Mission Statement
Excellence in veterinary education, research and extension, participation in biomedical research
- To train and make available veterinary professionals to undertake livestock development activities for the state of Maharashtra primarily and the country in general
- To undertake research in the field of veterinary and biomedical sciences to facilitate understanding of the disease processes, livestock production systems and allied issues with a focus on developing sustainable strategies of development.
- To undertake extension for conveying technologies to field to facilitate farmer economic development through livestock activities.
AT the time of inception the major focus was on horses (equines) as a military and transport animal but from 1970s onwards when the College became a part of the Agricultural university set the goals have radically shifted to domestic animals such as bovines, sheep and goat, poultry and pet animals with less emphasis on equines
Short and long term plans:
a) Strengthen existing infrastructure by providing material support to upgrade laboratory facilities to enable students exposure to modern laboratory tools; (b) strengthen the livestock farm units by creating modern facilities of livestock rearing, milking and feeding to enable students get hands-on practice to understand nuances of modern livestock farming; (c) create diagnostic facilities by establishing ‘Referral Center’ at the new faculty building at the Parel campus to enable students and researchers learn imaging, endoscopy, cardiography, immunology and other diagnostic techniques; (e) reorient the research program of the departments to instill interdepartmental and intra-faculty participation; (f) establish fodder tissue culture facility at the livestock farm to multiply high-yielding fodder varieties; (g) develop one model village in each district of Konkan region to demonstrate livestock-driven rural development process.
(a) Bring the research facilities at par with the international standards new research centers will be presented; (b) establish with the help of pharmaceutical industries and funding agencies ISO grade animal house facility including dog colony and participate in cutting edge research on new drug, vaccine and biological development; (c) Diversify the veterinary nuclear medicine center by starting PET facility and convert the center into a national center by starting diploma courses in veterinary nuclear medicine; (d) strengthen Biotechnology Laboratory by converting this into a full-fledged interdepartmental facility and mainstreaming the education program by joining the central biotechnology entrance competition; (e) establish livestock farming technology showcase facility at the livestock farm to attract farmers to see the latest in livestock farming; (f) establishing ‘Assisted Reproduction Technology’ Center focused at genetic improvement in livestock with ART as the driving force; (g) establish national animal data center by deploying various softwares developed by the institute; (h) establish comparative hematology research center, to focus on blood origin zoonotic diseases; (i) strengthen the residue detection laboratory into full-fledged center dedicated to work on issues related with quality livestock products; (j) establish a joint center with medical faculty a center dedicated to research on important zoonosis and diseases of public health importance.