walse S.H.,Paturkar A.M.,Sherikar A.T.,Waskar V.S.,Zende R.J., & Vaidya V.M. | Prevalence of Listeria spp. From mutton and chevon. | J. Vety. Public Health | 2003,1(1)65–68. |
7 | Paturkar A.M, Waskar V.S.Zende R.J., & Nanaware S.R. | Occurrence of yeasts and molds on poultry carcass sites in unorganized sector. | J. Bombay Vet. Coll | 2003, 11(1&2)15-17. |
8 | Dubal Z.B.,Paturkar A.M.,Waskar V.S.,Zende R.J., Latha, Rawal D.B. & Kadam M.M. | Effect of food grade organic acids on inoculated S. aureus, L. Monocytogen, E.coli, S. typhimurium in sheep/goat meat stored at refrigeration temperature | J. Meat Sci, | 2004, (66)817-821. |
9 | Barge R.S., Waskar V.S., Sherikar A.T., Paturkar A.M., &Zende R.J. | Standardization of high performance liquid chromatography technique for detection of gentamicin residues from animal tissues. | J. Bomaby Vet. Coll. | 2004, 12(1&2)17-21. |
10 | Galdhar C.N., Gaikwad R.V., Samad A., Keskar D.V., Bhalerao D.P., Dighe D.G. & Zende R.J. | Bovine Udder and its Immunity : An Update. | J. Remount and Vet. Corps. | 2004, 42(4)179-185. |
11 | Kadam A.B., Waskar V.S., Paturkar A.M., &Zende R.J. | Bacteriological assessment of pig carcass sites during the slaughtering process. | Ind. J. Ani. Sci. | 2005, 75(2)185-189. |
12 | Vaidya V.M., Paturkar A.M., Waskar V.S., Zende R.J. & Rawool D.B. | Detection of indicator organisms on poultry carcass sites in an organized slaughterhouse. | J. Muscle Foods | 2005, (16)289-297. |
13 | Paturkar A.M., Waskar V.S., Mokal K.V. & Zende R.J. | Anti-microbial drug residues in meat and their public health significance-a review (Review article) | Ind. J. Ani. Sci. | 2005, 75(9)1103-1111. |
14 | Zende R.J., Sherikar A.T., Paturkar A.M. & Waskar V.S. | Detection of fraudulent practices in semicooked meat product using anti-adrenal BE sera in Immunodiffusion test & Counter Immunoelectrophoresis. | J. Meat Sci. | 2005, 3(1)5-8. |
15 | Dubal Z.B.,Paturkar A.M.,Waskar V.S.,Zende R.J., Latha C., & Agav N.B. | Effect of food grade salts on inoculated S. aureus, L. monocytogen, E.coli, pseudomonas aeruginosa in sheep/goat meat stored at refrigeration temperature. | J. Vety. Public Health | 2005, 3(1)1-6. |
16 | Barge R.S., Waskar V.S., Sherikar A.T., Paturkar A.M., & Zende R.J. | Surveillance of muscles and organ samples of ovine and caprine for the presence of residues of Gentamicin sulfate by HPLC. | J. Bombay Vet. Coll | 2006, 14(1&2)41-47. |
17 | Kadam A. B., Waskar V.S., Sherikar A.T., Paturkar A.M., Zende R.J., & Nnaware S.R. | Prevalence of indicator organisms in an organized pig slaughtering house. | J. Bombay Vet. Coll | 2006, 14(1&2)128-130. |
18 | Paturkar A.M., Zende R.J., Nanaware S.R. & Kadam A.B. | Standardization of methods for detection of Tetracyclines in animal origin food. | J. Bombay Vet. Coll | 2006, 14(1&2)132-134. |
19 | Bhandare S.G., Sherikar A.T., Paturkar A.M., Waskar V.S., Zende R.J. | A comparison of microbial contamination on sheep/goat carcasses in a modern Indian abattoir and traditional meat shops | Food control | 2007. |
20 | Vaidya V.M., Paturkar A.M., Waskar V.S., Zende R.J. & Walse S.H. | Analysis of sources of contamination in retail poultry outlets with reference to spoilage and pathogenic organisms. | J. Vety. Public Health | 2007, 5(1)13-19. |
21 | Kulkarni D.S., Zende R.J., Paturkar A.M., Waskar V.S. and Waghamare R.N | Standardization of Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer Techniques for detection of Lead & Cadmium in Bovine Milk | J. Bombay Vet. Coll | 2007, 15(1&2)66-69. |
22 | Barge R. S., Waskar V.S., Sherikar A. T., Paturkar A.M.,. & Zende R.J. | Surveillance of bovine muscle and organ samples for the presence of residues of gentamycin sulfate by HPLC | J. Vety. Public Health | 2008, 6(2)57 – 61 |
23 | Patil A.R.., Zende R. J., Paturkar A.M.,. Waskar V.S., & Netake M. D. | Standardization of gas chromatography for detection of organochlorine residues in chicken egg. | J. Vety. Public Health | 2008, 6(2)99 – 101 |
24 | Ludrik S., Sherikar A. T., Zende R. J., Paturkar A. M., Waskar V. S and Kshirsagar D.D. | Detection of Rabies virus antibodies in vaccinated and unvaccinated stray dogs in Mumbai city | J. Vety. Public Health | 2009 7(1)71-73 |
25 | Dhawale S. P., Zende R. J., Paturkar A. M., AgarwalR. K., Dubal Z. B., Bute V. S. and. Chothe S. V | Studies on prevalence and serotyping of Salmonella spp. in whole dressed chicken carcasses | J. Vety. Public Health | Accepted for publication |
26 | Bute V. S., Zende R. J., Paturkar A. M., Vaidya V. M., Kadam A. B.,Jadhav V. J., Dhawale S. B.and Kshirsagar D. D. | Standardization of screening test (Premi test) for detection of antimicrobial residues in poultry tissue | J. Vety. Public Health | Accepted for publication |
27 | Kshirsagar D.D., Zende R. J., Paturkar A. M., Barbuddhe S. B., and Katkar S. M. | Listeria Monocytogenes in clinical cases of women with spontaneous abortion and its detection by multiplex PCR | J. FMSLE | Submitted for publication |
Sr. No. | Name of the Author(s) | Title of Published Papers | Conference/symposium/seminar | Abstract Page no. (Compendium) | ||||
A. Lead Papers – Nil. | ||||||||
B. Abstracts | ||||||||
1 | Zende R.J., Sherikar A.T.,Paturkar A.M.Waskar V.S.,& Kalyanpur R.A. | Bacterial flora of various types of animal feeds | XV Annual conference of IAVMI held at Bombay between 27-29th December 1994. | Page No. 86 | ||||
2 | Kalyanpur R.A., Sherikar A.T.,Paturkar A.M.Waskar V.S. & Zende R.J. | Microbiological survey of buffalo meat solid at retail market in the city of Bombay | XV Annual conference of IAVMI held at Bombay between 27-29th December 1994. | Page No. 23 | ||||
3 | Zende R.J., Sherikar A.T.,Paturkar A.M. &Waskar V.S., | Species identification of cooked meat products in an around Mumbai city. | 9th annual conference of IAAVR and National symposium on Concepts in Sustainable Livestock Production and Health in New Millennium held at NVC, Nagpur during 4-5 Feb, 2002. | CD Document available. | ||||
4 | Waskar V.S., Sherikar A.T.,Paturkar A.M. &Zende R.J. | Total volatile Basic nitrogen for assessment of meat quality. | 9th annual conference of IAAVR and National symposium on Concepts in Sustainable Livestock Production and Health in New Millennium held at NVC, Nagpur during 4-5 Feb, 2002. | CD Document available. | ||||
5 | Nanaware S.R., Paturkar A.M.Waskar V.S., Zende R.J., &Sherikar A.T. | Use of sodium lactate sprays for improvement of poultry meat quality. | 9th annual conference of IAAVR and National symposium on Concepts in Sustainable Livestock Production and Health in New Millennium held at NVC, Nagpur during 4-5 Feb, 2002. | CD Document available. | ||||
6 | Dubal Z.B., Paturkar A.M.Waskar V.S. & Zende R.J. | Effect of lactic acid and acid combination treatments on artificially inoculated microorganisms in sheep/goat meat. | 9th annual conference of IAAVR and National symposium on Concepts in Sustainable Livestock Production and Health in New Millennium held at NVC, Nagpur during 4-5 Feb, 2002. | CD Document available. | ||||
7 | Bhandare S.G., Sherikar A.T.,Paturkar A.M.Waskar V.S. & Zende R.J. | Evaluation of level of contamination of carcass sites in sheep/goat slaughter line at Deonar abattoir. | 9th annual conference of IAAVR and National symposium on Concepts in Sustainable Livestock Production and Health in New Millennium held at NVC, Nagpur during 4-5 Feb, 2002. | CD Document available. | ||||
8 | Dubal Z.B., Paturkar A.M.Waskar V.S., Zende R.J., Latha C, & Aghav N.B. | Effect of food grade salt on inoculated M. luteus, S. faecalis, B. subtilis and S. marcescens in sheep and goat meat stored at ambient temperature. | 1st annual conference of IAVPHS and National symposium on Veterinary Public Health in New Millennium: Opportunities and challenges held during 28-29th Nov, 2002 at College of Veterinary Science, Pantnagar, India. | Page No. 50 | ||||
9 | Bhandare S.G., Paturkar A.M.,Sherikar A.T.,Zende R.J., Nanaware S.R., & Waskar V.S. | Microbial assessment of source of contamination in goat slaughterhouse points in unorganized sector. | 1st annual conference of IAVPHS and National symposium on Veterinary Public Health in New Millennium: Opportunities and challenges held during 28-29th Nov, 2002 at College of Veterinary Science, Pantnagar, India. | Page No.68-69 | ||||
10 | Paul R.J. Paturkar A.M.,Sherikar A.T., Waskar V.S. & Zende R.J. | Semi-quantitation of tetracycline & oxytetracycline residues in cattle kidney samples by high pressure thin layer chromatography (HPTLC) | 1st annual conference of IAVPHS and National symposium on Veterinary Public Health in New Millennium: Opportunities and challenges held during 28-29th Nov, 2002 at College of Veterinary Science, Pantnagar, India. | Page No.69 | ||||
11 | Gujar A.A. Paturkar A.M.,Sherikar A.T., Waskar V.S. & Zende R.J. | Surveillance of market milk samples for antimicrobial residues employing hioassay. | 1st annual conference of IAVPHS and National symposium on Veterinary Public Health in New Millennium: Opportunities and challenges held during 28-29th Nov, 2002 at College of Veterinary Science, Pantnagar, India. | Page No.72 | ||||
12 | Gujar A.A. Paturkar A.M.,Sherikar A.T., Waskar V.S., Zende R.J. & Nanaware S. R. | Semi-quantitation of tetracycline residues from milk by HPTLC | National symposium on Veterinary Public Health in containing Bioterrorism and 5th All India annual conference of APHV held at College of Vet. Science Tirupati during 21 to 23 Dec. 2002. | Page No.223-224 | ||||
13 | Paul R.J. Paturkar A.M.,Sherikar A.T., Waskar V.S., Zende R.J. & Nanaware S. R. | Surveillance of Bovine Kidney samples for presence of antibiotic residues by Bioassay | National symposium on Veterinary Public Health in containing Bioterrorism and 5th All India annual conference of APHV held at College of Vet. Science Tirupati during 21 to 23 Dec. 2002. | Page No. 224 | ||||
14 | Bhandare S.G., Paturkar A.M.,Sherikar A.T., Zende R.J., Waskar V.S. & Nanaware S. R. | Microbial assessment of carcass sites in sheep/goat slaughter line in unorganized sector. | National symposium on Veterinary Public Health in containing Bioterrorism and 5th All India annual conference of APHV held at College of Vet. Science Tirupati during 21 to 23 Dec. 2002. | Page No. 225 | ||||
15 | Vaidya S.G., Paturkar A.M.,Waskar V.S., Zende R.J., Nanaware S. R., Kargirwar S.V. & Barge R.S. | Study of prevalence of pathogenic microorganisms from poultry caracse sites in unorganized sectors. | 47th National conference of Indian Public Health Association and Indian Association of Preventive & Social Medicine held during 17-19, January, 2003, at Nagpur. | Page No. | ||||
16 | Dethe P.K., Paturkar A.M.,Sherikar A.T., Vishnupurikar V. N. Waskar V.S. & Zende R.J. | Analysis of microbial quality in buffalo slaughter line & processing plant. | 2nd annual conference of IAVPHS and National symposium on Challenges in emerging WTO scenario on milk, meat and poultry industry held at Nagpur Veterinary College, Nagpur, during 20-22 September 2003, Nagpur. | Page No. 18-19 | ||||
17 | Barge R.S., Waskar V.S., Sherikar A.T., Paturkar A.M.& Zende R.J. | Evaluation of processed pork products for public health significance. | 2nd annual conference of IAVPHS and National symposium on Challenges in emerging WTO scenario on milk, meat and poultry industry held at Nagpur Veterinary College, Nagpur, during 20-22 September 2003, Nagpur. | Page No. 23-24 | ||||
18 | Vaidya S.G., Paturkar A.M.,Waskar V.S., Zende R.J. & Nanaware S. R. | Study of indicator organisms in organised poultry slaughterhouse. | 2nd annual conference of IAVPHS and National symposium on Challenges in emerging WTO scenario on milk, meat and poultry industry held at Nagpur Veterinary College, Nagpur, during 20-22 September 2003, Nagpur. | Page No. 47 | ||||
19 | Wagh N.V., Dali S.S., Poul S.R., Dethe P.K., Vishnupurikar V. N., Waskar V.S., Paturkar A.M.,& Zende R.J. | Estimation of financial losses due to parasitic zoonoses in slaughtered cattle and buffaloes. | 2nd annual conference of IAVPHS and National symposium on Challenges in emerging WTO scenario on milk, meat and poultry industry held at Nagpur Veterinary College, Nagpur, during 20-22 September 2003, Nagpur. | Page No. 131 | ||||
20 | Kargirwar S.V., Paturkar A.M.,Waskar V.S.& Zende R.J. | Isolation of Listeria spp. From ready-to-eat traditional chiken and mutton products in Mumbai city. | 3rd annual conference of IAVPHS & National Symposium on New Approaches in Food Safety and Quality control with special reference to Emerging Food Borne Diseases and Intoxication during 9-10 February,2005, held at Department of Vet. Public Health, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana – 141 004. | Page No. 112 | ||||
21 | Aradwad A.A., Paturkar A.M., Zende R.J., Waskar V.S., Nanaware S.R., Phadtare D.N., & Rindhe S.N. | A study on bacterial profile of buffalo meat. | 3rd annual conference of IAVPHS & National Symposium on New Approaches in Food Safety and Quality control with special reference to Emerging Food Borne Diseases and Intoxication during 9-10 February,2005, held at Dept. of VPH, PAU, Ludhiana – 141 004. | Page No. 112 | ||||
22 | Janjirkar S.R., Paturkar A.M.,Waskar V.S. Zende R.J.Nanaware S.R. & Phadtare D.N. | Shear press value as a major for Estimation of Microbial Spoilage of Poultry Meat. | 3rd annual conference of IAVPHS & National Symposium on New Approaches in Food Safety and Quality control with special reference to Emerging Food Borne Diseases and Intoxication during 9-10 February,2005, held at Dept. of VPH, PAU, Ludhiana – 141 004. | Page No. 121 | ||||
23 | Janjirkar S.R., Sherikar A.T., Paturkar A.M.,Waskar V.S. Zende R.J.Phadtare D.N.. &Aradwad A.A. | Estimationof Microbiological Quality of Poultry Meat using Dye Reduction Test. | 3rd annual conference of IAVPHS & National Symposium on New Approaches in Food Safety and Quality control with special reference to Emerging Food Borne Diseases and Intoxication during 9-10 February,2005, held at Dept. of VPH, PAU, Ludhiana – 141 004. | Page No. 123 | ||||
24 | Paturkar A.M.,Waskar V.S., Zende R.J.,Nanaware S.R. & Khan M.W.K. | Microbiological profile of Bile Concentrate Samples. | 3rd annual conference of IAVPHS & National Symposium on New Approaches in Food Safety and Quality control with special reference to Emerging Food Borne Diseases and Intoxication during 9-10 February,2005, held at at Dept. of VPH, PAU, Ludhiana – 141 004. | Page No. 128 | ||||
25 | Vaidya V.M., Paturkar A.M.,Waskar V.S.& Zende R.J. | Assessment of bacterial flora on poultry carcass sites Procured from Retail Outlets in Mumbai city. | 3rd annual conference of IAVPHS & National Symposium on New Approaches in Food Safety and Quality control with special reference to Emerging Food Borne Diseases and Intoxication during 9-10 February,2005, held at at Dept. of VPH, PAU, Ludhiana – 141 004. | Page No. 129 | ||||
26 | Barge R.S., Waskar V.S.,Sherikar A.T., Paturkar A.M.,Zende R.J., &Nanaware S.R. | Detection of Gentamicin Residues in Porcine Muscle & Organ Sample by High Performance Liquid Chromatography. | 3rd annual conference of IAVPHS & National Symposium on New Approaches in Food Safety and Quality control with special reference to Emerging Food Borne Diseases and Intoxication during 9-10 February,2005, held at Department of Vet. Public Health, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana – 141 004. | Page No. 150 | ||||
27 | Dali S.S., Paturkar A.M.,Waskar V.S., Zende R.J., Wagh N.V. & Pillai S.D. | Loss due to non-specific conditions in Cattle and Buffaloes and their economic Implications. | 3rd annual conference of IAVPHS & National Symposium on New Approaches in Food Safety and Quality control with special reference to Emerging Food Borne Diseases and Intoxication during 9-10 February,2005, held at at Dept. of VPH, PAU, Ludhiana – 141 004. | Page No. 162 | ||||
28 | Dali S.S., Paturkar A.M.,Waskar V.S., Zende R.J., Wagh N.V. & Pol S.R. | Estimation of financial loss due to non specific conditions in slaughtered sheep. | 3rd annual conference of IAVPHS & National Symposium on New Approaches in Food Safety and Quality control with special reference to Emerging Food Borne Diseases and Intoxication during 9-10 February,2005, held at at Dept. of VPH, PAU, Ludhiana – 141 004. | Page No. 168 – 169. | ||||
29 | Vaidya V.M., Paturkar A.M.,Waskar V.S., Zende R.J. & Walse S.H. | Comparison of pathogenic Microorganisms in Poultry Carcasses in organized sector and retail outlets in and around Mumbai city. | 4th conference of IAVPHS & National Symposium on Newer strategies for the Diagnosis & control of Zoonoses, held at Umiam Meghalaya during November 11-12, 2005. | Page No. 129 | ||||
30 | Kulkarni D.S., Zende R.J. Paturkar A.M.,Waskar V.S., Nanaware S.R., Waghmare R.N. & Chakkath Tushara. | Studies on prevalence of vibrio parahaemolyticus in seafoods. | 4th conference of IAVPHS & National Symposium on Newer strategies for the Diagnosis & control of Zoonoses, held at Umiam Meghalaya during November 11-12, 2005. | Page No. 30 | ||||
31 | Kalyanpur R.A., Sherikar A.T., Paturkar A.M.,Waskar V.S. Zende R.J., Nanaware S.R., Aradwad A.A. & Rindhe S.N. | Detection of adulteration in raw meat sold in retail markets in Mumbai city by ELISA. | 4th conference of IAVPHS & National Symposium on Newer strategies for the Diagnosis & control of Zoonoses, held at Umiam Meghalaya during November 11-12, 2005. | Page No. 52-53. | ||||
32 | Dethe P.K., Paturkar A.M.,Waskar V.S. Zende R.J., Nanaware S.R., Phadtare D.N., & Aradwad A.A. | Assessment of microbiological quality of various buffalo carcass sites during different stages of slaughtering. | 4th conference of IAVPHS & National Symposium on Newer strategies for the Diagnosis & control of Zoonoses, held at Umiam Meghalaya during November 11-12, 2005. | Page No. 73 | ||||
33 | Waghmare R.N., Zende R.J., Paturkar A.M.,Waskar V.S., Nanaware S.R., Chakkath Tushara & Gaikwad G.P. | Detection of indicator organism in raw milk supply in Mumbai city. | 4th conference of IAVPHS & National Symposium on Newer strategies for the Diagnosis & control of Zoonoses, held at Umiam Meghalaya during November 11-12, 2005. | Page No. 73-74 | ||||
34 | Chakkath Tushaara., Paturkar A.M., Zende R.J., Waskar V.S., Nanaware S.R., Gaikwad G.P., & Kulkarni D.S. | Assessment of microbiological quality of buffalo meat & mutton samples from a public slaughterhouse in Mumbai. | 4th conference of IAVPHS & National Symposium on Newer strategies for the Diagnosis & control of Zoonoses, held at Umiam Meghalaya during November 11-12, 2005. | Page No. 74 | ||||
35 | Kargirwar S.V., Paturkar A.M.,Waskar V.S.& Zende R.J. | Prevalence of Aeromonas spp. In ready-to-eat meat products in Mumbai city. | 4th conference of IAVPHS & National Symposium on Newer strategies for the Diagnosis & control of Zoonoses, held at Umiam Meghalaya during November 11-12, 2005. | Page No. 75 | ||||
36 | Mane S.T., Sherikar A.T., Paturkar A.M.,Zende R.J., Nanaware S.R., Rindhe S.N., & Phadtare D.N. | Estimation of microbiological quality & shelf life of pork using Methylene Blue Reduction Test. | 4th conference of IAVPHS & National Symposium on Newer strategies for the Diagnosis & control of Zoonoses, held at Umiam Meghalaya during November 11-12, 2005. | Page No. 75-76 | ||||
37 | Gaikwad G.P., Waskar V.S., Paturkar A.M.,Zende R.J., Nanaware S.R., Phadtare D.N., & Kulkarni D.S. | Comparative efficacy of media for isolation of coagulase & DNAse positive staphylococcus aureus from raw milk. | 4th conference of IAVPHS & National Symposium on Newer strategies for the Diagnosis & control of Zoonoses, held at Umiam Meghalaya during November 11-12, 2005. | Page No. 76 | ||||
38 | Kadam B.D., Sherikar A.T., Paturkar A.M.,Waskar V.S., Zende R.J., Gaikwad G.P. Chakkath Tushaara, | Studies on microbiological quality of nuffalo carcass site at unloading & chilling operations. | National symposium on “Buffalo for Rural upliftment” & Annual Convention of Indian Society for Buffalo Development held at Mumbai, May 27-30, 2006 | Page No. 128 | ||||
39 | Tarwate B.G., Sherikar A.T., Paturkar A.M.,Waskar V.S., Zende R.J., Nanaware S.R., Waghmar R.N., & Kulkarni D.S | Studies on microbial profile or different slaughter house points in buffalo slaughter line | National symposium on “Buffalo for Rural upliftment” & Annual Convention of Indian Society for Buffalo Development held at Mumbai, May 27-30, 2006 | Page No. 128 | ||||
40 | Katare G.M., Sherikar A.T., Paturkar A.M.,Waskar V.S., Zende R.J., Nanaware S.R., Kulkarni D.S.& Waghmare R.N. | Effect of chlorinated water sprays on microbiological quality & shelf life raw buffalo meat stored at ambient temperature. | National symposium on “Buffalo for Rural upliftment” & Annual Convention of Indian Society for Buffalo Development held at Mumbai, May 27-30, 2006 | Page No. 129 | ||||
41 | Dethe P.K., Sherikar A.T., Paturkar A.M.,Waskar V.S., Zende R.J., Nanaware S.R., Tushara chakkath Tushara & Gaikwad G.P. | Microbial assessment of buffalo carcass sites at processing plant operations. | National symposium on “Buffalo for Rural upliftment” & Annual Convention of Indian Society for Buffalo Development held at Mumbai, May 27-30, 2006 | Page No. 130-131 | ||||
42 | Barge R. S., Waskar V. S., Sherikar A. T., Paturkar A. M., & Zende R. J. | Detection of Gentamicin residues in poultry Muscle and Organ Samples by HPLC. | International symposium and 5th Annual conference on “New Strategies for Prevention and Control of Zoonoses an integrated Veterinary and Medical approach” hosted by IAVPHS at Palampur (Himachal Pradesh) India. | Page No. 133 | ||||
43 | Ludrik S. S., Sherikar A. T., Paturkar A. M., Zende R. J., Waskar V. S., Nanaware S. R., Satpute A. B. & Nayak D. N. | Counter Immunoelectrophoresis Test for Detection of Antibodies to Rabies Virus in Dog. | National symposium on “Horizons of VPH in Augmenting Veterinary, Medical and Environmental Health” & 6th Annual conference of IAVPHS held at Anand, Gujarat, November, 29-30, 2007. | Page No. 65 | ||||
44 | Zende R.J., Paturkar A.M., Nanaware S.R., Waskar V.S., Dhawale S.P., Kadam A.B., & Bute V.S. | Prevalence of Staphylococcus aureus, E.coli and Salmonella spp. In various processed chiken products sold in Mumbai city. | National symposium on “Horizons of VPH in Augmenting Veterinary, Medical and Environmental Health” & 6th Annual conference of IAVPHS held at Anand, Gujarat, between 29-30 Nov, 2007. | Page No. 117 | ||||
45 | Shinde D.T., Sherikar A.T., Paturkar A.M., Zende R.J., Waskar V.S., Nayak D.N. & Satpute A.B. | Studies on efficacy of ordinary and vacuum packaging systems on shelf life and keeping quality of buffalo meat stored at refrigeration temperature. | National symposium on “Horizons of VPH in Augmenting Veterinary, Medical and Environmental Health” & 6th Annual conference of IAVPHS held at Anand, Gujarat, between 29-30 Nov, 2007. | Page No. 118 | ||||
46 | Shinde D.T., Sherikar A.T., Paturkar A.M., Waskar V.S., Zende R.J., Nanaware S.R., Kshirsagar D.D. & Chothe S.V. | Efficacy of ordinary and modified atmosphere packaging systems on shelf life and keeping quality mutton stored at refrigeration temperature. | National symposium on “Horizons of VPH in Augmenting Veterinary, Medical and Environmental Health” & 6th Annual conference of IAVPHS held at Anand, Gujarat, between 29-30 Nov, 2007. | Page No.123 | ||||
47 | Tamhankar Smita, Powar Komal, Ranjan Bibhuti & Zende R.J. | Detection of subclinical mastitis by california mastits test and its public health importance on an organised dairy farm. | National symposium on “Horizons of VPH in Augmenting Veterinary, Medical and Environmental Health” & 6th Annual conference of IAVPHS held at Anand, Gujarat, November, 29-30, 2007. | Page No.166 | ||||
48 | Gosavi P.P., Sherikar A.T., Paturkar A.M., Waskar V.S., Zende R.J., Nanaware S.R., Bute V.S. & Dhawale S.P. | Effect of chlorinated water washing on Microbiological quality and shelf life of mutton carcasses stored at refrigeration temperature. | National symposium on “Horizons of VPH in Augmenting Veterinary, Medical and Environmental Health” & 6th Annual conference of IAVPHS held at Anand, Gujarat, between 29-30 Nov, 2007. | Page No. 256 | ||||
49 | Zende R. J., Kshirsagar D.D., Paturkar A.M., Kadam A. B., Chothe S.V., Khandagale P.M., Jadhav V.J. & Satpute A.B. | Studies on prevalence of Vibrio Parahaemolyticus in fish samples procured from different local markets in Mumbai city | International Symposium on “Food Safety, Quality Assurance and Global Trade : Concerns and Strategies” & 7th Annual conference of IAVPHS held at Pantnagar, Uttarakhand, between 07-09 November, 2008. | Page No. 73 | ||||
50 | Patil A.R., Zende R. J., Paturkar A.M., & Waskar V. S. | Detection of Organochlorine Pesticide Residues in Chicken Eggs | International Symposium on “Food Safety, Quality Assurance and Global Trade : Concerns and Strategies” & 7th Annual conference of IAVPHS held at Pantnagar, Uttarakhand, between 07-09 November, 2008. | Page No. 86 | ||||
51 | Paturkar A.M., Chothe S.V., Zende R. J., Kshirsagar D.D., Khandagale P.M., Jadhav V.J., Nayak, D.N. & Dhawale S.P | Comparative studies on various enrichment broth and culture media for isolation and identification of Salmonella spp. in chicken meat. | International Symposium on “Food Safety, Quality Assurance and Global Trade : Concerns and Strategies” & 7th Annual conference of IAVPHS held at Pantnagar, Uttarakhand, between 07-09 November, 2008. | Page No.109 | ||||
52 | Kadam A.B., Khandagale P.M., Zende R. J., Chothe S.V., Kshirsagar D.D., Jadhav V.J., Vaidya V.M., & Bute V.S | Studies on prevalence of Clostridium perfringens in chicken meat | International Symposium on “Food Safety, Quality Assurance and Global Trade : Concerns and Strategies” & 7th Annual conference of IAVPHS held at Pantnagar, Uttarakhand, between 07-09 November, 2008. | Page No. 173 | ||||
53 | Kalyapure R.A., Sherikar A. T., Zende R. J., Paturkar A.M., Waskar V.S., Jadhav V.J., Kadam A.B. & Kshirsagar D.D., | Detection of Adulteration in Semi-Cooked meat products sold in retail markets in Mumbai city by ELISA | National Symposium on “Transition from Empiricalism to Molecularism in Veterinary Research for a Sustainable Animal Health & Production – Way Forward & 16th Annual conference of IAAVR held at Bombay Veterinary College, Mumbai, between 20 and 21 February, 2009 | Page No. 47 | ||||
54 | Sajjan S. A., Zende R. J., Paturkar A. M., Bhadrige,V. V. Nandavadekar A. V. , Katkar S. M. and Vaidya.V. M. | Minimal Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) of Huwa-San on Selected Microorganisms of Food Safety Importance | National Symposium on “Transboundry Zoonotic Diseases: Challenges and Strategies” & VIIIth Annual conference of IAVPHS held at Tadong, Gangtok, Sikkim, between 06-07 November, 2009. | CD Document available. | ||||
55 | Kshirsagar D. D., Zende R. J., Paturkar, A.M., Barbudhe S. B., Kadam A.B.and V.M. Vaidya | Isolation of listeria ivanovii from clinical samples buffaloes with reproductive disorders | National Symposium on “Transboundry Zoonotic Diseases: Challenges and Strategies” & VIIIth Annual conference of IAVPHS held at Tadong, Gangtok, Sikkim, between 06-07 November, 2009. | CD Document available. | ||||
56 | Katkar S.M., Zende R. J., Paturkar A.M., Bhadrige V.V.,Nandavadekar A. V., Sajjan S. A. and Vaidya V.M. | Studies on Occurrence of Vibrio Spp. in Shellfish Sold in Different Markets in Mumbai City | National Symposium on “Transboundry Zoonotic Diseases: Challenges and Strategies” & VIIIth Annual conference of IAVPHS held at Tadong, Gangtok, Sikkim, between 06-07 November, 2009. | CD Document available. | ||||
57 | Zende R. J. and Paturkar A. M. | Pesticide residues in foods of animal origin in india and their molecular detection and control measures | National Symposium on “Transboundry Zoonotic Diseases: Challenges and Strategies” & VIIIth Annual conference of IAVPHS held at Tadong, Gangtok, Sikkim, between 06-07 November, 2009. | CD Document available. | ||||
58 | Zende R. J. | Campylobacter in poultry meat and its implications on export quality | International Conference on Protecting Animal Health : Facilitating Trade in Livestock and Livestock Products and XXIV Annual Convention of IAVMI and Specialist in Infectious Diseases held at College of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry, Raipur, Chhattisgarh, PIN- 491 001 during 27 – 29th January, 2010. | Page No.133 | ||||
59 | Zende R. J. | Occurrence of listeriosis in buffaloes and its impact on buffalo meat trade | International Conference on Protecting Animal Health : Facilitating Trade in Livestock and Livestock Products and XXIV Annual Convention of IAVMI and Specialist in Infectious Diseases held at College of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry, Raipur, Chhattisgarh, PIN- 491 001 during 27 – 29th January, 2010. | Page No.167 | ||||
60 | R. J. Zende, D. D. Kshirsagar, A. M. Paturkar, S. B Barbuddhe, G. S. Khandekar and V.M.Patil | Studies on prevalence of listeria spp. in buffaloes with reproductive disorders and its confirmationby polymerase chain reaction | International Symposium On Problems Of Listeriosis (ISOPOL) XVII – 2010 will be held at Porto, Portugal between May 5-8th, 2010. | Accepted for Poster presentation | ||||
61 | D. D. Kshirsagar, R. J. Zende, A. M. Paturkar, and S. B Barbuddhe | Prevalence of Listeria spp. in clinical cases in humans with spontaneous abortion | International Symposium On Problems Of Listeriosis (ISOPOL) XVII – 2010 will be held at Porto, Portugal between May 5-8th, 2010. | Accepted for Poster presentation | ||||
62 | S.M. Katkar, R.J.Zende, A.M. Paturkar, S.A. Sajjan, V.V. Bhadrige | Studies on occurrence and antibiotic sensitivity of vibrio Spp. in shellfish sol | IXh Annual conference of Indian Association of Veterinary Public Health specialists (IAVPHS) and National symposium on “National Symposium of VPH : New Horizon for integrating the Animal Production, Food safety and Human health ” held at BVC, Mumbai, between 28-29 January, 2011. | Page No.45 | ||||
63 | A.M. Paturkar, R.J.Zende, S.G.Bhandare, J. B. Mulani, N.K. Jogdand, H.B. Chethan Kumar, A.V.Deshmukh | Microbiological analysis of buffalo meat and its Public health significance | IXh Annual conference of Indian Association of Veterinary Public Health specialists (IAVPHS) and National symposium on “National Symposium of VPH : New Horizon for integrating the Animal Production, Food safety and Human health ” held at BVC, Mumbai, between 28-29 January, 2011. | Page No.56 | ||||
64 | R.J.Zende, A.M. Paturkar, Nagappa S.K., J. B. Mulani, N.K. Jogdand, H.B. Chethan Kumar, A.V.Deshmukh | Prevalence of Foodborn Pathogens in mutton samples and its Public health significance | IXh Annual conference of Indian Association of Veterinary Public Health specialists (IAVPHS) and National symposium on “National Symposium of VPH : New Horizon for integrating the Animal Production, Food safety and Human health ” held at BVC, Mumbai, between 28-29 January, 2011. | Page No.57 | ||||
65 | V.V. Bhadrige, R.J.Zende, A.M. Paturkar, S.G.Bhandare, M.L. GAtne S.A. Sajjan and H.B. Chethan Kumar | Prevalence and Economic impact of Cysticercosis in cattle, buffaloes and Pig Meat production at Deonar Abattoir, Mumbai | IXh Annual conference of Indian Association of Veterinary Public Health specialists (IAVPHS) and National symposium on “National Symposium of VPH : New Horizon for integrating the Animal Production, Food safety and Human health ” held at BVC, Mumbai, between 28-29 January, 2011. | Page No.99 | ||||
66 | S.A. Sajjan, A.M. Paturkar, M.L. Gatne, R.J.Zende, S.G.Bhandare and S.M. Katkar. | Prevalence, Fertility rate and protein content of Hydatid cyst in Pigs slaughtered at Deonar Abattoir, Mumbai | IXh Annual conference of Indian Association of Veterinary Public Health specialists (IAVPHS) and National symposium on “National Symposium of VPH : New Horizon for integrating the Animal Production, Food safety and Human health ” held at BVC, Mumbai, between 28-29 January, 2011. | Page No.100 | ||||
67 | V.V. Bhadrige , R.J.Zende, A.M. Paturkar, S.G.Bhandare S.A. Sajjan, and S.M. Katkar. | Characterization of whole Cyst, Scolex and host antigens of cysticercus cellulosae by sodium dodecyl sulphate- Polyacrelamide gel electrophoresis (SDS- PAGE) | IXh Annual conference of Indian Association of Veterinary Public Health specialists (IAVPHS) and National symposium on “National Symposium of VPH : New Horizon for integrating the Animal Production, Food safety and Human health ” held at BVC, Mumbai, between 28-29 January, 2011. | Page No.103 | ||||
68 | A.V. NAndavadekar, A.M. Paturkar, R.J.Zende, S.G.Bhandare, M.L. Gatne | Prevalence and Economic impact of Hydatidosis in sheep and Goat meat production | IXh Annual conference of Indian Association of Veterinary Public Health specialists (IAVPHS) and National symposium on “National Symposium of VPH : New Horizon for integrating the Animal Production, Food safety and Human health ” held at BVC, Mumbai, between 28-29 January, 2011. | Page No.116 | ||||
69 | Devashri Joshi, Sudhakar Bhandare, Nagappa S.K.,, A.M. Paturkar , R.J.Zende. | Prevalence of Echinoccocosis in sheep slaughtered at Deonar Abattoir, Mumbai | IXh Annual conference of Indian Association of Veterinary Public Health specialists (IAVPHS) and National symposium on “National Symposium of VPH : New Horizon for integrating the Animal Production, Food safety and Human health ” held at BVC, Mumbai, between 28-29 January, 2011. | Page No.117 | ||||
70 | A.V.Deshmukh, A.M.Paturkar, R.J.Zende, Nagappa S. Karabasanavar, S. G. Bhandare, S. M.Katkar, N.K. Jogdand, J.B.Mulani, H.B. Chethan Kumar | Prevalence of Public health importance associated with abortion in sheep and goat | IXh Annual conference of Indian Association of Veterinary Public Health specialists (IAVPHS) and National symposium on “National Symposium of VPH : New Horizon for integrating the Animal Production, Food safety and Human health ” held at BVC, Mumbai, between 28-29 January, 2011. | Page No.118 | ||||
71 | A.V.Deshmukh, S. M.Katkar, A.M.Paturkar, Nagappa S. K, R.J.Zende, S. G. Bhandare, H.B. Chethan Kumar | Seroprevalence of brucellosis in Aborted Goats | IXh Annual conference of Indian Association of Veterinary Public Health specialists (IAVPHS) and National symposium on “National Symposium of VPH : New Horizon for integrating the Animal Production, Food safety and Human health ” held at BVC, Mumbai, between 28-29 January, 2011. | Page No.121 | ||||
72 | A.V.Deshmukh, A.M.Paturkar, R.J.Zende, Nagappa S. K, S. G. Bhandare, S. M.Katkar, N.K.Jogdand , J.B.Mulani, H.B. Chethan Kumar and P.Pantawane | Prevalence & Antibiogramp of E.coli in vaginal swab obtained from aborted goats | IXh Annual conference of Indian Association of Veterinary Public Health specialists (IAVPHS) and National symposium on “National Symposium of VPH : New Horizon for integrating the Animal Production, Food safety and Human health ” held at BVC, Mumbai, between 28-29 January, 2011. | Page No.122 | ||||
73 | R.N.Waghmare, R.J.Zende,V.S. Waskar and A.M.Paturkar. | Comparison of chromogenic L. monocytogenes differential agar with PALCAM for isolation of Listeria spp. from milk samples | IXh Annual conference of Indian Association of Veterinary Public Health specialists (IAVPHS) and National symposium on “National Symposium of VPH : New Horizon for integrating the Animal Production, Food safety and Human health ” held at BVC, Mumbai, between 28-29 January, 2011. | Page No.150 | ||||
74 | S.A. Sajjan, A.M. Paturkar, R.J.Zende, C.B.Madhavprasad, S.M. Katkar. and V.V. Bhadrige | Penetration pattern of Salmonella typhimurium in artificially inoculated desi and white shelled eggs at ambient temperature. | IXh Annual conference of Indian Association of Veterinary Public Health specialists (IAVPHS) and National symposium on “National Symposium of VPH : New Horizon for integrating the Animal Production, Food safety and Human health ” held at BVC, Mumbai, between 28-29 January, 2011. | Page No.159 | ||||
75 | H.B. Chethan Kumar , R.J.Zende, A.M.Paturkar, Nagappa S. K, S. G. Bhandare, A.B. Kadam, , A. V. Deshmukh, J.B.Mulani, N.K.Jogdand | Comparison of rapid Coliform test with conventional MPN technique for assessing coliforms counts of market milk | IXh Annual conference of Indian Association of Veterinary Public Health specialists (IAVPHS) and National symposium on “National Symposium of VPH : New Horizon for integrating the Animal Production, Food safety and Human health ” held at BVC, Mumbai, between 28-29 January, 2011. | Page No.201 | ||||
76 | D.S.Kulkarni, R.J.Zende, A.M.Paturkar, V.S.Waskar, G.P.Gaikwad, T.Chhakanth and R.N. Waghmare | Detection of arsenic residues in milk by atomic absorption spectrometry | IXh Annual conference of Indian Association of VPH specialists (IAVPHS) and National symposium on “National Symposium of VPH : New Horizon for integrating the Animal Production, Food safety and Human health ” held at BVC, Mumbai, between 28-29 January, 2011. | Page No.203 | ||||
77 | R.J.Zende, A.M.Paturkar, P.R.Suryawanshi, D.M.Chavhan, H.V.Save and A.A.Kadam | Studies on microbial flora of raw buffalo bile obtained from Deonar Abattoir | IXh Annual conference of Indian Association of Veterinary Public Health specialists (IAVPHS) and National symposium on “National Symposium of VPH : New Horizon for integrating the Animal Production, Food safety and Human health ” held at BVC, Mumbai, between 28-29 January, 2011. | Page No.204 | ||||
78 | A.B. Kadam,V.S.Waskar, A.M.Paturkar and R.J.Zende | Application of Hazard analysis and critical control point (HACCP) approach in pig slaughterline | IXh Annual conference of Indian Association of Veterinary Public Health specialists (IAVPHS) and National symposium on “National Symposium of VPH : New Horizon for integrating the Animal Production, Food safety and Human health ” held at BVC, Mumbai, between 28-29 January, 2011. | Page No.209 | ||||
79 | V.J.JAdhav, V.S.Waskar, A.T.Sherikar, A.M.Paturkar, A.U.Ekbote, R.J.Zende, S.M.Vibhute and P.M.neminawar | Dietary exposure of oraganochorine and organophosphorous pesticide residues through consumption of meats | IXh Annual conference of Indian Association of Veterinary Public Health specialists (IAVPHS) and National symposium on “National Symposium of VPH : New Horizon for integrating the Animal Production, Food safety and Human health ” held at BVC, Mumbai, between 28-29 January, 2011. | Page No.210 | ||||
80 | V.S.Waskar, V.J.Jadhav, A.T.Sherikar, A.M.Paturkar, A.U.Ekbote, R.J.Zende, S.M.Vibhute and P.M.neminawar | Oraganochorine and Organophosphorous pesticide residues in fish and crustaceans | IXh Annual conference of Indian Association of Veterinary Public Health specialists (IAVPHS) and National symposium on “National Symposium of VPH : New Horizon for integrating the Animal Production, Food safety and Human health ” held at BVC, Mumbai, between 28-29 January, 2011. | Page No.211 | ||||
81 | G.P.Gaikwad, V.S.Waskar, R.J.Zende, Tushara chakkath and S.J.Palve | Spiking studies of poultry tissues samples for detection of residues of carbamate pesticides using LC/MS/MS technique | IXh Annual conference of Indian Association of Veterinary Public Health specialists (IAVPHS) and National symposium on “National Symposium of VPH : New Horizon for integrating the Animal Production, Food safety and Human health ” held at BVC, Mumbai, between 28-29 January, 2011. | Page No.219 | ||||
82 | G.P.Gaikwad, V.S.Waskar, R.J.Zende, Tushara chakkath and S.J.Palve | Standardization of LC/MS/MS technique for detection of residues of carbamate pesticides in animal tissues | IXh Annual conference of Indian Association of Veterinary Public Health specialists (IAVPHS) and National symposium on “National Symposium of VPH : New Horizon for integrating the Animal Production, Food safety and Human health ” held at BVC, Mumbai, between 28-29 January, 2011. | Page No.220 | ||||
83 | J.B.Mulani, H.B.Chethan Kumar, R.J.Zende, Nagappa S. K, S. G. Bhandare, N.K.Jogdand J.B.Mulani, A. V. Deshmukh, and P.Deori | Evaluation of minimum inhibitory concentration of food grade polyhexamethylene guanidine sanitizer | IXh Annual conference of Indian Association of Veterinary Public Health specialists (IAVPHS) and National symposium on “National Symposium of VPH : New Horizon for integrating the Animal Production, Food safety and Human health ” held at BVC, Mumbai, between 28-29 January, 2011. | Page No.223 | ||||
84 | N.K.Jogdand , R.J.Zende , A.M.Paturkar, S. G. Bhandare, J.B.Mulani, H.B.Chethan Kumar and A. V. Deshmukh. | Assessment of drinking water for few vital chemical parameters | IXh Annual conference of Indian Association of Veterinary Public Health specialists (IAVPHS) and National symposium on “National Symposium of VPH : New Horizon for integrating the Animal Production, Food safety and Human health ” held at BVC, Mumbai, between 28-29 January, 2011. | Page No.224 | ||||
85 | J.B.Mulani, A.M.Paturkar, R.J.Zende, Nagappa S.K., S. G. Bhandare, , N.K.Jogdand , H.B.Chethan Kumar and A. V. Deshmukh. | Evaluation of fumigation efficiency for microbial decontamination of air | IXh Annual conference of Indian Association of Veterinary Public Health specialists (IAVPHS) and National symposium on “National Symposium of VPH : New Horizon for integrating the Animal Production, Food safety and Human health ” held at BVC, Mumbai, between 28-29 January, 2011. | Page No.226 | ||||
86 | H.B.Chethan Kumar, R.J.Zende, Nagappa S.K., A.M.Paturkar, S. G. Bhandare, J.B.Mulani, , N.K.Jogdand , and A. V. Deshmukh. | Contamination of community soil with ova of Toxocara species in Mumbai city | IXh Annual conference of Indian Association of Veterinary Public Health specialists (IAVPHS) and National symposium on “National Symposium of VPH : New Horizon for integrating the Animal Production, Food safety and Human health ” held at BVC, Mumbai, between 28-29 January, 2011. | Page No.227 | ||||
87 | S.A. Sajjan, A.M. Paturkar, M.L.Gatne, R.J.Zende, S.M. Katkar. and V.V. Bhadrige | Characterization of porcine Hydatid fluid (HF) antigens by sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrelamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) | IXh Annual conference of Indian Association of Veterinary Public Health specialists (IAVPHS) and National symposium on “National Symposium of VPH : New Horizon for integrating the Animal Production, Food safety and Human health ” held at BVC, Mumbai, between 28-29 January, 2011. | Page No.229 | ||||
88 | S.M. Katkar, R.J.Zende, A.M. Paturkar, S.B.Barbuddhe, S.A. Sajjan, and V.V. Bhadrige | Molecular characterization of Listeria species obtained from clinical cases of sheep and goats with reproductive disorder | IXh Annual conference of Indian Association of Veterinary Public Health specialists (IAVPHS) and National symposium on “National Symposium of VPH : New Horizon for integrating the Animal Production, Food safety and Human health ” held at BVC, Mumbai, between 28-29 January, 2011. | Page No.229 | ||||
Sr. No. | Name of the Author(s) | Title of Published Papers | Name of the Journal | Page no. |
1 | Zende R.J. | Hazard analysis and critical control point approach in meat production. | Compendium of short term training course in Advances in Meat processing & Quality control organized by Dept. of Food Hygiene and Public Health, Bombay Veterinary College, Parel, Mumbai -12 between 10th to 23rd February, 1999. | Page No. 112-116 |
2 | Paturkar A.M.,Waskar V.S. &Zende R.J. | Meat Hygiene and Microbial Zoonoses | Compendium of Municipal Veterinarians Association published on Silver Jubilee Year 17th December, 2001. | Page No. 23-24 |
3 | Paturkar A.M.,Waskar V.S. &Zende R.J. | Utilization of Animal By-Products | Compendium of Municipal Veterinarians Association published on Silver Jubilee Year 17th December, 2001 | Page No. 25-26 |
Dr. V.M.Vaidya

Educational Qualification:
B.V.Sc. & A.H. | PDKV, Akola | Nagpur VeterinaryCollege, Nagpur | October, 2000 | First Division |
M.V.Sc.(FH & VPH) | MAFSU, Nagpur | Bombay VeterinaryCollege, Parel, Mumbai | April, 2003 | First Division |
Ph.D.(VPH) | IVRI,Izatnagar, Bareilly | Indian VeterinaryResearch InstituteIzatnagar, Bareilly | February, 2007 | First Division |
Sl No. | Institution/Place | Position | From (Date) | To (date) |
1 | Dept. of Veterinary Public Health, Bombay Veterinary College, Parel, Mumbai – 400012 (MAFSU, Nagpur) | Assistant Professor | 10.04.2008 | to till date |
2 | Department of Veterinary Public Health, Veterinary College, Bidar- 585 401 (Karnataka Veterinary Animal and Fishery Sciences University) | Assistant Professor | 03.03.07 | 09.04.2008 |
3 | Dept. of Food Hygiene and Veterinary Public Health, Bombay Veterinary College, Parel, Mumbai- 400012 | Senior Research Fellow | 01.11.2002 | 31.08.2003 |
(c) Research papers presented/abstracts published in proceedings of conferences/symposiaIn InternationalVaidya, V.M., Malik, S.V.S., Barbuddhe, S.B., Kaur, S. and Vaidya, M.M. (2008). Isolation of C. burnetii from clinical samples of women with spontaneous abortions and animals with reproductive disorders. In: the International Symposium on Food safety, Quality Assurance and Global Trade: Concerns and strategies and Seventh Annual Conference of Indian Association of Veterinary Public Health Specialists (IAVPHS). G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, Uttaranchal (India) in collaboration with Michigan State University, USA. Nov. 7-9.Vaidya, V.M. and Malik, S.V.S. (2010). Molecular, Serological and Isolation Studies on Coxiella burnetii in Reproductive disorder cases of human beings and animals In: 24th Annual Convention of IAVMI and International Conference on “Protecting Animal Health- Facilitating Trade in Livestock and Livestock Products”. Raipur, Chattishgarh. Jan, 27-29.
Kaur S., Malik, S.V.S., Vaidya, V.M. and Barbuddhe, S.B. (2007). Phenotypic and genotypic characterization of Listeria species isolated from spontaneous cases of abortion in humans and animals. In: the 16th International symposium on Problems of Listeriosis (ISOPOL XVI). Savannah, Georgia, USA, March 20-23, No. O-19.Malik, S.V.S.; Vaidya, V.M.; Barbuddhe, S.B.; Shakuntala, I. and Rawool, D.B. (2006). Comparative efficacy of modified agglutination test (MAT) and ELISA for serodiagnosis of toxoplasmosis in ruminants. In: International Symposium and 5th Annual Conference on “New strategies for prevention and control of zoonoses: An integrated Veterinary and Medical Approach”, Oct. 12-14, organized by Department of VPH, CSK Himachal Pradesh Agricultural University in Collaboration with Dept. of Community Medicine Dr. Rajendra Prasad Medical College Kangra (HP).In NationalVaidya, V.M. and Malik, S.V.S. (2007). Studies on Prevalence of Q fever in Man and Domestic Animals by Molecular, Serological and Isolation Methods. In: the Sixth Annual Conference and National Symposium on “Horizons of Veterinary Public Health in Augmenting Veterinary, Medical and Environmental Health”. Department of Veterinary Public Health, College of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry. Anand Agricultural University, Anand. Nov., 29-30, No. A 4.1.Vaidya, V.M.; Paturkar, A.M.; Waskar, V.S.; Zende, R.J.; Kargirwar, S.V.; Barge, R.S. (2003). Study of prevalence of pathogenic micro-organisms from poultry carcass sites in unorganised sectors. In: 47th National conference of Indian Public Health Association and Indian Association of Preventive & Social Medicine (Maharashtra Chapter), 17-19 Jan. at Nagpur.Vaidya, V.M.; Paturkar, A.M.; Sherikar, A.T.; Waskar, V.S.; Zende; R.J. and Nanaware, S.R. (2003). Study of Indicator organisms in organised poultry slaughterhouse. In: Second Annual Conference of Indian Association of Veterinary Public Health Specialists, 20-22 Sept. at Nagpur.Vaidya, V.M.; Paturkar, A.M.; Waskar, V.S. and Zende, R.J. (2005). Assessment of bacterial flora on poultry carcass sites procured from retail outlets in Mumbai city. In: III Annual Conference of Indian Association of Veterinary Public Health Specialists, and National Symposium on “New Approaches in Food Safety and quality Control with special reference to emerging foodborne diseases and intoxications, 9-10 Feb., organized by College of Veterinary Sciences, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana.Vaidya, V.M.; Paturkar, A.M.; Waskar, V.S. and Zende, R.J. (2005). Comparison of pathogenic microorganisms on poultry carcasses in organized sector and retail outlets in and around Mumbai city. In: IV Conference of Indian Association of Veterinary Public Health Specialists, 11-12 Nov., organized by the Division of Animal Health, ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Umroi Road, Umiam – 793 103, Meghalaya.Vaidya, V.M.; Malik, S.V.S.; Sunil, B. and Barua, R. (2005). Biosafety in Public Health Laboratories. In: IV Conference of Indian Association of Veterinary Public Health Specialists, 11-12 Nov., organized by the Division of Animal Health, ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Umroi Road, Umiam – 793 103, Meghalaya.Dubal, Z.B.; Toppo, S.; Kumar, Ashok; Pal, P. and Vaidya, V.M. (2005) Isolation and antimicrobial study of pathogens isolated from bovine mastitis in Sikkim. In: IV Conference of Indian Association of Veterinary Public Health Specialists, 11-12 Nov., organized by the Division of Animal Health, ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Umroi Road, Umiam – 793 103, Meghalaya. Sunil, B.; Vaidya, V.M. and Barua, R. (2005). Integrated Quality Assurance Programme for Indian Food Industry. In: III Annual Conference of Indian Association of Veterinary Public Health Specialists, and National Symposium on “New Approaches in Food Safety and quality Control with special reference to emerging foodborne diseases and intoxications., Feb 9-10, College of Veterinary Sciences, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana.Malik, S.V.S.; Vaidya, V.M. and Kaur, Simranpreet (2005). Economic impact analysis of zoonotic diseases: Relevance to rural India In: National Seminar on “Entrepreneurship Development for Livelihood Security-Experiences, Prospects and Strategies for Rural India”, Nov.29-Dec.1, Society for Community Mobilization for Sustainable Development & Joint Directorate of Extension Education, Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar, U.P., p.101 (Abstr. No. 5.6). Sunil, B.; Vaidya, V.M.; Barua, R. and Shinde, A.T. (2005) Public Health Significance of Genetically Modified (GM) Foods and its Safety Assessment. In: IV Conference of Indian Association of Veterinary Public Health Specialists, 11-12 Nov., organized by the Division of Animal Health, ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Umroi Road, Umiam – 793 103, Meghalaya.Vaidya, V.M. and Malik, S.V.S. (2011). Relative Efficacy of Commercial and Indigenous Antigen–based Immunofluorescence Assay (IFA) for Diagnosis of Q fever in Women with Spontaneous abortions and Animals with history of reproductive disorders In: IX Annual Conference of Indian Association of Veterinary Public Health Specialists (IAVPHS) and National Symposium on Veterinary Public Health; New Horizon for integrating the animal reproduction, food safety and human health. Department of Veterinary Public Health, Bombay Veterinary College, Parel, Mumbai – 400012, India, II-P 28.Vaidya, V.M. and Malik, S.V.S. (2011). Preparation of Coxiella burnetii Antigen for Capillary Agglutination Test for Diagnosis of Q fever in Human beings and animals In: IX Annual Conference of Indian Association of Veterinary Public Health Specialists (IAVPHS) and National Symposium on Veterinary Public Health; New Horizon for integrating the animal reproduction, food safety and human health. Department of Veterinary Public Health, Bombay Veterinary College, Parel, Mumbai – 400012, India, II-P 29.
(d) International Compendium = 03Malik, S.V.S.; Barbuddhe, S.B.; Rawool, D.B.; Sahare, A.M.; Fiske, A.V. and Vaidya, V.M. (2006). Datasheet on Coxiella burnetii (global status of Q fever in man animals). In: Animal Health and Production Compendium, CAB Int., Wallingford, UK, pp.66, www.cabicompendium.org/ahpc.Barbuddhe, S.B., Malik, S.V.S., Kalorey, D.R., Sahare, A.M., Rawool, D.B., Vaidya, V.M. and Kurkure, N.V. (2007). Food safety and Quality Enhancement Datasheet on Coxiella burnetii. In: Animal Health and Production Compendium, CAB International, Wallingford, UK., www.cabicompendium.org/ahpc.Malik, S.V.S.; Barbuddhe, S.B.; Rawool, D.B.; Vaidya, V.M. and Sahare, A.M. (2005). Datasheet on Rotaviruses (global status of Rotavirus infections in man and animals). In: Animal Health and Production Compendium, CAB International, Wallingford, UK. pp.64, www.cabicompendium.org/ahpc. (e) Awards and Honours:1. Award won on the presentation of the research work from the Doctoral Dissertation : “Dr. V.N. Bachhil Young Scientist Award” for Best Paper Presentation in Sixth Annual Conference and National Symposium on “Horizons of Veterinary Public Health in Augmenting Veterinary, Medical and Environmental Health”. Department of Veterinary Public Health, College of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry. Anand Agricultural University, Anand. Nov., 29-302. Senior Research Fellowship (SRF) for Ph.D programme at Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar, Bareilly, U.P. (2003-2006).3. Merit Scholarship for M.V.Sc. programme by N.M. Wadia, C/o, M. S. Motichand & Co., United India Bldg., Sir P.M. Road, Fort, Bombay- 400 001.Best Poster Awards:
- 1st Prize: In National Seminar on “Entrepreneurship Development for Livelihood Security-Experiences, Prospects and Strategies for Rural India”, Nov.29-Dec.1, Society for Community Mobilization for Sustainable Development & Joint Directorate of Extension Education, Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar, U.P.
- 3rd Prize: In IV Conference of Indian Association of Veterinary Public Health Specialists, 11-12 Nov., Division of Animal Health, ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Umroi Road, Umiam, Meghalaya.
- Awarded winner of E care Se essay competition In: E care Se Essay College competition on ‘Role of Vitamin E and Selenium in Mastitis’ held during Jan 1st to March 10th 2008 conducted by VETCARE, India.
- 3rd Prize: In VIII Conference of Indian Association of Veterinary Public Health Specialists, 11-12 Nov., Division of Animal Health, ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region,Gangatok, Sikkim.
- Principal Investigator of Outreach Programme on “Zoonotic Diseases” Sponsored by ICAR. New Delhi. Total Outlay Rs. 73.00 Lakhs. (from 25.02.2010 to 20.04.2010).
- Co-Principal Investigator of Project entitled AICRP on “Post Harvest technology” sponsored by ICAR, New Delhi. Total outlay Rs. 1.33 crores.
- Co-Principal Investigator in Agency Scheme “Detection of heavy metals, pesticides and antimicrobials from chicken meat”. Collaborative project with Dept of Veterinary Public Health and M/s. Vista Processed Foods Pvt. Lt d., Taloja., Duration -1 year. Total Outlay Rs. 2.41 Laks.
- Co-Principal Investigator in Agency Scheme “Study on efficacy and validation of polyhexamethylene guanidine for carcass sanitation and effect on shelf-life”. Bios AgriCorp Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai. Duration – 1 year, Total Outlay Rs. 2.50 Laks.
- Co-Principal Investigaror of “Rural Bioresearch Complex for Bioenterpreneurship development in Vidarbha region of Maharashtra state. The project was sponsored by Rajiv Gandhi Science & Technology Commission from 16.06.2009 (Duration = 3 years). The total funds sanctioned for the project was Rs. 1,65,13,800 Lakhs.
(i) Chapters1. Vaidya, V.M. (2008). Food borne Infections and Intoxications. In: Course Manual for Production Staff of Frigerio Conserva Allanna Ltd., Mumbai under Institute Industrial Linkage Programme, Veterinary College, Nandinagar, Bidar – 585 401, pp.60-65.2. Vaidya, V.M. (2008). Microorganisms Found in Foods. In: Course Manual for Production Staff of Frigerio Conserva Allanna Ltd., Mumbai under Institute Industrial Linkage Programme, Veterinary College, Nandinagar, Bidar – 585 401, pp.66-71.3. Vaidya, V.M. (2008). Potability of Water. In: Course Manual for Production Staff of Frigerio Conserva Allanna Ltd., Mumbai under Institute Industrial Linkage Programme, Veterinary College, Nandinagar, Bidar – 585 401, pp.80-85.
(j) Manuals1. Vaidya, V.M. and Kumar, P. (2008). Meat Hygiene. Practical Manual, pp.1-38. (k) Teaching:
- Taught under-graduate and post-graduate students as per the fixed syllabus by University.
- Acted as a paper setter for the undergraduate course in other states.
- Acted as an External examiner for the practical examination in Annual Board Examinations.
- Attended 10 days Summer School Training on “Recent Advances in Molecular Diagnosis of Important Zoonotic Diseases”, 21-30 September, 2010, at Division of Veterinary Public Health, IVRI, Izatnagar and received a ‘Best Participant’ Appreciation letter from Director, Summer School, IVRI.
- Completed training course on “High Performance Thin Layer Chromatography” conducted on 26/04/2003 by Camag Switzerland recognised Application Research Laboratory, ANCHROM, in Mumbai.
- Five days Trainings were conducted as a CO-PI:-
- Training on: ‘Value Added Fish Product Preparation under the project’, at Collage of Fisheries Science, Nagpur. The Beneficiaries were 90 Women Self Help Group of Wadi area of Nagpur and Duration-27.05.2010 to 31.05.2010.
- Training on: ‘Ornamental Fish Breeding & Rearing’, at Collage of Fisheries Science, Nagpur. The Beneficiaries were 60 Women Self Help Group from the different areas of Nagpur city and Duration- 05.06.2010 to 09.06.2010.
- Training on: ‘Azolla cultivation, Vermicomposting, Value-added product of milk etc.’, at Mondha Taluka Hingana Dist. Nagpur. The Beneficiaries were 60 Women Self Help Group’ and Duration- 10.06.2010 to 14.06.2010.
Training arranged for last three year.:
- Arranged one day training to the studentd of Maharashtra university of health Sciences in 3 batches (20 students/ batch) = year 2008.
- Arranged one day training to the studentd of Maharashtra university of health Sciences in 4 batches (20 students/ batch)= year 2009.
- Research Experience:
- Well acquainted with the skilled handling of Biohazard level III pathogens like Coxiella burnetii. I have developed expertise in the standardization and application of molecular tests like trans-PCR, real-time PCR, multiplex PCR as well as serological tests like ELISA, IFA, MAT, CAT for the rapid and reliable diagnosis of important zoonotic diseases, particularly Q fever, listeriosis and toxoplasmosis.
- Developed – a protocol for quantitative real-time PCR assay for detection and quantification of C. burnetii in clinical samples (viz. placenta, vaginal swab, fecal swab, milk and urine) during my Ph.D. research work.
- Optimized – the different conditions for Trans-PCR assay for the detection of C. burnetii in clinical samples with a view to attain the desired level of sensitivity and specificity of the assay. Besides using the standard antigens in the test protocols and commercial kits of ELISA and IFA for serological investigations of Q fever in man and animals, two antigens were also prepared indigenously from the C. burnetii isolates recovered in the study, and used in the serological tests namely CAT and IFA.
- d. In M.V.Sc. research work, identified and isolated the various spoilage and pathogenic microorganisms (viz. Staphylococcus.aureus, S. epidermidis, Micrococcus, Enterococci, Bacillus cereus, B. subtilis, B. coagulans, B. circulans, Clostridium spp., Faecal coliforms, E.coli, Proteus vulgaris, P. mirabilis, Klebsiella aerogenes, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Salmonella spp.) from poultry carcasses and slaughterhouse points. Assessed the microbiological hazards at different points in poultry slaughter and processing operations and suggested CCPs for implementation.in organized and unorganized (retail outlets) sectors.
- Qualified ICAR National Eligibility Test (NET) in 2004 in Veterinary Public Health, conducted by Agricultural Scientists Recruitment Board (ICAR), Krishi Anusandhan Bhavan, Pusa, New Delhi – 110 012
- Qualified MS-CIT examination (2003) conducted by M.S.B.T.E., Mumbai
- Completed Advanced Diploma Course in Computer Operations (2001) in AS Compu Tech, Computer Education, Mumbai.
- Participation in conferences/symposia/seminar: International = 01, National = 13
- Completed 240 hours of work as a member of National Service Scheme (1998-99).
- Attended N.S.S. Special Camping Programme for 10 days in Mohgaon, Dist. Nagpur.
- Participated in “Health and Treatment Camp” organized by our college from 4/12/08 to 8/12/08 and 24/11/09 to 28/11/09 and helped in revenue generation.
- Selected as Livestock Development Officer (Secured 2nd rank out of 325 candidates) by Maharashtra Public Service Commission.
- Leaflets published= 04
- Radio talk = 03
- Reviewed article of Journal of Muscle Foods, USA = 02.
- Registered as Veterinary Practitioner (Reg. No.MSVC- 6350) under IVC Act.1984.
- Played Kho-Kho, Kabaddi and Cricket at University level and still playing
- Indian Association of Veterinary Public Health Specialists (I.A.V.P.H.S.).
- Indian Association of Comparative Microbiology, Immunology and Specialists in Infectious Diseases (Estd. 1978).
- Alumni Association in Bombay Veterinary College, Parel, Mumbai- 400 012.
- Indian Veterinary Research Institute Alumni Association, Izatnagar.
- Veterinarians Association of Bombay Veterinary College.