Livestock Product Technology - Academics

With adoption of the curriculum of Veterinary Council of India for under-graduate teaching by the MAFSU.


Academic Regulations:


Sr. No. Name of Student Enrl. No. Email Address Name of Advisor
1Saurabh KushwahaV/23/318saurabh282007@gmail.comDr. S.G. Jadhao
2Advaity MetkarV/24/008advaitysmatkar@gmail.comDr. S.G. Jadhao
3Ananya Anil KanojiaV/24/012anilkanojia76@gmail.comDr. S.G. Jadhao
4Anushka Sanjay GautamV/24/015sanjaygautam76150@gmail.comDr. S.G. Jadhao
5Arjun Ashish ChavanV/24/017arjunchav28@gmail.comDr. S.G. Jadhao
6ArpitV/24/019arpitgaruwa@gmail.comDr. S.G. Jadhao
7Ashok KumarV/24/021akstyles12442@gmail.comDr. S.G. Jadhao
8Awhale Yash DipakV/24/027yashawhale84@gmail.comDr. S.G. Jadhao
9Baderwal Manan SanjayV/24/028mbaberwal633@gmail.comDr. S.G. Jadhao
10Bangale Shivraj RajendraV/24/029shivrajbangale763@gmail.comDr. S.G. Jadhao
11Bargande Abhishek RajeshV/24/030bargandekaveri@gmail.comDr. S.G. Jadhao
12Bhargude Apurva DipakV/24/038bhargude.apurva7@gmail.comDr. S.G. Jadhao
13Bhosale Nikhil IshwarV/24/043nikhilbhosale880@gmail.comDr. S.G. Jadhao
14Bobhate Vaishnavi WasudeoV/24/047vaishnavibobhate2@gmail.comDr. S.G. Jadhao
15Bondge Vaibhav SurendraV/24/048vaibhavbondge778@gmail.comDr. S.G. Jadhao
16Bondre Rushali SubhashV/24/049rushalibondre05@gmail.comDr. S.G. Jadhao
17Bore Soham PrakashV/24/052Sohambore0@gmail.comDr. S.G. Jadhao
18Borkar Abha AbhijitV/24/053advita.borkar@gmail.comDr. B.M. Khati
19Chalakh Ayush SubhashV/24/055ayush01chalakh@gmail.comDr. B.M. Khati
20Chavan Vaishnavi DadaraoV/24/061dr.mbbs1912@gmail.comDr. B.M. Khati
21Chetan Ramesh DurgeV/24/062durgechetan4@gmail.comDr. B.M. Khati
22Davale Dipti IndrajitV/24/070davaledipti@gmail.comDr. B.M. Khati
23Dawale Sachidanand SangramV/24/071dawalesachinanand2003@gmail.comDr. B.M. Khati
24Deshmukh Saurabh BalchandraV/24/073saurabhdeshmukh707@gmail.comDr. B.M. Khati
25Garje Abhishek SantoshV/24/101garjeabhishek660@gmail.comDr. B.M. Khati
26Ghanwat Shrikant KamlakarV/24/107shpikantghanwat221@gmail.comDr. B.M. Khati
27Giri Janvi PrashantV/24/113janvigiri9@gmail.comDr. B.M. Khati
28Gupta Riya KishorV/24/120riyagupta7433@gail.comDr. B.M. Khati
29Hiwale Prashik PramodV/24/128pramodhiwale9@gmail.comDr. B.M. Khati
30Ingle Pranav ShivlalV/24/131pranayingle215@gmail.comDr. B.M. Khati
31Jitesh GrewalV/24/149grewaljitesh474@gmail.comDr. B.M. Khati
32Joshi Malhar ManishV/24/150malharjoshi2256@gmail.comDr. B.M. Khati
33Joshi Sharvari ManojV/24/151sharvarijoshi1912@gmail.comDr. B.M. Khati
34Junarkar Unnati VilasV/24/152unnatijun1707@gmail.comDr. B.M. Khati
35Kailuke Saurabh RameshV/24/158saurabhkailuke05@gmail.comDr. M.V.Kamble
36Kankatav Siddheshwar DinkarV/24/162sidharthdkankatav@gmail.comDr. M.V.Kamble
37Kante Aniket AnilV/24/164manishakanthe@gmail.comDr. M.V.Kamble
38Kaple Vedant PralhadV/24/166brpkaple@gmail.comDr. M.V.Kamble
39Kaware Samruddhi ManoharV/24/173samruddhikawre36@gmail.comDr. M.V.Kamble
40Kendre Mukund JagannathV/24/175mukundkendre9234@gmail.comDr. M.V.Kamble
41Kendre Satish VitthalV/24/176kendresatishvitthal@gmail.comDr. M.V.Kamble
42Khadule Shrutika SandipV/24/181shrutikakhadule@gmail.comDr. M.V.Kamble
43Kursunge Kunal MotilalV/24/195kunalkursunge@gmail.comDr. M.V.Kamble
44Lavanya JiwtodeV/24/199lavanyajiwtode10@gmail.comDr. M.V.Kamble
45Lodhe Om ShivprasadV/24/200omlodhe889@gmail.comDr. M.V.Kamble
46Lokhande Nayan PravinV/24/201nayanlokhande79272@gmail.comDr. M.V.Kamble
47Manjare Aditya PravinV/24/208pravinpm13@gmail-comDr. M.V.Kamble
48Manu Maharshi RaulaV/24/210raulamanu99@gmail.comDr. M.V.Kamble
49Manwatkar Vishwambhar ShankarraoV/24/211vishwambharmanwatkar15@gmail.comDr. M.V.Kamble
50Meshram Saloni AshokkumarV/24/218salonimeshram01@gmail.comDr. M.V.Kamble
51Mohammad Merajuddin Khan Mohammad Ali KhanV/24/220merajuddink0@gmail.comDr. M.V.Kamble
52More Prathamesh VijayV/24/221prathameshmore2903@gmail.comDr. M.V.Kamble
53Ms.RINKU JAKHARV/24/224rinkujakhar80744@gmail.comDr. M.V.Kamble
54Navatre Rushikesh BaluV/24/236yushinavatre1255@gmail.comDr. M.V.Kamble
55Nawale Vaibhav SunilV/24/239vn607087@gmail.comDr. G.S.Khante
56Nitnaware Sanjivani LiladharV/24/246sanjivaninitnaware@gmail.comDr. G.S.Khante
57Padghan Mrunal SamadhanV/24/248padghansv2016@gmail.comDr. G.S.Khante
58Pathak Rohit NilkanthV/24/256pathak01rohit@gmail.comDr. G.S.Khante
59Pathan Hasan Ali Khan Juned Ali KhanV/24/257hasankhan985085@gmail.comDr. G.S.Khante
60Patil Dakshani SrikantV/24/258patilsrikant00@gmail.comDr. G.S.Khante
61Prayas Kumar DashV/24/283PRAYASDASH25@GMAIL.COMDr. G.S.Khante
62Pujari Nikhil RameshV/24/284nikhil942084@gmail.comDr. G.S.Khante
63Raju ChauhanV/24/290rajchauhan7533@gmail.comDr. G.S.Khante
64Rajurkar Vinay DhananjayraoV/24/291rajurkarinay7@gmail.comDr. G.S.Khante
65Rathod Nayan GajananV/24/296rathodnayan1305@gmail.comDr. G.S.Khante
66Rathod Saurav VijaysingV/24/298vijaysingrathod5068@gmail.comDr. G.S.Khante
67Raut Jayashree DhanrajV/24/301rautjayashree161@gmail.comDr. G.S.Khante
68Rekhate Rajsi DigamberV/24/303rekhate.rd.123@gmail.comDr. G.S.Khante
69Rishika KanakarajV/24/, karakaraj@aldanobe.comDr. G.S.Khante
70Ritesh KanadjeV/24/306riteshkanadje@gmail.comDr. G.S.Khante
71Rohit Kumar MeenaV/24/307rk20040215@gmail.comDr. S.A. Umap
72Sakhare Drushti PramodV/24/311sakharedrushti@gmail.comDr. S.A. Umap
73Sanap Chaitany SantoshV/24/315sanapchaitanya5@gmail.comDr. S.A. Umap
74Shaikh Areeb Abdul KhalikV/24/331shaikhareeb8793@gmail.comDr. S.A. Umap
75Shinde Shivani VilasV/24/337shivanishinde7821@gmail.comDr. S.A. Umap
76Shrirame Shivamkumar SureshV/24/343shivamusha007@gmail.comDr. S.A. Umap
77Sonwane Abhijeet RajkumarV/24/349sonawaneabhijeet26@gmail.comDr. S.A. Umap
78Suryawanshi Gangadhar MarotiV/24/359marotis.9321@gmail.comDr. S.A. Umap
79Tarfe Vaibhav SureshV/24/366vaibhavtaree2@gmail.comDr. S.A. Umap
80Thakre Pranav SantoshV/24/368pranavthakre840@gmail.comDr. S.A. Umap
81Vaidya Swapnil BabanV/24/372swapnilvaidya7m@gmail.comDr. S.A. Umap
82Vedant Vikas LatureV/24/378vedantvlature@gmail.comDr. S.A. Umap
83Vidisha Ashish NarnawareV/24/381ashishnarnaware28@gmail.comDr. S.A. Umap
84Gunjan AtkareV/22/132gunjanatkare@gmail.comDr. Sonal Ingle
85Adbale Mangesh MarotiV/23/002mangeshmarotiadbale@gmail.comDr. V. V. Banthiya
86Amal Asif JamalV/23/008amaljamalq8@gmail.comDr. V. V. Banthiya
87Anil Kumar YadavV/23/010ayy943498@gmail.comDr. V. V. Banthiya
88Appalwar Akash PrashantV/23/014akashappalwar21@gmail.comDr. V. V. Banthiya
89Ashutosh RawatV/23/020rawatashu0512@gmail.comDr. V. V. Banthiya
90Asmita KumariV/23/022asmitaanshujha2211@gmail.comDr. V. V. Banthiya
91Badmera Himanshu MahendraV/23/024badmerahimanshu@gmail.comDr. V. V. Banthiya
92Bambale Pramod SantoshV/23/025pramodbambale046@gmail.comDr. V. V. Banthiya
93Bhagwate Akshad SudharamV/23/036bhagwateakshad@gmail.comDr. V. V. Banthiya
94Bhalchim Saniya DhondibaV/23/037saniyabhalchim112@gmail.comDr. V. V. Banthiya
95Bharti Vijay MaharudraV/23/040vb039999@gmail.comDr. V. K. Basunathe
96Bhate Aarya ShrikrishnaV/23/041aaryabhate0405@gmail.comDr. V. K. Basunathe
97Darak Arwa ShrinivasV/23/072arwadarak@gmail.comDr. V. K. Basunathe
98Devashish CholeV/23/082dchole4@gmail.comDr. V. K. Basunathe
99Dhaliwal Harmansingh JagdevsinghV/23/087deepjotkaur18@gmail.comDr. V. K. Basunathe
100Dhonukshe Vedashri RajkumarV/23/092dhonukshevadashri@gmail.comDr. V. K. Basunathe
101Dhumal Pranav RameshV/23/095pranavdhumal83@gmail.comDr. V. K. Basunathe
102Divekar Anannya NiranjanV/23/098anannyadivekar@gmail.comDr. V. K. Basunathe
103Dongarwar Tanmay SureshV/23/100tanmaydongarwar888@gmail.comDr. V. K. Basunathe
104Fande Omkar BalaprasadV/23/101omkarfande402@gmail.comDr. V. K. Basunathe
105Fartade Raj VijaykumarV/23/102rajufartade2592004@gmail.comDr. V. K. Basunathe
106Gahukar Purva PramodV/23/106purvagahukar2107@gmail.comDr. U. P. Mainde
107Ganage Aarti NiteshV/23/109aartiganage406@gmail.comDr. U. P. Mainde
108Gangurde Rohan SuhasV/23/111rahangangurde29@gmail.comDr. U. P. Mainde
109Gawande Vaishnavi ShivcharanV/23/115gawandevaishnavi187@gmail.comDr. U. P. Mainde
110Gawhare Payal SureshV/23/116payalgawhare13@gmail.comDr. U. P. Mainde
111Ghawghawe Prajwal ShridharV/23/117prajwalghawghawe21@gmail.comDr. U. P. Mainde
112Ghule Pratik ShantaramV/23/118pratikghule710@gmail.comDr. U. P. Mainde
113Gophane Samrudhi SantoshV/23/121samriddhigophane@gmail.comDr. U. P. Mainde
114Jadhao Rutuja PrakashV/23/133rutujadhao792003@gmail.comDr. U. P. Mainde
115Jambhule Rupali DilipV/23/145rupalijambhule53@gmail.comDr. U. P. Mainde
116Joel Koshy MammanV/23/148joelkm8854@gmail.comDr. U. P. Mainde
117Kadam Pavan PrabhakarV/23/155pavankadam9527@gmail.comDr. S. A. Dubey
118Kadam Riddhi RupeshV/23/157viddhik1304@gmail.comDr. S. A. Dubey
119Kale Amey VikasV/23/160ameykale1343@gmail.comDr. S. A. Dubey
120Kare Prerana ShrimantV/23/168kareprerana@gmail.comDr. S. A. Dubey
121Kendre Suraj DevanandV/23/174surajdk9767@gmail.comDr. S. A. Dubey
122Khawale Rushikesh VijayV/23/179rishikeshkhawale123@gmail.comDr. S. A. Dubey
123Khodake Rushikesh KishorV/23/181rushikeshkhodke2001@gmail.comDr. S. A. Dubey
124Magar Somesh SanjayV/23/195someshpatilmagar@gmail.comDr. S. A. Dubey
125Manish ChoudharyV/23/203mr1mrmanish@gmail.comDr. S. A. Dubey
126Mankar Sneha ShridharV/23/205snehamankar999@gmail.comDr. S. A. Dubey
127Meshram Riddhi LehandasV/23/210riddhimeshram9@gmail.comDr. P. A. Tembhurne
128Mohit KumarV/23/213mohitpatel8105@gmail.comDr. P. A. Tembhurne
129More Anjali BalajiV/23/215vrundavanimore5@gmail.comDr. P. A. Tembhurne
130Manoj YadavV/23/218rkhiwal9785@gmail.comDr. P. A. Tembhurne
131Mukul Vinod PatilV/23/220mvpmukulpatil4@gmail.comDr. P. A. Tembhurne
132Mundhe Akanksha ArjunV/23/223mundheaa2002@gmail.comDr. P. A. Tembhurne
133Murarkar Paawan AshishV/23/225paawanmurarkar20@gmail.comDr. P. A. Tembhurne
134Narwade Tanvi BalajiV/23/233tanvi292004@gmail.comDr. P. A. Tembhurne
135Naveen KumarV/23/234praveen324@gmail.comDr. P. A. Tembhurne
136Nevarkar Shubham DevraoV/23/238shubhamnevarkar@gmail.comDr. P. A. Tembhurne
137Patle Kartik JagdishV/23/262kartikpatle0001@gmail.comDr. P. A. Tembhurne
138Pawale Priya RameshV/23/265priyapawale106@gmail.comDr. M. P. Kaore
139Pawar Prathamesh DipakV/23/267prathamesh.d.pawar654@gmail.comDr. M. P. Kaore
140Priyamvada GudadheV/23/277priyamvadagudadhe@gmail.comDr. M. P. Kaore
141Purohit Saloni ShaileshV/23/279salonipurohit99@gmail.comDr. M. P. Kaore
142RameshV/23/281rameshkhyalia2025@gmail.comDr. M. P. Kaore
143Rampurkar Chaitali PruthvirajV/23/282chaitalirampurkar04@gmail.comDr. M. P. Kaore
144Rathod Juganu SunilV/23/283siprimetech@gmail.comDr. M. P. Kaore
145Raut Sangharsh LaxmanV/23/289rautsangharsh2137@gmail.comDr. M. P. Kaore
146Raut Vaibhav GaneshV/23/292vaibhavr187.@gmail.comDr. M. P. Kaore
147Rhea Harriat RejiV/23/295rheaharriat7@gmail.comDr. M. P. Kaore
148RubalV/23/298rubalbtembhurne@gmail.comDr. M. P. Kaore
149Sachin Kumar MeenaV/23/301sachinmeena8105@gmail.comDr. A. M. Shende
150Sapate Vaibhav GaneshV/23/313vaibhavsapate2157@gmail.comDr. A. M. Shende
151Sarode Manjiri ManojV/23/314manjirisarode2004@gmail.comDr. A. M. Shende
152Sathe Dhanshree TryambakV/23/316dhanshreesathe01@gmail.comDr. A. M. Shende
153Shanuj MeshraamV/23/325shanujmeshraam02@gmail.comDr. A. M. Shende
154Sheba JinuV/23/326shebajinu05@gmail.comDr. A. M. Shende
155Shembade Yash ShamraoV/23/329yashshembade10@gmail.comDr. A. M. Shende
156Shendge Satyam KishorV/23/330shendgesatyam@gmail.comDr. A. M. Shende
157Shirsat Mansi BaluV/23/337mshirsat540@gmail.comDr. A. M. Shende
158Subhalakshmi SahaV/23/360subhalakshmipu@gmail.comDr. A. M. Shende
159Sumit PrajapatV/23/364sumithrajapatjhadol@gmail.comDr. Shiny Joy
160Suryawanshi Bhagyashree KuldeepV/23/367bhagsuryawanshi@gmail.comDr. Shiny Joy
161Swami Rohit BalasahebV/23/370rohitswami814@gmail.comDr. Shiny Joy
162Tupkar Aryan AmitV/23/384aryantupkar78607@gmail.comDr. Shiny Joy
163Vedha Valli SV/23/393vedaraji304@gmail.comDr. Shiny Joy
164Waghmode Vivek DattatrayV/23/401waghmodevivek3@gmail.comDr. Shiny Joy
165Wandhare Ajay AnkushV/23/405ajaywandhare4@gmail.comDr. Shiny Joy
166Wathore Aditya PremanandV/23/408premanandwathore66@gmail.comDr. Shiny Joy
167Weskade Harshal HansrajV/23/410harshalweskade21@gmail.comDr. Shiny Joy
168Zade Swaraj GokuldasV/23/414swarajzade101@gmail.comDr. Shiny Joy
169Jaybhaye Akanksha DattaraoV/21/148akankshajaybhaye2000@gmail.comShri. D. V. Patil
170Sayali Sujeet SuryawanshiV/21/319sayali202004@icloud.comDr. K. P. Kharkar
171Aakanksha S. MetriV/22/001sonusree724@gmail.comDr. M. B. Gupta
172Adhao Bhushan GajananV/22/005bhushanadhao04@gmail.comDr. M. B. Gupta
173Adling Sanjivani SunilV/22/006sanjivaniadling@gmail.comDr. M. B. Gupta
174Alok SharmaV/22/009sharmaalok611@gmail.comDr. M. B. Gupta
175Aman SinghV/22/011amandhukiya0290@gmail.comDr. M. B. Gupta
176Ayush TomarV/22/021ayushtomar258@gmail.comDr. M. B. Gupta
177Bandewar Harshada SanjaykumarV/22/028harshadabandewar@gmail.comDr. M. B. Gupta
178Bandiwar Sakshi RajeshV/22/029sakshibandiwar2003@gmail.comDr. M. B. Gupta
179Barse Samrat AnilV/22/032samratbarse21@gmail.comDr. M. B. Gupta
180Bharad Dipeeka SontoshV/22/036dipeekabharad2003@gmail.comDr. P. M. Sonkusale
181Bhoyar Khushi ManojV/22/040khushibhoyar28@gmail.comDr. P. M. Sonkusale
182Chavan Pratiksha KailashV/22/056pratikshakc1130@gmail.comDr. P. M. Sonkusale
183Cheekatipalle HariniV/22/058hariniramana2@gmail.comDr. P. M. Sonkusale
184Deepak Kumar SharmaV/22/074deepak321.sikar@gmail.comDr. P. M. Sonkusale
185Deshatwad Vaishnavi VenkatraoV/22/078deshatwadvaishnavi@gmail.comDr. P. M. Sonkusale
186Deshmukh Arni KaustubhV/22/081arnideshmukh@gmail.comDr. P. M. Sonkusale
187Deshmukh Goutami MadanV/22/082goutameedeshmukh1@gmail.comDr. P. M. Sonkusale
188Deshmukh Krushna BhaskarraoV/22/084krushnadeshmukh1001@gmail.comDr. P. M. Sonkusale
189Dhengale Shamli RajuV/22/090shamlidhengle548@gmail.comDr. P. M. Sonkusale
190Divyesh Sanjay BhoyeV/22/095divyeshbhoye45@gmail.comDr. P. M. Sonkusale
191Doke Anuraj MarotiV/22/096anurajdoke291@gmail.comDr. D. B. Bhaisare
192Durge Yash IshwarV/22/097yashdurge32@gmail.comDr. D. B. Bhaisare
193Gadekar Samiksha DnyaneshwarV/22/104samikshagadekar465@gmail.comDr. D. B. Bhaisare
194Gadge Vaibhavi VivekanandV/22/105vaibhavigadge17@gmail.comDr. D. B. Bhaisare
195Gagan Kumar SharmaV/22/107gagan1182001@gmail.comDr. D. B. Bhaisare
196Gahale Vedant PravinV/22/108vedantgahale123@gmail.comDr. D. B. Bhaisare
197Ghuge Aditi GajananV/22/124gajananghuge2003@gmail.comDr. D. B. Bhaisare
198Girish Bhaskar JondhaleV/22/126girishjon007@gmail.comDr. D. B. Bhaisare
199Ingole Aditya ChandrakantV/22/148adityaingole011@gmail.comDr. Sonal Ingle
200Kagde Gaurav KalyanV/22/166gauravkagde@gmail.comDr. Sonal Ingle
201Kalpande Shivani RameshV/22/171kalpandeshivani95@gmail.comDr. Sonal Ingle
202Kampurne Anup DhondibaV/22/174anup01082003@gmail.comDr. Sonal Ingle
203Kankalwar Nancy SudhakarV/22/176nancykankalwar@gmail.comDr. Sonal Ingle
204Khandare Nisarga GajananV/22/192nisargakhandare69@gmail.comDr. Sonal Ingle
205Kharpude Prasad AdinathV/22/196prasadkharpude11@gmail.comDr. Sonal Ingle
206Khode Harsh ShivshankarV/22/200harshkhode7@gmail.comDr. Sonal Ingle
207Kirme Pravin VijayV/22/201pravinkirme321@gmail.comDr. Sonal Ingle
208Kukade Shilpa SanjivV/22/209shilpakukade8@gmail.comDr. K. B. Bahiram
209Kute Pankaj RameshV/22/212pkute3553@gmail.comDr. K. B. Bahiram
210Kute Rushikesh SanjayV/22/213rushikeshkute1606@gmail.comDr. K. B. Bahiram
211Labde Ojaswi ChandrashekharV/22/214ojaswi072003@gmail.comDr. K. B. Bahiram
212ManishaV/22/228manishajat.782002@gmail.comDr. K. B. Bahiram
213Manoj BishnoiV/22/231manojbhadu2120@gmail.comDr. K. B. Bahiram
214Maske Mayuri BhauraoV/22/233mayurimaske73@gmail.comDr. K. B. Bahiram
215Meshram Chanchal SureshV/22/234chanchalm11204@gmail.comDr. K. B. Bahiram
216Morkhade Gajanan PramodV/22/240gmorkhade2001@gmail.comDr. K. B. Bahiram
217Musale Vikram VijayV/22/247drvikrammusale1@gmail.comDr. K. B. Bahiram
218Nagrale Anush NandrajV/22/248anushnagrale@gmail.comDr. K. B. Bahiram
219Nagre Aniket NandkishorV/22/249aniketshru1@gmail.comDr. S. V. Chopde
220Navghare Tejas RameshwarV/22/252tejasvelay@gmail.comDr. S. V. Chopde
221Navle Utkarsha NanasahebV/22/253utkarshanavle23@gmail.comDr. S. V. Chopde
222Neware Krishna AnandV/22/257newarek81@gmail.comDr. S. V. Chopde
223Nikhade Saurabh SomeshwarV/22/259saurabhnikhade7782@gmail.comDr. S. V. Chopde
224Panem Namrata KishorV/22/269namratapanem@gmail.comDr. S. V. Chopde
225Parate Prachi DharmrajV/22/273prachiparate001@gmial.comDr. S. V. Chopde
226Patrikar Vedant PramodV/22/280vedantpatrikar221@gmail.comDr. S. V. Chopde
227Pooja ChanekarV/22/291poojachanekar6@gmail.comDr. S. V. Chopde
228Rathod Darshan PanjabraoV/22/301darshan118888@gmail.comDr. P. J. Gawande
229Raut Drushti KailashV/22/305drushtiraut2002@gmail.comDr. P. J. Gawande
230Raut Shivani ShivramV/22/307shivaniraut1230@gmail.comDr. P. J. Gawande
231Reddepogu Sarayu PaulV/22/310sarayureddipogu@gmail.comDr. P. J. Gawande
232Sahare Prachi RajkumarV/22/320prachisahare26@gmail.comDr. P. J. Gawande
233Sandeep DhamalaV/22/326saudeepdhawala11145@gmail.comDr. P. J. Gawande
234Saurav KumarV/22/329sauravsingh23052000@gmail.comDr. P. J. Gawande
235Shahane Omkar DnyaneshwarV/22/333omkarshahane19042003@gmail.comDr. P. J. Gawande
236Sharma Shreeyog VinayV/22/339mymailshree2003@gmail.comDr. P. J. Gawande
237ShubhamV/22/353yogeshelectronics7@gmail.comDr. P. J. Gawande
238Shyam LalV/22/354shyamkuchari68@gmail.comDr. P. J. Gawande
239Siddhika KadamV/22/355siddhikaaa@gmail.comDr. P. J. Gawande
240Soni Aastha SanjayV/22/361rashmisoni1972@gmail.comDr. P. J. Gawande
241Sontakke Mrunmayi GajananV/22/363sontakke.mrunmayi@gmail.comDr. M. S. Baviskar
242Sutar Chinmayee SanjayV/22/372chinmayeessutar@gmail.comDr. M. S. Baviskar
243Tandale Digambar BharatV/22/377digambartandale55@gmail.comDr. M. S. Baviskar
244Tawade Pritam PrafulV/22/380pritamtawade01@gmail.comDr. M. S. Baviskar
245Tayade Rahul GautamV/22/381rahultayade558@gmail.comDr. M. S. Baviskar
246Thombare Yash SantoshV/22/387yoshthombare11101@gmail.comDr. M. S. Baviskar
247Thorat Dhairyashil ShashikantV/22/388dasthorat1993@gmali.comDr. M. S. Baviskar
248Wankhede Suchita DattaV/22/405patilsuchita007@gmail.comDr. M. S. Baviskar
249Wayase Girish HarishchandraV/22/406wayasegirish@gmail.comDr. M. S. Baviskar
250Ankit GautamV/21/014akshayhavchari12345@gmail.comDr. M. S. Hedau
251Annapurna SinghV/21/015saranganarase21@gmail.comDr. M. S. Hedau
252Bhavesh Chaudhary RawatV/21/039mohangautam93@gmail.comDr. M. S. Hedau
253RitikV/21/299annapurnasingh1902@gmail.comDr. M. S. Hedau
254Shubhankar Pahad SinghV/21/339pratikbansod31@gmail.comDr. M. S. Hedau
255GyanenderV/21/128chetax34@gmail.comDr. M. S. Hedau
256VivekV/21/389aradhya.kajal@gmail.comDr. M. S. Hedau
257Raj Kumar KumawatV/21/286lalitborade2020@gmail.comDr. M. S. Hedau
258Harshit DadheechV/21/131jagdishvijaychavan11@gmail.comDr. Shekhar Badhe
259Dinesh BajiyaV/21/095vaibhavc2109@gmail.comDr. Shekhar Badhe
260Satish MeenaV/21/314adeshchavan17@gmail.comDr. Shekhar Badhe
261Vikrant SharmaV/21/386ashchohan561@gmail.comDr. Shekhar Badhe
262Khandalkar Sejal SanjayV/21/179tanmaydange38@gmail.comDr. Shekhar Badhe
263Guri LavanyaV/21/127shivamdawand@gmail.comDr. Shekhar Badhe
264Gample Sakshi SomnathV/21/113deshmukhdeep121@gmail.comDr. Shekhar Badhe
265Rathod Pawankumar PrakashV/21/292vedantdeshmukh125@gmail.comDr. Shekhar Badhe
266Sapkal Akshay RavindraV/21/312devya2002khandelwal@gmail.comDr. Shekhar Badhe
267Kurra JasmithaV/21/198tushardhanule2001@gmail.comDr. Shekhar Badhe
268Ishan Dilip MondheV/21/137ahdhawale@gmail.comDr. Shekhar Badhe
269Akshay AvcharV/21/010dineshbajiya1@gmail.comDr. S. R. Warke
270Anarase Sarang DattatrayV/21/013dudhenikita8@gmail.comDr. S. R. Warke
271Bansod Pratik RajuV/21/025sakshigample2003@gmail.comDr. S. R. Warke
272Barve Chetan RamchandraV/21/031nikhilgarmode19@gmail.comDr. S. R. Warke
273Deeshaa Shrikrishna KaduskarV/21/154aashishghongate23@gmail.comDr. S. R. Warke
274Borade Lalit BapusahebV/21/053gurilavanya588@gmail.comDr. S. R. Warke
275Chavan Jagdish VijayV/21/059thegyanender@gmail.comDr. S. R. Warke
276Chavan Vaibhav AshokV/21/061harshitdadheech38@gmail.comDr. S. R. Warke
277Chavhan Adesh MarotraoV/21/063rushihinge720@gmail.comDr. S. R. Warke
278Chohan Ashmita RajkumarV/21/06812bishanmondhe@gmail.comDr. S. R. Warke
279Dange Tanmay VilasV/21/072jadhavharshwardhan46@gmail.comDr. S. R. Warke
280Dawand Shivam GajananV/21/073omjunare2002@gmail.comDr. M.S. Patil
281Deshmukh Deep SurendraV/21/078deeshaakduskar216@gmail.comDr. M.S. Patil
282Deshmukh Vedant ManojV/21/079shrirangkakade07@gmail.comDr. M.S. Patil
283Devyanshi KhandelwalV/21/084kalepranav533@gmail.comDr. M.S. Patil
284Dhanule Tushar SunildattaV/21/087kalesamruddhi121@gmail.comDr. M.S. Patil
285Dhawale Madhura AshokV/21/090tukapgate2001@gmail.comDr. M.S. Patil
286Dudhe Nikita RameshV/21/098sejalkhandalkar22918@gmail.comDr. M.S. Patil
287Garmode Nikhil MukundV/21/116kharatekuldip76@gmail.comDr. M.S. Patil
288Ghongate Aashish MohanV/21/120sakshikhating09@gmail.comDr. M.S. Patil
289Hinge Rushikesh VinodV/21/133lokykomrewar@gmail.comDr. M.S. Patil
290Jadhav Harshwardhan MohanraoV/21/138jasmithak172001@gmail.comDr. M.S. Patil
291Junare Om BhagwatV/21/151palashmeshram8646@gmail.comShri. D. V. Patil
292Kakade Sanika ShrirangV/21/155shalvismesraam03@gmail.comShri. D. V. Patil
293Kale Pranav BhaskarV/21/157adityamunde54941@gmail.comShri. D. V. Patil
294Kale Samruddhi MadhavV/21/158vikrammungmode2001@gmail.comShri. D. V. Patil
295Kapgate Tejas UlhasV/21/164krishnanagre20@gmail.comShri. D. V. Patil
296Kharate Kuldeep SandipV/21/181rushikeshnakod21@gmail.comShri. D. V. Patil
297Khating Sakshi BhagwatV/21/182nannewarpranay@gmail.comShri. D. V. Patil
298Komrewar Lokesh ChanduV/21/187tejsvinipadhy@gmail.comShri. D. V. Patil
299Meshram Palash SudhirV/21/215pratikpawara3301@gmail.comShri. D. V. Patil
300Meshram Shalvi ShishupalV/21/216pritisabale085@gmail.comShri. D. V. Patil
301Mundhe Aditya DnyaneshwarV/21/232kumawatrrajkumar@gmail.comShri. D. V. Patil
302Mungmode Vikram SudamV/21/235yashramteke2020@gmail.comShri. D. V. Patil
303Nagre Krishana SubhashV/21/241pawankumarrathod143@gmail.comShri. D. V. Patil
304Nakod Rushikesh RamakantV/21/244ratnaparkhidinesh@gmail.comDr. K. P. Kharkar
305Nannewar Pranay SunilV/21/245dnyaneshwarraut8830@gmail.comDr. K. P. Kharkar
306Padhya Tejaswini VirendraV/21/253ritiksukhani700@gmail.comDr. K. P. Kharkar
307Pratik PawaraV/21/279omkarrokade322@gmail.comDr. K. P. Kharkar
308Preeti Somnath SableV/21/281surajsabale978@gmail.comDr. K. P. Kharkar
309Ramteke Yash RajkumarV/21/287samyuktasunil2002@gmail.comDr. K. P. Kharkar
310Ratnaparkhi Dinesh PurushottamV/21/295akshaysapkal2310@gmail.comDr. K. P. Kharkar
311Raut Dnyaneshwar RamhariV/21/296satisamina9@gmail.comDr. K. P. Kharkar
312Rokade Omkar BajiraoV/21/301harshal1800@gmail.comDr. K. P. Kharkar
313Sabale Suraj SitaramV/21/303shindesakshi038@gmail.comDr. K. P. Kharkar
314Samyukta Sunil KumarV/21/311shivanigarmade2019@gmail.comDr. K. P. Kharkar
315Shende Harshal SardasV/21/323pahadsinghsubbu@gmail.comDr. K. P. Kharkar
316Shinde Sakshi SanjayV/21/330shuklasahil012@gmail.comDr. K. P. Kharkar
317Shivani GarmadeV/21/333suhanaraina03@gmail.comDr. D. S. Kale
318Shukla Sahil SunilV/21/341udaysukhale@gmail.comDr. D. S. Kale
319Suhana SanjayV/21/352krishiupadhyay09@gmail.comDr. D. S. Kale
320Suknale Uday SureshraoV/21/353ishaverma12347@gmail.comDr. D. S. Kale
321Upadhyay Krishi BhaveshV/21/378vikkypagisharma@gmail.comDr. D. S. Kale
322Verma Isha Ashim PrakashV/21/381vivekbeniwal512@gmail.comDr. D. S. Kale
323Wagh Gaurav DevidasV/21/392gauravrider2222@gmail.comDr. D. S. Kale
324Wagh Satish ParajiV/21/393satishwagh8969@gmail.comDr. D. S. Kale
325Waghmare Vaibhav SantoshV/21/396waghmarevaibhav609@gmail.comDr. D. S. Kale
326Wartale Balaji SambhajiV/21/403balajiwartale001@gmail.comDr. D. S. Kale
327Watghule Sanskruti RavindraV/21/404sanskrutiwatgule2000@gmail.comDr. D. S. Kale
328Zade Jayesh SanjayV/21/408jayeshzade20@gmail.comDr. D. S. Kale
329Ambulgekar Swaraj ShivajiV/20/008shivajitambulgekar@gmail.comDr. G.P. Shende
330Amte Aditya MahadeoV/20/009adityaamte94@gmail.comDr. G.P. Shende
331Andhale Satvik BhagwanV/20/011bhagwanandhale0035@gmail.comDr. G.P. Shende
332Banewar Dhanshri ChhatrashalV/20/023banewardhanshri@gmail.comDr. G.P. Shende
333Belsare Shruti HariharV/20/025belsareshruti5@gmail.comDr. G.P. Shende
334Bhalerao Vaibhav DevidasV/20/028vaibhavbhalerao035@gmail.comDr. G.P. Shende
335Bhavya MalikaV/20/033bm856962@gmail.comDr. G.P. Shende
336Bhosale Prajwal AnilV/20/038prajwalbhosale4488@gmail.comDr. G.P. Shende
337Bomble Avinash KailashV/20/042jain.bhushan14@gmail.comDr. G.P. Shende
338Borkar Bharvi BhuwanesharV/20/046avinashpsd11@gmail.comDr. G.P. Shende
339Chirwatkar Smital SureshV/20/063borkarbharvi2003@gmail.comDr. G.P. Shende
340Daberao Akash SantoshV/20/067smitalchirwatkar123@gmail.comDr. G.P. Shende
341Dawre Shruti NamdeoV/20/072shrutidawre@gmail.comDr. G.P. Shende
342Dhawale Rinal SunilV/20/082rinaldhawale2018@gmail.comDr. A.R. Sawarkar
343Tanuu YadavV/20/361tanuu749@gmail.comDr. A.R. Sawarkar
344Jain Bhushan ArunV/20/040jain.bhushan14@gmail.comDr. A.R. Sawarkar
345Deokar Pradumn GaneshraoV/20/074pradumandeokar@gmail.comDr. A.R. Sawarkar
346Dhawale Kartik JanardhanV/20/081dhawalekartik0@gmail.comDr. A.R. Sawarkar
347Galande Samarth DilipV/20/095samarthgalande7171@gmail.comDr. A.R. Sawarkar
348Gawai Saurabh JaganV/20/102sauravgawai@gmail.comDr. A.R. Sawarkar
349Gawali Ankita BalasahebV/20/103ankitagawali6468@gmail.comDr. A.R. Sawarkar
350Gayathri BinukumarV/20/104gayatribinukumar92@gmail.comDr. A.R. Sawarkar
351Ghadge Gopal TulshidasV/20/105gopalghadge2001@gmail.comDr. A.R. Sawarkar
352Girame Sushant SuneelV/20/110sushantgirame@gmail.comDr. A.R. Sawarkar
353Harshita SharmaV/20/122harshitasharma162001@gmail.comDr. A.R. Sawarkar
354Jadhao Ajinkya KishorV/20/133ajinkyakijadhao1999@gmail.comDr. A.R. Sawarkar
355Kamdi Chandrakanta GajananV/20/155pratikshakamdi99@gmail.comDr. P.D. Jumde
356Mohanty SomeswarV/19/235someswar.mohanty03@gmail.comDr. P.D. Jumde
357Keerti FaujdarV/20/167someswar.mohanty03@gmail.comDr. P.D. Jumde
358Lokhande Datta GangadharV/20/198madhavlokhande04@gmail.comDr. P.D. Jumde
359Madhurima Arvind JiwantareV/20/202madhurimajiwan@gmail.comDr. P.D. Jumde
360Mahajan Aditya SanjayV/20/204a.s.m140202@gmail.comDr. P.D. Jumde
361Mahalle Mohit SubhashV/20/207mohitmahalle2106@gmail.comDr. P.D. Jumde
362Manish KichambareV/20/213manishr2000r@gmail.comDr. P.D. Jumde
363Masram Vrushali ManojV/20/215vrushalimasram787@gmail.comDr. P.D. Jumde
364Mitkari Sairaj PadamakarV/20/220sairajmitkari05@gmail.comDr. P.D. Jumde
365Nakshatra MhankaleV/20/233reeshab2515@gmail.comDr. P.D. Jumde
366Nandurkar Yatharth RajeshV/20/234yatharthnandurkar2001@gmail.comDr. P.D. Jumde
367Nikalje Harshal GajananV/20/242nickyanikalje358@gmail.comDr. Rajendra Ghadge
368Nimbarte Nishkarsh DineshV/20/247nimbartenishkarsh2@gmail.comDr. Rajendra Ghadge
369Omprakash BanshiwalV/20/251omprakashbanshiwal28@gmail.comDr. Rajendra Ghadge
370Oojas Narendra PardeshiV/20/252oojas.pardeshi@gmail.comDr. Rajendra Ghadge
371Parve Rushikesh AmrutraoV/20/258parverushi01@gmail.comDr. Rajendra Ghadge
372Pashine Kunjika ZaneshV/20/259ilmf131167@gmail.comDr. Rajendra Ghadge
373Patil Kaivalya AjayV/20/265kaivalyapatil01@gmail.comDr. Rajendra Ghadge
374Patil Manjiri VijayV/20/267manjirip0202@gmail.comDr. Rajendra Ghadge
375Patil Mayur ManoharV/20/268mayurpatil190320@gmail.comDr. Rajendra Ghadge
376Patil Prathamesh SunilV/20/270patilprathamesh2681@gmail.comDr. Rajendra Ghadge
377Pawar Harsha BalkrishnaV/20/275harshabpawar428@gmail.comDr. Rajendra Ghadge
378Praveen KumarV/20/286praveenjakhar937@gmail.comDr. Rajendra Ghadge
379Punse Shradha GopalV/20/288shradhagopalpunse@gmail.comDr. Rajendra Ghadge
380Rathod Amit RanjitV/20/293amit.rj9766@gmail.comDr. S.V. Shinde
381Raveena PundirV/20/297pundirraveena113@gmail.comDr. S.V. Shinde
382Sapkal Satyam DnyaneshwarV/20/313satyamsapkal10@gmail.comDr. S.V. Shinde
383Sarika BhardwajV/20/314sarikabhardwaj35@gmail.comDr. S.V. Shinde
384Sarode Mrunal ManojV/20/315mrunalsarode2001@gmail.comDr. S.V. Shinde
385Shahil KaswanV/20/319shahilkaswan2@gmail.comDr. S.V. Shinde
386Shilwant Sanket ChandrakantV/20/325sanketshilwant17@gmail.comDr. S.V. Shinde
387Singh Gracy AmarV/20/343gracysingh221@gmail.comDr. S.V. Shinde
388Sirsat Chaitnya NarayanV/20/344sirsatchaitnya@gmail.comDr. S.V. Shinde
389Soumya DixitV/20/347dixitsoumya19@gmail.comDr. S.V. Shinde
390Surendra Kumar SainiV/20/355su2001saini@gmail.comDr. S.V. Shinde
391Tarpe Sumit PrakashV/20/362sumittarpe25@gmail.comDr. S.V. Shinde
392Tayade Jayashree ParmeshwarV/20/364jayashreetayade710200@gmail.comDr. S.V. Shinde
393Tejas DeshmukhV/20/365tejas25601@gmail.comDr. S.V. Shinde
394Tekade Rutik AshokraoV/20/366rutiktekade23@gmail.comDr. K. B. Bahiram
395Tellawar Pranit SureshV/20/367pranittellawar2000@gmail.comDr. K. B. Bahiram
396Theng Gopal VilasV/20/370gvrajput28@gmail.comDr. K. B. Bahiram
397Tahkik Tushar GajananV/20/376tushartahkik77@gmail.comDr. K. B. Bahiram
398Amit SharmaV/19/013amitsharmajoun@gmail.comDr. K. B. Bahiram
399Badgujar Yash RajeshV/19/028yashbadgujar1307@gmail.comDr. K. B. Bahiram
400Tiwari Bhakti GaneshV/20/373bhaktitiwari1623@gmail.comDr. K. B. Bahiram
401Ubale Abhijeet AnshiramV/20/377abhijeetubale2002@gmail.comDr. K. B. Bahiram
402Varpe Chaitanya GorakshanathV/20/383chaitanyavarpe0@gmail.comDr. K. B. Bahiram
403Wagh Ashutosh ArunV/20/393ashutoshwagh2371@gmail.comDr. K. B. Bahiram
404Wankhede Aryan RajeshV/20/396wankhedearyan1@gmail.comDr. K. B. Bahiram
405Yedage Rohansinghraje PandurangV/20/402yedagerohan@gmail.comDr. K. B. Bahiram
406YogeshV/20/403yogeshbhanker083@gmail.comDr. K. B. Bahiram

Course offered :: UG, PG , PhD - Semester / Year wise

Sr. No. Course No Title Credit Course offered in the Year
1 LPT Livestock Products Technology 2+1 3rd Year
Sr No Course No. Title Credit Semester
1 LPT 601 Abattoir Practices and Meat Plant Operations 2+1 1st
2 LPT 602 Fresh Meat Technology 1+1 1st
3 LPT 603 Processing and Preservation of Meat 2+1 1st
4 LPT 609 Egg and Egg Products Technology 1+1 1st
5 LPT 612 Biotechnology of Foods of Animal Origin 1+1 1st
6 LPT 604 Processing of Milk and Milk Products 1+1 2nd
7 LPT 605 Packaging and Marketing of Livestock Products 1+1 2nd
8 LPT 606 Microbiology and Quality Control of Livestock Products 1+1 2nd
9 LPT 608 In-Plant Training 0+2 2nd
10 LPT 610 Market Milk Processing and Dairy Plant Practices 1+1 2nd
11 LPT 613 Fish and Fish Products Technology 1+1 2nd
12 LPT 607 Slaughterhouse By-products Technology 1+1 3rd
13 LPT 611 Processing and Marketing of Wool 1+1 3rd
14 LPT 691 Master’s Seminar 1+0 3rd
15 LPT 699 Master’s Research 10 3rd
16 LPT 699 Master’s Research 20 4th
Unit Lect. No. Topic to be covered
I 1 Retrospect and prospects of milk industry in India.
I 2 Retrospect and prospects of milk industry in India.
I 3 Layout of milk processing plant and its management.
I 4 Layout of milk processing plant and its management.
I 5 Composition of milk and nutritive value of milk.
I 6 Factors affecting composition of milk.
I 7 Physico-chemical properties of milk.
I 8 Microbiological deterioration of milk and milk products.
I 9 Collection, straining, filtration, clarification, chilling of milk.
I 10 Standardization and homogenization of milk.
I 11 Pasteurization, UHT treatment and bactofugation of milk.
I 12 Dried and dehydrated milk.
I 13 Fermented milk: Dahi, yoghurt, lassi and acidophilus milk.
I 14 Preparation of cream, (standards, common defects and remedial measures).
I 15 Preparation of butter and ghee (standards, common defects and remedial measures).
I 16 Preparation of paneer or chhana and khoa.
I 17 Preparation of ice-cream (types, ingredients).
I 18 Preparation of ice-cream.
I 19 Preparation of mozzarella cheese.
I 20 Preparation of mozzarella cheese.
I 21 Utilization of dairy byproducts: skim milk, whey etc.
I 22 Packaging, transportation, storage and distribution of milk and milk products.
Unit Lect. No. Topic to be covered
I 23 Good manufacturing practices and implementation of HACCP in milk plant.
III 45 Skin and hides; methods of flaying. Defects in hide.
III 46 Processing of leather. Preservation and tanning.
III 47 Treatment of condemned meat and carcasses.
III 48 HACCP concepts in abattoir management.
III 49 Management of effluent emanating from abattoir.
IV 50 Prospect of meat industry in India.
IV 51 Structure & composition of muscle (including poultry muscle). Nutritive value of meat.
IV 52 Structure & composition of muscle (including poultry muscle). Nutritive value of meat.
IV 53 Conversion of muscle to meat (Muscle Contraction Mechanism).
IV 54 Conversion of muscle to meat.
IV 55 Fraudulent substitution of meat.
IV 56 Preservation of meat and aquatic foods: Chilling, freezing, drying.
IV 57 Preservation of meat and aquatic foods: Salting, curing and Smoking.
IV 58 Preservation of meat and aquatic foods: Canning, irradiation and chemical preservation of meat.
IV 59 Ageing of meat.
IV 60 Modern processing technologies of meat and meat products.
IV 61 Packaging of meat and meat products.
IV 62 Formulation and development of meat and seafoods; kabab, sausages, meat balls/patties, tandoori chicken, soup, pickles, surimi, smoked fish.
IV 63 Restructured meat; Sectioned & Formed Meat products; Fermentation of meat products.
Unit Lect. No. Topic to be covered
IV 64 Physicochemical and microbiological quality of meat and fish and their products.
IV 65 Basics of sensory evaluation of meat products.
IV 66 Composition of an egg. Nutritive value of egg and egg products.
IV 67 Preservation, packaging of egg and egg products.
IV 68 Laws governing national (FSSAI) / international trade (ISO, HACCP etc) in meat and meat products.
IV 69 Organic and genetically modified meat and fish products.
IV 70 GMP and HACCP in relation to meat processing plant.
IV 71 Surprise Test Paper
IV 72 Surprise Test Paper


Unit No. Practical No. Topic to be covered
Paper I I - 1 Sampling of milk.
Paper I I - 2 Platform tests (Physical examination, Acidity and Specific gravity of milk).
Paper I I - 3 Estimation of fat in milk.
Paper I I - 4 Estimation of SNF, total solids of milk.
Paper I I - 5 Detection of adulteration of milk.
Paper I I - 6 Determination of efficiency of pasteurization.
Paper I I - 7 Cream separation.
Paper I I - 8 Preparation of milk products: butter & ghee.
Paper I I - 9 Preparation of milk products: paneer/channa.
Paper I I - 10 Preparation of milk products: khoa.
Paper I I - 11 Preparation of milk products: ice-cream/kulfi.
Paper I I - 12 Preparation of milk beverages (whey drink & flavoured milk).
Paper I I - 13 Visit to modern milk processing and milk products manufacturing plants.
Paper II II - 14 Wool sampling techniques.
Paper II II - 15 Tests for identification of wool; determination of fleece density, fiber diameter, staple length, crimp and medulation percentage.
Paper II II - 16 Scouring/clean fleece yield.
Unit No. Practical No. Topic to be covered
Paper II
Paper III III - 17 Methods of ritual slaughter.
Paper III III - 18 Methods of humane slaughter (stunning).
Paper III III - 19 Flaying and dressing of food animals (buffalo).
Paper III III - 20 Flaying and dressing of food animals (sheep and goat).
Paper III III - 21 Flaying and dressing of food animals (Pig).
Paper III III - 22 Flaying and dressing of food animals (Poultry).
Paper III III - 23 Carcass evaluation of different species.
Paper III III - 24 Determination of meat yield, dressing percentage, meat bone ratio.
Paper III III - 25 Cut up parts of carcasses {Buffalo, Sheep/Goat, Pig, Poultry}.
Paper III III - 26 Preparation of abattoir by-products (meat meal, bone meal, neats foot oil).
Paper III III - 27 Visit to slaughterhouses/ meat plants.
Paper IV IV - 28 Estimation of deteriorative changes in meat and meat products.
Paper IV IV - 29 Packaging of meat, aquatic foods and shell eggs and their products.
Paper IV IV - 30 Preparation of comminuted meat products: nuggets, patties, sausages, balls.
Paper IV IV - 31 Preparation of non-comminuted meat products: Loaf.
Paper IV IV - 32 Preparation of fish products: surimi.
Paper IV IV - 33 Preparation of traditional meat products: tandoori chicken, soup, biryani.
Paper IV IV - 34 Evaluation of external & internal egg quality.
Paper IV IV - 35 Preservation and Quality Evaluation of eggs.
Sr. No. Course No. Course Title Credits
1 LPT 601 Abattoir Practices and Meat Plant Operations 2+1
2 LPT 602 Fresh Meat Technology 1+1
3 LPT 603 Processing and Preservation of Meat 2+1
Sr. No. Course No. Course Title Credits
1 LPT 604 Processing of Milk and Milk Products 1+1
2 LPT 605 Packaging and Marketing of Livestock Products 1+1
3 LPT 606 Microbiology and Quality Control of Livestock Products 1+1
Sr. No. Course No. Course Title Credits
1 LPT 607 Slaughterhouse By-products Technology 1+1
2 LPT 691 Master’s Seminar 1+0
3 LPT 699 Master’s Research 10
Sr. No. Course No. Course Title Credits
1 LPT 609 Master’s Research 20
Sr. No. Course No. Course Title Credits
1 LPT 608 In-Plant Training 0+2
2 LPT 609 Egg and Egg Products Technology 1+1
3 LPT 610 Market Milk Processing and Dairy Plant Practices 1+1
4 LPT 611 Processing and Marketing of Wool 1+1
5 LPT 612 Biotechnology of Foods of Animal Origin 1+1
6 LPT 613 Fish and Fish Products Technology 1+1
Sr. No. Topic No. of Lectures
UNIT-I (12 Lectures)
1 Handling and transportation of meat animals including poultry 2
2 Pre-slaughter, handling and care of food animals 1
3 Ante-mortem inspection 2
4 Humane slaughter -Principles and methods of stunning 2
5 Ritual methods of the slaughter of food animals and poultry 2
6 Machinery for slaughter and dressing of food animals 1
7 Postmortem inspection 1
8 Handling, disposal and condemnation of unfit materials 1
UNIT-II (11 Lectures)
1 Abattoir - layout, designing, organization and operation 4
2 Maintenance of meat and poultry processing plants, Record keeping 3
3 Legislations and regulations for establishment and operation of slaughterhouses and meat processing plants 4
UNIT-III (11 Lectures)
1 Sanitation of slaughterhouse – Sanitary practices in meat plant and its benefits 3
2 Solid and liquid waste management of slaughterhouse 2
3 Different methods of effluent treatment and designs of effluent treatment plants 4
4 State and Central Pollution Control Board norms 2
Practical Class: 17
1 Design and outlay of modern abattoir
2 Designing of Poultry Processing Plant
3 Designing of Effluent Treatment Plant
4 Designing of effluent treatment plant
5 Judging and grading of food animals
6 Procedure for the slaughter of Cattle and Buffalo
7 Procedure for the slaughter of Pig
8 Procedure for the slaughter of Sheep and Goat
9 Procedure for the slaughter of Poultry
10 Ante-mortem inspection of Food Animals
11 Postmortem inspection of Food Animals
12 Recording of carcass data - carcass yield, meat bone ratio, dressing percentage, meat bone ratio etc
13 Measurement of effluent characteristics - pH, BOD, COD, suspended solids, etc
14 Visit to slaughterhouse
15 Visit to Poultry processing plant
16 Visit to effluent treatment plant
17 DPR for the establishment of an abattoir
Sr. No. Lecture Schedule No of Lectures
UNIT-I (14 Lectures)
1 Handling and transportation of meat animals including poultry 2
2 Pre-slaughter, handling and care of food animals 2
3 Ante-mortem inspection 2
4 Humane slaughter -Principles and methods of stunning 2
5 Ritual methods of the slaughter of food animals and poultry 2
6 Machinery for slaughter and dressing of food animals 1
7 Postmortem inspection 2
8 Handling, disposal and condemnation of unfit materials 1
UNIT-II (11 Lectures)
9 Abattoir - layout, designing, organization and operation 4
10 Maintenance of meat and poultry processing plants, Record keeping 3
11 Legislations and regulations for establishment and operation of slaughterhouses and meat processing plants 4
UNIT-III (11 Lectures)
12 Sanitation of slaughterhouse – Sanitary practices in meat plant and its benefits 3
13 Solid and liquid waste management of slaughterhouse 2
14 Different methods of effluent treatment and designs of effluent treatment plants 4
15 State and Central Pollution Control Board norms 2
Total Theory Classes 36
Sr. No. Topic No of Practical’s
1 Design and outlay of modern abattoir 1
2 Designing of Poultry Processing Plant 1
3 Designing of Effluent Treatment Plant 1
4 Designing of effluent treatment plant 1
5 Judging and grading of food animals 1
6 Procedure for the slaughter of Cattle and Buffalo 1
7 Procedure for the slaughter of Pig 1
8 Procedure for the slaughter of Goat 1
9 Procedure for the slaughter of Sheep 1
10 Procedure for the slaughter of Poultry 1
11 Ante-mortem inspection of Food Animals 1
12 Postmortem inspection of Food Animals 1
13 Recording of carcass data - carcass yield, meat bone ratio, dressing percentage, meat bone ratio etc 1
14 Measurement of effluent characteristics - pH, BOD, COD, suspended solids, etc 1
15 Visit to slaughterhouse 1
16 Visit to Poultry processing plant 1
17 Visit to effluent treatment plant 1
18 DPR for the establishment of an abattoir 1
Total 18
Sr. No. Topic No of Lectures
UNIT-I (Lectures 10)
1 History, current development and prospects of meat and poultry industry in India 1
2 Skeletal muscle development – pre- and post-natal 2
3 Structure and chemistry of muscle including poultry 2
4 Muscle Proteins - sarcoplasmic and myofibrillar proteins – Stromal proteins – Types of muscle fibres 1
5 Post mortem changes – Rigor mortis- Conversion of Muscle to meat 1
6 Pre and post-slaughter factors affecting meat quality 1
7 Defects during the conversion of muscle to meat – PSE/ DFD/ Cold, Shortening – Off odour development 2
Unit-II (Lectures 7)
1 Composition and nutritive value of meat and poultry 2
2 Qualities of fresh meat –pH, WHC, colour, odour, juiciness, texture/ tenderness and firmness 2
3 Chilling, ageing and conditioning of meat, Electrical stimulation 1
4 Carcass evaluation, grading and fabrication 1
5 Tenderization of meat 1
Practical (17 Classes)
1 Estimation of pH
2 Estimation of colour
3 Estimation of WHC
4 Estimation of ERV
5 Estimation of shear force value
6 Estimation of glycogen
7 Estimation of R-value
8 Estimation of myoglobin
9 Estimation of proximate analysis of meat
10 Estimation of drip loss
11 Estimation of sarcomere length
12 Estimation of fibre diameter
13 Estimation of MFI
14 Fractionation of sarcoplasmic, myofibrillar and stromal proteins
15 Grading and evaluation of carcass
16 Meat cutting: wholesale and retail cuts
Lecture No. Lecture Schedule
Unit I (Lectures 8)
Lecture-1 Basic principles of meat preservation
Lecture-2 Preservation of meat - chilling, freezing, freeze-drying
Lecture-3 Preservation of meat - Curing and smoking
Lecture-4 Preservation of meat - dehydration
Lecture-5 Preservation of meat - thermal processing
Lecture-6 Preservation of meat - direct microbial inhibition, use of chemicals and antimicrobials
Lecture-7 Preservation of meat - irradiation
Lecture-8 Hurdle technology concept
Unit II (Lectures 17)
Lecture-9 Principles of Meat Processing
Lecture-10 Meat and non-meat ingredients and their roles - Additives
Lecture-11 Processing techniques - comminution, chopping, blending, marination, massaging, tumbling, etc.
Lecture-12 Cooking methods including microwaving
Lecture-13 Traditional and ethnic meat products - tandoori and barbeque
Lecture-14 Development of meat products - ham, bacon
Lecture-15 Development of Ready-to-cook, Ready-to-eat meat products
Lecture-16 Emulsion formation/preparation
Lecture-17 Factors affecting emulsion formation
Lecture-18 Emulsion-based meat products - sausages, nuggets, and patties
Lecture-19 Enrobed meat products
Lecture-20 Restructured meat products
Lecture-21 Fermented meat products
Lecture-22 Functional meat products
Lecture-23 Shelf-stable meat products - Intermediate moisture meat products
Lecture-24 Shelf-stable meat products – Canned
Lecture-25 Retort meat products
Unit III (9 Lectures)
Lecture-26 Sensory evaluation
Lecture-27 Layout and designing of sensory evaluation laboratory
Lecture-28 Sensory physiology
Lecture-29 Quality attributes
Lecture-30 Types of sensory panels
Lecture-31 Selection of sensory panelists
Lecture-32 Sensory evaluation tests
Lecture-33 Types of sensory evaluation
Lecture-34 Methods of sensory evaluation
Lecture-35 Factors influencing sensory measurements
VII. Practical’s (17 Classes)
Practical-1 Traditional and ethnic Meat Products – Kebabs, pickles
Practical-2 Preparation of Meat Products - Ham and Bacon
Practical-3 Minced and emulsion based meat products – nuggets, patties, and sausages
Practical-4 Enrobed meat products
Practical-5 Restructured meat products
Practical-6 Fermented meat products
Practical-7 Shelf-stable meat products – Canned/retorted Meat Products
Practical-8 Determination of emulsion stability
Practical-9 Cooking yield
Practical-10 Texture Profile Analysis
Practical-11 Sensory evaluation of meat products
Practical-12 Method of sensory evaluation - differential, descriptive, training tests, etc. – Test practices and training in the sensory lab
Practical-13 Estimation of tyrosine value
Practical-14 Estimation of nitrite content
Practical-15 Estimation of TBARS value
Practical-16 Estimation of peroxide value
Practical-17 Visit of Meat and Poultry Processing Unit
Lecture No. Lecture Title
Unit I (6 Lectures)
1 Basic concepts of dairy plant organization and operation
2 Collection, chilling and transportation of milk
3 Heat treatments of Milk, Different methods of pasteurization merits and demerits
4 Cleaning and sanitization of Dairy plants
5 Composition, nutritional, physico-chemical and functional properties of milk
6 Standards for milk and milk products. (FSSAI)
Unit II (7 Lectures)
7 Manufacture of milk products - Flavoured Milk
8 Drying of milk and milk products - Evaporated and condensed milk, Milk powders
9 Definition, composition, manufacturing process and defects of Butter - Ice cream and other frozen desserts
10 Manufacture of different fermented milk products: Dahi/Yoghurt, Lassi etc.
11 Manufacture of cheddar, mozzarella, cottage and processed cheese
12 Manufacture of indigenous milk products – paneer, channa, khoa, ghee, dahi and shrikhand
13 Rheology of milk products and Dairy by-products
Unit III (4 Lectures)
14 Membrane filtration technology- principles and concepts
15 Different methods of Membrane filtration technology
16 Manufacturing and functional properties of casein - Caseinates- Co-precipitates
17 Manufacturing of Whey protein concentrates (WPC) - Lactose- Dairy whiteners
Sr. No. Name of Practical
1 Platform tests
2 Determination of fat in milk
3 Determination of SNF, TS in milk
4 Estimation of protein in milk
5 Estimation of lactose and ash contents of milk
6 Preparation of butter, ice cream
7 Cheese – cheddar, mozzarella and cottage cheese
8 Preparation of khoa and khoa based products
9 Preparation of paneer, channa
10 Preparation of ghee, dahi, yoghurt
11 Casein, caseinate, co-precipitate
12 Preparation of flavoured milk
13 Determination of degree of browning in milk
14 Measurement of rheological properties of different milk products
15 Evaluation of sensory quality of milk
16 Evaluation of sensory quality of milk products
17 Visit to dairy plant
Sr. No. Topic No. of Lectures
1 Principles of packaging - objectives and functions 1
2 Product characteristics affecting packaging requirements 1
3 Packaging materials and their characteristics - Different packaging systems for fresh, cured, dehydrated, freeze-dried and shelf-stable products of milk, meat and chicken 1
4 Aseptic packaging of milk- UHT milk 1
5 Vacuum packaging, MAP and role of different gases 1
6 Retort pouch processing - Active and intelligent/ smart (biosensors) packaging 1
7 Edible and biodegradable packaging, Nanotechnology for food packaging 1
8 Recycling of packaging materials 1
9 Labelling requirements, Barcoding and its importance, Packaging standards and regulations 1
10 Economics of different packaging systems 1
11 Marketing of Livestock Products - Types of markets 1
12 Marketing channels of live meat animals and Poultry - Existing systems - constraints and possible solutions 1
13 Value Chain of meat, poultry and processed products - strategies and interventions for better profitability 1
14 Meat retailing and establishment of retail outlets for meat and poultry 1
15 FSSAI regulations for the domestic market, import and export of livestock products 1
16 APEDA, regulations for the domestic market, import and export of livestock products 1
17 EIA, GOI/ WTO regulations for the domestic market, import and export of livestock products 1
Practical No. Topic No. of Practicals
1 Different packaging materials and their properties 1
2 Determination of thickness 1
3 Determination of bursting strength 1
4 Determination of piercing strength 1
5 Determination of water vapour transmission rate 1
6 Determination of gas transmission rate 1
7 Determination of headspace gas analysis 1
8 Vacuum packaging of milk products 1
9 Vacuum packaging of meat products 1
10 Shrink packaging of milk products 1
11 Shrink packaging of meat products 1
12 MAP packaging of milk products 1
13 MAP packaging of meat products 1
14 Retort packaging of milk and meat products 1
15 Visit to milk processing plants 1
16 Visit to meat processing plants 1
17 Study of the value chain of livestock products including online marketing 1
Lecture No. Lecture Title
1 Microorganisms associated with spoilage of livestock products.
2 Microorganisms associated with spoilage of livestock products.
3 Factors affecting microbial growth.
4 Contamination of livestock products.
5 Microbial spoilage of meat, poultry, eggs, milk and their products.
6 Physical and chemical changes produced by microbes in milk, meat, eggs and their products.
7 Meat and milk-borne infections and intoxications.
8 Control of microbial growth in livestock products.
9 Antimicrobial resistance (AM).
10 Introduction to Good Laboratory Practices (GLP), Good Hygienic practices (GHP) and Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP), Sanitary and Phytosanitary measures (SPS).
11 Food Safety System Certification (FSSC)
12 Quality Control, Quality Assurance, Principles and practices - Quality Management Systems.
13 Food Safety and Standards Act (FSSAI, 2006 Act)
14 Codex regulation for food products safety - ISO 9001 - ISO 22000.
15 HACCP concepts - Risk-based quality assessment - Microbial quality control
16 FSSAI/ BIS standards for milk, meat and poultry.
17 Chemical residues in livestock products and their effects on the health of the consumer.
Practical No. Topic
1 Basic requirements for setting up of quality control laboratory
2 Sampling methods for the microbiological examination of different processing plants, products and equipment.
3 Development of HACCP plan for milk and meat processing plants.
4 Microbial evaluation of market samples of milk, meat and egg for Total Viable Count.
5 Microbial evaluation of market samples of milk, meat and egg for Coliform Count.
6 Microbial evaluation of market samples of milk for Pathogens of Public Health importance - E. coli.
7 Microbial evaluation of market samples of meat for Pathogens of Public Health importance - E. coli.
8 Microbial evaluation of market samples of egg for Pathogens of Public Health importance - E. coli.
9 Microbial evaluation of market samples of milk for Pathogens of Public Health importance - Salmonella.
10 Microbial evaluation of market samples of meat for Pathogens of Public Health importance - Salmonella.
Lecture No. Lecture Title
Unit I (6 Lectures)
1 Status and scope of slaughterhouse by-products utilization.
2 Trade practices
3 Planning, design and layout of by-products plant.
4 Classification of by-products - edible and inedible.
5 Rendering methods and products.
6 Yield and characteristics of rendered fat and meat cum bone meal.
Unit II (6 Lectures)
1 Utilization of blood and intestine
2 Utilization of horns, hooves and bones
3 Utilization of feathers and bristles
4 Utilization of glandular by-products and ruminal contents.
5 Value-added by-products from slaughterhouse and poultry processing plants - Processing of animal by-products for pet foods.
6 High-value low volume by-products - collagen sheets, scaffolds, bone morphogenic proteins, biopeptides, biodiesel, etc.
7 Legislation and regulations related to animal by-products.
Unit III (5 Lectures)
1 Flaying
2 Classification and factors affecting the quality of hides and skin.
3 Physical and chemical characteristics of hide and skin.
4 Grading and processing of hide and skin for the manufacture of leather.
5 Preparation and quality control of gelatine and glue.
Practical No. Topic
1 Preparation of casing
2 Preparation of neat’s foot oil
3 Preparation of gelatin and glue
4 Demonstration of preparation of carcass meal and meat meal
5 Demonstration of preparation of bone meal
6 Demonstration of preparation of blood meal
7 Demonstration of preparation of feather meal
8 Demonstration of preparation of slime meal
9 Grading of casings
10 Collection and preservation of glandular by-products
11 Preparation of pet foods
12 Visit to local by-products processing units
13 Quality evaluation of rendered animal fat - Yield colour and Fat percent
14 Quality evaluation of rendered animal fat - Moisture content and unsaponifiable matter
15 Quality evaluation of rendered animal fat - Iodine Number
16 Quality evaluation of rendered animal fat - Melting point
17 Quality evaluation of rendered animal fat - Peroxide Value

Practical (34 sessions/ Hours equivalent to 34 credit hours of practical)
LPT students shall undergo in-plant training in any one of the specialized area of Restructured and Revised Syllabi of Post-graduate Programmes Vol. 3

Lecture No. Lecture Title
1 Status of egg production and processing in India
2 Structure of egg
3 Composition and nutritive value of egg
4 Functional properties of eggs
5 Grading of eggs
6 Preservation of eggs
7 Packaging and marketing of shell eggs
8 Quality evaluation of shell eggs and factors influencing egg quality
9 Defects and Spoilage of eggs
10 Layout and design of egg processing Unit
11 Principles and procedures involved in pasteurization of egg products
12 Principles and procedures involved in chilling and freezing of egg products
13 Principles and procedures involved in Desugarization of egg
14 Principles and procedures involved in drying of egg products
15 Quality standards of egg products
16 Packaging of egg products
17 Designer egg products
Practical No. Topic
1 Evaluation of physical quality of egg
2 Evaluation of physical quality of egg Products
3 Evaluation of chemical quality of egg
4 Evaluation of chemical quality of egg Products
5 Evaluation of functional quality of egg
6 Evaluation of functional quality of egg Products
7 Evaluation of microbial quality of egg
8 Evaluation of microbial quality of egg Products
9 Various methods of Preservation of eggs
10 Preparation of value-added egg products- Pickled Egg
11 Preparation of value-added egg products-Egg omelette Mix
12 Preparation of value-added egg products-Poached Egg, Scrambled Egg
13 Preparation of value-added egg products-Pancakes, Sponge cakes
14 Preparation of value-added egg products-Mayonnaise
15 Packaging of egg
16 Packaging of egg products
17 Visit to egg-processing plant
Lecture Schedule - Milk Processing and Quality Control
Lecture No. Lecture Title
1 Organization of procurement and pricing plans of raw milk - Operation of automatic milk collection stations
2 Organization of procurement and pricing plans of raw milk - Operation of automatic milk collection stations
3 Reception of milk at Raw Milk Reception Dock (RMRD)
4 Assessing raw milk quality - Sanitary handling of milk
5 Assessing raw milk quality - Milk standards and legislations
6 Unit operations in milk processing plants - Clarification – Bactofugation
7 Different chilling methods of Milk
8 Standardization and Homogenization of milk (theories, methods, and effects)
9 Heat treatments of milk (thermization, boiling, pasteurization)
10 Sterilization of milk (UHT and In-container)
11 Separation technologies (Microfiltration, Ultrafiltration, reverse osmosis, diafiltration, nanofiltration etc.)
12 Distribution methods for liquid milk, Consumer pricing, Traceability, Handling of unsold and returned milk
13 Adulteration of milk and its detection, Residues in milk and preventive steps
14 Fortified, special and functional market milk, A1 and A2 milk
15 Design and layout of dairy plants of different capacities
16 Dairy by-products
17 Treatment of Dairy Effluents
Practical Schedule - Milk Processing and Quality Control
Practical No. Topic
1 Platform tests Fat, Acidity
2 Platform tests Alcohol test, COB test, Specific gravity
3 Platform tests Organoleptic tests
4 Determination of total solid and SNF
5 Principles of rapid milk analyzers including milko tester
6 Operation of automatic milk collection stations
7 Operation of automatic milk collection stations
8 Assessment of Raw milk quality
9 Estimation of Somatic cell count
10 Estimation of Bacteriological count
11 Estimation of Bacteriological count
12 Estimation of homogenization efficiency
13 Assessment of efficiency of pasteurization
14 Assessment of efficiency of Sterilization
15 Assessment of efficiency of boiling
16 Detection of various adulterants in milk
17 Visit to milk Processing Plant
Lecture Schedule - Wool Industry
Lecture No. Topic
1 Status and Prospectus of wool Industry
2 Wool types and their uses
3 Growth and molecular structure of wool fiber
4 Physical and chemical properties of wool
5 Grading of wool
6 Characteristics of specialty hair fibers and their uses
7 Factors influencing quality of wool
8 Factors influencing quality of specialty hairs fibers
9 Principles and steps involved in processing of wool and specialty hairs fibers
10 Impurities in wool and their removal and Defects in wool
11 Physical testing of wool
12 Chemical testing of wool
13 Mechanical testing of wool
14 By-products of wool industry
15 Trade and Marketing of wool
16 Specification and regulation for quality control of wool
17 Characteristics of natural and synthetic fibers
Practical Schedule - Wool Industry
Practical No. Topic
1 Physical testing of wool
2 Physical testing of specialty fibers
3 Chemical testing of wool
4 Chemical testing of Specialty fibers
5 Mechanical testing of wool
6 Mechanical testing of specialty fibers
7 Characteristics of wool
8 Characteristics of specialty fibers
9 Grading of wool
10 Grading of wool
11 Identification of Natural fibers
12 Identification of Synthetic fibers
13 Various steps involved in processing of wool fibers
14 Various steps involved in processing of wool fibers
15 Various steps involved in processing specialty hair fibers
16 Various steps involved in processing specialty hair fibers
17 Visit to wool processing unit
Lecture Schedule - Biotechnology in Meat and Milk Production
Lecture No. Lecture Title
1 Role of Biotechnology in improving productivity and quality of meat, milk, and their products
2 Role of Biotechnology in improving productivity and quality of meat, milk, and their products
3 Role of Biotechnology in improving productivity and quality of meat, milk, and their products
4 Application of biotechnological tools in food preservation and packaging
5 Transgenic meat animal production
6 Technique in Gene influencing meat quality traits
7 Production of meat and milk with the desired composition
8 Application of enzymes in dairy and meat industry
9 Genetically modified enzymes
10 Biotechnologically produced food flavours and colours for animal products
11 Starter culture in meat and milk-pre and probiotics and their supplementation in animal-origin foods
12 Bio-preservatives - Bacteriocin
13 Fermentation technology
14 Upstream and Downstream processing
15 Bio-sensors
16 Antimicrobial peptides
17 Meat species identification molecular tools
Practical Schedule - Biotechnology in Meat and Milk Production
Practical No. Practical Title
1 Introduction of basic biotechnological techniques
2 Western Blotting
3 Enzyme Isolation
4 Enzyme identification
5 DNA extraction
6 & 7 Amplification of different types of PCR
8 & 9 Acquaintance with RT-PCR
10 Multiplex PCR
11 Gene identification
12 Gene Characterization
13 Biotechnological techniques for meat species identification
14 Biotechnological techniques for meat quality identification
15 Electrophoresis
16 Chromatography for fatty acids
17 Operation of fermenters
Lecture Schedule - Fishery Resources and Processing
Lecture No. Lecture Title
1 Fishery resources, marine and freshwater fishes
2 Transportation of fish and hygienic handling of fish
3 Fish muscle structure
4 Composition and nutritive value of fish
5 Processing of fish - cutting, filleting, deheading, peeling, deveining, etc.
6 Preservation – chilling and freezing
7 Principles and procedure of canning
8 Principles and procedure of curing, smoking, and dehydration
9 Principles and procedure of smoking and dehydration
10 Principles and procedure of surimi and other fish-based products
11 Quality control- identification of freshness of fish
12 & 13 Chemical and microbial spoilage of fish
14 Labelling and marketing of fish and fish products
15 Utilization of fish processing waste
16 & 17 National and international regulations, standards, quality control, and marketing of fish and fish products
Practical Schedule - Fishery Resources and Processing
Practical No. Practical Title
1 Visit to fish processing plant
2 Grading of live fish for freshness
3 & 4 Filleting and other techniques for the processing of fish
5 Estimation of proximate composition of fish (Moisture and Fat)
6 Estimation of proximate composition of fish (Protein and Ash)
7 & 8 Physicochemical evaluation of fish quality
9 & 10 Microbial evaluation of fish quality
11 Preparation of Value added fish products
12 Preparation of Value added fish products
13 Preparation of Value added fish products
14 Preparation of Value added fish products
15 Preparation of Value added fish products
16 Preparation of Value added fish products
17 Preparation of Value added fish products