Dr. S. D. Ingole


MVSc, Ph.D.

Professor, Department of Physiology & Biochemistry
Cell: 98210 97256
Email: shaileshingole@hotmail.com / shaileshingole@yahoo.co.in
Educational Qualifications:
B.V.Sc & A.H (1995)
M.V.Sc in Physiology and Biochemistry (1997)
Ph.D. in Veterinary Physiology (2010)
Teaching and Research Experience:
Teaching: Undergraduates and Postgraduates: 12 Years
Research: 14 Years
Research Publications in reputed international journals: 01
Research Publications in reputed national journals: 17
Scientific papers presented in national conferences: 35
Popular Articles: 01
Dr. S. D. Ingole, Professor Department of Physiology and Biochemistry was conferred the “Best Educationist Award” by International Institute of Education and  Management (lIEM) during a seminar on  “Education and Economic Development” jointly organized by IIEM and Indian Solidarity Council (ISC) at Krishna Menon Bhawan Auditorium, New Delhi on June 9, 2011. The award which carries a memento and certificate was presented to Dr. Ingole by the former Union Cabinet Minister and Governor Hon’ble Dr. Bhisma Narayan Singh in the august presence of the Former Governor of Punjab & Haryana, Hon’ble Shri. Om Prakash Verma and Former Election Commissioner Shri. G V G Krishnamurthy.
Dr. S. D. Ingole, Professor Department of Physiology and Biochemistry was given the “Eminent Educationist Award 2011” for outstanding achievements in the field of education by National & International Compendium (NIC), New Delhi on 8th July, 2011.
Research Schemes:
As Co Principal Investigator: 01
Ongoing / Submitted
As Principal Investigator: 01
As Co Principal Investigator: 01

Dr. (Mrs.) A. S. Nagvekar

MVSc, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor,
Department of Physiology & Biochemistry
Cell: 98202 12576
Educational Qualifications:
B.V.Sc & A.H
M.V.Sc (Physiology & Biochemistry)
Ph.D in Veterinary Biochemistry, (2010)
Teaching and Research Experience:
Teaching: Undergraduates and Postgraduates: 20 Years
Post graduate student under advisement: 01
Research Publications in reputed international journals: 02
Research Publications in reputed national journals: 20
Scientific papers presented in national conferences: 25

Dr. (Ms.) S. V. Bharucha

Assistant Professor,
Department of Physiology & Biochemistry
Cell: 98216 79555
Email : simin1972@gmail.com
Educational Qualifications:
B.V.Sc & A.H (1995)
M.V.Sc in Physiology and Biochemistry (1997)
Teaching and Research Experience:
Teaching: Undergraduates and Postgraduates: 11 Years
Research: 11 Years
Research Publications in reputed international journals: 01
Research Publications in reputed national journals: 10
Scientific papers presented in national conferences: 15
Additional Qualification with Certificate Courses
Training Programs: 12
Language Exams: 3
Others: 2
Research Schemes: Ongoing / Submitted
As Principal Investigator: 01
As Co Principal Investigator: 01