Veterinary Public Health and Epidemiology
In 1975, two eminent scientists, Dr. S. M. Ajinkya and Dr. J. B. Khot, established the Department of Food Hygiene and Public Health (now renamed as Department of Veterinary Public Health).

In 1975, two eminent scientists, Dr. S. M. Ajinkya and Dr. J. B. Khot, established the Department of Food Hygiene and Public Health (now renamed as Department of Veterinary Public Health). Since then the department made successful progress by keeping pace with time under the leadership of Dr. A. T. Sherikar, Professor and Head of the Department and founder Vice-Chancellor, Maharashtra Animal and Fishery Sciences University (MAFSU), Nagpur. The post graduate and doctoral programme were initiated in the year 1976 and 1985, respectively. The laboratory has its own identification of team work, dedication, expertise, skill and punctuality and therefore it has been identified and recognized by Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA) for certification of foods of animal origin.
- To impart training in the meat, food hygiene and public health to under graduate students.
- To impart advanced postgraduate training in the different branches and aspect of meat hygiene and public health. e.g. methods of processing of meats, preservation of meats by different methods, spoilage and deteriorative changes in the meat, bacteriological and chemical assay, food borne diseases, Zoonoses, examination of fish, poultry, eggs, milk products, meat products etc. Occupational health, preventive and social medicine, food poisoning, HACCP in industry etc.
- Human Resource Development by conducting shout term courses for the benefits of veterinarians engaged in slaughter house meat inspectors food and public health inspectors, butchers and slaughter house technicians in different branches with the object of producing wholesome meat
- To train marketing officers and inspectors in the procedure of sampling of food articles for bacteriological and chemical examination in order to determine the fitness of food for human consumption.
- Harmonization of meat trade with relation with WHO and GATT and act as nodal agency
- To conduct investigation and research on the meat, carcasses meat food product, ready to eat and ready to cook meat food product, in order to establish the standards both for bacteriological and chemicals present.
UG Syllabus
Sr.No. | Topic |
1. | Introduction to Veterinary Public Health & Epidemiology, Historical significance, Definition of Veterinary Public Health, Epidemiology, milk hygiene, meat hygiene, food safety. |
2. | Milk hygiene in relation to public health. Importance of the subject. Composition of milk as complete food. Germicidal properties of milk. Role of public health veterinarian in society. |
3. | Sources of contamination and its prevention during handling of milk at farm level (Clean milk production etc.) |
4. | Sources of contamination and its prevention during processing, storage and transportation of milk. |
5. | Microbial flora of raw milk with its classification and characterization. |
6. | Microbial flora of milk products with its classification and characterization. |
7. | Handling and management of dairy equipments. Hygiene assessment, sanitation etc. |
8. | Quality control of milk and milk products. |
9. | Milk hygiene practices in India & other countries. |
10. | Legislations and standards for milk and milk products. |
11. | Milk borne diseases; its prevention and control – I : Food infection and intoxication |
12. | Milk borne diseases; its prevention and control – II : Toxi- infection, emerging diseases |
13. | Disposal of Effluent from Dairy plants |
14. | Introduction to food animals, definitions. Meat hygiene concept. |
15. | Elements of meat inspection. Organization of slaughterhouse, Hygiene in abattoir etc. |
16. | Transportation of food animals (Laws, animal-welfare aspects & pathological conditions associated with faulty transportations etc.) |
17. | Ante-mortem inspection of meat animals |
18. | Stunning methods & different methods of Slaughter of animals including ritual methods of slaughter. |
19. | Post-mortem inspection of meat including examination lymph nodes – I. cattle, buffalo, sheep, goat, pig & poultry |
20. | Rigor mortis & Composition of meat |
21. | Inspection of egg and aquatic food (fish) for human consumption. |
22. | Hygienic disposal of unsound meat (slaughter house waste disposal) |
23. | Meat speciation and species identification. |
24. | Principles & methods of meat preservation. |
25. | Meat spoilage & its control |
26. | Meat-borne diseases including occupational health hazards its prevention and control – I : Bacterial and Viral. |
27. | Meat borne diseases including occupational health hazards its prevention and control – II : Fungal, parasitic and rickettsial |
28. | Food safety concept. Hazard analysis and critical control point (HACCP) system |
29. | Types of biohazards, Sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) measures in relation to foods of animal origin and aquatic foods. |
30. | Toxic residues (pesticides, antibiotics, heavy metals and hormones) and microbial toxins in food and their health hazards – I. |
31. | Toxic residues (chemical, pesticides, antibiotics, metals and hormones) and microbial toxins in food and their health hazards – II |
32. | Risk analysis: assessment and management. Food safety measures. |
33. | International and national food safety standards (WHO, FAO, OIE, WTO, SPS & Codex Alimentarius, Food Safety and Standard Act 2006, BIS, EIC, APEDA, AGMARK, MFPO etc. |
Sr.No. | Topic |
1. | Methods of collection of samples for chemical and bacteriological examination |
2. | Grading of milk by Physical methods including organoleptic / sensory techniques and physical characteristics like estimation of specific gravity, fat, sedimentation test, clot on boiling test etc. |
3. | Grading of milk by various chemical techniques including platform tests as estimation of titrable acidity, alcohol test, ten minutes resazurin test, Methylene Blue Reduction test etc. |
4. | Grading of milk and milk products by various microbiological examination like Standard Plate Count, Coliform count, Detection of faecal streptococci, psychrophilic, mesophilic and thermophilic counts. |
5. | Detection of adulterants in milk and milk products [water in milk, skim milk, thickening agents (cane sugar, gelatin, starch), colouring matter (annatto, coal-tar dyes & urea etc.)] |
6. | Detection of preservatives in milk and milk products (boric acid, borax, formaldehyde, salicylic acid, benzoic acid, hydrogen peroxide, sodium carbonates & bicarbonates etc). |
7. | Test for detection of heated milk, pasteurized milk, mastitis milk, and demonstration for antibiotic & pesticide residue detection. |
8. | Evaluation of water quality for use in dairy plant and tests for plant sanitation. |
9. | Visit to milk processing plant / establishments |
10. | Study of common food animals |
11. | Study of scientific design of an abattoir / modern slaughterhouse |
12. | Ante-mortem inspection of food animal & poultry |
13. | Demonstration at slaughter house, methods of slaughter of food animals and poultry. |
14. | Visit to meat processing plants, marketing centers and food service establishments |
15. | Demonstration at slaughterhouse, Postmortem inspection of carcass |
16. | Quality evaluation of meat & meat products by Physical, Chemical and microbiological tests. Speciation of meat products |
17. | Quality evaluation of fish and eggs including Physical & microbiological qualities. |
18. | Isolation and identification of organisms of public health significance from meat and meat products, milk & milk products, egg & egg products and seafoods. |
Sr.No. | Topic |
1. | Definitions and aims of Epidemiology. |
2. | Epidemiological approach and basic measurements in Epidemiology – rates, ratios, proportions, morbidity and mortality. |
3 | Epidemiological methods I: Descriptive, Analytical (observational), Experimental epidemiology. |
4 | Epidemiological methods II: theoretical (modeling) serological and molecular methods. |
5 | Factors influencing occurrence of livestock diseases and production – various modes of disease transmission and classification of determinants of diseases |
6 | Ecological basis and natural history of diseases – biomes, biocenosis, ecological niche, population size and their distribution. Types of ecosystem. Epidemic curve, host, agent and environment, the cause of disease and postulates – Koch’s postulates, Evans postulates. |
7 | Sources, storage, retrival and representation of disease information / data- Management . – nature of data; classification of data. Non computerized – use of long hand, day book, record cards, proforma’s, punch card recording techniques. |
8 | Epidemiological hypothesis, testing. |
9 | Surveillance and monitoring of livestock diseases. |
10 | Animal disease forecasting. |
11 | Strategies of disease management, prevention, control and eradication. |
12 | Economics of animal diseases. |
13 | National and International regulations on livestock diseases. – ICAR, structure of animal husbandry department, FAO, OIE and WHO. |
14 | Regulations regarding handling, import and export of animals. |
15 | Role of OIE and laws on international trade on animals and animal products. – OIE and animal health, animal disease classification as per OIE norms, OIE recommended diagnostic assays, OIE and animal health regulations, OIE food standards. WTO and food trade. – SPS measures, HACCP, ISO,Codex (CAC). |
16 | Definitions, objectives and history of zoonoses. |
17 | Classification of zoonoses based on etiological agent, transmission cycle and reservoir host, and approaches to their management. |
18 | Study of new, emerging, re-emerging zoonoses and their control. |
19 | Study of occupational zoonoses and their control. |
20 | Role of domestic and wild animals in transmission of zoonoses. |
21 | Role of pets, laboratory animals and birds in transmission of zoonoses. |
22 | Study of zoonotic pathogens as agents of bio-terrorism. |
23 | Study of reservoir, clinical manifestations in animals and humans and the management of important zoonotic diseases. |
24 | Important bacterial zoonotic diseases I: Anthrax , brucellosis, tuberculosis |
25 | Important bacterial zoonotic diseases II: leptospirosis, listeriosis, plague. |
26 | Important viral zoonotic diseases I: Rabies, Japanese encephalitis, FMD |
27 | Important viral zoonotic diseases II: Kyasanur forest disease, influenza, BSE. |
28 | Important parasitic zoonotic disease I: Amoebiasis, leishmaniasis, toxoplamosis, trypanosomiasis. |
29 | Important parasitic zoonotic disease II: Sarcocystosis, cysticercosis, echinococcosis, trichinellosis, cutaneous and visceral larva migrans and fascioliasis. |
30 | Important rickettsial, chlamydial & Fungal diseases : Q fever, psittacosis, aspergillosis, candidiasis, dermatophytosis, histophasmosis, scabies and coccidiomycosis. |
31 | Food borne zoonoses I: salmonellosis, staphylococcosis, Clostridial food poisoning. |
32 | Food borne zoonoses II: campylobacteriosis, helminthosis, toxoplasmosis and sarcocystosis. |
33 | Socio-economic impact of zoonotic diseases |
34 | Veterinary Public health administration. |
Sr.No. | Topic |
1 | Collection of epidemiological samples – sampling methods in epidemiological studies viz. probability and non probability sampling, simple random sampling, systematic random sampling, stratify random, cluster sampling, multi stage sampling, cross sectional, cohort and case control sampling. |
2 | Study of measurement of disease : determination of morbidity and mortality rates / ratios. |
3 | Study of generation of epidemiological protocols and reports by questionnaire, pilot survey and testing. |
4 | Demonstration of selected software programmes / models e.g. EPIZ00, Handi STATUS and India – Admas- EPITRAK. – bio-informatics, net surfing, hypothesis testing. |
5 | Study of Evaluation of vaccines and diagnostic tests. – quality assurance and quality testing of vaccines. |
6 | Determination of Association and risks : relative risks, odd’s ratio and attributable risk. |
7 | Survey of an animal disease on farm. – data collection, clinical sampling, selection of sample size, estimation of disease rate, calculation of confidence interval, hypothetical testing, statistical analysis etc. |
8 | Study of field survey of zoonotic diseases. |
9 | Isolation and identification of important bacterias of zoonotic importance from animal and human sources including foods of animals origin. |
10 | Isolation and identification of important viruses of zoonotic importance from animal and human sources including foods of animal origin. |
11 | Isolation and identification of important parasites of zoonotic importance from animal and human sources including foods of animal origin. |
12 | Isolation and identification of important rickettsia and chlymydes of zoonotic importance from animal and human sources including foods of animal origin. |
13 | Isolation and identification of important fungi of zoonotic importance from animal and human sources including foods of animal origin. |
14 | Study of rural environment and health status of rural community. |
15 | Visit to primary health centre / human hospital. |
16 | Study of common diseases affecting rural / urban population and probable relationships of these human disease conditions with animal diseases present in the area. |
Sr.No. | Topic |
1 | Definition, scope and importance of environmental hygiene, environmental components. |
2 | Ecosystem : types, structure and functions :- Ecosystems components, the structure of ecosystem & principles of ecosystem functions. |
3 | Food chains :- Trophic relationship: food chains, food web and trophic levels. |
4 | Biodiversity uses, threats & conservation :- Ecosystem and biodiversity, material cycle in ecosystem (gaseous and sedimentary cycle, elemental cycle), threats to Biodiversity, conservation and preservation of natural biodiversity, reasons for loss of biodiversity, biodiversity conservation strategies globally & biodiversity and food security. |
5 | Natural resources: forest & minerals their uses and abuses :- Various types of resources (continuous, renewable, nonrenewable and extrinstic resources) & threats/abuse to natural Resources. |
6 | Natural resources: soil & water their uses and abuses :- Various types of resources (continuous, renewable, nonrenewable and extrinstic resources) & threats/abuse to natural Resources. |
7 | Environmental pollution: causes and effect :- Sources of environmental pollution, nature of pollutants & effect of pollution on animal, human and plant health and natural monuments. |
8 | Types of environmental pollution 1) AIR :- Air pollution, sources and effect of air pollution on animal, human and plant health and natural monuments, air pollution- Urban air pollution, Indoor & outdoor air pollution & air pollution monitoring and control. |
9 | 2) WATER – Sources of water & sources of contamination & their prevention. |
10 | Water qualities :- Physical, chemical, bacteriological and radiological |
11 | Water purification methods: Small scale purification methods. |
12 | Water purification method: Large scale purification methods. |
13 | Sources of contamination, pollution and their control – soil, marine & thermal :- Land / soil types, soil pollution – acidification, irrigation and Salanization, erosion and desertification, pollution of marine environment, sources and nature of marine pollutants & control of marine pollution Prevention and control of thermal pollution and its effect on environment and human health. |
14 | Noise pollution :- Sources of noise pollution, sound noise and hearing problems, effect of noise pollution on human & animal health, noise mapping, control of noise pollution & noise pollution rules 2000. |
15 | Nuclear hazards / Radiological hazard : – Introduction to nuclear hazards, fallout Radioactive waste, effect of radiation, ionizing and nonionizing radiation & radiation protection. |
16 | Biosafety and risk assessment :- Importance & classification of Biosafety, biosafety measures for prevention of risk hazards, methods of risk assessment, risk assessment, Risk management & risk perception and Risk communication. |
17 | Environment protection Acts and related issues – water & air legislations :- Global environmental problems, environmental laws; status in India, the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act – 1974, the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act – 1981, The Environment (Protection) Act – 1986 & the Biological Diversity Act – 2002. |
18 | Disaster management :- Definition, earth quake, tsunami, windstorm, volcanoes, floods, Natural hazard management strategies & future planning for sustainable development. |
19 | Disposal of sewage and farm waste :- Sewage management and treatment, sludge treatment& recycling of farm waste. |
20 | Health implications of farm wastes :- Effect of discharge of sewage, farm and industry effluent on environment and health. |
21 | Sanitation and disinfection of animal houses :- Methods of sanitation and different sanitizing and disinfectant agents used. Its importance in disease control and pollution arrest. |
22 | Air pollution in animal farms, their prevention & control.:- Air pollution within animal houses and its effect on animal health and productivity. |
23 | Ventilation & ventilation system within animal houses & specialized laboratories :- Importance of ventilation & different types of ventilators used in animal houses & specializedlaboratories. |
24 | Prevention and control of water borne diseases :- Classification of water borne diseases human, animal & zoonotic diseases. Chemical toxicants. |
25 | Prevention & control of airborne diseases :- Classification of air-borne diseases human, animal & zoonotic diseases. Chemical toxicants- smoke, smog & dust etc. |
26 | Problems of atmospheric pollution 1) Global warming and green house effect :- Definition, green house gases and global climate change, possible impact of global warming & Kyoto protocol. |
27 | Acid rain & methane, ozone as air pollutant :- Nature and development of acid rain, Its effect on animal, human, plant health and natural monuments, mitigation of acid rain problems, Ozone depletion process, Ozone hole, World wide ozone trend, Consequences of ozone depletion & causes of methane production on environment. |
28 | Meat industry / slaughter house borne pollution :- Classification of slaughterhouse waste, Characteristic each slaughterhouse waste material & effect of slaughter house waste on environment. |
29 | Economic Utilization of slaughterhouse waste & disposal of solid waste from Slaughterhouses. |
30 | Stray and fallen animal management :- Proper and safe disposal of dead animal by burial, buried methods, or by processing. |
31 | Disposal of liquid waste from Meat industry / slaughter houses. |
32 | Pollution due to industries other than meat (textile, oil, refineries, Pharmaceuticals, grinding, cement etc. |
Sr.No. | Topic |
1 | Water sampling for testing its quality :- Objectives, Methods of water sampling, materials required. Water sampling from river, well, lake, tap, tube well etc. Preservation and sending instruction of sample to laboratory. |
2 | Physical examination of water quality :- Estimation of pH, colour turbidity, alkalinity & acidity. |
3 | Physical examination of water quality :- Estimation of total hardness. |
4 | Physical examination of water quality :- Estimation of total solids. Suspended solids, volatile solids etc. |
5 | Chemical evaluation of water quality :- Estimation of nitrate, nitrites, chloride, ammonia, phosphate, cyanide etc. |
6 | Chemical evaluation of water quality :- Estimation of residual chlorine and chlorine demand. |
7 | Chemical evaluation of water quality :- Estimation of dissolved oxygen. |
8 | Chemical evaluation of water quality :- Estimation of biological oxygen demand (BOD5) and chemical oxygen demand (COD). |
9 | Microbiological examination of water :- Indicator organisms, standard plate count, MPN index, coliform count & Isolation & identification of important pathogenes. |
10 | Disinfection of animal houses. |
11 | Determination of efficacy of disinfectants :- Phenol coefficient. |
12 | Demonstration of water purification system :- Visit to water purification system. |
13 | Disposal of carcass :- Fallen animals, condemned, suspected animal etc. |
14 | Study of pathogenic microbes in air & Important bacteria’s present air :- Methods of air sampling for microbiological examination & isolation & identification of importance of airborne pathogens. |
15 | Demonstration of various ventilation system in animal houses :- Visit to animal houses to study various ventilation systems. |
16 | Demonstration of toxic residues in water and air :- Visit to environmental laboratory for demonstration of various techniques to detect toxic residues in water and air. |
17 | Visit to local polluted site & documentation of local environmental problems :- Visit to local polluted sites and documentation of local environmental problems – like dumping grounds, local slum areas, crowded localities etc. |
PG Syllabus
1 | The purposes and scope of veterinary public health |
2 | Veterinary interests in public health, common bases for veterinary practices and public health practices |
3 | Principal functions and fields of activity of public health veterinarians
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 | Definition of veterinary public health administration
Organization, administration and implementation of veterinary public health services and programmes. |
8 |
9 |
10 | Public health team, administration and functions
11 |
12 | Place of veterinarian in the public health team
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 | Veterinary public health agencies and institutions in India and abroad. |
Collection of information about set up of veterinary public health in different countries like, |
Underdeveloped countries – African continent |
China |
Japan |
Different European Union countries |
Australia |
New Zeeland |
America |
Russia |
Brazil |
Canada |
Developing countries like Malaysia |
Sweden |
Asian countries |
SARC countries |
GULF/ Middle East countries |
1. | Importance of microbes in relation to veterinary public health |
2 | Morphology of Bacteria: Differences between prokaryotes & eukaryotes, size of bacteria, microscopy, Shape of bacteria, bacterial cell structure, Bacterial cell wall structure in Gram positive & Gram negative, acid fast bacteria. |
3 | Study of factors influencing growth and development of bacterial and rickettsial agents in nature/ environment |
4 | Bacterial spores- structure, endospore exospore, conidiospores, sporingiospore classification of bacteria depending upon spore, heat stability of spores and its potential to cause infections |
5 | Bacterial capsule- structure and composition, Bacterial flagella- structure, motility & its classification, its role in pathogenesis |
6 | Different types of media used for isolation and identification of different bacterial and rickettsial agents – Part I |
7 | Different types of media used for isolation and identification of different bacterial and rickettsial agents – Part II |
8 | Study of Bacterial Growth curve
Quantitative measurement of Bacterial Growth:-Direct Microscopic count, Plate Count Method, Membrane Filter Count |
9 | Bacterial culture- Methods of isolation in pure culture |
10 | Maintenance and preservation of pure culture |
11 | Colony characteristics of bacteria on different growth media |
12 | Different Biochemical test for identification of bacterial agents |
13 | Ecology of bacteria- Microflora of soil- Interactions among soil organisms, Biochemical role of soil organisms |
14 | Microflora of water- Aquatic environment, Distribution of organisms in water, Role and importance of aquatic microbial ecosystem |
15 | Microflora of outdoor and indoor air, Methods for enumeration of bacterial flora of air |
16 | Different routes of transmission of bacterial and rickettsial agents |
17 | Survivability of bacterial and rickettsial agent in nature |
Description of following bacteria in relation to etiology, epidemiology, transmission, disease, diagnosis, prevention and control for following agents | |
18 | Bacillus : B. antracis, B. cereus, B. stearothermophilus etc |
19 | Listeria : L. monocytogenes, L. ivanovi etc |
20 | Mycobacterium : M. tuberculosis, M. bovis, M. paratuberculosis, etc |
21 | Clostridium : C. tetani, C. perfringens, C. botulinum etc |
22 | Staphylococcus : S. aureus, S. epidermidis etc |
23 | Streptococcus : S. agalactiae, S. dysagalactiae, S. uberis, S. pyogens, S. pneumoniae etc |
24 | Brucella : B. abortus, B. melitensis, B. suis, B. canis etc |
25 | Leptospira : L. interrogens, L. pomona, L. icterohaemorrhagica, L. biflexa, L. conicula |
26 | Vibrio : V. parahaemolyticus, V. cholerae etc |
27 | Salmonella : S. Typhi, S. Paratyphi, S. Dublin, S. Enteritidis |
28 | Escherchia : E. coli O157:H7 and Others |
29 | Compylobacter : C. foetus, C. jejunii C. enteritis etc
Enterococcus and Micrococcus : S. faecalis, S. faecium, S. durans etc |
30 | Yercinia : Y. pestis, Y. pseudotuberculosis, Y. enterocolitica etc
Lactobacillus : L. thermophilus, L. lactis, L. acidophilus, L. fermentii etc |
31 | Coxiella and other Rickettsia : C. burnetii etc |
32 | Chlamydia : C. psittaci, C. pneumoniae etc |
- Holt J. G., Krieg N. R., Sneath P. A., Staley J. J. & William S.T. (1994), Bergey Mannual of Determinative bacteriology- Williams & Wilkins
- Veterinary Bacteriology & Mycology – Carter- Wise
- Veterinary Bacteriology & Virology – Merchant & Packer
- Textbook of Microbiology-Anant Narayan & Paniker
- Microbiology- Pleczar
- Textbook of elements of VPH – Sherikar, Bachil and Thaplial
- Zoonoses and communicable diseases common to man and animals by Pedro N. Acha and Boris Szyfres
Practical | Topic |
1. | Isolation & identification methods of B. anthracic, B. cereus |
2. | Isolation & identification methods of L. monocytogenes |
3. | Isolation & identification methods of M. tuberculosis
Tuberculin and JD Test in farm animals |
4 | Isolation & identification methods of C. tetani, C. perfringens, C. botulinum, |
5 | Isolation & identification methods of S. aureus, Enterococci, Micrococci & lactobacillus |
6 | Isolation & identification methods of E. coli |
7 | Isolation & Identification of Compylobacter |
8 | Isolation & identification methods of Salmonella, Shigella and Proteus |
9 | Isolation & identification methods of Brucella |
10. | Isolation & identification methods of leptospira |
11. | Isolation & identification methods of Yersinia |
12 | Isolation & identification of Pseudomonas |
13. | Isolation & identification methods of Coxiella & Chlamydia |
14. | Study of biochemical characteristics of different bacterial and rickettsial agents |
15. | Study of serological techniques for important bacterial and rickettsial pathogens |
16. | Study of different molecular techniques for important bacterial and rickettsial pathogens |
Lecture No. | Topic |
1 | Structure of Viruses and their classification |
Systemic study of following viral agents in relation to the Morphology, Etiology, Ecological Properties, Transmission, Susceptibility in nature, Clinical features, Pathogenesis, Diagnosis, Treatment , Prevention & Control | |
2 | Japanese encephalitis , West Nile fever |
3 | Dengue Fever, Kyasanur Forest disease (KFD) |
4 | Yellow Fever , Louping ill. |
5 | Sand fly fever , Rift valley fever |
6 | Ganjam virus , Crimean Congo haemorrhagic fever |
7 | Rabies |
8 | Cowpox, Buffalo pox, pseudocowpox, orf virus |
9 | Encephalomyelitis |
10 | Infiuenza virus- swine influenza, Avian influenza. |
11 | Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) |
12 | Unclassified virus: Mad cow disease (BSE), CJ disease. |
13 | Enteroviruses |
Study of following fungal agents in relation to Epidemiology, Pathogenesis, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment, Control & Prevention and control | |
14 | Aspergillus- A. fumigates, A. flavus, A. niger, |
15 | Penicillium |
16 | Fusarium |
17 | Candida – C. albicans |
18 | Histoplasma – H. Capsulatum, Cryptococcus neoformans |
19 | Microsporum |
20 | Trichophyton – zoophilic dermatophytes, geophilic Dermatophytes, Anthropophilic Dermatophytes |
21 | Blastomycosis – B. Dermatitidis, coccidioidomycosis – C. imitis |
22 | Rhinocoridiosis – R. Seeberi , sporotrichosis |
23 | Dermatophytosis, Nocardiosis |
Systemic study of following parasitic agents in relation to Epidemiology , life cycle, Pathogenesity, Diagnosis, Prevention & Control | |
24 | Taeniasis – T. Solium , T. Saginata |
25 | Hydatidosis – Echinococcus granulosus |
26 | Trichinelosis – T. Spirallis |
27 | Toxoplasmosis – T. Gondii |
28 | Trypanosomiasis |
29 | Sarcocystosis, Maleria, Leshmaniasis |
30 | Visceral and cutaneous larva migrans, Diphyllobothrium |
31 | Fascioliasis |
32 | Cryptosporidium |
- Textbook of microbiology: Anaathnarayan & Panikar
- Fundamentals of parasitic zoonosis: Pathak KML
- Essentials oF vet. Bacteriology & mycology: Carter G. R., Darla J. Wise
- Elements of Vet. Public health By Sherikar et. al.
- Parasitic Zoonosis – By Pariza
- Zoonoses and communicable diseases common to man and animals by Pedro N. Acha and Boris Szyfres
Sr. No. | Topic |
Isolation & Identification Methods of following | |
1 | Japanese Encephalitis |
2 | Rabies |
3 | KFD, Rift valley fever |
4 | Influenza |
5 | Enteroviruses |
6 | Aspergillus |
7 | Fusarium |
8 | Histoplasma Mucur, Microsporium |
9 | Trichopyton & Sporotrichum |
10 | Taenia |
11 | Echinococcus |
12 | Trichinella |
13 | Toxoplasma |
14 | Diphyllobothrium |
15 | Fasciola |
16 | Cryptosporidium |
- Textbook of Microbiology : Anaathnarayan & Panikar
- Fundamentals of Parasitic zoonoses : Pathak KML
- Essentials of Vet. Bacteriology & Mycology : Carter g. R. , Darla J. Wise
- Zoonoses and communicable diseases common to man and animals by Pedro N. Acha and Boris Szyfres
Lecture No. | Topic | |
Zoonoses: definition, concept, and scope; concept of one medicine, community health, positive health | |
Demographic changes in relation to zoonoses, | |
Classification of zoonoses | |
Attributes of diseases: Host-agent-environment relationship, natural history/ eco-biology of zoonotic agent, concept of landscape epidemiology | |
Strategies for management of zoonoses: Prevention, quarantine, control, immunoprophylaxis, elimination and eradication of zoonoses | |
Emerging, reemerging and new zoonoses | |
Biosecurity, bioterrorism | |
Epidemiological tools for the study of zoonoses; surveillance and reporting systems | |
Structural organization in the field of zoonoses; National and international organizations, referral laboratories, datasheets; databank, websites, and other valuable repositories. | |
Study of Geographic information system (GIS) and forecasting systems pertaining to zoonoses; | |
Approaches and techniques for the diagnosis of zoonoses | |
Definition, description, etiology, host range, epidemiology, diagnosis and management of important bacterial zoonoses – Anthrax, brucellosis, borreliosis, | |
Campylobacteriosis, tuberculosis, paratuberculosis, etc | |
Salmonellosis, shigellosis, yersiniosis, leptospirosis | |
Listeriosis, plague, tularaemia, glanders, Malioidosis, staphylococcosis, streptococcosis, tetanus, botulism | |
Clostridial infections, E. coli, Aeromonas hydrophilla, etc | |
Bacillus cereus, plesiomonas, Vibrio parahaemolyticus, erysipelothrix rhusiopathie, cat scratch disease, etc | |
Lyme disease, tularemia, necrobacillosis, rat bite fever, opportunistic pathogens, etc | |
Rabies, vesicular stomatitis, influenza, contagious ecthyma, pox group and some rare and potential zoonoses e.g. Newcastle, etc | |
Hantaviruses, herpes, ebola and Marburg viruses, Chandipura virus, etc | |
Food-borne viruses viz. rota, tickborne encephalitis, FMD, hepatitis A & E, Norwalk, entero, parvo, adeno, cytomegalo, astro, calci and corona viruses | |
Prion zoonoses (BSE, CJD, etc) | |
Japanese encephalitis, Kyasanur forest disease, chickungunya, etc. Vector-borne viruses viz. Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever, | |
dengue fever, West-Nile viruses, yellow fever, rift-valley fever, equine encephalitis, louping ill, | |
Q fever and other rickettsiosis, Coxiella burnetii, Asian Ixido Ricketssiosis, Boutonneuse fever, Flea- borne typhus, Infection caused by Bartonella henselae, Queensland tick typhus, Rickettsial pox, rocky mountain spotted fever, scrub typhus, Zoonotic typhus caused by R. prowazekii | |
Chlamydial zoonoses, Psittacosis | |
Fungal zoonoses – Dermatophytosis, blastomycosis, coccidioidomycosis, cryptococcosis, histoplasmosis, aspergillosis | |
Candidiasis, rhinosporidiosis, sporotrichosis, zygomycosis | |
Parasitic zoonoses – Echinococcosis, taeniasis, cysticercosis, | |
Toxoplasmosis, trichinellosis, cryptosporidiosis, filariasis | |
fasciolopsiosis, sarcocystosis, zoonotic trematode infections, cutaneous and visceral larva migrans, schistosomiasis, leishmaniasis, trypanosomosis etc | |
Socioeconomic impact of zoonosis |
Sr. No. | Topic |
Samples and sampling; use of random tables |
Estimation of sensitivity, specificity, analytical precision, etc of different tests employed for the diagnosis of zoonoses |
Isolation and identification of important bacterial zoonotic pathogens |
Isolation and identification of important viral zoonotic pathogens |
Isolation and identification of important parasitic zoonotic pathogens |
Isolation and identification of important rickettsial zoonotic pathogens |
Isolation and identification of important chlamydial zoonotic pathogens |
Isolation and identification of important fungal zoonotic pathogens |
Characterization of the metabolites, toxins, etc: bioassays, chromatography, etc Identification of virulence, pathogenicity, etc |
Diagnosis of zoonoses using immunological (allergic) tests |
Diagnosis of zoonoses using serological tests |
Diagnosis of zoonoses using molecular and other advanced techniques |
Calculation of incidence, prevalence, morbidity rate. Mortality rate, case fatality rate, odds ratio, etc |
Calculation of t-test, ANOVA, zoonoses incidence ratio (ZIR), use of 2×2 contingency tables; study of cohort and case control studies |
Representation of zoonotic data: charts, pie, bar, etc |
Retrieval of data : national and global repositories |
Lecture No. | Theory | Practical |
Common interest areas of Veterinary Public Health and Food Hygiene | Procedure for sampling of animal origin foods |
Common Food animals used for human consumption | Organoleptic and sensory evaluation of animal origin foods |
Concept of food hygiene | pH estimation |
Principles of food hygiene | Various platforms tests to detect physical, chemical and bacteriological quality of animal origin foods (meat, milk and their products) |
Role of hygiene in production of clean and safe foods (meat, milk, fish and eggs) | Microbial analysis of meat, egg for enumeration of various bacteria |
Hygiene during transportation and marketing of animal origin foods | Microbial analysis of foods for enumeration of various viruses |
Hygiene during packaging of foods | Microbial analysis of foods for enumeration of yeast and molds |
Personal hygiene during production, processing and distribution of foods | Microbial analysis of foods for enumeration of parasites |
Impact of environmental sanitation on food quality | Isolation and identification of microflora from raw animal origin foods (meat, milk, fish and eggs) |
Impact of water on food quality | Isolation and identification of microflora from ready to eat food products |
Impact of equipments and cleaning on food quality | Testing of adulteration of animal origin foods (meat, milk and their products) |
Sources of entry of antibiotic, pesticide, hormone and heavy metal residues in foods and their prevention | Methods of spoilage detection of meat, milk, eggs and seafoods |
Food spoilage – sources of contamination, causes of food spoilage | Assessment of environmental hygiene- methods for monitoring of air contamination |
Different types of food spoilage – spoilage of different kind of meat and meat products | Bacteriological examination of water (MPN-Most Probable Number test) |
Spoilage of different kind of milk and milk products | Methods for the detection of pesticide, antibiotic, heavy metals and hormonal resudes in animal origin foods |
Spoilage of different kind of fish and other seafoods, and egg and egg products | Visit to processing food industry |
Spoilage of different kind of canned foods | |
The food chain | |
Food safety – Pre-harvest and Post-harvest food safety | |
Different types of food adulteration (meat, milk etc.) and its detection methods and prevention. | |
Utilization of by-products from animal origin foods | |
Hygienic disposal of food wastes | |
Different methods of food preservation. | |
Microbiological standards for different animal origin foods and their regulations | |
Quality assurance and quality control of foods to prevent foodborne infections | |
Regulatory agencies and organization for protection of food safety | |
General principles of prevention of foodborne illnesses | |
Quality management system – GMP, GHP, | |
Quality management system –HACCP, OSH0 18000, | |
Quality management system – ISO 9000, ISO 22000 | |
Risk analysis | |
Socioeconomic aspects of foods of animal origin |
Practical No. | Topic |
Procedure for sampling of animal origin foods |
Organoleptic and sensory evaluation of animal origin foods |
pH estimation |
Various platforms tests to detect physical, chemical and bacteriological quality of animal origin foods (meat, milk and their products) |
Microbial analysis of meat, egg for enumeration of various bacteria |
Microbial analysis of foods for enumeration of various viruses |
Microbial analysis of foods for enumeration of yeast and molds |
Microbial analysis of foods for enumeration of parasites |
Isolation and identification of microflora from raw animal origin foods (meat, milk, fish and eggs) |
Isolation and identification of microflora from ready to eat food products |
Testing of adulteration of animal origin foods (meat, milk and their products) |
Methods of spoilage detection of meat, milk, eggs and seafoods |
Assessment of environmental hygiene- methods for monitoring of air contamination |
Bacteriological examination of water (MPN-Most Probable Number test) |
Methods for the detection of pesticide, antibiotic, heavy metals and hormonal resudes in animal origin foods |
Visit to processing food industry |
Lecture No. | Topic No. |
Food-borne illnesses: definition, types of foodborne illnesses |
Sources of food contamination- types of sources of food contamination, primary and secondary contamination. |
Foodborne bacterial infection- etiology, clinical symptoms, transmission and type of food involved, prevention and control of following | |
Salmonella |
Campylobacter |
Listeria |
Vibrio |
E.coli |
Foodborne bacterial intoxications- Clostridium, |
Foodborne bacterial intoxications- Staphylococcus |
Foodborne bacterial intoxications- Bacillus cereus |
Foodborne toxin-mediated infection |
Bacterial toxins and biocides |
Foodborne viral infections – infectious hepatitis, poliomyelitis |
Foodborne viral infections – gastroenteritis |
Foodborne rickettsial and parasitic infections |
Foodborne diseases related to meat and meat products |
Foodborne diseases related to milk and milk products |
Foodborne diseases related to fish and fish products |
Foodborne diseases related to eggs and eggs products |
Natural toxic substances in foods – naturally occurring poisons from fish and shellfish |
Food additives – health problems due to food additives |
Antibiotic residues in animal origin foods |
Heavy metal residues in animal origin foods |
Pesticide residues in animal origin foods |
Hormonal residues in animal origin foods |
Hygiene during production, processing, transportation, packaging and distribution of foods |
Food spoilage – causes of food spoilage, different types. |
Preservation of foods – different methods (chilling, freezing etc.) |
GMP, HACCP and ISO in food industry |
Prevention and control of foodborne illnesses- preharvest prevention |
Prevention and control of foodborne illnesses- postharvest prevention |
Microbiological standards for different animal origin foods and their regulations |
Practical No. | Topic |
Procedure for investigation of outbreak of foodborne diseases |
Collection and processing of suspected food samples |
Procedure for detection of foodborne pathogens from meat and meat products |
Procedure for detection of foodborne pathogens from milk and milk products |
Procedure for detection of foodborne pathogens from fish and fish products |
Procedure for detection of foodborne pathogens from egg and egg products |
Isolation and indentification of foodborne pathogenic bacteria |
Isolation and indentification of foodborne pathogenic viruses |
Isolation and indentification of foodborne pathogenic fungi |
Isolation and indentification of foodborne pathogenic parasites |
Detection of various animal toxins naturally toxic to man |
Detection and quantitation of foodborne pathogens by PCR, Real-time PCR |
Detection of heavy metals by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry (AAS) |
Detection of antibiotic residues in animal origin foods by Bioassay and High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) method |
Detection of pesticide residues in animal origin foods by Gas Chromatography and Mass Spectrophotometry (GCMS) and Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrophotometry (LCMS) |
Model development for prevention and control of food borne diseases. |
Study of legislations to prevent food borne diseases. |
Visit to the place of food borne disease outbreak |
Lecture No. | Topic |
Different food animals used for slaughter. |
Important definitions and principles of meat hygiene. |
Present status of meat industry in India. |
Selection and grading of meat animals. |
Transportation of food animals. |
Construction and lay out of slaughter house and equipments. |
Ante mortem inspection of food animals. |
Pre slaughter treatment of food animals. |
Methods of stunning and its effect on meat quality. |
Different methods of slaughter and dressing of food animals. |
Post mortem examination of meat and importance of examination of lymph nodes in post mortem. |
Structure of muscle and, conversion of muscle to meat and chemical composition of meat. |
Characteristics of meat of different species and various methods to determine species origin of meat. |
Introduction to various quality management systems (QMS), such as HACCP, ISO 9000, ISO22OOO…etc in meat industry. |
Sanitation of slaughter house. |
Economic utilization of slaughter house byproducts. |
Slaughter house waste disposal / ETP. |
Food legislation- BIS, APEDA, MFPO, food safety and standards act (2006). |
Introduction to milk hygiene- definitions of milk, milk hygiene and principles of milk hygiene. |
Composition of raw milk and different types of processed milk. |
Present status of dairy industry in India. |
Microbiology of raw milk and milk products. |
Clean milk production and milk hygiene and practices in India and other countries. |
Bactericidal activities of raw milk. |
Preservation of milk and milk products. |
Spoilage of milk and milk products. |
Sanitation of dairy plant and its assessment by different methods. |
Various milk born illness of public health importance, food infections and intoxications. |
Various food borne toxi-infections and emerging and reemerging infections related to milk and milk products. |
Residues of drugs, pesticides, and other foreign substances in milk and their detection methods. |
Food legislations in India and other countries related to milk and milk products.- MMPO, PFA Act(1954). And rules (1957),,,etc. |
Compositional and bacteriological quality of milk and their methods of evaluation. |
Various quality management systems, HACCP,ISO 9000, ISO22OOO…etc in dairy industry. |
Diseases and conditions encountered during ante mortem examination of food animals. |
Diseases encountered during post mortem examination of meat. |
Different meat cuts and grading. |
Different methods used for meat speciation. |
Isolation and identification of microorganisms from meat and meat products. |
Different methods of identification of meat spoilage. |
Testing of abattoir equipments and personnel for hazard analysis. |
Testing of water source and effluent of abattoir. |
Visit and demonstration of modern slaughter house and meat processing plant. |
Collection and sampling of milk and milk products for examination. |
Bacteriological examination of milk and milk products. |
Various platform tests used in examination of raw milk. |
Detection of adulterants and preservatives in milk and milk products. |
Detection of antibiotic residues and pesticide residues in milk. |
Hygienic evaluation of dairy personnel and equipments and dairy plant environment. |
Construction and lay out of ETP for dairy plant. |
Visit to modern milk processing plant. |
Introduction to environmental hygiene |
Agent- host and environmental relationship –Triad Concept |
Changing Global scenario about environment |
Sources of water pollution and their prevention |
Bacteriology of water |
Purification and sanitization of water |
Methods of prevention and control of water-borne diseases of man and animals |
Sources of air pollution |
Air sanitation of animal houses, sanitation of animal houses and its effect on animal health and production |
Bacteriology of air |
Methods of prevention and control of air-borne diseases of man and animals |
Atmospheric pollution and methods of control |
Sources of soil pollution |
Bacteriology of soil |
Methods of prevention and control of soil-borne diseases of man and animals |
Radiation, radiation hazards |
Effect of water, air, soil and nuclear pollution on health |
Genetic risk from environmental agents |
Radiation pollution and health problems |
Heavy metals, pesticides, veterinary drug residues on animal and human health- I |
Heavy metals, pesticides, veterinary drug residues on animal and human health -II |
Animal waste: Dissemination of pathogens and health risk |
Disinfection and sterilization |
Role of animal excreta in spread of diseases, its collection and principles of safe disposal. |
Aerobic and anaerobic disposal of animal excreta |
Slaughter house waste and effluent treatment for safe disposal |
Disposal of sewage and farm refuges |
Disposal of carcasses of animal died with the notifiable diseases. |
Possibilities of utilization of farm wastes – biogas plant |
Stray animal control, fallen animal, vector rodent and environmental control-I |
Stray animal control, fallen animal, vector rodent and environmental control-II |
Green house effect |
Global warming and its effects on animal and human health-I |
Global warming and its effects on animal and human health-II |
Study of sound pollution and its effect on the human health |
Impact of global environmental problems on society-I |
Impact of global environmental problems on society-II |
Environmental risks and management-I |
Environmental risks and management-II |
Environmental risk assessment and reporting |
Surveillance and monitoring systems |
Decision making and public awareness-I |
Decision making and public awareness-II |
National and International environmental management efforts-I |
National and International environmental management efforts-II |
1 | Sampling of water for physico-chemical and bacteriological examination |
2 | Physical examination of water |
3 | Estimation of total dissolved and volatile solids in water |
4 | Estimation of dissolved oxygen, CO2 and residual chlorine in water |
5 | Estimation of total alkalinity and total hardness in water |
6 | Estimation of potassium permanganate value in water (Tidy’s tests) |
7 | Estimation of nitrate, phosphorus and sulpahte & other chemicals in water |
8 | Determination of potability of drinking water |
9 | Estimation and detection of pathogenic microbes in water |
10 | Bacteriological examination of air |
11 | Bacteriological examination of soil |
12 | Testing of efficacy of different disinfectants |
13 | Study of disposal of sewage and animal waste |
14 | Study of pathogenic organism in farm environment |
15 | Study of different ventilation system |
16 | Visit to sewage and waste disposal plants/sites. |
Introduction and fisheries resources in India. Biochemical composition of fish. |
Catching, handling and transportation of fish. |
Biochemical composition of fish. |
Post mortem changes in fish and quality assessment. |
Bacteriology of fish and shell fish. |
Methods of preservation of sea foods- drying and dehydration. |
Methods of preservation of sea foods-chilling and freezing. |
Methods of preservation of sea foods-smoking and curing, canning of fish. |
Radiation processing of fish and fish products. |
Preparation of fish silage and other fishery products. |
Byproducts of fish-fish meal, fish oil, fish liver oil. |
Byproducts of fish – fish protein concentrate, fish maws, singlass, chitosan and other sea foods. |
Sensory evaluation and spoilage detection in fish. |
Sea food quality assurance- application of QMS and HACCP for enhancing food safety. |
Marketing of fish- local, national and international markets, MPEDA. |
Importance of food borne diseases in relation to public health. |
Quality control in fish processing. |
Identification of normal characteristics of various fish. |
Inspection of fresh and preserved / stored fish, sea foods…etc. |
Study of physical and chemical indicators to determine freshness of raw and processed fish. |
Microbiological analysis of fishes to determine hygienic quality and safety. |
Different methods of processing of fish, shell fish…etc. |
packaging of fish and other seafood |
Application of HACCP to fish processing plant. |
Study of different fish borne diseases. |
Study of different methods of drug and pesticide residues analysis in fish and fish products. |
Study of different environmental and chemical toxicants and their in fish and fish products. |
Visit to a local fish market. |
visit to a fisheries catchments area |
Visit to a fish processing plant to demonstrate processing fish and preparation of different fish byproducts. |
Introduction to disaster and emergency. Understanding the concepts, differences among these. |
Classification of disaster /Natural and manmade disaster.
Impact analysis and classification of disaster scale. |
Effect of natural disasters like floods, prolonged draughts, forest fires, earthquakes, tsunami and tidal damages, storms etc. on both domestic and wild animal population. |
Planning of disaster management including essential preparations, formation of teams/ groups |
Role and responsibilities of local, State Govts., Veterinarian, Public Health Veterinarian, Public health organizations in disaster management |
Post-disaster disease susceptibility/outbreaks, its emergency control and remedial measures. |
International and National Organizations for emergency and disaster management. |
Introduction to biosecurity, biosafety and biomedical hazards |
Biological weapons and bioterrorism including its history |
Major agents and their characteristics which have been used in the past and those which can be used in future as biological weapons (category A, B and C agents) |
Occupational health risk management |
Bioterrorism: by bacterial pathogens and their toxins |
Bioterrorism: by viral and fungal pathogens and their toxins |
Detection methods , Hazard analysis and combating bioterrorism |
Role of National and International Organizations in prevention and control of bioterrorism |
Bioethics and social ethics, advisory role of veterinarians |
Strategic plans for combating biohazards and disaster, Development of Protocols-I |
Strategic plans for combating biohazards and disaster, Development of Protocols-II |
Measurement of disease: determination of morbidity and mortality rates/ratios |
Study of biosafety levels |
Studies on protocols for isolation and identification of bioterrorism agent of Class-IV level |
Studies on protocols for isolation and identification of bioterrorism agent of Class-III level |
Isolation and identification of bioterrorism agent of Class-II level (eg. Brucella spp) (I) |
Isolation and identification of bioterrorism agent of Class-II level (eg. Clostridium spp) (II) |
Isolation and identification of bioterrorism agent of Class-II level (eg. Yersinia spp) (III) |
Isolation and identification of bioterrorism agent of Class-II level (eg. Fungal agents) (IV) |
Biochemical tests viz PAGE, SDS-PAGE, IEF etc for detection of bioterrorism agent |
Immunological tests viz ELISA etc for detection of bioterrorism agent |
DNA-based tests viz PCR etc for detection of bioterrorism agent |
Efficacy testing of disinfectants viz phenol co-efficient against bioterrorism agent |
Visit to disaster management institutes viz. Civil Defense etc. |
List of Research Topics of P.G. Theses
Sr. No. | Name of Student | Title of Thesis | Major Guide | Year of Passing |
1 | Dr. (Miss) A. M. Vaidya. | Studies on bacterial isolates from different pork products | Dr. S. M. Ajinkya. | 1977 |
2 | Dr. A. T. Sherikar. | Differentiation of meats by gel diffusion technique. | Dr. S. M. Ajinkya. | 1977 |
3 | Dr. A. N. Rajmane. | Estimation of selective trace elements and preservatives from ready-to eat-cooked meat products. | Dr. J. B. Khot. | 1978 |
4 | Dr. A. R. Parasnis. | Studies on the anti-bacterial activities of garlic at different concentrations in meat and some selective bacterial isolates. | Dr. J. B. Khot. | 1980 |
5 | Dr. H. V. Karale. | Analytical studies of the residues of selective heavy metals by atomic absorption spectrophotometry in some common edible fish in the city of Bombay. | Dr. J. B. Khot. | 1980 |
6 | Dr. V. D. Kakade. | A comparative study on the effect of anabolic steroids and a synthetic oestrogen on growth and meat characteristics in broilers. | Dr. J. B. Khot. | 1980 |
7 | Dr. S. A. Khatkale. | Studies on carcass traits of some Indian breeds of sheep and goats. | Dr. J. B. Khot. | 1980 |
8 | Dr. A. M. Nadgouda. | Studies on microbial flora of some of the edible seafoods sold in different markets in the city of Bombay. | Dr. J. B. Khot. | 1980 |
9 | Dr. U. K. Sharma. | Microbiological study of some of the ice-creams manufactured in Bombay city. | Dr. J. B. Khot. | 1981 |
10 | Dr. V. M. Jayarao. | A study of storage of hen egg and its public health significance. | Dr. J. B. Khot. | 1982 |
11 | Dr. G. V. Chavan. | A study on mercury levels in seafoods and eggs (hen and duck) from thane environment. | Dr. J. B. Khot. | 1984 |
12 | Dr. A.R. Bhadekar. | A study on the effect of chilling and freezing on the microbiological flora of buffalo meat cuts. | Dr. J. B. Khot. | 1984 |
13 | Dr. N. K. Kulkarni. | A study on incidence of cysticercus cellulosae, hydatid cyst and stephanurus dentatus in domestic pig. | Dr. J. B. Khot. | 1984 |
14 | Dr. S. B. Kulkarni. | Application of enzyme linked immunosorbent essay (ELISA) for detection of IgG antibodies for brucellosis in bovine s and its comparison with sat and RBPT. | Dr. J. B. Khot. | 1985 |
15 | Dr. S. G. Kulkarni. | Microbial profiles of frozen buffalo meat cuts. | Dr. A. T. Sherikar. | 1985 |
16 | Dr. V. V. Kulkarni. | A study on the extraction of Neats foot oil from buffalo hooves. | Dr. A. T. Sherikar. | 1985 |
17 | Dr. S. R. Pillai | Studies on carcass traits in aged buffaloes | Dr. A. T. Sherikar. | 1986 |
18 | Dr. U.D.Karkare | Identification of raw and heat treated meats by enzyme linked immune sorbent assay (ELISA) and peroxidise-anti peroxidise techniques. | Dr. A. T. Sherikar. | 1987 |
19 | Dr.S.G. Sawant | Comparative study on bacterial flora of fresh poultry meat obtained from farm and market | Dr. A. T. Sherikar. | 1987 |
20 | Dr.A.M.Paturkar | Prevalence of salmonellae in meats and comparative studies on the efficacy of media employed for their isolation | Dr. A. T. Sherikar. | 1988 |
21 | Dr.Z.H.Munshi | Studies on sources of salmonellae contamination in Deonar abattoir and comparative efficacy of media employed for their isolation | Dr. A. T. Sherikar. | 1989 |
22 | Dr.K.N.Bhilegaonkar | Studies on characterization of thermostable antigens of adrenals and muscle tissue of meat animals | Dr. A. T. Sherikar. | 1989 |
23 | Dr.S.S.Saoji | Effect of acetic acid and lactic acid and microbial count and sensory characteristics of beef steaks | Dr. A. T. Sherikar. | 1989 |
24 | Dr.A.N.Surve | The effect of combinations of acetic acid with lactic or propionic acid on the microbial count and sensory characteristics of beef steaks | Dr. A. T. Sherikar. | 1989 |
25 | Dr.N.S.Shaikh | Studies on preparation of mutton sausage | Dr. A. T. Sherikar. | 1989 |
26 | Dr.N.M. Kulkarni | Prevalence of Campylobacter jejuni in live chicken and chicken meat sold in the city of Bombay | Dr. A. T. Sherikar. | 1990 |
27 | Dr.B.G.Tarwate | Studies on hazard analysis and critical control point (HACCP) approach in buffalo slaughter line at Deonar abattoir | Dr. A. T. Sherikar. | 1990 |
28 | Dr.S.S.Teltumbade | Studies on detection of residual penicillines in milk and meat employing Bacillus stearothermophilus disc assay | Dr. A. T. Sherikar. | 1990 |
29 | Dr.H.V.Murugkar | Studies on microbial isolates of poultry, mutton and pork products | Dr. A. T. Sherikar. | 1991 |
30 | Dr.B.D.Kadam | Studies on hazard analysis and critical control point (HACCP) approach in buffalo meat processing plant | Dr. A. T. Sherikar. | 1991 |
31 | Dr.G.N.Naik | Effect of low dose gamma irradiation alone and in combination with phosphate or acetic acid on the shelf life of buffalo meat | Dr. A. T. Sherikar. | 1992 |
32 | Dr.K.B.Harne | Studies on Sarcocystis in buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) | Dr. A. T. Sherikar. | 1992 |
33 | Dr.V.S.Waskar | Microbiological quality of fresh, refrigerated and frozen buffalo meat and its relationship with sensory, physical and chemical indices | Dr. A. T. Sherikar. | 1993 |
34 | Dr. Milind B. Bhanage | Application of species specific anti adrenal BE sera and development of disc assay techniques for species identification. | Dr. A. T. Sherikar. | 1994 |
35 | Dr.P.D.Borse | Studies on hazard analysis and critical control point (HACCP) approach in sheep slaughter line at Deonar abattoir | Dr. A. T. Sherikar. | 1995 |
36 | Dr.S.B.Khune | Studies on bacterial evaluation of fresh, refrigerated and frozen mutton and its relationship with sensory, physical and chemical indices | Dr. A. T. Sherikar. | 1995 |
37 | Dr.D.D.Manjaramkar | Rapid detection salmonella by using modified semisolid Rappaport Vassiliadis Medium and its comparison with conventional methods | Dr. A. T. Sherikar. | 1995 |
38 | Dr.R.A.Kalyapure | Application of indirect enzyme linked immune sorbent assay for species identification | Dr. A. T. Sherikar. | 1995 |
39 | Dr.R.J.Zende | Species identification by serological techniques and standardization of test for identification of meats | Dr. A. T. Sherikar. | 1996 |
40 | Dr. D. T. Shinde. | Studies on efficacy of various packing material and systems on shelf life and keeping quality of buffalo meat, mutton and whole dressed chicken at refrigeration temperature. | Dr. A. T. Sherikar. | 1996 |
41 | Dr. S. S. Ludrik. | Studies on comparative performance of Sellars staining, mouse inoculation test and fluorescent antibody technique for the detection of rabies antigen and development of counter immunoelectrophoresis test. | Dr. A. T. Sherikar. | 1996 |
42 | Dr. V. R. Dhimate. | Efficacy of various packaging materials and systems on the shelf life and keeping quality of some processed pork products at refrigeration temperature. | Dr. A. T. Sherikar. | 1997 |
43 | Dr. P.P. Gosavi. | Effect of chlorinated water and chilled water spray washings on shelf life and keeping quality of mutton at ambient and refrigeration storages | Dr. A. T. Sherikar. | 1997 |
44 | Dr. G. M. Katare. | Improvement of shelf life and microbiological quality of buffalo meat employing chlorinated and chilled water sprays at ambient and refrigeration storages | Dr. A. T. Sherikar. | 1997 |
45 | Dr. S. S. Endait. | Effect of low dose gamma irradiation on the shelf life and microbiological quality of buffalo and sheep/goat meat. | Dr. A. T. Sherikar. | 1997 |
46 | Dr. A. A. Sawant. | Improvement in microbiological quality and shelf life of processed meat products employing low dose gamma radiation. | Dr. A. T. Sherikar. | 1998 |
47 | Dr. S. M. Kanfade. | Effect of food grade salts spray on microbiological quality and shelf life of buffalo meat at ambient and refrigeration temperature. | Dr. A. T. Sherikar. | 1998 |
48 | Dr. S. T. Mane. | Effect of food grade salts on microbiological quality and shelf life of pork. | Dr.A. M. Paturkar. | 1999 |
49 | Dr. K. D. Munde. | Prevalence of zoonotic bladder worms (metacestodes) in food animals and their economic implications | Dr.A. M. Paturkar. | 1999 |
50 | Dr. S. Ahmad. | Effect of food grade edible salt combination sprays on shelf life and microbiological quality of meats | Dr. A. T. Sherikar. | 1999 |
51 | Dr. M. R. Bhide. | Application of low dose gamma irradiation in combination with food grade organic acids for improvement of sheep/goat meat quality. | Dr.A. M. Paturkar. | 1999 |
52 | Dr.S.R.Nanaware | Use of food grade salts for improvement of poultry meat quality | Dr.A. M. Paturkar. | 1999 |
53 | Dr.D.B.Rawool | Effect of selective carcass sanitizers on artificially inoculated microorganisms in buffalo meat. | Dr. A. T. Sherikar. | 2000 |
54 | Dr. Z.B.Dubal | Effect of selective carcass sanitizers on artificially inoculated microorganisms in sheep / goat meat | Dr.A. M. Paturkar. | 2000 |
55 | Dr.S.R.Janjirkar | Effect of selective carcass sanitizers on artificially inoculated microorganisms in poultry meat | Dr.A. M. Paturkar. | 2000 |
56 | Dr. Sudhakar Bhandare | Application of hazard analysis and critical control point (HACCP) approach in sheep/goat line | Dr.A. M. Paturkar. | 2001 |
57 | Dr.R.J.Paul | Studies on detection of tetracycline and oxytetracycline residues in common food animals by bioassay and TLC / HPTLC | Dr.A. M. Paturkar. | 2001 |
58 | Dr. A. A. Gurjar. | Standardization of techniques for detection of antibiotic residues in milk | Dr.A. M. Paturkar. | 2001 |
59 | Dr.N.B.Aghav. | Survey for the presence of hormone residues in milk by competitive ELISA | Dr.A. M. Paturkar. | 2001 |
60 | Dr. P. K. Dethe. | Hazard analysis and critical control point (HACCP) approach for buffalo slaughter and meat processing | Dr.A. M. Paturkar. | 2002 |
61 | Dr. V.M.Vaidya | Hazard analysis and critical control point (HACCP) approach in poultry slaughter processing units | Dr.A. M. Paturkar. | 2002 |
62 | Dr.S.H.Walse | Prevalence of Listeria spp. From meats of common food animals. | Dr.A. M. Paturkar. | 2002 |
63 | Dr.A.B.Kadam | Application of Hazard analysis and critical control point (HACCP) approach in pig slaughter line | Dr. V. S. Waskar. | 2002 |
64 | Dr.S.V.Kargirwar | Studies on microbial quality of traditional meat products | Dr.A. M. Paturkar. | 2004 |
65 | Dr.R.S.Barge | Detection of Gentamicin residues in tissues of common food animals by high performance liquid chromatography | Dr. V. S. Waskar | 2004 |
66 | Dr.S.S.Dali | Seroprevalence of tuberculosis in animals and human population in and around Mumbai city | Dr. V. S. Waskar. | 2004 |
67 | Dr. Nitin V. Wagh | Detection of Chloramphenicol residues in tissues of common food animals by HPLC | Dr.A. M. Paturkar. | 2004 |
68 | Dr. Pillai Shilpa Divakaran | Detection of various adulterants in market milk sold in and around Mumbai city. | Dr.A. M. Paturkar. | 2004 |
69 | Dr. Khan Mohammad Wasim Kayyum | Detection of heavy metal residues in tissues of common food animals by atomic absorption spectrophotometry | Dr. V. S. Waskar. | 2004 |
70 | Dr. Rindhe Siddheshwar Narayan | Detection of Nitrofuran residues in tissues of common food animals | Dr.A. M. Paturkar. | 2005 |
71 | Dr. Aradwad Ashvini Ashokrao | Isolation and identification of campylobacter spp. From raw meat and poultry at retail sale in Mumbai. | Dr. V. S. Waskar. | 2005 |
72 | Dr. Phadtare Dynaneshear Namdev | Detection of selected heavy metal residues in meats and seafoods by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. | Dr. V. S. Waskar | 2005 |
73 | Dr. Waghmare R. N. | Prevalence and molecular characterization of Listeria spp. From milk | Dr. R. J. Zende | 2006 |
74 | Dr. Kulkarni D. S. | Detection of heavy metal residues in milk by atomic absorption Spectrophotometry. | Dr. R. J. Zende | 2006 |
75 | Dr. Chakkath Tushara | Detection of enrofloxacin and ciprofloxacin residues in meat | Dr.A. M. Paturkar. | 2006 |
76 | Dr. Gaikwad G. P. | Detection of carbamates residues in meat. | Dr. V. S. Waskar | 2006 |
77 | Dr. Patil Archana Rajkumar | Detection of organochlorine residues in egg. | Dr. R. J. Zende | 2007 |
78 | Dr. Netake Manisha Dnyaneshwar | Detection of nimesulide residue in milk and meat by HPLC | Dr. A. M. Paturkar | 2007 |
79 | Dr. Dhawale Swaminath Parashuram | Studies on prevalence of salmonella spp. In chicken meat produced from retail markets by isolation molecular characterization and antimicrobial resistance patterns. | Dr. R. J. Zende | 2008 |
80 | Dr. Bute Vikram Suresh | Detection of antimicrobial residues in chicken meat | Dr. R. J. Zende | 2008 |
81 | Dr. Satpute Abhijeet Bharat | Detection and quantitation of organochlorine, organophosphate and synthetic pyrethroids residues in chicken meat samples | Dr. A. M. Paturkar | 2008 |
82 | Dr. Nayak D. N. | Detection and quantification selected heavy metal residues in chicken meat. | Dr. A. M. Paturkar | 2008 |
83 | Dr. Kshirsagar Deepali Dattatraya | Studies on prevalence of Listeria spp. From clinical cases of women with spontaneous abortion and animals with reproductive disorders by isolation and molecular characterization. | Dr. R. J. Zende | 2009 |
84 | Dr. Khandagale Pravinkumar Madhukarrao | To study the effect of Polyhexamethylene Guanidine on shelf life of fish/prawn at ambient and refrigeration storage | Dr. A. M. Paturkar | 2009 |
85 | Dr. Chothe Sonali Vilas | Effect of different thawing methods on physicochemical, sensory and microbiological quality of frozen chicken meat. | Dr. A. M. Paturkar | 2009 |
86 | Dr. Santosh Sajjan | Studies on prevalence, antigenic characterization of hydatid cysts and its economic impact on pig meat production. | Dr. A. M. Paturkar | 2010 |
87 | Dr. Amit Nandavadekar | Studies on prevalence, antigenic characterization of hydatid cysts and its economic impact on sheep and goat meat production. | Dr. A. M. Paturkar | 2010 |
88 | Dr. Prafulla Ghodake | Studies on prevalence, antigenic characterization of hydatid cysts and its economic impact on Cattle and Buffalo meat production. | Dr. A. M. Paturkar | 2010 |
89 | Dr. Viraj Bhadrige | Studies on prevalence, antigenic characterization of Cysticercosis and its economic impact on Cattle, Buffalo and Pig meat production. | Dr. A. M. Paturkar | 2010 |
90 | Dr. Shilpa Katkar | Isolation and molecular characterisation of Listeria spp. from sheep and goats with reproductive disorders or spontaneous abortion and its public health significance. | Dr. R.J. Zende | 2010 |
91 | Dr. Javeed Mulani | Evaluation of efficiency of sanitization of table eggs for microbial safety with special reference to Escherichia coli. | Dr. A. M. Paturkar | 2011 |
92 | Dr. Aditi Deshmukh | Microbial risk assessment and shelf life evaluation of table eggs with respect to food-borne Salmonellosis. | Dr. A. M. Paturkar | 2011 |
93 | Dr. Chetankumar H. B. | Studies on incidence and molecular characterization of Trichinella spp in Pigs slaughtered at Deonar abattoir. | Dr. R.J. Zende | 2011 |
94 | Dr. Nilesh Jogdand | Assessment of microbiological and physico-chemical quality of Emu meat at ambient and refrigeration storages. | Dr. R.J. Zende | 2011 |
List of Research Topics of Ph.D. Theses
Sr. No. | Name of Student | Title of Thesis | Major Guide | Year of Passing |
1 | Dr. A.T. Sherikar | Studies on detection of adultration in meats of common food animals by employing immunological techniques and isoelectric focussing | Dr. J. B. Khot | 1986 |
2 | Dr.(Mrs.) C. Latha | Quantiation and surveillance of hormonal residues in meat, milk and viscera of food animals | Dr. A.T. Sherikar | 2001 |
3 | Dr. A.M. Paturkar | Antimicrobial residues surveillance in food animals | Dr. A.T. Sherikar | 2002 |
4 | Dr. Waskar Vikas Suryakant | Molecular characterization of selected food borne pathogens isolated from processed meat products. | Dr. A. T. Sherikar | 2006 |
5 | Dr. Jadhav Vijay Jayawant | Detection of pesticide residues in meat | Dr. A. T. Sherikar | 2008 |
6 | Dr. Zende Ravindra Jayavant | Detection and quantitation of organochlorine, organophosphate and synthetic pyrethroid pesticide residues in meat. | Dr. A. T. Sherikar | 2009 |
7 | Dr. Barge Rajkumar Siddheshwar | Study on efficacy and validation of polyhexamethylene guanidine for carcass sanitation and effect on shelf life. | Dr. A.M. Paturkar | 2009 |
8 | Dr. Madhavaprasad C.B. | A comprehensive study on quality and safety of raw shell eggs from commercial layer farms and different markets. | Dr. A.M. Paturkar | 2009 |
Awards and Recognition
- 1. DR. A.M. Paturkar
Name of the Award/ Recognition/Reviewer
Awarding Organization
(Place/Country) |
National/ International, Institutional/Profession-al Society | Individual/ collaborative
BombayVeterinaryCollegefor outstanding and meritorious services | 2004 | Institutional | Individual |
MAFSU,Nagpurfor contribution towards foundational research in the university. | 2009 | University | Individual |
Conferred by Indian Association of Veterinary Public Health Specialists (IAVPHS) | 2006 | Professional Society | Individual |
Unanimously selected for the period 2010-13 | 2012 | Professional Society | Individual |
As chairman of Biosafety Committee, I am coordinating biosafety issues of the institute | 2009-11 | Institutional | Individual |
Elected unanimously as Secretary by Members of Bombay Veterinary College Alumni Association | 2011-12 | Professional Society | Individual |
As associate dean of BVC, Mumbai I am officiating as Chairman of Advisory Council of the college that governs the college and takes all major and minor decisions. | 2011-12 | Institute | Individual |
BombayVeterinaryCollege, Mumbai | 2011-12 | Institutional | Individual |
List of Paper Published
Sr. | Year | Authors | Title | Journal | Vol. Issue |
2006 | Barge R.S., Waskar V.S., Sherikar A.T., Paturkar A.M., & Zende R.J.
Surveillance of muscles and organ samples of ovine and caprine for the presence of residues of Gentamicin sulfate by HPLC. | J. Bombay Vet. Coll | 14(1&2)
41-47. |
2006 | Vaidya, V.M.; Paturkar, A.M.; Waskar, V.S. and Zende, R.J. | Assessment of bacterial flora on poultry carcass sites procured from retail outlets in mumbai city. Feedinfo News Service Global Data Systems. | Scientific Reviews. | January |
2006 | Kaur, Simranpreet, Malik, S.V.S., Vaidya, V.M. and Kaur, Gurpreet | Serological diagnosis of Listeria monocytogenes infection in women with spontaneous abortions. | Indian J. Comp. Microbiol. Immunol. Infect. Dis. | 27(1): 23-25. |
2006 | Kaur, Simranpreet, Malik, S.V.S., Vaidya, V.M. and Das, S. | Evaluation of PI-PLC assay and ALOA for the Diagnosis of Listeriosis. | J. Vet. Publ Hlth. | 4(1):01-05. |
2006 | Kadam A. B., Waskar V.S., Sherikar A.T., Paturkar A.M., Zende R.J., & Nnaware S.R. | Prevalence of indicator organisms in an organized pig slaughtering house. | J. Bombay Vet. Coll | 14(1&2)
128-130. |
2006 | Paturkar A.M., Zende R.J., Nanaware S.R. & Kadam A.B. | Standardization of methods for detection of Tetracyclines in animal origin food. | J. Bombay Vet. Coll | 14(1&2)
132-134. |
2007 | Kaur, Simranpreet, Malik, S.V.S., Vaidya, V.M. and Barbuddhe, S.B. | Listeria monocytogenes in spontaneous abprtions in humans and its detection by multiplex PCR. | J. Appl. Microbiol. | 103: 1889-1896. |
2007 | Vaidya, V.M.; Paturkar, A.M.; Waskar, V.S.; Zende, R.J. and Walse, S.H. | Analysis of Sources of Contamination in Retail Poultry Outlets with Reference to Spoilage and Pathogenic Organisms. | J. Vet. Publ Hlth. | 5 (1): 13-19. |
2007 | Bhandare S.G., Sherikar A.T., Paturkar A.M., Waskar V.S., Zende R.J. | A comparison of microbial contamination on sheep/goat carcasses in a modern Indian abattoir and traditional meat shops | Food control | online |
2007 | Vaidya, V.M.; Paturkar, A.M.; Waskar, V.S.; Zende, R.J. and Dubal Z.B. | Analysis of Sources of Contamination in Organised Poultry Salughterhouse. | Indian J. Comp.Microbiol.Immunol.Infect.Dis. | 27 (1& 2): 48-52. |
2007 | Vaidya V.M., Paturkar A.M., Waskar V.S., Zende R.J. & Walse S.H. | Analysis of sources of contamination in retail poultry outlets with reference to spoilage and pathogenic organisms. | J. Vety. Public Health | 5(1)
13-19. |
2007 | Kulkarni D.S., Zende R.J., Paturkar A.M., Waskar V.S. and Waghamare R.N | Standardization of Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer Techniques for detection of Lead & Cadmium in Bovine Milk | J. Bombay Vet. Coll | 15(1&2)
66-69. |
2008 | Vaidya, V.M., Malik, S.V.S., Kaur, Simranpreet, Kumar, Satish and Barbuddhe, S.B. | Comparison of molecular, serological and isolation methods for diagnosis of coxiellosis in humans with spontaneous abortions. | Journal of Clinical Microbiology | 46 (6): 2038-2044. |
2008 | Barge R. S., Waskar V.S., Sherikar A. T., Paturkar A.M.,. & Zende R.J. | Surveillance of bovine muscle and organ samples for the presence of residues of gentamycin sulfate by HPLC | J. Vety. Public Health | 6(2)
57 – 61 |
2008 | Patil A.R.., Zende R. J., Paturkar A.M.,. Waskar V.S., & Netake M. D. | Standardization of gas chromatography for detection of organochlorine residues in chicken egg. | J. Vety. Public Health | 6(2)
99 – 101 |
2008 | Shebannavar S., Das S.K., Nagappa K. & Kotresh A.M. | Heat labile enterotoxin of E. coli enhances intestinal cellular immune response to Newcastle disease vaccine when administered by intranasal route | Ind. J. Comp. Micro. Immun. & Infect. Dis. | 29 (1&2): 36-38 |
2008 | Namita Joshi, Joshi. R.K. & Nagappa K | Occurrence of hemorrhagic septicemia in eastern Uttar Pradesh | Indian Journal of Veterinary Medicine | 28 (2):
105-106 |
2009 | Ludrik S., Sherikar A. T., Zende R. J., Paturkar A. M., Waskar V. S and Kshirsagar D.D. | Detection of Rabies virus antibodies in vaccinated and unvaccinated stray dogs in Mumbai city
J. Vety. Public Health | 7(1)
71-73 |
2009 | Shebannavar S.N, Jaiswal T.N., Mishra S.C. Nagappa K. & Kotresh A.M. | Target cell susceptibility for natural killer cell activity of chicken | Ind. J. Comp. Micro. Immun. & Infect. Dis. | 30 (1):
63-64 |
2009 | Shebannavar S.N, Jaiswal T.N., Mishra S.C. Nagappa K. & Kotresh A.M. | Natural killer cell activities in chicken infected with inclusion body hepatitis-hydropericardium syndrome virus | Ind. J. Comp. Micro. Immun. & Infect. Dis. | 30 (1):
54 |
2009 | Sivaraman G.K, Barat A, Kapila R, Nagappa K & Mahanta P.C | Molecular phylogeny of Cyprinid Fishes of India Using 12S rRNA Gene Sequences | The Icfai University Journal of Genetics & Evolution | II (4):
2009 | Shebannavar Sunil, Das S.K., Karabasanavar Nagappa & Kotresh A.M. | Efficacy of mucosal adjuvants on induction of systemic immune responses to Newcastle disease vaccine strain | Indian Journal of Animal Research | 43 (4):
279-281 |
2009 | Shebannavar S., Das S.K., Nagappa K. & A.M. Kotresh | Induction of intestinal immune response to lentogenic vaccine strain of Newcastle disease virus in chicken | Indian Journal of Animal Research | 43 (4):
263-266 |
2009 | Shebannavar S., Das S.K., Nagappa K. and Kotresh A.M. | Intestinal immune response to avridine adjuvanted New Castle disease vaccine virus | Indian Journal of Poultry Science | 44 (3):
405-06 |
2010 | Vaidya, V.M.; Paturkar, A.M.; Sherikar, A.T.; Waskar, V.S.; Zende, R.J. and Dubal, Z. B. | Comparison of pathogenic microorganisms on poultry carcasses in organized slaughterhouse and retail outlets in and around Mumbai city. | J. Muscle Foods. | 21: 197–209. |
2010 | Kaur, Simranpreet, Malik, S.V.S., Bhilegaonkar, K.N.; Vaidya, V.M. and Barbuddhe, S.B. | Use of a phospholipase-C assay, in vivo pathogenicity assays and PCR in assessing the virulence of Listeria spp. | The Vet. J. | 3: 366-370 |
2010 | Vaidya, V.M., Malik, S.V.S., Bhilegaonkar, K.N., Rathore, R.S., Kaur, Simranpreet and Barbuddhe, S.B. | Q fever in animals with reproductive disorders. Comparative Immunology | Microbiology and Iinfectious Diseases. | 33: 307–321. |
2010 | Nagappa Karabasanavar, Suresh P. Singh, Sunil N. Shebannavar, Kotresh M. Angadi, Girish S. Patil & Umapathi. V. Pillai | Identification of avian species using polymerase chain reaction and sequence analysis of mitochondrial 12s rRNA gene
Veterinarski Arhiv | 80 (5):
653-661 |
2010 | Shebannavar S., Gade S., Nagappa K., Kotresh A.M. & Das S.K | Comparative efficacy of oculonasal and intranasal routes of vaccination in induction of immune response against NCD Virus | Indian Journal of Animal Research | 44 (4):
270-274 |
2010 | Nagappa K., Prakash Bhat, Arup Kumar Das, Bhaskar Chaudhury & J.L. Singh | Traumatic wound in a free ranging Asian elephant (Elephus maximus) | Zoos Print Magazine | XXV
2010 | Shebannavar Sunil, Das S.K., Nagappa Karabasanavar & Kotresh A.M. | Systemic immune response to avridine adjuvanted lentogenic Newcastle disease vaccine virus administered through intranasal route | Journal of Immunology and Immunopathology | 12 (1):
Completed Research Projects
Sr. No. | Name of scheme | Sponsoring agency | Principal investigator | Co-investigator | Duration of project | Budget sanctioned /proposed [Rs.] |
1 | Establishment of microbial standards for Meat product | ICAR | Dr.A.T.Sherikar | _ | March 1990 to March1994 | 11,42,407/- |
2 | Meat Speciation and Species Identification | ICAR | Dr.A.T.Sherikar | _ | July1,1992 to sept30, 1995 | 16,71,300/- |
3 | Packaging of Meat, Meat products and Poultry (A collaborative project with Indian Institute of packaging) | MOFPI, GOI | _ | Dr.A.T. Sherikar | Jan1992 to Dec31 ,1996 | _ |
4 | Improvement in shelf-life and Microbiological Quality of Meat by carcass washing and chemical decontamination. | ICAR | Dr.A.T.Sherikar | Dr.A.M.Paturkar | Dec1,1996 to Nov 3 0, 2000 | 18,53,808/- |
5 | Effect of irradiation alone and in combination with chemical sanitisers on microflora for Improvement of Meat quality for export promotion. | MOFPI, GOI & APEDA | Dr.A.T.Sherikar | Dr.A.M.Paturkar | Oct1,1996 to Sept, 1999 | 34,35,700/- |
6 | Quality Assurance and monitoring of foods from livestock and Poultry. | NATP-MM) | Dr.A.T.Sherikar Dr.AM.Paturkar | Dr.V.S.Waskar Dr.R.J.Zende | Nov.1,1999 to Dec 31, 2003 | 2,09,89,000/- |
7 | Establishment of Western Region Referral Laboratory for Meat and Meat Product quality standards. | NATP-TOE) | Dr.AM.Paturkar | Dr.V.S.Waskar Dr. R.J. Zende | Mar,1, 2003 to Dec.31, 2004 | 2,29,85,300/- |
Ongoing Research Projects
Sr. No. | Name of scheme | Sponsoring agency | Principal investigator | Co-Investigator | Duration of project | Budget sanctioned /proposed [Rs.] |
1 | Central sector research scheme entitled “Monitoring of pesticide residues at national level”. | ICAR | Dr .R.J. Zende | Dr. Vilas M Vaidya | 2006 to 2012 | 98.50 lakhs |
2 | “AICRP project on Post Harvest Technology” | ICAR | Dr. R.J. Zende (Sectoral PI- Dr. A.M. Paturkar) | Dr. Vilas M Vaidya Dr. R.D. Kokne | 2009 to 2012 | 1.33 crores |
3 | “Outreach Programme on Zoonotic Diseases” | ICAR | Dr. Vilas M. Vaidya (Mentor: Dr. A.M. Paturkar) | Dr. R.J. Zende Dr. M.L. Gatne Dr. D.G. Dighe | 2009 to 2017 | 73.00 lakhs |
4 | Assessment of postharvest losses of major crops in india | ICAR-MOFPI | Dr. R.J. Zende | Dr. Vilas M. Vaidya | 2012 to 2015 | 3.55 lakhs |
Retired Professors