Veterinary Medicine
UG Syllabus
Lecture No. | Topics to be covered |
1 | History and scope of medicine, concept of animal diseases, concept of diagnosis, differential diagnosis and prognosis. |
General Systemic States | |
2 | Hyperthermia and hypothermia |
3 | Fever |
4 | Septicaemia and toxaemia |
5 | Dehydration |
6 | Shock |
Diseases of digestive system-I | |
7 | Stomatitis, pharyngitis, parotitis, |
8 | Oesophagitis and choke |
9 | Gastritis and Gastric dilatation |
10 | Enteritis |
11 | Colic |
Diseases of digestive system-II | |
12-13 | Simple indigestion, acid and alkaline indigestion |
14 | Bloat |
15 | Peritonitis including Traumatic reticuloperitonitis |
16 | Diaphragmatic hernia and Vagal indigestion |
17 | Abomasal displacement and intestinal obstruction (in brief) |
Diseases of Liver and pancreas | |
18 | Hepatitis ,Cirrhosis |
19 | Jaundice |
20 | Ascites and Pancreatitis |
Diseases of Respiratory system | |
21 | Rhinitis, Laryngitis and Epistaxis |
22 | Bronchitis and Pneumonia |
23 | Pulmonary Emphysema |
24 | Pleurisy and Hydrothorax |
Diseases of cardiovascular System | |
25 | Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) |
26 | Pericarditis, Myocarditis, endocarditis |
27 | Anaemia |
28 | Oedema |
29 | Lymphangitis and Lymphadenitis |
Diseases of urinary system | |
30 | Nephritis |
31 | Urolithiasis |
32 | Cystitis and Urethritis |
Sr. No | Name of the topic |
1 | History taking (Anamnesis): Animal details, present history, past history and history of environment |
2 | Physical examination –Inspection:-Appearance,behaviour,body condition,gait,posture,skin coat, act of defecation and urination, condition of external genitalia,eye,ear,nose,abdomen Study of behaviour and general appearance. |
3 | Physical examination :Palpation-Methods of palpation, palpation findings, palpation of internal organs and lymph nodes, rectal palpation |
4 | Physical examination: Percussion-Types, stages of percussion, types and sounds produced through percussion, tactile percussion |
5 | Physical examination: Auscultation– Methods,prerequisites,normal and abnormal sounds produced by different internal organs |
6 | Recording of body temperature-sites, technique, factors affecting body temperature, degrees of fever and types of fever. |
7 | Recording of pulse rate- sites for recording pulse, procedure, factors affecting pulse rate, frequency, rhythm, amplitude and quality of pulse |
8 | Recording of respiration rate- methods, rhythm and types of respiration, factors affecting respiration rate. |
9 | Clinical examination of head and neck : ears, eyes, conjunctiva, eye balls, mouth, submandibular lymph nodes and other superficial lymph nodes, Jugular furrow, oesophagus and trachea, special examination with the help of Otoscope, Ophthalmoscope, Rhino scope, Laryngoscope and Bronchoscope |
10 | Clinical Examination of thorax: Percussion / Auscultation of lung and cardiac area. Special examination with the help of ECG, Echocardiography and Radiography. |
11 | Examination of abdomen-Stomach,Kidney.Special examination with USG and Radiography |
12 | Passing of stomach tube and collection of Rumen fluid |
13 | Rumen fluid evaluation: Physical and microscopic examination. |
14 | Examination of liver and liver function tests (Vander Bergh test, Blood clotting time,icterus index and serum bilurubin estimation) |
15 | Examination of kidney and kidney function tests. (Urine analysis, serum creatinine and BUN estimation) |
16 | Recording of clinical cases |
Lecture No | Topic of lecture |
1. | Introduction and definitions related to infectious diseases |
2. | Black quarter (BQ) |
3. | Tetanus |
4. | Enterotoxaemia |
5. | Hemorrhagic septicemia(HS) |
6. | Colibacillosis |
7. | Brucellosis |
8. | Tuberculosis |
9. | Johne’s disease |
10 | Actinomycosis |
11 | Actinobacillosis |
12 | Listeriosis |
13 | Leptospirosis |
14 | Compylobacteriosis |
15 | Ulcerative lymphangitis, Strangles |
16 | Glanders |
17-18 | Mastitis |
19 | Anthrax |
20 | Botulism |
21 | Contagious Bovine pleuropnemonia, Contagious Caprine pleuropneumonia |
22 | Swine Erysipeleas |
23-24 | Fowl typhoid, Pullorum disease,Salmonelosis |
25 | Fowl cholera, Spirochaetosis |
26 | Avian mycoplasmosis |
27 | Aspergillosis (Brooder pneumonia) |
28 | Chlamydiosis, , Q fever |
29 | Anaplasmosis |
30 | Candidiosis, Histoplasmosis |
31 | Sporotrichosis, Coccidiodomycosis |
32 | Mycotoxicosis ,Dermatophilosis |
LectureNo. | Topics to be covered |
1 | Introduction,Comptonmetabolic profile test |
2 | Parturient Paresis (Milk fever) |
3 | Acute parturient hypocalcaemia in goat, sow and bitches |
4 | Lactation tetany in mares. |
5 | Downer’s Cow syndrome |
6 | Ketosis. |
7 | Hypomagnesia in cattle and buffalo |
8 | Nutritional haemoglobinuria |
9 | Azoturia in equines |
10 | Hypothyroidism and Diabetes in dogs |
11-14 | Diseases caused by deficiency by iron, iodine, copper, cobalt, zinc, manganese and selenium. |
15-16 | Diseases caused by deficiency by calcium, phosphorus and magnesium(Rickets,Osteomalacia,Osteodystrophia fibrosa) |
17-18 | Diseases caused by deficiency of fat and water soluble vitamins. |
19 | Deficiency diseases of poultry |
20 | Diseases of neonates-Neonatal diarrhea, Pneumoenteritis, Naval ill |
21 | Diseases of skin –Alopecia, Pityriasis,hyperkeratosis,parakeratosis,impetigo,pachyderma |
22-23 | Diseases of skin-Urticaria,eczema,photosenstization,dermatitis,otitis and conjunctivitis |
24-25 | Diseases of musculoskeletal system-Arthritis,Myositis,Osteomyelitis |
26-28 | Diseases of nervous system-Encephalitis,Meningitis,Epilepsy and Paralysis |
29-31 | Management of common clinical poisoning- HCN,pesticide,nitrate,urea lead,mercury,arsenic and chocolate poisoning |
32 | Role of alternative integrated, ethno-veterinary medicine in animal disease management |
LectureNo. | Topics to be covered |
1 | Introduction, , Foot and Mouth Disease(FMD) |
2-3 | Rinderpest ,Bovine Malignant Catarrh & Bovine Viral Diarrhoea |
4 | Infectious Bovine Rhino-tracheitis( IBR, Red Nose) |
5 | Enzootic bovine leucosis, Bovine ephemeral fever (BEF) |
6 | Blue-tongue (BT). |
7 | Sheep & Goat Pox |
8 | Peste des petits ruminants( PPR, Goat plague) |
9 | Classic swine fever (Hog cholera), Swine influenza |
10 | Salient features and differential diagnosis of African swine fever, Swine vesicular disease, Vesicular stomatitis, Rift valley fever and Aujeszky’s disease |
11 | Rabies |
12-14 | African horse sickness, Equine influenza, Equine infectious anemia and Equine viral rhinopneumonitis( Equine herpes virus i.e.EHV- 4 infection) |
15-16 | Canine distemper (CD), Infectious canine hepatitis (ICH) and canine parvoviral disease (CPV). |
17 | Avian Influenza |
18-19 | New castle( Ranikhet) disease, Marek’s disease & Avian leucosis complex |
20-22 | Infectious bronchitis, Infectious laryngotracheitis, Avian encephalomyelitis(AE), Fowl pox, Infectious bursal disease(IBD), Inclusion body hepatitis-hydropericardium syndrome & any emerging viral disease(s) of global importance |
23 | Fasciolosis ( liver fluke disease ) |
24 | Amphistomosis (Stomach-fluke disease),Schistosomosis(Blood-fluke disease) |
25-26 | Gastrointestinal nematodiasis( large & small ruminants with reference to horse and pigs), Verminous bronchitis(lungworm disease) |
27-28 | Tapeworm infestation ( Cysticercosis), Echinococcosis, Coeneurosis |
29-31 | Tropical Theileriosis, Babesiosis, Trypanosomosis(Surra), Canine ehrichiosis |
32 | Trichomonosis, Coccidiosis |
Lecture No. | Topics to be covered | |
1 | Definition of animal welfare and Ethics, Human and animal welfare in relation to ecosystem and environment factors | |
2 | Role of Veterinarians in animal welfare, animal welfare organizations | |
3 | Animal welfare Board ofIndia– their role, functions and current status. | |
4 | Rules regulations, laws on animal welfare, Prevention of Cruelty of Animals (PCA) Act, 1960 ( 59 of1960) | |
5 | Role and function of committee for the purpose of controlling and supervising experiments in Animals (CPCSEA) | |
6 | Protection of wildlife in nature and captivity. | |
7 | Protection and welfare of performing animals | |
8 | Welfare of animals during transportation. Animal welfare in commercial livestock farming practices | |
9 | Protection and welfare of working animals. Pet and Companion animal welfare | |
10 | Animal welfare during natural calamities and disaster management | |
11 | Legal duties of Veterinarians, forensic and State Medicine laws. | |
12 | Common offences against animals and laws related to these offences,Bestality | |
13 | Examination of living and dead animals in criminal cases. | |
14 | Legal aspects of : Examination of animals for soundness | |
15 | Legal aspects of : examination of injuries | |
16 | Legal aspects of : post mortem examination | |
17 | Causes of sudden death in animals | |
. 18 | Collection and dispatch of materials for chemical examination | |
19 | Detection of frauds- doping , alteration of description, bishoping etc. | |
20 | Cattle slaughter and evidence procedure in courts. | |
21-22 | Provincial and central Acts relating to animals. | |
23 | Glanders & Farcy Act. 1899 (13 of 1899) | |
24 | Dourine Act 1910 ( 5 of 1910) | |
25-26 | Laws relating to offences – affecting public health | |
27-28 | Laws relating to poison and adulteration of drugs | |
29 | Livestock importation Act | |
30 | Evidence, Liability and insurance | |
31-32 | Code of conduct and ethics for veterinarians – the regulations made under Indian Veterinary council Act, 1984 |
Lecture schedule | Content | To be taught by |
1 | Introduction about Ethology of wildlife species | VMD |
2 | Taxonomy of various genera of wild/ zoo animals ofIndiaalong with their descriptions | LPM |
3 | Basic principles of habitat and housing of various classes of wild & zoo animals | LPM |
4 | Population dynamics of wild animals | AGB |
5 | Effective population size of wild animals in captivity/ zoo /natural habitat. | AGB |
6 | Planned breeding of wild animals, Controlled breeding and assisted reproduction, Breeding for conservation of wild animals. | AGB |
7 | Feeding habits, feeds & feeding schedules of zoo animals | ANN |
8 | Nutrients requirement of wild animals. Diet formulation and feeding of various age groups, sick & geriatric animals | ANN |
9 | Restrain, capture, handling, Physical examination and Transport of Wild and Zoo animals. | VMD |
10 | Principles of anesthesia, anesthetics, chemical restraining | VSR |
11 | Common Surgical interventions | VSR |
12 | Capture myopathy | VMD |
13 | Principles of zoo hygiene, public health problems arising from zoo’s | VMD |
14-15 | Prevention, control treatment of infections, parasitic, nutritional and metabolic diseases in zoo and wild animals | VMD |
16 | Act & Rules related to zoo and wild animals. National & International organizations and institutions interlinked to wild and zoo animals- Role and functioning | VMD |
Practicalschedule | Content | To be taught by |
No 1-3 | Visit to nearby Wildlife Sanctuary/ Zoo/ Wild animal Centre to study the care and management, restraint, examination, administration of medicine etc. | VMD |
No. 4 | To study the housing of zoo animals. | LPM |
No. 5 | To study feeds & feeding schedule of zoo animals | ANN |
No. 6 | Planning for balances feeding. | ANN |
No.7 -8 | Diet chart, preparation of balance diet for new born, growing and sick animals as oral and intravenous feeds. | ANN |
No. 9-10 | Preparation of modified diet under selected conditions. Hygienic preparation, preservation and storage of foods. | ANN |
No.11 -12 | Post mortem examination of wild and zoo animals | VPP |
No. 13-14 | Handling, processing and interpretation of pathological materials from zoo and wild animals | VPP |
No. 15 | Attending to common surgical interventions on zoo and wild animals | VSR |
No.16 | To study the implementation of various Acts & Rules related to zoo animals care and management | VMD |
Sr. No. | Lecture Topic | To be taught by |
1 | National and International Pedigreed common breeds of dog and cat | Dept. of AGB |
2 | Major breed traits, Pedigree sheet | Dept. of AGB |
3 | Selection of breeds to rear.Selection of pup | Dept. of AGB |
4 | Detection of estrus , Breeding of dogs ,mating | Dept. of LPM |
5 -6 | Management of dog kennel, Care of pregnant bitch, Whelping ,Care of pups, Management of cat | Dept. of LPM |
7 | Dog shows – Preparation for dog shows, Kennel clubs, Important characters for judgment | Dept. of LPM |
8 | Utility of dogs : guarding, defense, patrolling, riot control, scouting, espionage, mine detection, tracking, guiding, hunting, races, retrieving, rescue etc.Principles of training of dogs | Dept. of LPM |
9 | Common pet birds ofIndia, their caging, Breeding, Feeding management, disease control and prevention | Dept. of LPM |
10 | Feeding of dogs and cats – nutritional requirements of important breeds and different age groups | Dept. of Animal Nutrition |
11 | Common surgical intervention in dogs- docking, ear cropping, nail cutting & sterilization. | Dept. of Surgery & Radiology |
12 | Common anesthetics & anesthesia in dog | Dept. of Surgery & Radiology |
13-15 | Clinical manifestations , diagnosis, treatment and control of common diseases affecting dog & cat : Bacterial – Leptospirosis, Viral : Rabies, Canine Distemper, Infectious Canine Hepatitis, Parvovirus infection, Feline pan leukopenia Parasitic : Round worm & mange Fungal : Ringworm | Dept. of Vet. Medicine |
16 | Deworming & vaccination schedule in dogs & catsPrevention & control of pet bird diseases. | Dept. of Vet. Medicine |
Sr. No. | Topic | To be taught by |
1. | Recognizing common breeds of dog and cat | Dept. of AGB |
2. | Handling of dogs and cat , types and use of leads and collars ,brushing, grooming and bathing of dogs | Dept. of LPM |
3 | Detection of estrus, mating , whelping , Care of pups, weaning , hygiene of kennel and feeding utensils | Dept. of LPM |
4 | Identification and handling of common pet birds | Dept. of LPM |
5-6 | Restraining of dogs, cats, kitten of for examination/medication/ Surgical interventions | Dept. of Surgery & Radiology |
7 | Nail , tooth care, clipping of hair for show purpose | Dept. of Surgery & Radiology |
8 | Surgical interventions such .as nail clippings, docking, sterilization | Dept. of Surgery & Radiology |
9-10 | Post mortem examination techniques in dogs, cats and pet birds | Department of Pathology |
11-12 | Clinical examination of dog & cats for diagnosing common diseases | Dept. of Vet. Medicine |
13 | Clinical examination,handling of pet birds & administration of medicine | Dept. of Vet. Medicine |
14 | Vaccinations in pet animals | Dept. of Vet. Medicine |
15 | Control of external & internal parasitic infestation in pets | Dept. of Vet. Medicine |
16 | Visit to dog show | Dept of LPM |
- Ambulatory Section: Field conditions / Equipped Mobile services.
VCP-411 | VCP421 | VCP-511 | |||||||
Departments: | M | S | G | M | S | G | M | S | G |
| |||||||||
- Medicine Section:
Department :Medicine | VCP-411 | VCP-421 | VCP-511 | |
| * | * | * | |
| * | * | * | |
| * | * | * | |
| * | * | * | |
| * | * | * | |
1) OPD, | * | * | * | |
2) In-Patient, | * | * | * | |
3) Critical care / Intensive care | * | * | * | |
4) Sanitation | * | * | * | |
5) Up-keeping etc. practice managements | * | * | * | |
| * | * | * | |
1) Orientation to local language | * | * | * | |
2) Dialect | * | * | * | |
3) Local terminology of disease(s) | * | * | * | |
| * | * | * | |
1) Filling-up of registration cards | * | * | * | |
2) History taking | * | * | * | |
3) Drugs | * | * | * | |
i. Generic and trade names of drugs | * | * | * | |
ii. Doses | * | * | * | |
iii. Route of administration | * | * | * | |
iv. Indications | * | * | * | |
v. Contraindications | * | * | * | |
vi. Treatment regimens | * | * | * | |
| * | * | * | |
| * | * | * | |
| * | * | * | |
1) Collection | * | * | * | |
2) Labeling | * | * | * | |
3) Packaging | * | * | * | |
4) Evaluation | * | * | * | |
| * | * | * | |
1) Clinical examination of patient | * | * | * | |
2) History taking | * | * | * | |
3) Examination techniques | * | * | * | |
i. Palpation | * | * | * | |
ii. Percussion | * | * | * | |
iii. Auscultation | * | * | * |
Department :Medicine | VCP-411 | VCP-421 | VCP-511 | |
iv. Systemic examinations of various systems | * | * | * | |
v. Recording of clinical observations: | * | * | * | |
| * | * | * | |
| * | * | * | |
| * | * | * | |
| * | * | * | |
| * | * | * | |
| * | * | * | |
| * | * | * | |
| * | * | * | |
vi. Routes and techniques of administration of medicaments | * | * | * | |
4) Diagnosis and treatment of common clinical conditions / cases: | * | |||
i. Pharyngitis | * | |||
ii. Laryngitis | * | |||
iii. Stomatitis | * | |||
iv. Indigestion | * | |||
v. Ruminal impaction | * | |||
vi. Tympany | * | |||
vii. Enteritis | * | |||
viii. Traumatic reticulo-peritonitis | * | |||
ix. Traumatic pericarditis | * | |||
x. Pneumonia | * | |||
xi. Haemoglobinuria | * | |||
xii. Hematuria | * | |||
xiii. Milk fever | * | |||
xiv. Ketosis | * | |||
xv. Rickets | * | |||
xvi. Osteomalacia | * | |||
xvii. Common poisoning | * | |||
xviii. Other | * | |||
5) Collection of materials for laboratory examination: | * | * | * | |
i. Urine | * | * | * | |
ii. Faeces | * | * | * | |
iii. Skin Scraping | * | * | * | |
iv. Blood | * | * | * |
Department :Medicine | VCP-411 | VCP-421 | VCP-511 | |
v. Milk | * | * | * | |
vi. Other body fluids (Synovial, CSF, Saliva, lymphatic, tears etc.) | * | * | * | |
6) Preparation of case records and follow-up. | * | * | * | |
7) Treatment of casualties and other emergencies. | * | * | * | |
8) Screening of livestock and Poultry through tests / mass diagnostic campaigns | * | * | ||
9) Vaccination and other disease prevention and control programs in the field. | * | * | ||
10) Practice of feeding of sick animals | * | * | * | |
11) Acts and regulations pertaining to: | * | * | * | |
i. Generation & disposal of biomedical wastes | * | |||
| * | |||
| * | |||
| * | |||
| * | |||
| * | |||
| * | |||
| * | |||
ii. Hazards of Biomedical wastes | * | |||
iii. Impact of Biomedical waste on environment | * |
PG Syllabus
VCM 606 | AVIAN MEDICINE | 1+0 |
VCM 608
VCM 691 | MASTER’S SEMINAR | 1+0 |
Sr. No. | ISemester | IISemester | III Semester | IV Semester | ||||
| Course no. | Credit | Course no. | Course no. | Credit | Credit | Course no. | Credit |
1 | VCM-601 | 2+0=2 | VCM-615 | 0+3=3 | VCM-603 | 2+0=2 | VCM-699 | 0+20=20 |
2 | VCM-612 | 0+2=2 | VCM-602 | 2+0=2 | VCM-606 | 1+0=1 | – | – |
3 | VCM-614 | 0+3=3 | VCM-613 | 0+2=2 | VCM-607 | 2+0=2 | – | – |
4 | VCM-604 | 2+0=2 | VCM-605 | 1+0=1 | VCM-610 | 1+0=1 | – | – |
5 | VCM-608 | 1+0=1 | VCM-609 | 2+0=2 | VCM-611 | 1+1=2 | – | – |
6 | – | – | – | – | VCM-691 | 1+0=1 | – | – |
Total Credit | 5+5=10 |
| 5+5=10 |
| 8+1=9 |
| 0+20=20 |
Lecture No. | Topics to be covered |
1 | History and scope of medicine, concept of animal diseases, concept of diagnosis, differential diagnosis and prognosis |
| Unit I General Systemic States |
2 | Hyperthermia and hypothermia |
3 | Fever |
4 | Septicemia and toxaemia |
5 | Dehydration, acidosis and alkalosis |
6 | Shock, oedema |
7 | Oedema |
8 | Allergy and anaphylaxis, |
| Unit II Diseases of alimentary, liver & urinary system – I |
9 | Stomatitis,Parotitis, pharyngitis, pharyngeal nerve paralysis |
10 | Oesophagitis and choke |
11 | Enteritis |
12 | Colic |
13 | Simple indigestion, acid and alkaline indigestion |
14 | Bloat / Tympany |
15 | Traumatic reticuloperitonitis |
16 | Diaphrgamatic hernia and vagus indigestion |
17 | Abomasal displacement, abomasal bloat in calves and lambs |
18 | Intestinal obstruction including paralytic ileus, Caecal dilatation |
19 | Hepatitis, Cirrhosis |
20 | Jaundice |
21 | Nephritis, Nephrosis |
22 | Cystitis and Urethritis |
23 | Urolithiasis |
24 | Renal failure (Acute and Chronic), Uraemia |
| Unit III Diseases of Respiratory & Nervous system |
25 | Rhinitis, Laryngitis and Bronchitis |
26 | Pneumonia, Pulmonary edema |
27 | Pneumothorax, Pulmonary emphysema |
28 | Pleurisy, Hydrothorax |
29 | Encephalitis |
30 | Encephalomalacia, Cerebral oedema |
31 | Meningitis, Space occupying lesions in brain (Abscess, Cyst) |
32 | Brain and spinal cord injury, Paralysis |
Lecture No. | Topics to be covered |
Unit I Diseases of cardiovascular system, blood and blood forming organs | |
1-2 | Acute heart failure, Peripheral circulating failure, Congestive heart failure |
3 | Myocardial disease and cardiomyopathy |
4 | Endocarditis, valvular disease |
5 | Pericarditis |
6 | Arterial/venous thrombosis and embolism; DIC |
7 | Anaemia |
8-9 | Leukemia, lymphosarcoma, leukocytosis, Leucopenia. |
10 | Lymphangitis, lymphadenitis (lymphadenopathy) |
Unit II Diseases of musculosketal system and skin | |
11 | Myositis, myopathy |
12 | Osteomyelitis |
13 | Osteodystrophy |
14 | Arthritis, synovitis |
15 | Arthropathy |
16 | Alopecia,Pityriasis |
17 | Hyperkeratosis, Parakeratosis Pachyderma, |
18 | Impetigo, Pyoderma, Seborrhoea |
19 | Vitiligo, Leukoderma |
20 | Urticaria, Pruritus |
21 | Photosensitization |
22 | Dermatitis |
23 | Subcutaneous emphysema |
Unit III Diseases of eyes, ears, nose | |
24 | Conjunctivitis |
25 | Keratitis |
26 | Cataract |
27 | Glaucoma |
28 | Retinitis and retinopathy |
29 | Otohematoma |
30 | Otitis (externa, interna and media) |
31 | Epistaxis |
32 | Nasal granuloma, polyps, tumor |
Lecture No. | Topic |
1-8 | UNIT-I General Systemic states and diseases of alimentary system & liver |
Fever, Equine endotoxaemia, Dehydartion, Shock | |
Diseases of digestive system- Dental disorder, Choke, Oesophageal perforation, oesophagial moytility disorder, Gastritis, Gastric ulceration, Diarrhoea, Peritonitis, Colic, jaundice, Hepatic Encephalopathy. | |
9-16 | UNIT-II Diseases of respiratory, cardiovascular system, blood and blood forming organs |
Pneumonia, Pleuro Pneumonia,Pneumothorax, hemothorax, Pulmonary oedema, COPD, EIPH, Guttural Pouch diseases | |
Vulvular insufficiency, vegetative endocarditis | |
Aquired coagulation disorder, Euine neonatal isoerythrolysis, Equine perpura hemorrhagia | |
17-24 | UNIT-III diseases of urinary and nervous system |
ARF,CRF, UTI, Cystitis, Urinary incontinence | |
Cerebral oedema, Brain abscess, Leukoencephalomalacia, Thromboembolic meningoencephalitis, peripheral Vesibular disease, Nigropallidal encephalomalacia, Spondylolisthesis | |
25-32 | UNIT-IV Diseases of musculoskeletal system and skin |
Angular Limb deformities, Septic Arthritis , Navicular Diseases, laminitis, Subsolar abscess, Quittor, Fistulous withers, Tendimitis, Suspensory desmitis, Extertional rhabdomyelitis | |
Keratitis, Equine recurrent uvelitis, | |
Pemphigus, Follaceus, Urticaria, Anaphylaxis, Erythema multiforme, Drug eruption, Conact Dermatitis, Dermatophilosis, Folliculitis, Culicoides hypersensitivity , Cutaneous onchocerciasuis, equine summer score. |
L. No | Topic |
UNIT I Specific needs of canine and felines, Pet psychology; pet behavior and adaptation needs; General systemic states. | |
1-3 | Canine & feline behavioral control, normal & abnormal behavior (urine spraying in cats, night hauling, psycosis, neurosis, fighting, hyper kinesis, anorexia nervosa, timidity, psychosomatic skin diseases, therapy of behavioral problems (excessive energy, routine, social attention, hormone therapy, destructive chewing, excessive barking, pray chasing, house soiling), Adaptation. |
4-5 | Toxemia, septicaemia, shock, Fever, Allergy & Anaphylaxis –Diagnostic and therapeutic approach |
6-7 | Stress, dehydration, disturbances of body fluids, electrolyte imbalance-Different approaches for correction |
8-9 | Cachexia, Disturbances of appetite food intake and nutritional status-Tests / planning for evaluation |
UNIT II Diseases of digestive system, liver and pancreas, cardiovascular system, blood and blood-forming organs. | |
10-13 | Stomatitis, oesophageal dialatation, gastritis, gastric ulcer, gastric retention, enteritis, hepatitis and pancreatitis (acute pancreatitis, exocrine pancreatic insufficiency), hepatoencephalopathy, considerations of antimicrobial, prebiotics / naturaceuticals / interventions of drugs in the therapeutic managements of diseases of GI tract, liver and pancreatic insufficiencies. |
14-17 | Heart failures, drugs used in treatment of heart failures. Left and right ventricular hypertrophy. Congenital heart diseases, valvular heart diseases, boxer cardiomyopathy, Diagnosis and therapeutic management of canine heart worm disease(s), feline myocardial diseases, therapy of cardiac arrhythmias, tachycardias, bradycardias, pace maker therapy & CPR. Diagnosis and therapeutic management of thrombocytopenia, thrombosis, AIHA, anaemia, DIC and blood transfusion, |
UNIT III Diseases of respiratory system, urogenital and nervous systems. | |
18-20 | Laryngotracheitis, kennelcough, pleuropneumonia, Pneumonia, pulmonary edema, pleural diseases. |
21-23 | Diagnosis and therapeutic management of acute & chronic renal failure, cystitis, nephritis, nephrosis, pyometra, mtrorrhagia. |
24-25 | Meningitis, encephalitis, myelitis, cerebral edema, narcolepsy, epilepsy, ataxia, paralysis, paresis, myesthenia gravis. |
UNIT IV Diseases of musculoskeletal system and skin. | |
26-27 | Myositis, osteoarthritis, osteomyelitis, synovitis. Diagnosis and therapeutic management of common skin diseases (dermatitis, seborrhea, eczema, atophy etc.) |
UNIT V Diseases of endocrine system, diseases of new borne animals. | |
28-30 | Hypoglycaemia, growth hormone related dermotosis in dogs, hyper thyroidism, hypo & hyper adrenocortisum, ovarian imbalance, hypo/hypertestesteronism and their effects on skin, therapeutic management. |
31-32 | Neonatal hypoglycaemia, omphalitis, omphalophlebitis, neonatal diseases. |
- Dunn JK. 1999. Text Book of Small Animal Medicine. WB Saunders.
- Ettinger SJ & Feldman EC. 2000. Text Book of Veterinary Internal Medicine. Vols. I, II. Saunders.
- Gorman NT. 1998. Canine Medicine and Therapeutics. Blackwell.
LectureNo. | Topics to be covered |
Unit I (General Systemic States and Diseases of digestive system) | |
1-2 | Hyperthermia, hypothermia, fever, septicemia, toxemia, dehydration and shock |
3-4 | Gastric ulcer, Gastritis, Gastroenteritis |
5-6 | Enteritis |
Unit II (Diseases of cardiovascular and respiratory system) | |
7-8 | Congestive heart failure, pericarditis, myocarditis and endocarditis |
9 | Anemia |
10 | Odema |
11-12 | Atrophic rhinitis,bronchitis,pleuropneumonia, pulmonary emphysema |
Unit III(Diseases of Urogenital,Nervous system and Skin) | |
13 | Nephritis,Pyelonephritis,Cystitis, |
14 | Urolithiasis,Metritis |
15 | Encephalitis |
16 | Dermititis,Alopcia,erythemia,Hyperkeratosis and Mange |
Unit IV (Diseases of Endocrine system and of Newborn animals) | |
17 | Endocrine disorders-Goiter, hypoglycemia, |
18 | Piglet anemia and neonatal mortality |
Lecture No | Topics to be covered |
1 to 4 | Diseases caused due to deficiency of Vitamins (Vit. A, D, C, K, Vit. B-complex), Thiamine, Riboflavin, Pantothenic Acid, Niacin (Nicotinic Acid), Pyridoxine (B6), Biotin, Vit. B12 (Cynocobalamin), Choline. |
5 to 8 | Diseases caused due to deficiency of essential Minerals (Ca, P, Mg, Zn, & sodium chloride.) |
Lecture No | Topics to be covered |
9 to 16 | Cage layer fatigue Blue comb disease Beak necrosis Round heart disease Keratoconjunctivitis Ascites Urolithiasis Fatty liver disease Kidney hemorrhagic syndrome Heat stroke Cannibalism Vent picking |
Lecture No. | Topics |
UNIT-I Etiology, Symptoms, diagnosis and management of various diseases of zoo, wild and laboratory animals. Diseases of urinary System | |
1-19 | Tubeculosis, Leptospirosis, Salmonellosis, tetanus, Haemorhagic Septicemia, Anthrax, Pox, Foot & mouth Diseases,Adeno virus, Colibacilosis, Herpes Viral Infection,Rabies Theileria, Trypanosomiasis, Anaplasmosis Pneumonia, Capture myopathy, Metritis, Peritonitis, , Candidiasis, Cirrhosis, Jaundice, Gastritis, gastric Dilatation, Enteritis, Colon impaction, Foot rot, Broken tusk, Pododermatitis, Arthritis, corneal Opacity, Internal & external parasite. |
20-23 | ARF,CRF, Cystitis, Hydronephrosis,Uroliasis
UNIT-II Disease, Restraint, Feeding and health management of exotic animals kept as pet | |
24-27 | Lab, Animal Rabbit-Pasturella, Bordetella, Viral Haemorrhagic Diseases,, Infectious myxomatosis, Papillomatosis, Pox, Pseudotuberculosis, Mastitis, Pneumonia, Listeriosis, Salmonellosis, Coccidiosis, Ringworm, Endoparasite, Ectoparasite, Aflatoxicosis
G.Pig- Coccidiosis, Enteritis, Pneumonia, Myxomatosis, Snuffle, Aflatoxicosis, |
28 | Chemical restraints & transportation |
29 | Feeding habit in zoo & wild |
30 | General Principle and health management |
31 | Management of lab. Animals |
32 | Sanitation & disinfectants |
LectureNo. | Topics to be covered |
Unit I | |
1 | Setariosis, Haemato-microfilariosis. |
2 | Allotriophagia (Pica) |
3-4 | Simple Indigestion, Acidic Indigestion, Alkaline Indigestion |
5 | Fat Liver Syndrome, Low Milk Fat syndrome |
6 | Foreign Body Syndrome (Penetrating and non-penetrating) ,Diaphragmatic Hernia |
7 | Enteritis |
8 | Aspiration Pneumonia |
9 | Pulmonary Emphysema |
10 | Urolithiasis |
11 | Encephalitis |
12 | Snake Envenomation |
13 | HCN Poisoning |
14 | Pesticide Poisoning |
15 | Copper and Phosphorous deficiency |
Unit-II | |
16-18 | Rumen fluid analysis, Haemogram, Radiographic interpretations,CSF Analysis Biochemical estimations and Urine analysis,Trypsin Inhibition Test. |
LectureNo. | Topics to be covered |
Unit I | |
1-2 | General aspects, Introduction, concept of metabolic disease and CMPT |
3-4 | Parturient Paresis (Milk fever) |
5-6 | Downer’s Cow syndrome |
7-8 | Ketosis |
9 | Pregnancy Toxemia |
10-11 | Nutritional haemoglobinuria |
12-13 | Hypomagnesemic tetany and Whole Milk Tetany. |
Unit II | |
14 | Lactation tetany in mares |
15 | Eclampsia in bitches |
16 | Osteodystrophia fibrosa in Equines and Caprines |
17 | Azoturia in equines |
18 | Equine Hyperlipidemia |
19 | Rheumatism-like syndrome in buffaloes(Osteomalacia) |
20 | Hypothyroidism in Dogs |
21-22 | Diabetes Mellitus and Diabetes insipidus in dogs |
Unit III | |
Diseases caused by deficiency of | |
23-24 | Calcium, Phosphorus and Vit D3 |
25-27 | Vit A, Vit B-complex, Vit C and Vit K |
Unit IV | |
Diseases caused by deficiency of | |
28-29 | Iron, Copper, Cobalt |
30-31 | Iodine, Zinc, Manganese |
32 | Vit. E and Selenium |
Lecture No. | Topics to be covered |
UNIT-1 (Disease Caused by Physical Agents and Poisoning of Organic and Inorganic Compounds) | |
1 | Water intoxication, Radiation injury |
2 | Lightning stroke, electrocution and burn |
3 & 4 | Poisoning caused by inorganic compounds (Lead, arsenic, mercury, fluorine) |
5 & 6 | Poisoning caused by organic compounds (nitrate and nitrites, oxalate, strychnine) |
UNIT-2 (Diseases caused by Farm Chemicals and Phytotoxins) | |
7 | Poisoning caused by urea |
8 | Poisoning caused by organophosphophorus compound |
9 | Poisoning caused by chlorinated hydrocarbons |
10 | Poisoning caused by herbicides (Dinitrophenol compound, hormone weed killer, rodenticide). |
UNIT-3 (Diseases caused by Mycotoxins and Zootoxins) | |
11 | Poisoning by algae, Poisoning by fungi (mycotoxicosis), Poisoning caused by ergotism |
12 | Poisoning caused by aspergillus spp., Poisoning caused by miscellaneous fungi. |
UNIT-4 (Diseases caused by Poisoning Plants, Snake and Insect Bites) | |
13 | Ferns poisoning, Poisoning caused by weeds (Lantana Camara) |
14 | Fodder poisoning, HCN- poisoning |
15 | Poisoning caused by miscellaneous fodder crops (sorghum, Johnson grass, Sudan grass) and Poisoning caused by miscellaneous plants byproduct (tobacco, plants soyabean meal, linseed cake, cotton seed cake, rapeseed cake) |
16 | Snake bites, Bee stings, Tick paralysis and blister beetle poisoning |
LectureNo. | Topics to be covered |
UNIT-1 (Veterolegal Aspects of Antemortem and Postmortem Examination ) | |
1 & 2 | Rules and procedures for antemorteum examination |
3 & 4 | Important points in veterolegal aspects of antemorteum examination and material to be send for laboratory examination. |
5 | Gross autopsy observations, rules and proceduer for postmortem examination in different species. |
6 | Postmortem examination of veterolegal cases, submission of material of suspected cases. |
UNIT-2 (Examination of Wounds, Blood, Offenses, Frauds in Animal Cruelty and Their Products Welfare, DNA Analysis of Clinical Samples) | |
7 & 8 | Veterolegal aspects of wounds, blood, offenses and frauds, DNA analysis of clinical samples. |
9 & 10 | Common offenses against animals (killing, poisoning and maiming), Common frauds in sell of livestock and livestock products. |
UNIT-3 (Study of Common Laws related to Veterolegal Aspects) | |
11 | Acts/rules related to animal welfare. |
12 | Acts/rules related to wild life |
13 | Acts/rules related to prevention of animals diseases. |
14 | Acts/ rules related to drugs and related to public health. |
15 | Acts/rules related to veterinary practices. |
16 | The Indian penal code applicable to the Veterinary profession. |
Practicals | |
1 | Antemortem examination |
2 | Post mortem examination |
3 | Examination of wounds |
4 | Examination of blood stain |
5 | Examination of animals for bestiality |
6 to 8 | Common offenses in animals, Common frauds in animas and their products |
9 | Causes of sudden death in animals, snake bite, drowning, lighting stroke and electrocution |
10 | Collection of specimens for suspected poisoning. |
11 | Procedure for dispatching of materials for chemical examination. |
12 | Record of specimen collected for laboratory examination, postmortem report. |
13 | Examination of hairs for identification |
14 | The Biological waste (Management and handling Rules-1998) |
15 | Livestock importation act 1998 |
16 | Visit to forensic laboratory |
P. No. | Topic |
UNIT I Clinical tests and their interpretation related to diseases of alimentary tract, liver, cardio vascular system, blood and blood-forming organs of various species of animals. | |
1-3 | Clinical examination (auscultation, percussion and palpation) of alimentary tract of farm animals and companion animals. Passing of probing / stomach tube, nasogastric intubation and collection of contents and their evaluation. Evaluation and interpretation of abomasal fluid, Liver biopsy, radiography, endoscopy, USG, scintigraphy. Examination for occult blood. |
4-8 | Clinical examination (auscultation, percussion and palpation) of cardio vascular system blood and blood-forming organs of various species of animals. Recoding of ECG, blood pressure, radiographic examination, cardiac catheterization, bone marrow biopsy, lymph node biopsy and interpretation. Collection of blood for coagulation disorders, hematobiochemical indices. |
9-10 | Transfusion Medicine-blood transfusion & blood groups in animals |
UNIT II Clinical tests and their interpretation related to respiratory, urinary, nervous, endocrine, musculoskeletal and integumentary systems of various species of animals. | |
11-13 | Clinical examination (auscultation, percussion and palpation) of respiratory system. Rhinolaryngoscopic and endoscopic examination. Radiological examination of URT and LRT. Thoracocentesis. |
14-17 | Clinical examination (percussion and palpation) of urinary system. Catheterization, monitoring of urine out-put, fixing of catheter, cystocentesis, urinalysis. Prostrate examination. Retrograde hydropropulsion of urethal calculi. KFT, x-ray, pneumocystography, excretory urography / pyelography, biopsy. |
18-21 | Neurological examination. Evaluation of cranial nerves, reflexes, UMN, LMN, CSF tapping and evaluation, EEG, opthalmoscopic examination, radiological examination (survey, myelography, ventriculography). |
22-26 | Clinical examination for endocrinological examination. Thyroid profile (T3, T4, TSH, fT4), PTH, ACTH stimulation suppression test, glucose tolerance, low dose dexamethasone test, high dose dexamethasone, xylazine test, ketoacids. Lipid profile and interpretation : Cholesterol, Tryglycerides, Basal cortisol, growth hormone etc. |
27-30 | Clinical examination of musculoskeletal disorders. Radiological examination, EMG, synovial fluid examination. Arthroscopy. Metabolic Profiling of animals-Design, sampling, interpretation, bone density. |
31-32 | Clinical examination of skin / integumentary system. Collection and identification of external parasites. Skin scraping and woods lamp examination. Punch biopsy. |
P. No. | Topics to be covered |
UNIT I Diagnosis and therapeutic management of various emergencies of cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal, urinary and nervous systems, | |
1-2 | Recognition of emergencies of farm and companion animals, clinical examination and data collection, diagnostic clinical protocol. |
3-5 | Triage, ABC support in emergency management of farm and companion animals. |
6-8 | Application of emergency care procedures for resuscitation of critically ill patient |
9-12 | Diagnosis and therapeutic management of cardiovascular emergencies of farm and companion animals (tachycardia, bradycardia, syncope, PCF, hypotension, hypertension pericarditis, valvular disorders etc.). DIC, shock, haemorrhage, continuous infusion therapy. |
13-16 | Diagnosis and therapeutic management of respiratory emergencies of farm and companion animals (Pulmonary edema, pleurisy, COPD / bronchospasm, dropped respirations pulmonary embolism etc.) |
17-20 | Diagnosis and therapeutic management of gastrointestinal-hepatic-pancreatic emergencies of farm and companion animals (GDV, choke, ulcerative gastritis, intussception, pancreatitis, hepatic encephalopathy etc.). Gastric lavage in ulcerative gastritis, tympany and colic. |
21-24 | Diagnosis and therapeutic management of urinary emergencies farm and companion animals (urethral calculi, anuria, ARF, CRF, obstructive uropathy, etc.). Peritoneal dialysis, interpretation of KFT |
25-28 | Diagnosis and therapeutic management of neurological emergencies of farm and companion animals (seizures, brain and spinal injuries, meningitis, encephalitis, UMN and LMN disorders, cranial nerve injuries etc.). CSF tapping and evaluation, evaluation of reflexes, myelography. Direct opthalmoscopy, tonometry etc. Opthalmic emergencies. |
UNIT II Diagnosis and therapeutic management of various emergencies of toxicities, sting bites and burns of farm and companion animals. | |
29-30 | Diagnosis and therapeutic management of various emergencies of toxicities (chemical, poisons, gastric lavage in poisoning, phytotoxicity, sting bites (bee, snake, scorpion etc.), electrocution, thermal injury and burns of farm and companion animals. |
UNIT III Monitoring critical ill patient, application of emergency care procedures for resuscitation of critically ill patient | |
31-32 | Monitoring critical ill patient (evaluation of CV, Urinary, RS etc. stability, assessment of parameters, modulation). Preparation of problem chart-efforts made to stabilize-result (day-wise / hourly evaluation). Adverse drug reactions. |
- Kirk RW.1995. Handbook of Veterinary Procedures and Emergency Treatment. 6th Ed. WB Saunders.
- Sattler FP & Knowles W. 2001. Veterinary Critical Care. Lea & Febiger.
LectureNo. | Topics to be covered |
1. | Clinical examination and preparation of data base of clinical cases. |
2-5 | Diagnostic and therapeutic protocol of various clinical cases in cattle |
6-9 | Diagnostic and therapeutic protocol of various clinical cases in Sheep and Goats |
10-13 | Diagnostic and therapeutic protocol of various clinical cases in Dogs. |
14 | Collection of various material and specimens from hospital and its dispatch to the laboratory |
15 | Fluid therapy in various disease conditions |
16 | Approach and management of life threatening casualties, Preparation of Emergency Drug Kit. |
17-30 | Recording of clinical cases of Diseases of various systems including Metabolic, Deficiency Diseases of different species of Domestic Animals (Min. 20 cases) |
31-37 | Presentation of clinical/ emergency cases by each student (minimum 5 cases) |
38-43 | Attending clinical cases of Inpatient and Outpatient Wards. |
44 | Visit toSuperspecialityHospital. |
LectureNo. | Topics to be covered |
1-3 | Clinical examination and preparation of data base of various infectious and non-infectious clinical cases |
4-10 | Interpretations of X-ray/ ECG/ USG/ Endoscopy etc and Laboratory tests. |
11-25 | Recording of clinical cases of various systems including Metabolic and Deficiency Disorders of different species (Min. 25 cases) |
26-27 | Preparation of medical kit and attending emergency cases and critical care |
28-32 | Presentation of clinical cases/critical care management of each student (minimum 5 cases) |
33-41 | Attending Clinical cases of Inpatient and Outpatient wards |
42-43 | Visit toSuperspecialityHospital |
List of Research Topics of P.G. Theses
1 | A study of the incidence of nutritional anemia in dogs ofBombay. | Dr.N.S.Deshmukh | Dr. G.R. Murkibhavi | 1963 |
2 | Use of Ultraviolet therapy in non-specific dermatitis. | Dr. G.R. Iyer | Dr. G.R. Murkibhavi | 1963 |
3 | Studies on Mastitis with Reference for aids to diagnosis. | Dr. P.P. Jamkhedakar | Dr. G.R. Murkibhavi | 1963 |
4 | Comparative evaluation of Bromsulphthalein retention and serum Glutamic Oxalacetic Transaminase estimation tests in early diagnosis of Liver disfunction in dogs. | Dr.P.E.Kulkarni | Dr. G.R. Murkibhavi | 1963 |
5 | Clinical evaluation of some of the anthelmintics in canine ancylostomiasis. | Dr.V.S.Bhave | Dr. G.R. Murkibhavi | 1965 |
6 | Otitis Externa in dogs with special reference to etiology and comparison of the therapeutic efficacy of some drugs by Vitro and vivo studies. | Dr. Zacharish Mathew | Dr. G.R. Murkibhavi | 1965 |
7 | A study on puerperal metritis in she-buffaloes with reference to the isolation of micro-organisms and their sensitivity test to an indigenous oil. | Dr. V.P. Bhargave. | Dr. G.R. Murkibhavi | 1965 |
8 | Clinical evaluation of various drugs in puerperal metritis in murrha buffaloes. | Dr. L.K.Kadvekar | Dr. G.R. Murkibhavi | 1965 |
9 | Electrophoretic studies of serum proteins in infectious canine hepatitis. | Dr. H.V.Jahagirdar | Dr. G.R. Murkibhavi | 1963 |
10 | Anthelminitic activity of some indigenous drugs against canine ancylostomiasis. | Dr.Susarla Jagadish | Dr. G.R. Murkibhavi | 1967 |
11 | Canine Spirocercosis | Dr.S.G.Kulkarni | Dr. G.R. Murkibhavi | 1967 |
12 | Some observations on the peripheral blood of dogs after administration of Tranquilizers. | Dr. D.S. Thakur | Dr. G.R. Murkibhavi | 1967 |
13 | A study on dehydration due to diarrhea in canines | Dr. N.A.Kale | Dr. G.R. Murkibhavi | 1969 |
14 | Studies on blood serum proteins by electrophoresis in canine distemper complex | Dr.H.B.Buch | Dr. G.R. Murkibhavi | 1969 |
15 | Clinical evaluation of therapeutic agents on ketosis of she-buffaloes and their effect on milk production. | Dr. G.G. Vyshampayan | Dr. G.R. Murkibhavi | 1969 |
16 | Clinical evaluation of ophthalmic preparations in bacterial conjunctivitis of canines. | Dr.A.B.Sathe | Dr. G.R. Murkibhavi | 1969 |
17 | Use of liver extract in cases of toxic hepatitis. | Dr.B.R.Joshi | Dr.V.S.Bhave | 1971 |
18 | Studies on Vit. ‘C’ therapy in canine distemper. | Dr.V.D. Tamhankar | Dr.V.S.Bhave | 1971 |
19 | Use of tender coconut water in experimentally induced dehydration in canines. | Dr.M.G. Thandaveshwar | Dr.V.S.Bhave | 1972 |
20 | A study on calf-hood diseases with special reference to enteritis and its treatment in buffaloe calves. | Dr. L.H.Desphande | Dr. V.S.Bhave | 1973 |
21 | Observations of parturient hypocalcaemia in buffaloes. | Dr.A.P Chaudhary | Dr. V.S.Bhave | 1974 |
22 | Observation on subclinical mastitis with reference to some of the field test and sensitivity of organisms to various antibiotics. | Dr. P.B.Zagade | Dr. V.S.Bhave | 1974 |
23 | Observations on canine dermatoses with particular reference to the treatment of non-specific cases with Thyroxine. | Dr. N.C.Bagga | Dr. V.S.Bhave | 1975 |
24 | Studies on blood pyruvic acid levels in digestive disorders of she-buffalo and their treatment with Thiamine Hydrochloride. | Dr.N.S.Sane | Dr. V.S.Bhave | 1975 |
25 | Comparative evaluation of anthelmintics in sheep nematodiasis with particular reference to haemonchosis. | Dr. M.L. Durale | Dr. V.S.Bhave | 1976 |
26 | Observations on canine demodicosis with particular reference to its treatment with Sea water. | Dr. H.Abdul Samad | Dr. V.S.Bhave | 1976 |
27 | Observations on Bovine trichophytosis with particular reference to its diagnosis and evaluation of various treatments | Dr. P.V.Manek | Dr. V.S.Bhave | 1977 |
28 | Observations on canine blood cholinesterase with particular reference to its diagnostic importance in organophosphate (Fenitrothion) toxicity. | Dr.K.R.Patil | Dr. V.S.Bhave | 1978 |
29 | Observations on calf diarrhea with particular reference to serum sodium and potassium levels and the clinical evaluation of certain therapeutic agents. | Dr.(Miss)N.P.Dastur | Dr. V.S.Bhave | 1978 |
30 | Immunoglobulin therapy in dogs. | Dr.R.N.Mahajan | Dr. V.S.Bhave | 1979 |
31 | Observation on iron deficiency anaemia in dogs with particular reference to the plasma iron and copper levels and its treatment with certain therapeutic agents. | Dr.S.P.Patil | Dr. V.S.Bhave | 1979 |
32 | Observation of chronic fascioliasis with particular reference to its diagnosis and evaluation of various therapeutic agents in sheep and goats. | Dr.D.G.Badve | Dr. V.S.Bhave | 1979 |
33 | Observation on blood transfusion in dogs with particular reference to Haematological values, lcterus index and serum bilirubin levels. | Dr.D.V.Keskar | Dr. V.S.Bhave | 1980 |
34 | Observation on subclinical surra in Indian Buffalo with particular reference to its diagnosis and treatment. | Dr. S.A.Jadhav | Dr.L.K.Kadvekar | 1982 |
35 | Clinico –Therapeutic Study of Viral (?) Haemorrhagic Gastroenteritis in Canines. | Dr.S.Z.Sharma | Dr.V.S.Bhave | 1982 |
36 | Studies on early diagnosis of Paratuberculosis (Johne’s disease) in Cattle. | Dr.B.C.Varshney | Dr.L.K.Kadvekar | 1983 |
37 | A study on diagnostic test for Bovine tuberculosis with special reference to kaolin Agglutination test and Leucocyte Migration Inhibition test. | Dr.D.P.Bhalerao | Dr.L.K.Kadvekar | 1983 |
38 | Protective action of Liv-52 and Arogyawardhani in Toxic hepatitis of dogs. | Dr.R.D.Velhankar | Dr.L.K.Kadvekar | 1984 |
39 | Fluid and electrolyte Therapy in Dehydrated Dogs. | Dr.V.S.Gorhe | Dr.L.K.Kadvekar | 1984 |
40 | Bovine Mastitis, Its diagnosis and Treatment. | Dr.V.H. Ksheersagar | Dr.L.K.Kadvekar | 1984 |
41 | A Roll of Rumen-Liquor PH and Urine pH in the diagnosis of simple indigestion in Dairy cattle and its Therapeutic Measures. | Dr.V.S.Godke | Dr.L.K.Kadvekar | 1985 |
42 | Clinical Trials of Albendazole in Canine ancylostomiasis. | Dr.(Mrs) P.S. Dhokrikar | Dr.L.K.Kadvekar | 1985 |
43 | Importance of certain Chemotherapeutic agents in the treatment of Sarcoptic mange in sheep & goats with particular reference to Flematic Skin Oil and ivermectin. | Dr.V.M. Dhake | Dr.L.K.Kadvekar | 1985 |
44 | Observations on the Immunopathology and current therapy of Canine demodicosis. | Dr.(Miss)D.A.Bose | Dr.A.B.Sathe | 1986 |
45 | Clinicopathological and Therapeutic Aspects of Experimental and Natural Canine Parvoviral Infection. | Dr.(Miss) S.M. Ganu | Dr.A.B.Sathe | 1986 |
46 | Efficacy of Intermittent Peritoneal Dialysis in Experimentally induced Acute renal failure in dogs. | Dr. D.G.Dighe | Dr.A.B.Sathe | 1987 |
47 | A Study on Cetebrospinal Fluid (CSF) in some Nervous Disorders of Dogs. | Dr. M.V.Khadilkar | Dr.A.B.Sathe | 1987 |
48 | Comparative Efficacy of Ivermectin, Fenbendazole and Pyrantel Pamoate in Canine Ancylostomiasis. | Dr.(Miss) S.S.Rao | Dr.A.B.Sathe | 1987 |
49 | A study on certain aspects of urinary tract infection and its treatment in canines. | Dr.V.K.Patil | Dr.D.V.Keskar | 1988 |
50 | The Diagnosis of Cardiac Diseases in Canines. | Dr.(Miss) S.A. Vengsarkar | Dr.A.B.Sathe | 1988 |
51 | Studies on some aspects of canine bacterial Pyoderma. | Dr. A.A.R. Misquita | Dr.S.Jagadish | 1988 |
52 | Studies on certain aspects of anorexia in dairy cattle. | Dr.B.K.Arle | Dr.S.Jagadish | 1989 |
53 | Studies on diagnosis & treatment of subclinical & clinical mastitis in dairy animals. | Dr. D.D.Shelke | Dr.D.V.Keskar | 1989 |
54 | Studies on certain aspects of stomatitis and its treatment in dogs. | Dr.T.T. Bhagat | Dr.S.Jagadish | 1990 |
55 | Studies on certain aspects of diagnosis and treatment of subclinical ketosis in buffaloes. | Dr.S.P.Visave | Dr.S.Jagadish | 1990 |
56 | Studies on the diagnosis and treatment of anorexia in milch buffaloes. | Dr.R.V.Gaikwad | Dr.S.Jagadish | 1990 |
57 | Studies on certain aspects of clinical, haematological and biochemical parameters in tuberculin reactor cows. | Dr.S.J Singhal | Dr.S.Jagadish | 1991 |
58 | Studies on canine dermatitis with particular reference to its incidence diagnosis and treatment. | Dr.(Miss) M.A.Verghese | Dr.S.Jagadish | 1991 |
59 | Studies on Diarrhoea in canines with particular reference to its incidence diagnosis and treatment. | Dr(Miss) C.G. Rodrigues | Dr.S.Jagadish | 1992 |
60 | Studies on transfusion therapy in canines with particular reference to packed red cells fresh and lyophilized plasma. | Dr. R.O.Gupta | Dr.S.Jagadish | 1992 |
61 | Studies on the comparative efficacy of deltamethrin and amitraz in the treatment of canine ectoparasite infections. | Dr.(Miss) L.P. Iyer | Dr.S.Jagadish | 1992 |
62 | Clinical and Hematobiochemical studies in suspected cases of fluorosis in dairy cattle. | Dr. Dr.L.K.Singh | Dr. S.Jagadish | 1993 |
63 | Studies on some aspects of diagnosis and treatment of sub clinical mastitis in buffaloes. | Dr.H.S.Naikhaware | Dr.D.P.Bhalerao | 1993 |
64 | Therapeutic efficacy of probiotic and indigenous formulation in clinical cases of Anorexia in dairy animals. | Dr.S.R.Bharte | Dr.D.P.Bhalerao | 1994 |
65 | Diagnostic and therapeutic management of clinical cases of anorexia in goats. | Dr.P.B.Phalphale | Dr.D.P.Bhalerao | 1994 |
66 | Bovine sub clinical mastitis. A diagnostic and therapeutic approach. | Dr.A.D. Dangore | Dr.D.P.Bhalerao | 1994 |
67 | Preliminary studies on the clinical signs and intra dermal skin testing in canine atopic dermatitis | Dr. (Miss) P.S. Mundkur | Dr. S.Jagadish | 1995 |
68 | Efficacy of Immunomodulatory Drug along with topical applications on sarcoptic mange in sheep. | Dr.D.K. Kandhare | Dr. S.Jagadish | 1995 |
69 | Studies on neonatal bovine calf Diarrhea with particular reference to E.Coli serotyping Hematology serum IgG levels and treatment. | Dr. R.B. Navade | Dr.D.P Bhalerao | 1995 |
70 | Prevalence of Hypocalcemia and Hypophosphatemia in cows from Sindhudurg district and Therapeutic efficacy of intramuscular Dicationic calcium in sub clinical Hypocalcemia. | Dr. A.V.Waghmare | Dr.A.Samad | 1996 |
71 | Some observations on the diagnosis and treatment of canine Atopic dermatitis. | Dr.Percis Chiara | Dr.D.P Bhalerao | 1996 |
72 | Studies on Bovine subclinical Mastitis with special reference to standardization of rapid Trypsin inhibitor spot test and treatment with Enrofloxacin and Pefloxacin | Dr. D.B.Dubal | Dr.D.V.Keskar | 1996 |
73 | Studies on Blood Typing anaemia and Biood Transfusion in domestic cats. | Dr.(Miss)P.A.Dahanukar | Dr.D.P.Bhalerao | 1997 |
74 | Prevalence of Hypocalcemia and hypophosphatemic in cows from Ratnagiri district and therapeutic efficacy of “Tonoricin” in Bovine hypophosphatemia. | Dr. S.G.Pethe | Dr.D.V.Keskar | 1997 |
75 | Serological and Immuno haematological studies on canine blood groups and blood transfusion. | Dr.(Miss) S.N.Parikh | Dr.D.P.Bhalerao | 1998 |
76 | Prevalence of Hypocalcemia and Hypophosphatemia in cows from Raigad district and therapeutic of “Tonophosphan” in Bovine Hypophosphatemia. | Dr.S.P.Sonawane | Dr.D.V.Keskar | 1998 |
77 | Studies on Benzalkonium chloride aldehyed and Bound –Iodine( Compound AFM) as an antibacterial teat dip in the control of bovine mastitis. | Dr.S.B.Dhamankar | Dr.A.Samad | 1997 |
78 | New diagnostic and therapeutic approaches to Hemoglobinuria in Buffaloes. | Dr. A.G.Viegas | Dr.A.Samad | 1998 |
79 | Studies on the Role of Trypsin inhibitor in providing protection to colostral immunoglobulins. | Dr.D.P.Gupta | Dr.A.Samad | 1999 |
80 | Studies on the Role of Trypsin inhibitor in providing protection to colostral immunoglobulins. | Dr.(Miss) N.G.Adhatrao | Dr.A.Samad | 2000 |
81 | Validation of “Herdman” Database software for animal health management and disease prevention. | Dr.D.A .Pawalkar | Dr.D.V.Keskar | 2000 |
82 | Evaluation of kidney status by technetium 99m–DTPA and Ultrasonography in canines. | Dr.Ditul Barman | Dr.R.V.Gaikwad | 2000 |
83 | Standardization of scintigraphy protocol for the canine heart. | Dr.Cyrus Behli Sepoy | Dr.A.Samad | 2000 |
784 | Studies on Resolution of Hyphosphatemia Induced Heinz bodies and shape deformability inBuffaloerythrocytes. | Dr.(Miss) Tina Louis | Dr.R.V.Gaikwad | 2001 |
85 | Standardization of Health and welfare parameters in equines maintained for rasing hyperimmune sera. | Dr.(Miss) S.J.Thakre | Dr.A.Samad | 2002 |
86 | Studies on the Role of colostral protease inhibitors in providing protection to colostral immunoglobulins. | Dr. Dinesh Vinherkar | Dr.A.Samad | 2002 |
87 | Validation and appraisal of weather based Animal disease forecasting (EPTTRAIC) in the western region ofMaharashtra | Dr.V.B.Sonawale | Dr.D.V.Keskar | 2003 |
88 | Screening for coagulopathies in Dogs. | Dr.K.H.Ingole | Dr.D.P.Bhalerao | 2003 |
89 | Metabolic profiling in Buffaloes before and after parturition | Dr.Ranjeet Appaso Nale | Dr.D.V.Keskar | 2003 |
90 | Standardization of bone scintigraphy in canines. | Dr.S.R.Sathe | Dr.R.V.Gaikwad | 2004 |
91 | Efficacy of Dry cow therapy in preventing new intramammary infections. | Dr. S.J. Ahire | Dr.D.G.Dighe | 2004 |
92 | Bovine colostrums as Naturoceutical in canine Diarrhea. | Dr. (Miss) D.J Joshi | Dr.A.Samad | 2004 |
93 | Diagnosis and Therapeutic management of Disseminated intravascular coagulopathy (DIC) cases in dogs. | Dr. K.C. Gangurde | Dr.D.V.Keskar | 2005 |
94 | Efficacy of Recombinant DNA Vaccine Against Rabies in canines. | Dr.(Miss) M.K.Adur | Dr.D.G.Dighe | 2005 |
95 | Herd Health and production management programs in selected dairy cooperatives in Maharashtra andGujaratstate. | Dr.J.U.Patil | Dr.A.Samad | 2005 |
96 | Appraisal of current animal health and productivity service inMaharashtra. | Dr.(Miss) A.A.Jhaveri | Dr.D.V.Keskar | 2005 |
97 | Absorption of colostral immunoglobulins in neonate goat kids by gamma scintigraphy. | Dr.Vijaykumar Tripathi | Dr.R.V.Gaikwad | 2005 |
98 | Role of Pepsin Inhibitor in passive transfer of Immunoglobulins in buffaloes calves | Dr.(Miss) R.S.Karmarkar | Dr. D.G.Dighe | 2006 |
99 | Development and validation of an indigenous diagnostic kit for canine Autoimmune Hemolytic anemia. | Dr. (Miss) H.V.Mali | Dr.D.V.Keskar | 2006 |
100 | Prevalence of sub clinical rumen acidosis in buffaloes & prophylactic efficacy of live yeast. | Dr. S.A.Shinde | Dr.A.Samad | 2006 |
101 | Canine Renal Scintigraphy. | Dr.M.K.Srivastva | Dr.R.V.Gaikwad | 2006 |
102 | Comparative efficacy of different antibiotics and intramammary preparations used for treatment of clinical mastitis in cows. | Dr.Dhayaje Kapil | Dr.D.G.Dighe | 2007 |
103 | Scintigraphhic study of Doxycycline nanoparticulate in Rabbits and Assessing its efficacy in canine ehrlichiosis. | Dr.(Miss) Mulla Fernaz Iqbal | Dr.D.V.Keskar | 2007 |
104 | Effect of prokinetic drug on abomasal Emptying in Goat kids by Nuclear scintigraphy. | Dr( Miss) Divya Divakaran | Dr.R.V.Gaikwad | 2007 |
105 | Efficacy of Targeted Nanoparticulate Doxycycline in canine Ehrlichiosis. | Dr.S.L.Patil | Dr.D.G.Dighe | 2009 |
106 | Efficacy of Doxycycline Nanoparticulate in Brucella Positive Rector Bovines | Dr.P.T.Manjare | Dr.R.V.Gaikwad | 2009 |
107 | Prevalence of Tuberculosis in Monkey. | Dr. N.R.Kulkrni | Dr.A.Samad | 2009 |
108 | Evaluation of Thrombocytopenia in canine Ehrlichiosis. | Dr.C.S.Avhad | Dr.D.V.Keskar | 2009 |
109 | Metabolic status of Goats stall fed on composite silage. | Dr.V.N.Pawar | Dr.D.G.Dighe | 2009 |
110 | Study of Hypothyroidism in canines | Dr.P.J.Pawar | Dr.R.V.Gaikwad | 2009 |
111 | Evaluation of Multi-component vaccine in Dogs. | Dr.Alak Chowdhry | Dr.D.G.Dighe | 2010 |
112 | Management of canine azotemia by employing haemodialysis and conventional therapeutic methods | Dr.K.V. Garud | Dr.R.V.Gaikwad | 2010 |
113 | Studies on Bio-Distribution of nanoparticulate Buparvoquone in rats and its efficacy in Bovine Theileriosis | Dr.(Miss) Sonali.S.Ugile | Dr.C.N.Galdhar | 2010 |
List of Research Topics of Ph.D. Theses
1 | Studies on Transfusion of Blood and its components in canines & applications of Coomb’s Antiglobulin test for the detection of Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia. | Dr.D.P.Bhalerao | Dr.S. Jagadish | 1997 |
2 | Comparative Nuclear Scintigraphy in swine and Rabbit. | Dr.R.V.Gaikwad | Dr.A.Samad | 2005 |
3 | Studies on Doxorubicin induced cardio Toxicity and its Evaluation by Gallium scintigraphy in Rabbits. | Dr.C.N.Galdhar | Dr.A.Samad | 2006 |
Awards and Recognition
List of Paper Published
- Keskar, D.V., Bhave, V.S. and Velhankar D. (1985) Blood transfusion in dogs, Indian Vet. J. 62: 479
- Patil, V.K., Keskar, D.V., Jagadish, S., Bhalerao, D.P. and Sharma, L.K. (1995) Clinico‑pathology of urinary tract infections in dogs. Indian Vet. J. 72: 374
- Keskar, D.V., Venkataraman, R., Srinivasan, S.R., Dhanapalan, P. (1995) Clinico‑pathology and treatment of carbon tetrachloride‑induced hepatotoxicity in neonatal buffalo calves. Indian Vet. J. 72:1065
- Keskar, D.V., Venkataraman, R., Srinivasan, S.R. and Dhanapalan, P. (1995) Hepatic dysfunction in neonatal buffalo calves and its treatment, Indian Vet. J. 72:1170
- Keskar, D.V., Venkataraman, R., Srinivasan, S.R. and Dhanapalan, P. (1996) Prednisolone‑induced immuno deficiency in buffalo calves and its correction with levamisole. Indian Vet. J. 73: 102
- Dubal,D.B., Keskar, D.V., Samad, A. and Jagadish, S. (1997) Efficacy of enrofloxacin in bovine mastitis. The Blue Cross Book 8: 1.
- Naiknaware, H.S., Shelke, D.D., Bhalerao, D.P., Keskar, D.V., Jagadish, S. and Sharma, L.K. (1998) Prevalance of subclinical mastitis in buffaloes in and around Mumbai, Indian Vet. J. 75:291.
- Shelke, D.D., Keskar, D.V., Jagadish, S., Bhalerao, D.P. and Sharma, L.K. (1998) Sub-clinical and clinical mastitis in crossbred cows: Etiology and antimicrobial sensitivity. Indian Vet. J. 75:458.
- Pethe S.G., Samad A., Keskar D.V., Gaikwad R.V. and Jagadish S. (1998). Efficacy of 4-dimethylamino-methyl-phenyl-phosphonic acid (Tonoricin-Wockhardt) in hypophosphataemia. The Veterinarian 22:13.
- Keskar D.V., Patil, V.K, Jagadish, S., Bhalerao, D.P. and Sharma, L.K. (1998). Therapeutic management of urinary tract infection in canines. Indian Vet. J. 75:713-714.
- Keskar, D.V, Venkatraman, R., Srinivasan, S.R., Dhanapalan, P. Efficacy of levamisole in immunodeficient neonatal buffalo calves. The Veterinarian. 1999. 23:16.
- Keskar, D.V, Bhalerao D.P., Jagadish S. and Sharma L.K. (1999). Efficacy of cloxacillin and cephaloridine in sub-clinical mastitis. The Veterinarian. 1999. 23:8.
- Dubal, D. B., Keskar, D.V., Samad, A., Gaikwad R.V. and Jagadish S. (1999) Efficacy of pefloxacin in treating subclinical mastitis (SCM) in cattle. The Veterinarian 23: 18.
- Kandhare, D.K., Keskar, D.V., Bhalerao, D.P., Jagadish S. and Sharma L.K. (1999). Efficacy of levamisole alone and with butox (deltamethrin) against sarcoptic mange in sheep Blue Cross Book 12:19.
- Sonawane, S.P., Keskar,D.V., Samad, A., Gaikwad, R.V. and Jagadish, S.(2000). Efficacy of Tonophosphan in bovine subclinical hypophosphataemia. The Blue Cross Book 14:18.
- Bhalerao, D.P., Jagadish, S. Keskar, D.V., Dangore, A.D. and Sharma, L.K. (2000). Antibiogram and treatment of bovine subclinical mastitis. Indian Vet.J.77: 244.
- Pethe S.G., Keskar, D.V, Samad A. and Jagadish S (2000) A Preliminary study on calcium and phosphorus status of cows in Ratnagiri District of Maharashtra. The Veterinarian. 2000, 24 (9): 12-13.
- Keskar, D.V, Sonavane, S.P., Samad A., Gaikwad R.V., Bhalerao, D.P. and Jagadish S. (2000) Efficacy of Liv-O-G on experimentally induced hepatic dysfunction in buffalo calves. The Veterinarian. 2000, 24 (10): 18-19.
- Nawade, R.B., Bhalerao, D.P., Jagadish, S., Samad, A. and Keskar, D.V (2000) Neonatal calf diarrhoea: Serotyping of E.coli isolates. Indian Vet. J. 2000, 77(9): 815-816.
- Bhalerao, D.P., Nawade, R.B., Jagadish, S., Samad, A. and Keskar, D.V (2000) Neonatal calf diarrhoea, Therapeutic approach. Indian Vet. J. 2000, 77(9): 817-818.
- Kandhare, D.P., Keskar, D.V., Jagadish, S., Bhalerao, D.P., Gaikwad, R.V. and Samad, A. (1999). Assessment of therapeutic efficacy of Levamisole alone and in combination with Amitraz on Sarcoptic mange in sheep. J. Bombay Vet. Coll. 7 (1&2): 41-42.
- Shelke, D.D., Keskar, D.V., Jagadish, S., Samad, A., Bhalerao, D.P. and Gaikwad, R.V. (1999). Clinical and subclinical mastitis in buffaloes. J. Bombay Vet. Coll. 7 (1&2): 43-44.
- Sonawane, S.P., Keskar,D.V., Samad, A., Gaikwad, R.V. and Jagadish, S.(2000). Efficacy of Tonophosphan in bovine subclinical hypophosphataemia. The Blue Cross Book 14:18.
- Waghmare, A.V., Pethe, S.G., Sonawane, S.P., Samad, A., Keskar, D.V., Bhalerao, D.P., Gaikwad, R.V. and Jagadish, S. (2000). Bovine hypocalcaemia and hypophosphataemia in Konkan region of Maharashtra. Indian J. Vet. Practice 1: 20.
- Dhamankar, S. B., Samad, A., Gaikwad, R.V., Keskar, D.V. and Jagadish, S. (2000). Efficacy of a germicidal barrier type post milking teat dip in preventing intra-mammary infections. Indian Association for Advancement of Veterinary Research (IAAVR): Round table conference on Mastitis, 1: 38-44.
- Keskar, D.V., Patil, V.K., Jagadish, S., Bhalerao, D.P., Gaikwad, R.V. and Samad, A. (2000). Assessment of Norfloxacin in treating urinary tract infections in canines. Indian J. Vet. Practice 1 (2): 29-30.
- Pethe, S.G., Viegas, A., Keskar, D.V., Gaikwad, R.V. and Samad, A. (2000). A new rapid animal-side test to detect hypophosphataemia in buffaloes. Indian J. Vet. Practice 1 (2): 47-49.
- Dangore, A.D; Bhalerao, D.P.; Jagadish, S.; Keskar, D. V. and Sharma, L.K (2000). Evaluation of some byre side tests in bovine subclinical mastitis. Indian Vet. J.77: 380-381.
- Keskar, D.V., Gaikwad, R.V., Samad, A., Bhalerao, D.P. and Jagadish, S. (2003) efficacy of levamisole with or without bromocyclin in treating Sarcoptic mange in sheep. J. Bombay Vet Coll. II (1&2):54.
- Keskar, D.V., Gaikwad, R.V., Samad, A., Bhalerao, D.P. and Jagadish, S. (2003) Assessment of efficacy of cloxacillin and levamisole combination in subclinical and clinical mastitis. J. Bombay Vet Coll. II (1 & 2):57.
- Keskar D.V., Sonawane S.P., Samad A. and Gaikwad R.V. (2005) Status of calcium and phosphorus levels from Raigad district of Maharashtra State. J. Bombay Vet Coll. 13 (1 & 2):118-120.
- Galdhar, C.N., Gaikwad, R.V. Samad, A., Keskar, D.V., Bhalerao, D.P., Dighe, D.G. and Zende, R.J. (2004) Bovine Udder and its Immunity- An Update. R.V.C. Journal. 42 (4): 179-185.
- Gangurde K.C., Keskar D.V., Samad A., Gaikwad R.V., and Ghosh ,K . (2006) Efficacy of fresh and fresh frozen plasma (FFP) on coagulogram against disseminated intravascular coagulopathy (DIC) cases in dogs. J. Bombay Vet Coll 14 (1& 2):31-33.
- Gangurde K.C., Keskar D.V., Gaikwad R.V. and Sonawale V.B. (2006) A case report –Trypanosomiasis in a buffalo of Nashik city. J. Bombay Vet Coll 14 (1& 2):131.
- Mali H.V., Gangurde K.C., Keskar D.V. and Gaikwad R.V., (2006) Study of Auto-Immune Hemolytic Anemia. J. Bombay Vet Coll 14 (1& 2):135.
- Gangurde K.C., Sonawale V. B., Keskar D.V. and Gaikwad R.V., (2006) Successful treatment of repeat breeding cross-bred cows by injection Receptal. J. Bombay Vet Coll 14 (1& 2):141.
- Adur M.K., Dighe D.G., Samad A., Keskar D.V., Gaikwad R.V. and Velhankar R.D. (2007) Evaluation of the Sero Conversion Rate of a New Combination DNA Vaccine against Rabies in Dogs. The J.Bombay Vet.Coll. 15 (1&2):1-3.
- Patil J.U., Samad A., Keskar D.V., Gaikwad R.V. and Dighe D.G. (2007) Herd Health and Production Management Programs in Selected Dairy Cooperatives in Maharashtra and Gujrat State. The J.Bombay Vet.Coll. 15 (1&2):30-33.
- Bijargi S.R., Dighe D.G., Velhankar R.D., Gaikwad R.V. and Keskar D.V. (2007) Acute cystitis in a castrated male Persian cat – A Case Report. The J.Bombay Vet.Coll. 15 (1&2):145.
- Galdhar C.N., A.Samad, R.V.Gaikwad, D.V.Keskar (2008) Hemato-biochemical profile in Doxorubicin induced toxicity in rabbits. Indian J.Vet.Med. 28 (1):23-25.
- Ahire S.J., D.G.Dighe, D.V.Keskar, R.V.Gaikwad, R.A.Nale, K.S.Ingole and A.Samad, (2008) Somatic cell count in udder secretions of dry buffaloes. Indian J.Vet.Med. 28 (1):48.
- Ahire S.J., R.A.Nale, D.G.Dighe, D.V.Keskar, and A.Samad, (2008) Bacterial flora in udder secretion of buffaloes during dry period. Indian J.Vet.Med. 28 (1):61-62.
- Dighe D.G. and Kazi J.H (1990) Onion Poisoning in sloth bear-a case study. Indian J. Vet. Med. 10: 37-38
- Dighe D.G., Sathe A.B., Jagadish S. & Bhalerao D.P.(1990 )Efficacy of Intermittent peritoneal dialysis in experimentally induced acute renal failure in dogs. Indian J. Vet. Medicine 10: 24-30
- Dighe D.G. and Kudale M.L.(1991) Management of Acute Gastric Torsion in Dogs. Indian J. Vet. Surg.120: 31-32
- Dighe D.G. (1992) Treatment of Papillomas (Warts) with Antimonium Crudum. Indian J. Vet. Medicine 12: 45
- Jagadish S., Bhalerao D.P., Dighe D.G. (1993) Treatment of Psoroptic Mange in a horse with deltametrin (Butox). Blue Cross Book 4: 18-19
- Bhalerao D.P. Dighe D.G., Jagadish S. and Kulkarni S.A.(1993) Therapeutic and prophylactic efficacy of calcium propionate against sub clinical bovine ketosis. J. Bombay Vet. College 5: 63-65
- Dighe D.G. (1994) Terfenadine Toxicity in dogs a case report. . J. Bombay Vet. College 5: 71
- Dighe D.G (1995) Management of Levamisole Toxicity in piglets-a case report. Indian J. Vet. Medicine 15: 54
- A.V. Khanvilkar, Pendse M.D. Dighe D.G. and Ambatkar S.V. (1995) Effect of feeding of yeast culture on milk yield and composition of milk in dairy cows. Dairy Guide 9: 10-11
- Dighe D.G. Govindrajan R and R. Manickam (2000) Seroprevalence of bovine viral diarrhea by agar gel precipitation (AGPT) and passive haemaglutination (PHA) test. J. Bombay Vet. College 8: 23-26
- Dighe D.G. Govindrajan R and R. Manickam (2002) Prevalence of bovine viral diarrhea antibody by indirect ELISA. J. Bombay Vet. College 10(1&2): 23-24
- D.G.Dighe R.Govindarajan and R.Manickam (2003) Detection of bovine virus diarrhea antibody in cattle sera by dot immunobinding assay. Indian J.Vet. Med.23: 108-109
- Adur M.K., D.G.Dighe, A. Samad,D.V.Keskar, R.V.Gaikwad and R.D.Velhankar (2007) Evaluation of the sero conversion rate of a new combination DNA vaccine agaist rabies in dogs J. Bombay Vet. College 15(1&2): 1-3
- Patil J.U.,A.Samad,D.V.Keskar,R.V.Gaikwad and D.G.Dighe (2007)Herd health and production management programs in selected dairy co-operatives in Maharashtra and Gujrat state. J. Bombay Vet. College 15: 30-33
- Bijargi S.R.,D.G.Dighe,R.D.Velhankar,R.V.Gaikwad and D.V.Keskar (2007)Acute cystitis in a castrated male percian cat-a case report J. Bombay Vet. College 15(1&2): 145
- S.J.Ahire ,D.G.Dighe, D.V.Keskar, R.V.Gaikwad, R.A.Nale,K.H.Ingole,and A.Samad (2008)Somatic cell count in udder secretions of dry buffaloes. Indian J.Vet. Med.28: 48
- S.J.Ahire , R.A.Nale D.G.Dighe, D.V.Keskar and A.Samad (2008)Bacterial flora in udder secretion of buffaloes during dry period. Indian J.Vet. Med.28: 61-62
- R.D.Velhankar,D.G.Dighe,R.V.Gaikwad and D.V.Keskar (2008)Multifocal paroxysmal ventricvular tachycardia subsequent to pyometra in a bitch.J.Canine Develo.Res.5:13-15
- Sankhe R.A.,Thorat K.S.,ManerS.K.,Pawar V.N.,Dighe D.G.,Velhankar R.D.,Muley V.D. and Keskar D.V.(2009)Therapeutic management of open pyometra in abitch –a case report J. Bombay Vet. College 17(1): 79-80
- D.G.Dighe and R.Govindarajan (2009) Seroepidemiological studies on bovine viral diarrhea Indian J.Vet. Med.29: 108-109
- V.D.Muley, D.G.Dighe, R.D.Velhankar and D.V.Keskar (2009)Treatment of Canine Parvo viral(CPV)infection in a pup-a therapeutic and nutrceutical approach,Intal Polyvet 10(II):371-372
- V.D.Muley, D.G.Dighe, R.V.Gaikwad, S.S.Ugile, K.V.Garud, R.D.Velhankar and D.V.Keskar (2010)Congenital hypothyroidism in Lhasa apso pup Vet.World 3(3): 137
- V.D.Muley, D.G.Dighe, R.D.Velhankar and D.V.Keskar(2010) Therapeutic Management of Peripheral Vestibular Dysfunction in a German Shepherd Dog-a Case Report J. Bombay Vet. College 16(1): 71
- D.G.Dighe, R.D.Velhankar, V.D.Muley, N.R.Kulkarni, V.N.Pawar and D.V.Keskar(2010) Osteodystropia Fibrosa in a Horse-a Case Report J. Bombay Vet. College 16 (1): 72-73
- Galdhar C, Gaikwad R, Samad A, Krishna BA (2007) Is Galium-67 citrate a superior test to predict doxorubicin induced cardiomyopathy? World Journal of Nuclear Medicine, Volume 6, Supplement 1, July 2007: S-74-75.
- Prajapati P.A., Poddar, S.S., Gaikwad R.V., Galdhar C.N., Vijay Tripathi and Patel M. M. (2010) Evaluation of controlled release ophthalmic minitablets prepared by direct compression. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Development. 2(9):030.C.N.Galdhar, R.V.Gaikwad and A. Samad (2010) Studies on evaluation of left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) by nuclear medicine techniques in rabbits. Indian Veterinary Journal. 87 (9): 867.
- C.N.Galdhar, R.V.Gaikwad and A.Samad (2008) Nuclear medicine: Basis and application in diagnosis of Hepatic Disorders in Canines. Intas Polivet 2008, 9:305-308.
Completed Research Projects
Sr. No. | Title / Scheme | Duration | Agency | |
Wether Based Animal Disease Forecast | 2002-2005 | I.C.A.R. | ||
ECG abnormalities in Experimental dogs | 2003-04 | Lupin Pharma | ||
Trials of Ceftiofur Na injection in buffaloes | 2003-04 | Alembic | ||
Empowerment and capacity building to implement herd health and productivity improvement in dairy animals. | 2003-2004 | M/s NABARD | ||
Improving Access – Quality of Animal Health Service through Comprehensive Village Herd | 2004 | World Bank | ||
To evaluate and confirm efficacy of Blank Canther extract in experimental frothy bloat in goats | 2007 | National Innovation Foundation | ||
Efficacy trial of calcium pellet | 2006 | Indian immunologicals | ||
To determine the efficacy of Amoxyrum Forte with other market brands, based on reduction of naturally occurring new Intramammary infusions and clinical improvement in clinical and subclinical cases in cows and buffaloes | 2007-08 | Virbac Animal Health India Pvt. Ltd | ||
Therapeutic evaluation of POP-IN in clinical cases of uterine prolaps | 2012 | Natural Remedies Pvt. Ltd.,Bangalore |
Ongoing Research Projects
Sr. No. | Title / Scheme | Duration | Agency |
RFS on “Establishment of blood and blood component facility and a referral coagulopathy laboratory”. | 2001-2012 | ICAR, NEW DELHI | |
2. | To establish Renal Hemodialysis Unit for Pet Animals | 2010-13 | RFS, MVC, Mumbai |
3 | To establish Cardiovascular Unit for Pet Animals | 2010-13 | RFS, MVC, MumbaiAnd Donation from Benevolent Pet owner |